better-be-prepared · 2 years
Scarlet, daughter of Scar Headcannons:
TW: bad parenting, abuse (sort of), violence, bullying, harassment, murder (mentioned twice), physical assault
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She grew up on the Isle of the lost with her father
Her mother was never apart of her life and honestly Scarlet doesn't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing from what her father told her
She's a major daddy's girl
But that doesn't mean they have the best relationship
Scar taught Scarlet from a young age to be a ruthless killer that he could one day use to take down Simba and his pride
Because of this, Scar tends to push Scarlet to her limits
Most of the time she can take it, and even grow under this pressure, but other times she isn't so fortunate
There have been times where Scarlet will completely breakdown, not necessarily in tears but, in angry outbursts
This temper isn't just exclusive to her breakdowns tho
In fact, she is infamous for her rage on the Isle
Most of the other kids don't go near her (with the exception of Mal, Evie, Jay and Carlos)
She has been known to destroy everything in her sight, leaving nothing but taters and destruction in her wake
She even goes so far to hurt others
Many other VKs have been injured, beaten and (some say) even killed as a result of her short fuse
Scar seems to be proud of her despite this tho
Actually these actions are what fuel his pride
And of course that's all Scarlet could ever ask for
Although she is quite a bit different from the other VKs, one of the few things Scarlet has in common with the others is, the need for her fathers approval
Most, if not, all of the kids on the Isle just want the love from their parents
Scarlet is no exception
She craves for the love of her father
She would do anything
Train tirelessly day and night? YES
Beat his enemies? YES
Kill for him? YES
Honour his name and kill anyone who doesn't do the same? YES
As you can tell she is very loyal and would do anything for the ones she loves
This includes her small friend group
She protects all four of them fiercely and without hesitation
Particularly Evie
She and Scarlet go far back into their childhood
Evie was being picked on by a big, dumbass who probably couldn't even count to 3 (AKA Gaston Jr)
He was older than them
Evie and Scarlet were in the same year as his younger brother, Gil
But this didn't detour or discourage Scarlet
A small blue-haired girl sat on the concrete of a large school playground. The grounds looked just as depressing and dull as the rest of the Isle. The dark gloom in the sky became suddenly darker above the girl of about 6 or 7. She looked above her to see what caused such a drastic change, and low an behold standing above her was the big, dumb older brother of her classmate, Gil. She had heard of him, if she remembered correctly, his name was Gaston Jr, after his father. "what are you doing, Princess?" He jested, mockingly, "none of your business, ugly" She sneered back. This seemed to upset the boy, he reached down and yanked the book the blue-haired beauty had tightly grasped in her hand. She tried to resist but him being years older than herself and being the son of the one and only strongman, Gaston, gave Jr the upper hand. It only took one good yank for the book to come from her hands and for her to go flying to her back onto the cold, hard floor below. This knocked the wind from her lungs, she lay there coughing uncontrollable while the larger boy laughed at her expense, Jr took this chance to flip through the book she tried so desperately to keep ahold of. Inside was drawings among drawings of what appeared to be outfit ideas that seemed to come from the child's mind. Jr, who had been brought up by Gaston, gave a disgusted look "ew girl stuff", he remarked, throwing the book at the poor girls head. "Hey" she retorted, Jr smirked at this, "what are you going to do about it, huh? cry?" He let out a loud laugh, he reached back down again, just this time not for the book. The older boy took a handful of the blueheads hair lifting her up in the process, she let out a sharp hiss. Jr craned his arm back and the defenceless girl could do nothing but scrunch up her face and wait for the impact. But it never came, she did, however, hear a loud smacking sound and she was quickly dropped to the ground. The girl snapped open her eyes to see what had happened, and bestowed upon her was the everlasting image of a tall, dark-haired girl pummelling the elder boy to the ground with her balled up fists, all the while screaming profanities. Her fist weren't the only things doing damage tho, as the blue-head saw the bigger girl bited down on the boy like she was some type of wild animal. The blue-head was stunned at this, the Isle of the Lost was not a place where you could count on protection and help from the schoolyard bully. Especially, in such a vicious, animalistic way. Once the dark-haired lass decided the boy was punished enough, she got up off of him and made eye contact with the royal blue girl, who was staring with shock on her face. Not only had she been protected from THEE Gaston Jr but the girl who protected her seemed to be quite stunning, her raven hair, dark skin, tall stature, her developing muscles in her arms and shoulders and most of all her piercing emerald green eyes that the girl could of swore looked right through her soul, all were to much for the blue-haired girl not to stare. She finally snapped out of her trance when the other girl went to leave, "wait!" She called out, the raven-haired girl tilted her head to the side. "Thanks, I'm Evie!" She extended her arm for the other to shake. The girl did not return the favour, instead just opting to say a quick "Scarlet" before snapping her head forward again and making her leave.
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better-be-prepared · 2 years
I know that Slytherin!Jane and Hufflepuff!Harry Hook doesn’t fit those characters aesthetically but....
Jane has all the slytherin traits - cunning, ambition, self-preservation, determination, resourcefulness. In Descendants 1 , the moment everyone turned against the VKs she said to Mal that no one would make a villain a Queen. She really wanted to be pretty and accepted to the point she took her mother’s wand in the middle of the coronation. In d2 and d3 she is still very resourceful and determined when it comes to her work in school. I really think she is ambitions as hell.
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And Harry Hook is just loyal as fuck.
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better-be-prepared · 2 years
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Jane setting the mood for the OTP
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better-be-prepared · 2 years
Muse: Scarlet
Faceclaim: Linnea Berthelsen
Fandom: Descendants
About muse: daughter of Scar, multilingual, lesbian, 6', evil
Warning ⚠️: this blog contains; violence, bullying, abuse, homophobia(not by muse), death. If any of this triggers you this blog is not for you.
DNI: homophones, racist, misogynists, transphobes, peds, zoos, assholes
Main: @the-anxiety-academy
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