biowaregirl · 3 months
Not only did she write Varric, Vivienne and Lucanis. She was the main writer behind the circle missions and development in Dragon age Origins. Mary Kirby is an awesome - plus she liked cats.
This is and the lay-offs of several key people just befor eChristmas a few years ago is why I can't call myself a Bioware girl anymore and it nearly killed my love for the franchise. I will be playing Veilfire because of Varric and because of Mary but I feel pretty done with the studio behind it.
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When Veilguard comes out, please keep it in the back of your mind every single time you interact with Varric and Lucanis that their writer got laid off with little to no warning and that she is and always will be a Dragon Age legend and one of the reasons why the franchise has stayed afloat for as long as it has
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biowaregirl · 3 months
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When Veilguard comes out, please keep it in the back of your mind every single time you interact with Varric and Lucanis that their writer got laid off with little to no warning and that she is and always will be a Dragon Age legend and one of the reasons why the franchise has stayed afloat for as long as it has
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biowaregirl · 1 year
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Fashion for Southern Thedosian Nobility
These types of clothing are worn in the Thedosian countries of Ferelden, Orlais, Nevarra, The Free Marches, and Antiva during the 9:30s. Our unfortunate fashion victims are Lorelei Cousland (to the left) and Alistair Theirin (to the right).
The explanation and names for all the layers can be found underneath the cut, for this is a long post.
Between these brackets [ ] you’ll find information on what types of style and period the layers emulate, based on European fashion. Discl: I am no fashion historian, but I do know a little bit so if you got questions google can’t answer for you and you think I can, feel free to ask! :D
Keep reading
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biowaregirl · 3 years
Describe your OTP(s) in one gif
Wasn’t tagged but found this and just had to make my own.
Queen Adeline & King Alistair Theirin
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Amelia Hawke & Varric Tethras
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Anne Shepard & Thane Krios
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Sara Ryder & Jaal Ama Darav
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Danythra Lavellan & Cullen Rutherford
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biowaregirl · 5 years
Can you please reblog if your blog is a safe place for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, asexual, aromantic, pansexual, non binary, demisexual or any other kind of queer or questioning people? Because mine is.
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biowaregirl · 5 years
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biowaregirl · 5 years
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biowaregirl · 5 years
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Oh dear 
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biowaregirl · 5 years
Aw love me some Scott Pilgrim
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biowaregirl · 5 years
Firefly according to the Guide to Troubled Birds
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biowaregirl · 5 years
Meanwhile I'm constantly reminds never to leave bodies in water(newbie mistake where I found evidence of mysterious murder. Sent to get my peeps...then the bodies floated away... spoilers the inkeeper and priest were into some dark magic shit)
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Turns out the knife was cursed
“I pick up the knife” is now a mini-meme among my party and obviously it just means “I did something impulsive and now it’s going to take two sessions to solve.” 
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biowaregirl · 5 years
One of my favorites as a child
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You should come here on Halloween. You’d really see something. We all jump off the roof and fly. We kill our husbands, too.
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biowaregirl · 5 years
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My Favorite Ships (10/?): Talibrations (Mass Effect)
Garrus Vakarian: Good to have you back, Tali. Maybe with another dextro aboard, they’ll get better turian food. Tali'Zorah vas Normandy: As long as it’s sterilized. Garrus Vakarian: Dr. Michel did get me some dextro-amino chocolate. You’re welcome to it once we’re back. Tali'Zorah vas Normandy: She got you turian chocolate? Garrus Vakarian: She said she saw it and thought of me. Why? Tali'Zorah vas Normandy: [Coyly] Oh, nothing…
Garrus Vakarian: Do you ever miss those talks we had on the elevators? Tali'Zorah: No. Garrus Vakarian: Come on. Remember how we’d always ask you about life on the flotilla? It was an opportunity to share! Tali'Zorah: This conversation is over. Garrus Vakarian: Tell me again about your immune system. Tali'Zorah: I have a shotgun. Garrus Vakarian: Mmmmaybe we’ll talk later.
Tali: Okay, toughest mission. Garrus: Horizon. Tali: No fair. I hadn’t joined up with you, yet. Garrus: Fine, the dead Reaper, then. Tali: Really? The husks just ran up to us. Garrus: Have you ever noticed that I carry a sniper rifle? You’re the one who likes things at short range. Tali: And you prefer to keep everything at a distance. Garrus: Exactly…wait, what?
Tali: Oh! [They separate] Garrus: Uh, we were just, uh… Tali: I…well…I just came to say goodbye, and…well… Garrus: …uh, think one of my mandibles got hooked on her helmet… Tali: It might’ve caused a rupture, so I-I asked him to check… Garrus: Well, you-you know, because of infection risks, didn’t want to jeopardize the mission… Tali: Sooo… Garrus:…Yeah. Shepard: I’m really happy for you. Both of you. Tali: Thanks…Shepard. Garrus: A-appreciate it. Guess it helps to have something to come back to. Tali: What do you mean “to come back to”? This is just a fling, Vakarian. I’m using you for your body. Garrus: You’re so mean…and I’m okay with that.
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biowaregirl · 5 years
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Mr & Mrs Vakarian vas Normandy - My OTP
He's just a boy And I'm just a girl Can I make it any more obvious? We are in love Haven't you heard How we saved each others worlds
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biowaregirl · 5 years
Nott: You handsome young wizard.
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biowaregirl · 5 years
Poor Baby. He's just fluffy
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biowaregirl · 5 years
i absolutely love this girl from one of the dnd books for college of swords bard like
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she’s a lesbian
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