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“Jeez. You folks got some issues.”
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It’s funny. This is where he resides in but it’s not often he comes down here to spend the night. Klause has been staying at the orphanage, despite having his own place to sleep and stay, not because he didn’t like District Alpha, but because he felt that maybe he could be of some help for the kids should they need it. It’s always nice for kids to have someone to play with. That’s another funny thing. He’s a kid, too. He had turned 13 in Hive City. Here, Klause is just taking a stroll. The creatures hasn’t touched him. In fact, Klause had been tempted to speak to them, but decided against it. In the dark, Klause can see pretty well. His eyes has adjusted from before, more than likely. It’s the feeling that someone else is coming his way that he stops moving and places a hand gently over his sword’s hilt. When the form of a red tall man shows, he removes his hand and he’s looking up. “…..” A devil? A demon? He has a tail, two horns that looks like they’ve been torn off. What does it matter if they are or not…? It really doesn’t matter if he’s a devil or something of sorts. “They don’t harm anyone unless they are provoked.” He bows his head in excuse for speaking. There’s a high respect and mannerism that Klause upholds every day with people. So he steps out of the shadow. Dark green eyes studies the man in front of him, “That’s a relief to know….Are…you lost, sir?”
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“Yeah, I kinda gathered that.”
Then again, he was real surprised to learn that they didn’t try to hurt him. Most things that looked like them tried to hurt him without much provocation. He was used to being a walking, talking provocation for their sort. Needless to say that his surprise was of the pleasant sort...and that never happened. As the kid stepped out, Hellboy gave him a brief nod but blinked when he asked if he was lost.
“Me? Nah. I’m just lookin’ around the place and makin’ sure there isn’t anything runnin’ amok down here. It’s kinda my job back home--Err, was my job, anyway. Lookin’ for supernatural terrors and makin’ up stop the terrorizing.”
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“But it’s taking forever! I can use magic to make myself taller, but that’s temporary.”
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“Jeez. Why’re you in such a hurry to grow up, kid? It ain’t as great as you think. Bein’ a kid’s all about gettin’ where you’re not supposed to go. Someone small as you can fit places a guy like me can’t. Wishin’ away your days hoping you’ll get older and taller’s gonna leave you with a lot of regrets.”
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“Why am I…still short?” 
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“You’re too young to be worryin’ about that, kid. You’ll hit your growth spurt before ya know it, trust me. Someday you might even be taller than I am.”
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“Nothin’ wrong with wantin’ to escape real life once in a while. Never had much experience with video games or Dungeons and Dragons and all that. Sounded fun though.”
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‘If you ever need help with the talking, just let me know!’ Her features lit up with a smile. ‘Last time I remember having to SCOLD my little brothers and sisters for not giving credit to a sister of ours who was always helping them with what she could…’ She pointed up an index out of habit while explaining. ‘They made little coupons like, a laundry coupon and a dinner coupon that she could use in case she was too tired when it was her turn to either clean or… you know? Do things around the house. That’s how they apologized to her!’ Then, she giggled. ‘It’s been a GOOD few years since then, but everything turned out well in the end!’
He listened to her words well and, really, he did appreciate the innocence that came from the girl. It wasn’t something one saw in most people. Hell, even some kids didn’t have innocence in them in the least anymore and that was downright scary. Sliding his flesh-and-blood hand back across his head, brushing over the nubs of his horns lightly.
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“That’s a cute story, kid. But...I don’t think you wanna be around for the kinda talkin’ I plan on doing. People like this don’t really see eye-to-eye with others. Things usually get violent and I wouldn’t want you to have to get involved in all that.” His expression remained mostly stoic despite the girl’s chipper smile and cute story. It was pretty rare for him to crack a smile.
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“ Tone huh? So if I say I’m gonna open you up from balls to brains and play with what comes out. would that being crossing a line?”
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“Y’know, I’ve met a lot of people without common sense before, pal, but you’re openin’ up a whole world of possibilities. If you’re gonna fight me, fight. If you’re gonna keep runnin’ that diarrhea-havin’ mouth of yours then I don’t have time to spend on fools like you. As someone who tussels with demons and witches on a daily basis, I’d say you ain’t even on par with ‘em. You’re just like any other scummy human. C’mon, princess. You wanna talk smack or do you want me to put ya in your place?”
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landsharkbite replied to your post: “In fact…if someone out there’s bullyin’ you? You...
“I knew I liked you.”
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“Same to you, kid.”
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princessleague replied to your post: “In fact…if someone out there’s bullyin’ you? You...
‘Talking things out always help!’
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“I ain’t always the best at talkin’ when someone’s being a jerk but...yeah. Talkin’ helps.”
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tortorem replied to your post: “In fact…if someone out there’s bullyin’ you? You...
“Then get your ass out here, asshole.”
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“We might be roommates, pal, but I ain’t afraid to bust your chops. Literally. Watch your tone.”
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“In fact...if someone out there’s bullyin’ you? You send ‘em my way. I’ll sit ‘em down and give ‘em a stern talkin’ to.”
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“Just ‘cause you don’t share someone’s views on romance doesn’t give ya the right to be a jerk to ‘em. Just tossin’ that out there.”
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continued from here
Was she drunk? “Well, that… yeah. I might be, a little bit. Not too badly.”
As removed and artificial as Hive City was, there were aspects of it that felt very much like what she remembered of home. Or at least, some of the places that had served as home– when you’ve been homeless by the most technical definition, the term can become a flighty and fickle one. Regardless, it seemed that idiots looking to assault and intimidate by the cover of night would be a repeated theme no matter where she went.
And there was really only one thing you could do with a violent idiot– reciprocate.
Giving this large crimson stranger a thorough once-over, Rosa wiped a splatter of blood off her chin with a thumb and flicked it away, lightly dotting the concrete with another darker red. She tried not to use her claws when things weren’t personal but flesh still ruptured under her knuckles sometimes. Nothing she could help.
“Hate to admit I don’t sleep so easy, I’m a bit of a night owl. Guessing you are too, if you’re out and about this late?”
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“Well, it ain’t no skin of my teeth if you are drunk, lady. I don’t touch the stuff. Well...not anymore.” He said simply, small puffs of smoke escaping his lips and being whisked away into the night air. The beam of the street light he stood under cut through it, illuminating the smoke in the process as he watched her carefully. She wasn’t the typical person but he could tell she wasn’t...well, likely wasn’t too bad.
Bringing a hand up, index and middle fingers clamped around the cigar stuck between  his lips and withdrew it slowly. Giving a great exhale, Hellboy blew a thick plume of smoke straight into the air and put the cigar out on the stone hand before tucking it away into his pocket.
Was he a night owl? Well, he didn’t have much choice. He wasn’t one to go out during the day and, well, the B.P.R.D. had ensured that he didn’t go out much during the day as well when he’d been affiliated with them. Bright yellow eyes remained focused on the woman and he gave a low chuckle, seeming almost humorless as his lips barely lifted into a smile.
“My line of work doesn’t really call for anything but night time activity. Definitely a night owl...and I can relate to not bein’ able to sleep so easily. Trust me. You need help with anything, lady?” He hadn’t taken any steps forward toward her, speaking with a slightly heightened volume since they were a decent amount of space apart. His voice was calm as it usually was until someone pissed him off. He didn’t see her doing that.
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“I never really dated anybody. Romance isn’t exactly on the table in my line of work. Plus...y’know. Me.” He gave a shrug, mostly pointing at the fact that he looked like he’d crawled out of a nearby portal to hell. He’d had romantic feelings for a couple of women, sure...but he’d gotten to follow through on those feelings.
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   This city always managed to surprise her, then again it wasn’t a difficult task. She was easily startled, this time by a strange … person? A lot bigger than what she was and … completely red? Sitting by the box of kittens that she checked on daily. There was a small squeal from the female, but she quickly covered her mouth not wanting to disturb the individual but it seems it was too late for that. 
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       ‘  SORRY.  I was just.. uh, surprised.  Didn’t expect anyone to be here… ’  She’d be lying if she wasn’t a little scared, she couldn’t tell if he was someone to be feared or not… But she also didn’t want to insult the person in front of her.  ‘ Are you.. here for the kittens? ‘ 
Hellboy didn’t  pay any mind to the girl as she approached. His tail was curled around one of his ankles so that it was out of the walk way. Mostly for his own sake and not for anyone tripping over it. It wasn’t the most pleasant feeling to have it get stepped on, after all.
His stone hand was reaching into the box of kittens, a testament to how much control he had over the appendage as he scratched a stone finger gingerly across the tops of their heads...and they were purring. He’d always had a soft spot for animals, especially cats.
He tensed just for a moment when he heard the scream from his right, tail curling near the tip. Slowly, he tilted his head to regard the woman and raised a brow before simply sighing and moving to stand upright. The kittens hoisting themselves up to stand on hindlegs and stare up at him almost pleadingly.
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“Was just passin’ by. Happened to see ‘em then. Wish I could take ‘em home with me but...don’t really live by myself and I don’t think my roommates are the types to care for pets.” If he was bothered by her squeal of fear, he didn’t show it. “It’s a shame, really. These fellas are a cute bunch. Real affectionate too. You givin’ ‘em away? Or did you come to check ‘em out too?” He said, frowning a bit as he looked down at the little scamps.
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“Costume party? Not much a guy like  me can do for somethin’ like that.”
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Do people usually carry goods to sell on them? She recalls merchants she’s met during her time on Earth and, okay, maybe it was a common thing…but by the time she had met Greg, merchants usually just stayed in a store or something. Humans were such adaptable creatures!
“Oh, would you? That’d be wonderful, thank you. I’m sure there will be all sorts of donuts if we look together! I like the ones with sprinkles on them. Oh, and my name is Rose Quartz, it’s nice to meet you Hellboy.” 
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While Rose didn’t need to eat, she found eating to be quite fun! The tastes were interesting but it seemed like such a social function when most humans she observed did it. If it meant getting to know her new friend here, she’d eat whole supplies of donuts! (And other things that people eat, she guessed.) 
“If I may ask, what sort of creature are you Hellboy? I’ve never seen anyone so big and red before that wasn’t a monster or another gem like myself.” 
He was used to an assortment of different creatures and beings, all more than   capable of carrying more than they should possibly be able to hold on their person. He could probably be considered one of those people considering the sheer amount of charms on his person at any given time. He very well could have made a business of some kind out of the charms.
“It’d be my pleasure, ma’am. Got nothin’ better to do.” He gave a light shrug, bringing a hand up to touch fingers to his forehead before giving her a short, casual salute. “Pleasure to meet ya, Rosie.”
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“...What I am’s pretty complicated, Rose. Let’s just go with ‘half-demon’  and we’ll leave it at that if it’s all good with you. I was raised as a human though...so there’s that.”
He didn’t want to get into the specifics of what he was or why he looked the way he did. The sanded down horn nubs atop his head were a clear indicator that he wasn’t exactly proud of his hell-bound origins. “You sayin’ you’re not human? Would never have guessed.”
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