billiamshakesqueer · 4 years
Iiiiiiiiiiiiiii…. don’t want a lot for Christmas
there is just one (1) thing I neEeEeed
and Iiiiiiiiiiiiiii  
don’t care about the 
underneath the Christmas treEee
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billiamshakesqueer · 4 years
I feel like I’ve learned so much this semester (and this last unit) that I don’t know what to focus on. I will say that what I’ve learned about the problems of incarcerated trans people will stay with me for a while. They’re a group of people who too often get overlooked and it’s wrong. Out of sight, out of mind. We need to get out of that minset. Overall though, I really loved the topics we covered this semester and I wish that this class had more time together.
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billiamshakesqueer · 4 years
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“The National Inmate Survey (NIS) administered by the Bureau of Justice Statistics found 35 percent of transgender inmates held in prisons and 34 percent held in jails experienced one or more incidents of sexual assault at the hands of facility staff or other inmates in a one year period.”
While I find this statistic to be horrifying, I unfortunately can’t say that it surprises me. There are so many layers as to why this is fucked up that I don’t know where to start. Transphobia? Sexism? Rape Culture? The Prison System? Sometimes it all seems too much.
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billiamshakesqueer · 4 years
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When thinking of home, most of us think of an actual house or an apartment. But the reality is that some people don’t get that. They get a spot underneath a bridge or a bench in a park. These places are becoming less and less common with the implementation of anti-homeless architecture. and the reality is that homelessness disproportionately affects trans people, despite the fact that there are literally thousands of empty buildings and empty homes that could be filled and used to house the homeless.
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billiamshakesqueer · 4 years
Something I never considered as a cis person is that trans people might be turned away at polling stations because they might not “match” what they look like on their ID. The fact that a group of people have to worry about whether or not they’ll be allowed to vote based on someone else’s perception of them. And the fact that trans people have to know their rights when walking into a polling station so that they can have a say in who runs our government. It’s infuriating.
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billiamshakesqueer · 4 years
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We live in a world that has been designed to kill and harm anyone who is “different.” This needs to change.
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billiamshakesqueer · 4 years
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We wouldn’t be where we are today without trans people, and we need to give them the credit and recognition that they deserve. Trans history is world history
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billiamshakesqueer · 4 years
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All too frequently do we paint trans people as victims who can’t stand up for themselves. In reality, they’re victims who not only stand up for themselves, but for others as well. I wanted to find imagery that expressed that, which is why I chose this format.
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billiamshakesqueer · 4 years
Trans Poverty Under Trump
This article talks about how the latest proposed HUD rule would allow sex-segregated shelters to discriminate against trans people. This would allow shelters to approve placements based on sex rather than gender, including demanding proof of biological sex. With the economic crisis resulting from the  pandemic, this rule further endangers the public due to increasing rates of poverty/homelessness/etc.
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billiamshakesqueer · 4 years
This is just a compilation of all of Michael’s laughter throughout the series. All in order with two exceptions. Starting with Michael Shelley and ending with ~Michael~ 
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billiamshakesqueer · 4 years
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billiamshakesqueer · 4 years
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Biopower- the practice of modern nation statea and their regulation of their subjects through “an explosion of numerous and diverse techniques for achieving the subjugations of bodies and the control of populations”
Biopower allows institutionalized prejudices to exist. It’s what keeps Trans people from being able to participate in society or even be seen as human.
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billiamshakesqueer · 4 years
Pauli Murray and Trans Activism
This article gives a brief summary of how trans people have always been at the forefront of activist movements. Pauli Murray, a trans POC, was jailed for sitting in the white section of a bus a full 15 years before Rosa Parks. Murray’s actions and story have largely been glossed over, but are still echoed in the social justice movements of today.
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billiamshakesqueer · 4 years
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In her TEDTalk, Suzannah Temko mentions colonialism and how it has affected the Intersex community. Malatinto also talks about how Eurocentric ideas have largely (and negatively) impacted the way we view gender, sex, and genatalia. Specifically, that “sexual dimorphism” (the condition where the two sexes of the same species exhibit different characteristics beyond differences in their sexual organs, according to Wikipedia) was used to further colonialist ideals and actions. Cisnormativity has been harming trans and intersex people for centuries.
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billiamshakesqueer · 4 years
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I view the gender spectrum as a 3-D shpere. A person can fall anywhere within the sphere, or outside of it in an electron-cloud-type space.
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billiamshakesqueer · 4 years
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billiamshakesqueer · 4 years
I find it hard to explain what privilege is to others (particularly White People), so I find this quote to be a nice explanation. Hopefully I’ll be able to use this as an opener in the future!
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