biffelderberry · 4 years
if jaskier was about 18 when he met and started following geralt around, when did he go to university at Oxenfurt?
was he some kind of child prodigy who graduated at 15?
 or like did he have really wild holidays? like, oh it’s spring break, time to hunt some fucken monsters YOLO? did he get, like work experience credits? is being a barker for someone something by way of an internship? study abroad in kaer moren?
like imagine his poor academic advisor trying to explain that he cannot submit “the fishmonger’s daughter” as his thesis project.
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biffelderberry · 4 years
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finished my Buzzfeed Unsolved sketch:) felt good to draw the ghoul boys<3
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biffelderberry · 4 years
It’s genuinely concerning to me that multilevel marketing companies aren’t treated as a mainstream, pressing issue like they should be. I’ve seen so many women (men on rare occasions) scammed by them because nobody teaches them how to identify pyramid schemes. So, I’ve decided to compile a list of common themes I’ve taken note of in my Facebook feed that originate from the girls in MLMs (the ones I’ve seen so far are Plexus, Young Living, Monat, and ItWorks) as well as themes I’ve found in my own research  in case any of you come across it and are asked to buy or join:
1.) You’ll often see long Facebook posts from a person involved that make excessive use of emojis (this point might sound silly but it’s very, very relevant). The Facebook posts originating from this person are almost never sad and never delve into their mental health because they simply aren’t allowed to act that way. The posts need to be cheery because they’re often forced into making a positive representation of the MLM they work for. “How can you be sad when you’re working for a company as amazing as Plexus?”
2.) The posts they make will more often focus on the money to be made working for the company, rather than the products you’ll be selling. MLMs have a habit of preying on people who are struggling financially, most notably college students, single mothers and military wives. I myself have been approached by representatives from Plexus and ItWorks with the promise of making more money. “Do you want financial freedom? Do you want to be able quit your 9-5 job and stay home with your kids?’
3. When you join, you’ll likely have to buy some sort of “starter kit” as a fee for joining (for reference, NO LEGITIMATE BUSINESS will ask you to make any form of payment when signing up to work. If they do, it’s more than likely a scam).
4. You’ll likely have something called an “upline” who benefit from your sales and the sales of people below you. Before pyramid schemes were criminalized, their practices were the same, and the ONLY difference with MLMs is the involvement of a product/products: the only way for a new recruit to turn any sort of profit is by recruiting more people to sell, forming a “downline”. The more people you recruit and the more people your recruits recruit, the more money you make. However, the people at the bottom of the line will always face the same situation of not turning a profit. The only way to escape this, again, is to get people to join below you, and the cycle repeats itself.
5. You may get messages from people involved in MLMs that either undermine or boost your confidence as a selling point for their products, things like, “Hey girl! I’m so happy for you and congratulations on your new baby. Are you looking to lose your baby weight? ItWorks has some amazing products that I think you should try.” (Yes, this was a real message that a friend of mine got). You’ll get stuff from people you used to attend high school with that haven’t spoken to you in years.
6. When someone you know involved in an MLM makes a post about it, check the profiles of people who make positive and encouraging comments. The majority (if not all of them) are also ambassadors for the same MLM. Whereas you would expect ordinary people to find the post uninteresting and ignore it, these people will leave feedback in order to give the impression that the person involved is doing well and finding success.
7. If the MLM is health/nutrition/supplement based, the person will all of a sudden become an anatomy and health expert. They may post some gross pictures and discuss them in detail, or start talking about the science behind losing weight and getting in shape (and sometimes these posts are excruciatingly long) in order to give the products they sell an aura of scientific legitimacy. However, I have yet to see a post that scientifically explains what the products created by these MLMs do to help people. (This point wouldn’t apply to jewelry or clothing MLMs like LulaRoe). 
If you guys have any points to add, please let me know what I’m missing. I’m sure there’s a lot. We need to teach young people just leaving high school and entering college what to look out for so they aren’t at risk of being scammed into losing all of their hard earned money.
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biffelderberry · 4 years
this quarantine, we’re bringing tumblr back! I’ve tried the other social media platforms, and I hate them! they make me use my real name! they’re always trying to sell me things! here, the mean users are random antis or racist bone thieves. on twitter, it’s the actual president of the united states. don’t you miss reading 1800 word rants about the way two characters looked at each other in a three second scene? wouldn’t you rather be looking at a gifset of katara right now? fuck instagram. I’m crawling back to my hovel.
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biffelderberry · 4 years
jaskier: I thought of a way we could make money fast
geralt: You’d make a decent stripper
jaskier: I would make an AMAZING stripper, but that’s not what I’m thinking of
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biffelderberry · 5 years
I was 12/13, so it would have been 2004. I found self-insert Harry Potter Fanfiction on Quizilla. 
hey reblog/reply with how old u were when u discovered fanfic, what year it was, and what site
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biffelderberry · 5 years
I want to apologise to
- Britney for making fun of her when she had her breakdown
- Monica Lewinski for judging her when she was a 22year old temp sexually assaulted by the most powerful man in the world
- Ke$ha for ever thinking she was trashy when all she wanted to do was make party music
- Kristen Stewart for ever thinking she was dumb when she’s actually one of the coolest people ever
- Megan Fox for ever thinking she was just a slut when actually she was an actress being harassed by her employer. 
- Hating all the women who made a career out of having a hot body. Being is shape is hard, beauty is a weapon and auto promotion is hard work. 
- All the Mary-Sues, who exist because young girls everywhere want to be part of a story they love so much
- All the female characters I ever snobbed because they got in the way of my ship.
- Hating the color pink during my teenage years, when it’s actually a lovely color and what I resented was society’s pressure to perform femininity. 
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biffelderberry · 5 years
I know this wasn’t the point of the post, but UNIONIZE. I work for a retail company that is unionized. Just this past week our Union went to bat against our corporate in how our overtime is interpreted. This is something I wouldn’t have even thought to discuss with my manager, and if I had they would have said “Corporate policy, blah blah blah.” Yes I pay dues. But my dues are less than 1 hour of pay a week. Do I miss it sometimes, yes, but I have:
An advocate I can call who knows more about my contract than I do
As a part timer I still get a full week of paid vacation
With my open availability they can give me no less than 18 hours of work a week. 
I am eligible for health insurance, even as a part timer. 
If they schedule me as full time hours for enough weeks I become full time. 
I cannot be worked more than 8 hrs a day, 5 days a week, or 40 hours a week without getting overtime (so for example if I work 8.5 hours in a day even if I only have 30 hrs that week I still get that half hour as overtime.) 
And so many more perks I don’t know/am not using (like there’s waved tuition I think? If I go to the right school? or at least a discount?) 
These are not things given generously by my company. I full accredit all of the above to the union. Unions are there to keep the corporations in check, and remind them that you are a person, not a number. SO UNIONIZE.
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Amazon having one of their numerous corporate bots pretend to have depression is one of the most disgusting and dystopian things I can think of tbh.
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biffelderberry · 6 years
“ It was going to be a long heat.” - Fic I finished that will be posted feb 15th!
(I had to break the rules and go back to a bit before the last thing I wrote, because the last thing I wrote was for an exchange and I can’t share that yet.) 
@voldiebuns or anyone who wants to do the thing. 
I was tagged by @chris–daae Thank you so much! I was hoping I’d get tagged in this. 
Rules: Post the last sentence you wrote (fanfic/original/anything!) and tag as many people as there are words in the sentence. 
“Oh, Erik,” she whispered. “I want you too.” 
-From a WIP being specially made for a friend. :)
I think everyone and their grandma was already tagged to do this, so I’m not gonna tag people. If you haven’t gotten tagged and want to do it, go for it! <3 
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biffelderberry · 6 years
I love how their post says “A better, more positive Tumblr” as if female nipples are what’s ruining the experience on this website and not bullies, racists, homophobes and actual nazis
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biffelderberry · 6 years
cant sleep due to homosexual thoughts
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biffelderberry · 6 years
my senior year of art class I had to take a professional practices class. My friend and I both showed up late and barely made it into the elavator with a dude who was maybe a few years older than us at most, and looked like he had spent the whole night in the studio (not unusual for advanced art classes) just ragged ya know? We’re all going to professional practices! good, at least we can be late in a group.
We get into the class room and what luck! Teacher wasn’t there yet. My friend and I see our other friends across the room and go to join them. Elevator guy stops at the front of the class. Turns out he was the prof, whoops! 
professor is 6 mins late to first class ayyyy
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biffelderberry · 6 years
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biffelderberry · 6 years
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biffelderberry · 6 years
This was me really badly earlier this year. To the point that as I'm cleaning the massive mess that is my space I am finding bags of things I never took out of the bag and used. Things I swore I needed because buying things made me feel better. idk, I don't have any advice or anything. Just I wish I hadn't cause the money I spent would be so nice right now and instead I'm finding multiple copies of the same book I've never read, and art suplies I have no idea what I intended to do with them in the first place.
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biffelderberry · 6 years
Remember in 2012 when tumblr shut down for like an hour and everyone freaked the fuck out because “NOT OUR PRECIOUS TUMBLR!!!!” and now we’re all just
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biffelderberry · 6 years
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This is a test
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