bittersweetgalaxy · 2 years
yeah they dropped a new love language. yeah a sixth one. its biting
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bittersweetgalaxy · 2 years
I always feel so worried about anyone I know who's 22-23 because I know those ages are the most hyped up yet shatteringly lonely times for most young adults when they expect so much from themselves and have been set up to fail at the same time but don't see that yet because they did everything they were supposed to and have probably started to feel so lonely and don't understand why seeing friends is suddenly getting way harder and time is going faster than ever
Those are like the speed batting ages where you are swinging so hard so fast trying to get this and you're striking out and even when you do hit you realize your just running in a circle and it starts to weigh on you and no one else is acknowledging it.
If you're 22-23 it's okay keep going, please try and remember to eat and sleep well and that there's nothing for you to win at, and you're not done changing no matter how set things feel
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bittersweetgalaxy · 2 years
do you ever listen to music and suddenly you're like wow I want my life to be the way this song sounds I want to live in this song
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bittersweetgalaxy · 2 years
“You’ve gotta choose to better yourself” sounds like a stupid easier-said-than-done rhetoric but it’s TRUE. Do you expect to feel better by doing the same things that make you sad? Do you think everything will change if nothing does? You’ve gotta open the curtains and let the light in. Sit in the sun like a cat and soak up some water like a plant. Turn the moody playlist off and listen to something that doesn’t make you want to acquaint with a cliff edge. Eat an orange. I’m not saying you can override a mental illness or become happy in a day. But you get choices, and you’ve gotta choose to care for yourself. Sadness can be comforting and so is whatever is normal for us. New normal is good. You’ve gotta choose to be kind to yourself
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bittersweetgalaxy · 2 years
every time they put out new music they remind me that I am strong, give me motivation to keep going, keep fighting, and make me hopeful, I love them so, so much
some one ok rock lyrics that make me feel less hopeless
nothing matters when you're in the fight. hold your fire, maybe we can make it alright. - cry out
never tell yourself you should be someone else, stand up tall and say "i'm not afraid, i'm not afraid." - we are
if i go down, i will go down fighting. i will go down like lightning. - i was king
from the pain, a lesson learned. this is how you find your way. - listen (to your heart)
it wasn't easy, but everyday i took one step closer to change. they didn't wanna see me break these chains, being more than just a name and a face. - head high
so go ahead and push us. we'll get up and push back. - push back
your precious reputation goes up in flames. your empty information, we know it's all fake. - push back
now we're back in the fight, never losing our strength. we've tried too many times just waiting patiently. - push back
don't be afraid to dive, be afraid that you didn't try. - wasted nights
no matter how much we might bend, we will not break. - change
i know we've got the power, masters of our own fate. together we are stronger as long as we've got faith. - change
the chaos, our kingdom fell. stole heaven, so we gave them hell. and the pieces will find themselves, so fight for me, I'll fight as well. - giants
every one of us has always been enough. - giants
i'm in control of the fire cause i hold the matches. some of the best things in life are born from the ashes. sacrifice, but it's worth the price for a moment that lives on. - unforgettable
yesterday's night turns to light. tomorrow's night returns to light. - be the light
you have seen hell and made it back again. - be the light
for all the lies and the burden that they put on us, all of the times that they told us to just because, we gotta fight for our rights and the things we love now. - renegades
we made our bed and we'll make our own choices. we may be underestimated, but i know one day we will make it. - renegades
for all of the times that they said it's impossible. they built the hurdles, the walls and the obstacles. when we're together you know we're unstoppable now. I'm not afraid to tear it down and build it up again. - renegades
sometimes i just wanna quit, tell my life i'm done with it. when it feels too painful, sometimes i just wanna say "i love myself, but not today." - broken heart of gold
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bittersweetgalaxy · 3 years
Just. For the record, for anyone worried after seeing that post; Traumadumping on the first day of therapy is like. A good therapist’s dream. Like they WANT you to spill out your problems so they can help you work through them. When you only have an hour with someone once a month it is a Godsend for them to be able to just. Say whats hurting them right off the bat. The biggest problem I had at therapy was I became so conditioned to not talk about my issues that nothing was able to get done. So please, ‘traumadump’ to your therapist. Its what they’re paid for. They are trained to decompress, you don’t have to worry about them.
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bittersweetgalaxy · 3 years
yuzu's little 'i did it!' after his skate in the sochi olympics tuns through my head 24/7
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bittersweetgalaxy · 3 years
No matter what a post on tumblr tries to tell you, your moral and ethical stances will never be determined by what you reblog and what you scroll past. Don’t let manipulation tactics force you into doing anything you don’t want to do.
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bittersweetgalaxy · 3 years
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read gregory woods’ interpretation of 1984 last week and i literally haven’t stopped thinking of it since
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bittersweetgalaxy · 3 years
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Alex Hirsch is this close to fucking losing it and going on a murderous rampage through Disney’s corporate offices
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bittersweetgalaxy · 3 years
“That’s the thing about kindness. The best way to spread it is chaotically, lawlessly and randomly until everything around you starts to be madly beautiful.”
— Juansen Dizon, The thing about kindness  (via noorshirazie)
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bittersweetgalaxy · 3 years
it’s never too late. go after what you want! it doesn’t matter if you’re 15 or 25 or 65. there’s no deadline or fixed schedule you need to follow. starting over or starting late is okay! go at your own pace! 
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bittersweetgalaxy · 3 years
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the world melts in colors.
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bittersweetgalaxy · 3 years
love is real and it’s saturday morning sunlight spilling onto the bathroom tiles as the faucet drips and ur rubbing lotion into ur face and it’s spring and the love of ur life is waiting in the kitchen for u and there’s a peeled clementine on the counter and u haven’t flinched in years
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bittersweetgalaxy · 3 years
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bittersweetgalaxy · 3 years
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Seoul, Korea (3/3)
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bittersweetgalaxy · 3 years
I feel like I need to say this, as I've seen some concerning fandom purity bullshit crossing my dash.
This blog is unapologetically pro AO3.
I support them and all they do, may they continue to do it for decades to come.
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