blackdragoness · 5 months
Do you give off ALCOHOLIC vibes, CRACKHEAD energy, OR STONER vibes?
**THIS IS PURELY FOR ENTERTAINMENT** I am not calling any of you addicts. Its just a game to have fun so just enjoy it for what it is: ENTERTAINMENT. I am not a professional and the advice given is based off my own personal experience with these addictions. I share what helped me free myself from these vices but I strongly recommend speaking with a professional that can help you better. Without further ado....
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If you chose pile 1, the vice that best describes your personality is:
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**** DISCLAIMER: I am not insinuating that you smoke alot of pot, even if that's true haha. I am not your doctor, pastor, therapist, parent, sibling, boss, the police, your parole officer, NONE OF THAT. So I dont care what you do on your own time. I am not condoning those actions either but at the same time, it’s your life and you can do whatever you want with it.****
Regardless of your personal choices, this is what it says about your personality:
Laid-back, chill AF – almost too laid back it can sometimes be mistaken for laziness – but at the same time, a lot of you reading this probably are lazy and already know that. Its not a roast, I’m just affirming what you already know LOL. Big couch potato energy. Very laxed. As contradictory as it sounds, this is actually why people become addicted to your energy. There isn’t a lot of people who have the chill factor that you have and being around you is like a break from the hustle and bustle of life.
The cool kid – the IT Boy/Girl. Everything you do is effortless
Iconic – does your own thing & known for not following the crowd
You guys have a mind of your own!
Unbothered – it is very hard to ruffle your feathers or get a reaction out of you. It is both an admirable and irritable trait depending on who you’re talking to. If not, you may just react to things very slowly and may find yourself hot and bothered after the fact
Very easy going and easy to talk to – you can chop it up with almost all personalities because you are very relatable and relaxed.
CLASS CLOWN VIBES - you may not take things too seriously and can find humor in anything! You say some funny shit man, and you aren’t even trying to be funny.
Very witty and intelligent
You can hold a conversation with a variety of people. Whether its small talk or deep intellectual conversations.
People remember you for the conversations that they have with you and the energy that you bring to the conversation. You may not even realize the effect your words or energy have on people but it lingers on their mind and energy long after you have gone away. All a person needs is one “hit” of your energy.
Might be apart of the “woke” culture or many people would describe you as being “woke”
May be labeled an overthinker, borderline paranoid but also a very critical thinker. You may think about things that most people don’t think about. It may shock others how much you know about a variety of topics  
Very grounded and rooted in whatever it is that you do.
Natural beauties and very natural bodies.
Hippy vibes
You have a reputation for always being in a good mood and always being happy for no reason. Its very rare that you are in a bad mood. It doesn’t mean that you don’t have those days. You just know how to guard your emotions and only let a small number of trusted people see your vulnerable side.
Y’all are A VIBE. Periodt. Point. Blank.
You can vibe with a crowd AND you can vibe all on your own. You could be both introverted and extroverted depending on your mood. Sometimes you might be in a corner on your own doing your own thing, other times you’re mingling with a variety of different people. Just depends on your mood.
You probably have lots of conversations with your self all the time. People might think you’re a little weird for that but you might find it funny
Very unique and one of a kind
You might have your own distinct smell. Maybe you have a certain perfume/cologne that you use all the time that people know you for. OR maybe you just stink and smell like body odor. It can be either one of those two extremes LOL (Smokers LOVE the smell of weed, nonsmokers tend to strongly DESPISE the smell of weed so it goes both ways. Don’t shoot the messenger HAHA)
May have a love for music or be very musically inclined
Lyricist, journalist, writer/author - may be very good at articulating your thoughts and emotions but you may mumble or speak softly.
Every moment with you is a HIGH moment – by “high”, I mean when people see you, even if the interaction is short, its most often the HIGHlight of peoples day.
Everyones BUDdy
Wall FLOWER vibes
May be looked at as slightly ditzy
Tap into your creativity more. This pile has the creative abilities, if improved and mastered, can be monetized on greatly.
Don’t be afraid to put yourself out there and to stand out.
If you struggle with overthinking, it means you aren’t taking enough action. Start moving and putting your amazing thoughts into action so you can manifest the life you dream about all the time. Mistakes are inevitable and part of the growing process so don’t be afraid to make mistakes or make a fool out of yourself. That’s how you learn. The longer you sit on your ideas, the easier it is for doubtful thoughts to creep in which in turn will stop you from taking any type of action. It is time to take action and slow down the voices in your head telling you that you aren’t enough.
Believe in yourself more and learn to love yourself for all your flaws. Your biggest critic and your biggest competition should always be yourself so build yourself up more. Quit the negative self talk. Critique yourself towards improvement but not to the point of giving up. You’re more than you give yourself credit for.
Be more comfortable speaking your mind in the moment instead of bottling everything up all the time. You only end up beating yourself up in the end and it slows down your progress.
If you are addicted to the drug, my advice is to take a break from it for a bit so you can start being active again in your own life. You don't have to quit cold turkey. Take it one day at a time but the wheels will start moving for you soon as you make that change. Too much of anything, even if it's good for you, can eventually start to work against you. But it's your life. If you can find that balance while still keeping it in your life, more power to ya! 😊
If you chose pile 2, the vice that best describes your personality is:
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**** DISCLAIMER: I am not insinuating that you drink a lot of alcohol, even if that's true haha. I am not your doctor, pastor, therapist, parent, sibling, boss, the police, your parole officer, NONE OF THAT. So I don’t care what you do on your own time. I am not condoning those actions either but at the same time, it’s your life and you can do whatever you want with it.****
Regardless of your personal choices, this is what it says about your personality:
Very energetic and MAFANA (pronounced “mah-fah-nah” meaning “heated” in the Tongan language). You might always be MAFANA and ready to do anything at any moment. Also you might literally be MAFANA in body temperature. Might have a warmer body temperature or may always be hot even in colder temperatures. May enjoy very hot showers as well.
Extremely physically attractive. Sexy and sultry type of aesthetic
Very seductive mannerisms and voice
Very spontaneous and slightly chaotic
You might speak in slang a lot – doesn’t matter the slang, but you have your own way of speaking
People would probably describe you as being very bold and confident. You aren’t afraid to say what’s on your mind and you don’t care who hears.
True to yourself
Very genuine and authentic in all your interactions
You’re probably sociable and outgoing
Extremely outgoing – very rarely are you ever alone. You always have a crowd of people surrounding you or with you.
You have your own unique sense of style and fashion taste. People know and recognize you for your fashion sense. It’s just very……YOU.
Brutally honest but honest nonetheless – people may avoid you because of how honest you can be. But people know when they really need an honest opinion, you are the first person to come to mind.
People may describe you as having multiple personalities. It can be both a good thing or a bad thing depending on who you are talking to. One things for sure, getting to know you is NEVER a bore.
Never a dull moment when you are around
You are the person everyone hopes to see at an event or a party because they know it will be a fun time if you are around.
Very confident – ALPHA vibes – BOSS energy
You may be everyone’s “go-to” person when they need to vent or get things off their chest. Interacting with you is like a glass of wine at the end of a really rough day. If it was a really tough day, you’re more like 3 shots of Henney instead of wine, lets be honest.
You have a “numbing” effect on people – interacting with you is like nothing else matters but the present moment. You’re a very rare type of person
You are the person to impress! Every room you walk into and every person you interact with, you are the center of attention & people will do anything to get your attention praise, & validation.
Not only are you the person to impress, you are also a very impressive person. You impress through your looks, your skills, your intellect, etc – ALL AROUND impressive
You are very expressive, blunt, and outspoken. You say whatever is at the top of your mind and react to everything based off of your emotions in the moment.
May at times be very moody
Night owls
Kareoke King/Queen
No one ever knows what to expect with you. You keep everyone on their toes
Maybe a bit clumsy and silly but thats why people love your energy. Its giving "overgrown child" vibes and its refreshing.
You help heal alot of peoples inner child just by being yourself. You bring that young vibe to any occasion.
Take more time for yourself and away from the noise and the audience. I sense that you don’t enjoy being alone because that is when the dark thoughts creep in. Maybe you dislike feeling lonely. Get more comfortable with being on your own and in your own energy. Sort out those dark thoughts. Try to figure out where the darkness originated from and learn to heal it. It will improve your social interactions greatly.
Learn to enjoy silence. A lot of positive ideas, peace, and self discovery can be found in the silence.
Your greatest strength is your outspokenness. However, by remaining silent, you can avoid a lot of regret for yourself. You can also learn a lot about others simply by listening and remaining silent. Stay outspoken, but add silence into your personality every now and then to bring more balance to your character
SLOW DOWN - in all areas! Speak slower, walk slower, think slower, react slower, develop relationships slower, etc. You may start many things very quickly and burn out just as fast. Learn to pace yourself and develop your mental/physical stamina
If you are addicted to the alcohol, my advice would be to find a healthier hobby to substitute that vice. Exercise helps with regulating your emotions as well as a healthy eating plan. Get more sleep and start journaling. Having an outlet to really pour out your emotions will keep you from pouring another cup. Take it one day at a time, but the wheels will start rolling for you once you make that change. But it's your life, do as you please! If you can find that balance in your life, more power to ya!
If you chose pile 1, the vice that best describes your personality is:
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**** DISCLAIMER: I am not insinuating that you’re a meth/coke head, even if that's true haha. I am not your doctor, pastor, therapist, parent, sibling, boss, the police, your parole officer, NONE OF THAT. So I dont care what you do on your own time. I am not condoning those actions either but its your life and you can do whatever you want with it.****
Regardless of your personal choices, this is what it says about your personality:
The most energetic of all the piles
CEO/Supervisor energy
Very focused and determined to accomplish anything you set your mind to. You are willing to start things over as many times as you need until you get it right.
You may have an addictive personality but also others may find your personality very addicting as well. Once someone has tasted your energy, its very hard to shake you.
People may become very obsessed with you. You circle peoples minds multiple times a day. They just cant figure you out. You may also be very obsessive and possessive yourself.
FOCUSED. FOCUSED. FOCUSED, Extremely focused individuals. Your focus is probably your most admirable trait.
As focused as you are, you are also probably a very great multitasker
Entrepreneurs or entrepreneurs in the making. You may be very business minded
You are usually always 10 steps ahead of the game. You see all sides and make very calculated moves based off of your observations.
Very observant individuals. You probably notice and remember the tiniest details about people and you know how to make people feel really special in every interaction with you. People don’t expect you to remember certain things they’ve mentioned or worn, but when you bring it up to them long after the fact, you really make people feel SEEN & HEARD. This makes you more trustworthy in their eyes.
May be accused of being narcissistic but that’s not necessarily a bad thing. You may have been a victim to narcissistic abuse in the past so you’ve learned the ins and outs of all the mind games being played. So when someone uses a mind game on you, you flip it back on them and then they have the audacity to call YOU the narcissist. It has become your tool for self defense but also agitates those on the receiving end of your narcissism. To put it into perspective, most super heros and world leaders are narcissistic because they need to be. If not, they would get chewed up and spit out by the world and wouldn’t last a day in their position. If they wanna call you a narcissist because you refuse to adopt their mindset or their perspective, then so be it! Accept the title and keep it pushing. Remain true to yourself.
Very self-reliant and reliable. You conquer every task and assignment thrown at you and you do an amazing job at it in a very time efficient manner. People may try to discredit you or say you couldn’t have done it all by yourself but the proof is in the pudding darling. In reality, these folks are just projecting their own insecurities on to you because we all know, if they were in your position, there is no way they could have done that on their own. No one can deny your workmanship because you prove it time and time again.
Lone wolf vibes. You may not have many friends or you may not be open to inviting new people into your circle. “NO NEW FRIENDS” vibes
You probably have a sturdy set of friends and you’ve known them for a long time.
Very secretive and private. You may enjoy your privacy and may tend to keep a lot of your life hidden from the public eye.
Very protective of your energy and your space.
May have a lot of people who constantly have an opinion on your life. You do a great job at blocking them and their noise out of the way and continuing to push along.
STRONG STAMINA – yall can last for a lonnnngggg time (however you interpret that LOL)
Great debater – if someone wants to come at you sideways, they better come prepared with their arguments because going against you isn’t easy. You know yourself, you know your facts and you know what happened. Barely nothing gets past you.
Out of all the piles, this pile has the most haters. I don’t know why and neither do you. You must be someone of significance to have this many haters. You represent PRESSURE and people feel that energy as soon as you walk into the room. This is a compliment for you but a threat to your haters. No one wants to feel pressured to improve. You don’t try to apply pressure. You just ARE pressure.
You cant be tamed. Very hard to lock down and hard to pin down.
Misjudged and misunderstood but never stops remaining true to yourself. Let the haters do their thing but keep doing you booboo.
Diamond in the rough
Might wear a lot of jewelry or you should wear more jewelry but this is something people notice about you. Maybe you have tons of jewelry or you have a piece of jewelry that people remember you for. If not, I suggest wearing more jewelry because it looks great on you.
Learn to handle the pressure that comes your way. You attract what you put out there and unfortunately, this is one of those things that is out of your control. People feel pressured when you are around therefore, you may feel as though pressure is constantly being applied to you. Don’t sweat it. These experiences are to show you how strong your character truly is but you must remain true to who you are if you want it to work in your favor.
Its okay to be more open and available to others. You can still maintain your strong boundaries but you don’t have to shut the entire world out. Remain open!
Keeping an open mind may also be helpful for you. Not everything will play out the way you envisioned it in your brain so keep an open mind so you can solve your problems as they arise.
Take some time to relax. You give off very strong workaholic vibes and sometimes you can overwork yourself to exhaustion. Give your body the rest it needs through sleep. Remember to eat throughout the day and fill your body up with the nutrients it needs to keep you going and alert for your various tasks. Go outside and enjoy the outdoors. Take time to care for yourself.
 Learn to lighten up a little. Your laser focus can sometimes make you too serious to be around. Laugh a little. Smile more. Let loose. Enjoy the life in front of you. Balance out your work and play and you’ll find your life is more enjoyable that way.
If you are addicted to the drug, my advice would be to invest in yourself more. You won't have the money to spend on drugs if you throw your money into something that will benefit you more in the long run. Take a class to build on a skill you already have, sign up for a committee, give yourself responsibility and bring purpose back into your life. But start small. Learn to depend on yourself and hold yourself up before trying to overextend yourself for others. Too much responsibility is probably what got you to this point or maybe it was the lack thereof. Whatever the case be, you need to love on yourself more & know that you are more than enough. The wheels will start moving for you once you make that change and the clarity that follows will bring you immense joy.
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blackdragoness · 5 months
Pick an M&M Color &I'll describe you based off the color you chose. Lessssskoooo
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Pile One - Red
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The color red represents:
Religious fervor
Action taker
Bad boy/girl vibes, dark color aesthetic
Intense for no reason
Always ready to pull up on a MF that crosses you. You definitely don’t play
Fierce. Beastly. Always on 100
Huge heart & selfless
Very loyal individuals
Big dreamer but executes everything they put their mind to
Big energy
May be a sports junky or love to play sports themselves
Leader of the pack
First Pick (usually when I eat M&Ms, I always pick a red one first so whatever that means to you, let it mean that lol)
Super hardworking and very physically strong no matter your build
A temptation/seductress
Very physically attractive
May have a potty mouth but regardless is super outspoken and doesn’t mind who hears or knows
Goal oriented and determined
Short temper but quick to make amends. Sour patch kid vibes heavyyyy
Very successful individuals
Powerful manifestors
Pile Two: Yellow
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The color yellow represents:
Your presence is like a ray of sunshine
Big artsy hippy vibes
Very optimistic and does your best to remain optimistic even in the worse of situations. Sometimes its your downfall because some things seem too unrealistic from the outside looking in. But most people wont let you know that because no one wants to break that hope with in you and that’s how it should be. You shock people in the end because things happen for you solely because you never lost hope. So keep that light within burning even if no one else believes.
You shine so bright and it’s a warmth everyone enjoys feeling. Your energy livens up whatever room you walk into.
Trend setter
Star of the show, center of attention ALWAYS (downside of this is even when something embarrassing happens to you, it seems to happen in front of a crowd also. But don’t let that stop you from being YOU! Whether they are laughing at you or with you, its your mf world & thas on periodt)
Compliment giver – you’re that friend that is always showing mad love to everybody and their dog. Might be great with animals
Very friendly and cute. You’re such a cutie
Popular loner
Its always a party when you are around
It’s a privledge to be in your presence
Pile Three: Orange
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The color orange represents:
self control
self esteem
You are a great team player, very easy going and hardworking at the same time
A very balanced individual
Fits the “cookie cutter” standards regardless of gender
Very intelligent and confident
The popular nerd
High standards and carries themselves with dignity and elegance
Productive, prompt and reliable
Fashion sense is probably very preppy or nerdy but it looks trendy on you. Think of Daphne and Fred from Scooby Doo.
Hard to get close to but once you get close, they are the sweetest individuals
Loud voice or speaks very boldly and confidently
Beautiful voice. Theres an elegance or something royal about your mannerisms when you speak. Its mesmerizing.
Good girl/boy vibes. Church boy/girl vibes
Something scholarly about you. Either you’ve accomplished a lot of things in the school system or you’re a very well read and traveled person.
Pile Four: Brown
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The color Brown represents:
sense of duty and responsibility, takes obligations seriously
very grounded and stable
the “ma” or “pa” of the friend group
not afraid to get down and dirty. A “whatever it takes” type of attitude.
Usually looked at as the Alpha of the group
Stoic and emotionally intelligent
Very genuine. Every interation with you is very genuine and people can feel that off the rip!
Easily trusted but hard to give trust to others
You probably had to mature at a young age which made you a few steps ahead of your generation
“old soul” vibes
Depths in perception. This goes deeper than depth in emotion (which is what the BLUEs are)  because you are very logical and can block out your emotions when the emotions become “too heavy”. You can handle a very heavy load on your shoulders and hardly nothing gets you down.
Big earth vibes. Big OXEN vibes.
Heavy hittahs. Your punch packs a mighty force. I wouldn’t want to be on the other side fr FR.
Ride or die personality. Very reliable and trustworthy
Respectable figure/ authority figure
Pile Five: Green
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The color green represents:
new beginnings
lack of experience
natural beauties. Don’t need anything extra to enhance their beauty. Very very naturally gorgeous and handsome
someone who isn’t afraid to start over again.
Strong stamina and endurance both mentally and physically
Mentally strong and intelligent
Boujee vibes – “upper class” energyyyy
When these people love, they love HARD.
Very passionate when it comes to love. Hopeless romantics.
Fueled by progression and future potential.
Very chilled back and relaxed yet very focused and determined on their goals.
Very patient individuals
People can easily become jealous of you but you also have your own jealous streak to be aware of.
Steady and sturdy
Enjoys their own privacy and solitude
Unafraid to stand alone
Humble but confident – very humble confidence that is hard to ignore
Mesmerizing and hypnotic type of beauty
Pile Six: Blue
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The color blue represents:
open spaces
ocean vibes
This pile has a very deep perception of life. Their emotions run deeply through them.
Probably one of the kindest souls walking this earth.
Very in tune and connected with their environment and those around them. Usually the one who can read and understand the room better than any one else.
May lack boundaries and may struggle setting boundaries with others.
A deep well of knowledge.
May tend to cry easily whether it be from a sad thought, a cute cuddly animal, or a tear jerking movie.
Daydreamer and in your own world
Mystical and magical even in your mannerisms. The way you walk, the way you talk the way you glide across a room, seems so fluid and mystic.
Mermaid/Siren vibes
May have a beautiful talking or singing voice. Sexy and sultry.
 Everyone’s best friend – easily liked and easy to get along with.
Major eye candy
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blackdragoness · 9 months
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she looks flawless 💘💘💘💘
eris from ZODIAC on webtoon⚡️⚡️
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blackdragoness · 1 year
Thursday March 23.
A warm welcome to Artist Alley.
Hello! We just couldn't help but notice you're on Tumblr. What are the chances? Well, chances are you're into your art, and you probably know more than a thing or two. Chances are you're an artist yourself—and you're probably a pretty good one, too. You probably have talent with which to bedazzle ✨ and astonish 🌠 and amaze 🌟 but you might be wondering❓Where on Earth can I showcase and sell my work in this dense online jungle? You might be an art lover, and thinking Where can I buy artists' work online as the artist would like to sell it?
Voila: we have just the ticket and offer you a warm welcome to Artist Alley. Here, we empower artists to sell their work straight from their own storefronts, on their own terms. We like to think we bring the art world straight to you.
And don't forget: submit your work here for the chance to be featured across Tumblr and earn a spot on Artist Alley.
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blackdragoness · 1 year
🔊 channelled message 🔊
"We're ALL watching in awe and are proud of how far you have come and how far we see you going. What is your secret? What are you doing that is keeping this glowing flame within you? Better question is HOW are you doing it? Whatever you are doing, keep going bebe, cuz the progress is IMMACULATE. You got this!"
I don't know who I am addressing today but the energy feels EXPLOSIVE 🧨
On top of the world
If you have been feeling any of these things, THIS MESSAGE IS FOR YOU!
Blessings on blessings on blessings. Opportunities FLYING open from every door! Sheeeeeshhhhhh. This energy is FIYAH!
You have sooooooooooo much support from both sides of the veil. I'm sensing that some of you have been feeling quite lonesome and unsupported. This lonesome feeling seems more like a shadow aspect within you because it feels deceptive. This feeling isn't true to reality. It's connected to some type of abandonment issues that need to be worked through. Although, I'm sensing that you are already aware of that and are currently working through healing that shadow aspect. What you don't see is how many people admire and are inspired by you. I'm sensing that these people aren't really vocalizing this support so you feel a lil unsupported. But to be honest, they're not saying anything because they are too busy FOLLOWING YOUR EXAMPLE. Your presence causes a moment of self-awareness in others who interact with you because they see your self awareness and self respect. It inspires them to do and be the same way. You have a lot of people stepping into their healing because of you!
I'm currently having a vision right now. I'm seeing a large mushroom. Exotic and exquisite. A mushroom with a design you've never seen before. In my vision, this mushroom is dispersing it's spores everywhere. Unique and exotic mushrooms popping up everywhere! This vision is confirmation of your infectious energy. If you didn't't know, when a mushroom wants to multiply and spread out, they release spores. Everywhere that the spores land, new mushrooms will begin to sprout. I'm sensing that like the mushroom, everywhere you walk and every door you step into, you release your spores and influence the room. Everywhere you go, the environment conforms to your will and things naturally go the way you want it to. There is a warning to watch your ego. You are going to be seeing an influx of many, many people trying to copy and mirror your style. The ego will want to reprimand those who bite off your style and you will want credit. Remember that you became who you were because of your experiences. No one can take that away from you. Everyone already knows who you are. Everyone has been watching you for a very long time. So when people start to copy you, it's very apparent and obvious. People will go to bat for you and reprimand those who try to steal your work. So don't worry about the haters. You have an army of spiritual warrior ancestors who are putting things and people into place just for you. Protecting your well being as well as your name.
I'm hearing, "YOU DESERVE ALL OF THIS! CHEER UP! LOOK AT WHAT GOD GAVE YOU!" You got through your darkness ALONE, so that's why only YOU are being rewarded for your hardwork. So you might feel like it's unfair that you are being so blessed but girrrl, no one did the work like you did. Bask in that MF glory but always watch your ego that it doesn't get out of control.
Like this gif, you are the bee. People are waiting to be pollinated by your sweetness and they all blossom when you come around. I'm feeling a lot of excitement and motivation buzzing all around you wherever you go.
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Whoever this reading was for, you are something else. Keep going. Don't stop. Stay focused on you & maintain control of your ego. You deserve everything you have and everything that is coming for you!
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blackdragoness · 1 year
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Twilight Vertigo
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blackdragoness · 1 year
Do y'all ever fantasize about being besties with your favorite female artist, or is it just me? Oh well, welcome to my world 🤪 Which female artist are you most alike? This PICK-A-CARD is for YOU. Granted, it's only out of the 3 artists that I chose buuuuuut, who cares! Just play the fricken game. Lessssssgo 🔊
Pile 1:
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Pile 2:
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Pile 3:
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Pile 1:
The female artist you energetically match is....
Cardi B 😜
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You are the life of the MF party! WOOP WOOP🔊 I don't know why but this energy makes me want to turn all the way up and it's a Wednesday 🥴. This is some big BIG energy.
You know how to turn up, you know how to get lit and you know exactly how to have fun. You are the first person people think about when they are planning to throw a party. They want to make sure you're informed and that you will be there. People will pull any kinds of strings to make sure that your presence is guaranteed. I'm getting something like VIP treatment, okurrt. You may even be asked to be a part of event planning committees because of your reputation for being the life of the party.
As soon as you walk through the door, I'm feeling a rush of excitement flowing through the room. Like electricity. Your presence excites people! Not even in a creepy sexual way, although you might get that type of attention too. But your presence makes people feel alive.
You could be viral in some way. Either online or in real life. Or people could just constantly have your name and your business in their mouth whether you know them or not. Half of them don't know shit and the other half are making up shit. Haters are gonna hate, but that never stopped Cardi B from being Cardi B so it shouldn't stop you from being you.
You are so unpredictable. No one ever knows what you're gonna say or do next but they love the anticipation about it all. Some people fear this about you, others love this about you. You shock people with the things you say and think. You might be super quick witted and intelligent especially with your comebacks. People might describe you as someone having a "sharp tongue". Chileee, the things that be flying out your mouth especially when you are upset, is as venomous as a snake bite. I'm scared of you 😶‍🌫️
You might be a very good debater! Nothing gets past you and you bring all the facts to the table. No bullshitting or beating around the bush.
Just like Cardi B, you have an original sense of humor. You are HILARIOUS. After you leave a conversation with someone, the other person will replay the jokes you told over and over again in their head hours after the conversation ended. You really keep a smile on people's faces long after your presence is gone. People will try to mimic your mannerisms and your jokes but they can never quite do it like you. You might have your own slang or your own way of speaking. It's cute and very catchy. People may want to copy the way that you speak.
You might have a ton of copy cats or people who want to be just like you and do things the way that you do. I'm getting that it can be annoying to you sometimes. but on the bright side, that just means you're an inspiration to a lot of people. A lot of people wish they could be as authentically real as you but they don't know how. They feel that if they copy your moves, it might jump start them on their own path to self discovery. For a lot, that's exactly what it does for them. How do you do it Pile 1? We need to know your secrets.
Channelled Song: Big Energy by Latto
Pile 2:
The female artist you energetically match is...
Rihanna 😈
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Your energy is most similar to that of the Boss Queen herself, Miss Rihanna!
Honestly, you can never go wrong with RihRih but that's also how people feel about you. You just can't go wrong with YOU.
You got your head on straight and you know exactly where you are going. Laser eye focused on your goals and your aspirations. Once you set your mind to something, ain't nobody gonna stop you.
"Loyalty, Loyalty, Loyalty". Y'all are some loyal ass mfs just like Queen Rih herself. People don't question you or your motives because they know when you are loyal to someone, you are a diehard. Your actions prove that you are who you say you are.
UNTOUCHABLE! *gasp*! Y'all remember that long ass time period where Rihanna was single and not looking? Yeah, that's the Rihanna era I'm channelling in this reading. Even if you're not single and are in a happy thriving relationship, you still give off that independent, boss-of-my-own-life kind of vibe. If you're single, I'm getting that you play hard to get 🤪 UNTOUCHABLE! I'm hearing the "uncatchable catch" LOL. But this is what keeps them thirsty and chasing!
This energy is super fierce. Very straight up, cutthroat and to the point. Confidence is HUGE in this pile. You know what you want and how you want it done and you'll do it yourself if you have to.
Very fucking independent and very very regal. I'm hearing, "Talk to me nicely. Come to me correct, or don't come at all." So fiesty, rawwrrr lol.
You may fit a lot of the beauty standards of society. Very very physically attractive and seductive. You might have a very seductive vibe to you. Maybe you have a raspy sultry voice that naturally makes anything sound sexy or maybe you just move very elegantly. You have a magnetic pull about your energy that sucks people in and keeps them glued to you for hours.
Fearless. Bold. Spontaneous. Mysterious. Effortless.
Humanitarian. You might be someone who is driven by a larger cause. You might be a very charitable and an active member in your community. You may give back to the community through acts of services regularly. You might ponder about different problems in today's society and brainstorm solutions to combat these issues.
I'm hearing Undercover Genius. You may not flaunt your intelligence. In fact, you hide your intelligence so well people may underestimate you at first. But you truly shock people once they dive deeper into that complex mind of yours and realize there's a whole maze of information just waiting to be shared with them.
You are A MUTHAFUCKING ICON. There's nothing that you can't do and if there dare be anyone who challenges that, you always prove them wrong. Everyone used to say Rihanna couldn't sing. Nowadays she can't go a single interview without being asked about when her next album is gonna be released. They said she was a puppet singer not a makeup artist. "Her makeup line is gonna flop!" Fast forward, Fenty Beauty is one of the top make up brands and a sister to her successful lingerie brand on top of her musical and acting career. If Rih can do anything, so can you. YOU can do anything. What's it gonna be Pile 2? We need to know your secret.
Channelled Song: F Myself by Queen Herby
Pile 3:
The female artist you energetically match is...
Britney Spears 🫦
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"She's so lucky. She's a star. But she cry, cry, cries in her lonely heart thinking, if there's nothing missing in my life, then why do these tears come at night"
Your energy is most similar to the Queen, Britney Spears!!!
I'm not gonna lie, this energy is feeling kind of heavy and intense which is puzzling to me because it's fucking Britney Spears. But we'll continue and see where this heaviness is coming from.
You are a sweet pea! I'm hearing the face of an angel, body like a coke bottle, and a heart made of sugar. Very sensitive in nature and tender hearted. You have this air of innocence to you or something very youthful and untouched about you. Feels a little sheltered from the world. Gentle. Meek. Humble. Sensitive.
Man, this energy is making me emotional. I feel like handling you with care.....something about handling you with care and being careful with you. I'm not gonna lie Pile 3, I'm feeling a lot of emptiness, brokenness, loneliness, etc. I'm feeling a lot of pain in this pile and it's not that enjoyable if I'm being honest. I can only imagine what life must be like for you to experience it.
Protect your heart. Protect your mind. Protect your emotions.
I apologize, this reading took a turn I wasn't expecting it to but we will push past this cloud and continue this reading.
You are a big goofball!!!! This may come as a shock to most people because you give off this vibe of "church girl/church boy" who is always poised but you are totally not that. You can be spontaneous when you want and serious when need be. I'm getting in serious situations, you are the one who says or does something purposely to lighten the mood.
You actually have a really big heart and that's why you are so sensitive to the world around you. You feel everything and everybody that it gets overwhelming. Maybe you feel like you are carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders with no one to help you hold it up but there's also too much pressure on you to give up. If I could salute you in person right now, I totally would. This is what the heart of a real soldier is made out of. You are a TRUE WARRIOR. It's gonna require you to fight some hard battles alone, but you've always risen every time. Don't you see? You will ALWAYS RISE. You've done it time and time again, so why doubt yourself now?
You are a soldier of life. Even with the whole world against you, you still manage to wake up every morning and breathe in the air of a new day and get your shit done. That is inner strength and emotional maturity that I wish I had myself.
Your optimism and positive outlook on life is unmatched. Your life may not be as publicized as Britneys was but I'm feeling like there was some type of publication on your life where alot of people saw you going through a battle alone. But they also witnessed how you tried your best to hold your shit together despite the bullshit you were being handed and then you rose. How do you do it Pile 3? We need to know your secrets.
Channelled Song: Naked by Ashton London
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blackdragoness · 1 year
Channelled Song of the Day
Life Feels Good by Mikey Dam
Blessssss up muthafucka's, have a blessed day 🤘
-Black Dragoness ⚕️
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blackdragoness · 1 year
Comment your PAC ideas
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blackdragoness · 1 year
😤 blowin' smoke pt.2 💨
Hey. I'm bDee, the Black Dragoness. Tonight, imma just be blowin' smoke. If you don't know what that means, I'll explain it to ya. I'm aware that it may mean many different things depending on where you're from. But where Im from, this is what it means: Blowin' smoke is slang for letting out air. As a dragon, I inhale and I exhale smoke. It's part of my anatomy. It's a saying where I'm from which means to say, "Let me talk my shit real quick, unfiltered and unapologetically." Air is symbolic to us for communication. Sometimes there's a need to just release air. Similar to passing gas. If you hold a fart in too long, your stomach starts to hurt. Releasing that air will make your stomach feel much better but it will also smell like shit to everybody else. That's kind of what "blowing smoke" means. I'm just talking shit. Y'all may not fancy it's fragrance but it sure does feel good to say it out loud. So that's what imma do right now. Imma just blow smoke. Don't be attached to my words. I'm just flowing.
You know, I'm not religious. I believe in God but I don't believe in these organized churches. For me personally, as a dragon, that whole church stuff isn't really my jazz but I respect that it is for most humans.
But, to be able to understand that realm more and the people in it, I dove deep into religion. Not all of them. But quite a few. There's some truth to it. And other stuff I think is bullshit. But that's a topic for another day.
Anyways, the religion I'm gonna dabble in today is Christianity. Like all religions, Christianity also has their own stories. One of the stories we are going to talk about is the Parable of the Talents. Y'all can correct me if I'm wrong, but basically there's 3 dudes having a conversation with their master, right. I guess the master is heading out of town and entrusted his property and estate to these 3 dudes. The property is worth 8 talents, and one talent is worth a significant amount of money. So he splits these 8 talents amongst these 3 dudes based off of their workmanship. The first dude gets 5 talents, the second dude gets 2 talents and the last dude gets 1 talent. Then the master leaves. After a long period of time being away, the master returns and asks for an account of the talents he gave them. The first two replied saying they put their talents to work and doubled the value of the talents he gave them. The last dude who only had one talent, said he buried his talent and hid it in fear that he would lose it all. The master then punishes the last dude because he did nothing with what he was given.
Now why is this story so significant?
For many reasons, obviously. You can pick this story apart and come up with many different conclusions. For me personally, it stands out to me because us dragons, we struggle with pride and ego. To be honest, a lot of things come to us naturally. Opportunities, gifts, skills, talents, etc. You name it, and we've already got it, done it, experienced it, mastered it.....you get the point. So it's easy for us to sit on the skills and talents that we have and become complacent. However, when we do decide to utilize them, its almost as if magic has been restored back on this earth.
You know, my ancestors tell of a time when magic was prevalent in this world. Humans, fairies, dragons, warlocks, goblins, and all fanatical creatures alike used to coexist in peace. But since the magic has been taken, a lot of us remain in hiding.
How do we restore magic?
We start utilizing the gifts and talents that make us unique and start CREATING again. What can you CREATE with the talents and skills you have that can be used for the greatest good of all? Let your imagination go wild and watch the magic happen.
There's a caution for pride and ego once you've reached this stage. Pride and ego are the killers of magic. There will be a point where you will be persuaded to think that what you create needs to reach the masses. But remember, your creation will reach who it is meant to reach. Fame is not why we've been given talents. Although fame can be obtained through your talents, it shouldn't be your main focus. Once you've master and created something (or many things) with one talent, move on to the next talent and so on and so forth.
The more we create, the more magic we bring back into this world.
But heck, what do I know.
Cuz at the end of the day,
I'm just blowing smoke 😤
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blackdragoness · 1 year
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blackdragoness · 1 year
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blackdragoness · 1 year
😤 blowing smoke pt 1 💨
Hey. I'm bDee, the Black Dragoness. Tonight, imma just be blowin' smoke. If you don't know what that means, I'll explain it to ya. I'm aware that it may mean many different things depending on where your from. But where Im from, this is what it means:
Blowin' smoke is slang for letting out air. As a dragon, I inhale and I exhale smoke. It's apart of my anatomy. It's a saying where I'm from which means to say, "Let me talk my shit real quick, unfiltered and unapologetically."
Air is symbolic to us for communication. Sometimes there's a need to just release air. Similar to passing gas. If you hold a fart in too long, your stomach starts to hurt. Releasing that air will make your stomach feel much better but it will also smell like shit to everybody else. That's kind of what "blowing smoke" means. I'm just talking shit. Y'all may not fancy it's fragrance but it sure does feel good to say it out loud.
So that's what imma do right now. Imma just blow smoke. Don't be attached to my words. I'm just flowing.
Y'all ever wonder why sexual orientation became such a huge thing? For us dragons, we don't have this problem. In fact we would prefer that you keep your sexual preferences to yourself. To be honest, we don't care if two dragons with dicks want to fuck each other. Our question is, why do we need to know? Lol. Here on Earth in America, all I hear is arguments about whether or not same sex attraction is morally correct..... 🤨🤨🤨 Is that not weird to you humans? For me personally, we are asking the wrong question. it's not a question about whether it's right or wrong. The question is WHY DO YOU CARE!? 😂😂😂 Why are you so concerned about how someone else chooses to enjoy their alone time? It's creepy and none of your fucking business. The craziest part is it be them religious self righteous mfs that be caring the most about people's sex life. Foreaaaallll though, think about that for a sec. Why. Do. Y'all. Care?
I get it though. There are some members of the LGBTQ+ community that just really push the limits and push their pride to the forefront. We get it. Your gay. You're out of the closet! Woohoo. The great thing about a closet is that you can always put things back inside them after you've taken them out. Being gay just tells me you enjoy being pleasured by the same sex. Who are you outside of how you choose to be pleasured? Do you play any instruments? Are you a student? Why should your sexual preferences be the forefront of who you are? It should be more like a decorative prop in the background that adds dimension to the main character.
But what do I know?
cuz at the end of the day,
I'm just blowin' smoke 😤
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blackdragoness · 1 year
After all of that gas I just gave y'all in the last post, it only seems fair to follow it up with a post that straight roasts yo ass on fiyah 🤷🏾‍♀️😂😂 don't take this shit personal, alright. Entertainment purposes only lol
For this PICK A PILE ROAST, you pick a pile and I'll tell you what your hood name would be if you lived in the hood. This message comes with alot of shade. Stay ready cuz ain't nobody safe. Auuurighhht, Lessssgo 🔊
1 2 3 4
Pile 1:
For those who chose pile 1, if you lived in the hood, your hood name would be:
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TMI for "Too Much Information" because yo ass never stops talking. Sometimes we be wanting to cut you off mid sentence and be like, "okay but when did we ask?!" Too Much Information because you got one of them ratchet gossip girl mouths. The mouth that everybody hates but also the reason you are feared 😂 You're one of them bitches we refer to when we say, "This bitch knows too much!", Cuz bitch you do. How you be knowing all this shit, huh? You know the ins and outs of everything and got the updates of the latest gossip and scandals. It's a good thing and a bad thing. Depends which hood you rolling around in and which hoodlums you're linking up with. Watch yo back TMI. The streets ain't safe 😂
Pile 2:
For those who chose pile 2, if you lived in the hood, your hood name would be:
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I apologize if I'm the first person you have to hear this from but your hood name would be Beluga because right off the bat, you got a big ass forehead. Just period point blank. Don't try to deny it. It's blatant. We can all see it. Just embrace it because that's what they would call you in the hood, dead ass. Also because you're kind of a smart ass. Beluga whales are actually super intelligent and can sense things before they happen. That's similar to you. I'll give it to ya, you got good instincts but that doesn't change the fact that your forehead is humongous. If you're bald, your forehead looks even bigger. It giving Mega Mind. If you have a lot of hair, your forehead makes your hair look detached from your head. 🤷🏾‍♀️🤷🏾‍♀️🤷🏾‍♀️
Pile 3:
For those who chose pile 3, if you lived in the hood your hood name would be:
"The Tasmanian Devil"
Because you are built like the Tasmanian Devil from Looney Tunes. Insert picture for exemplary effect:
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🧐you see that right there, that's your body type pile 3. I'm not gonna lie, you look like a walking face with arms, bro. But no shame. God didn't make a mistake when he created you. I just think he was short on time. He forgot to include your chin and neck. Its like right after your bottom lip it's your stomach already, it makes no sense. But sometimes God doesn't give us all the answers and we have to be okay with that. So, that's why you would be the Tasmanian Devil.
Pile 4:
For those who chose pile 4, if you lived in the hood, your hood name would be:
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Named after the Lucy from 50 First Dates because your ass is ditzy AF. You're that girl that says she can't find her glasses, then proceeds to wear her glasses to find her glasses. You're that kid in class that asks the same question someone else just asked. Not gonna lie, some people have honestly written you off as like autistic or mentally unstable and I honestly don't blame them. The way you are is just so believable that something isn't all the way stable in your brain. All is well Lucy, just keep doing you. We understand that you're a little S L O W.
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blackdragoness · 1 year
comment where you're from.
I'm from the Black Dragon Empire in Draconia
Pleased to meet you
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blackdragoness · 1 year
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blackdragoness · 1 year
YALL NOT READY FOR ALL DIS' GASSSSS. Lemme gasssss yo lil fat head up, okayyyy. This PICK-A-PILE is for you!
"somebody call 911, shawty fiyah burnin' on da dance floor." -sean kingston
Pile 1 -
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Pile 2 -
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Pile 3 -
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Pile 1: Show Stunnah 🌻
Overall Tarot Card: The Devil 😈
Channelled Song: Pretty Girl Rock by Keri Hilson
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⛽ The gasssss on you is....⛽
First of all, you muthafucka's is FINE as hell! I'm talking about FOIIINNEEEE as hell. Body on fleek, face card never declines. As soon as you walk into the room, all eyes are on you and all your competition starts to die a little inside 😂 You are the talk of the town, the talk of every circle, babbyyy 🤤 But y'all been knew dat, 😏
"BEEN that bitch, still that bitch" - Megan The Stallion
Natural beauty with the confidence to match
Confidence of a lion(ess)
Honestly, physically, you got it muthafuckin' going on dawg, what the fuckkkkk. Out of all the piles, this one wins in the Looks Department LOL sorry to the other piles
I'm seeing a face that is so fucking beautiful and angelic. Forever youthful.
Your beauty never dies and it never ages.
I have this huge urge to gasp in awe! You make people gasp with your beauty, ermagerrrdddd this is too cute! I feel like I'm melting in your presence 🫠. It's like everytime people see you in person, you take their breathe away and all they can do is gasp in awe at your undeniable beauty 😂😂😂 it's so fucking corny bro, but damn. That was a channelled message for someone's fine ass out there. You got it like that Mami/Papi, *snap snap snap*
A literal fucking goddess/god. Like you make men want to turn all romantic and old school, writing poems and singing outside your window in the middle of a full moon & shiiit. Or for my men, you make a girl wanna break all her rules and go buck wild for you!!! Like this shit crazzzyyy!! But this is what you be doing to these people lmaoooo!
I'm sure you're a great person on the inside and all, but there is so much emphasis on your physique that I apologize if you feel exploited right now 😂😂 and tbh, you might know the effects your body causes on people so you might be a person with strong boundaries. But damn Papi, what dat body do? 😏
With the devil card crowning your reading, people are OBSESSED WITH YOU!!! Bitch, who tf are you? Why is everyone so fucking obsessed with yo ass!? Lmao
"I can do bad all by myself." You're very independent but you may have many friends too.
Imma just say it flat out: YOU GOT THAT GOOD WAP BABYYYYYY. THAT GOOD WOOD, ya know what I'm sayin' 😂 rumor has it, you can fucking werkkkk it. You got people THIRSTY AF out here, mayneee. Chilllllllll.
You got this hella chill vibe to you though. Like laid-back. Relaxed. Not about the shits or the drama. People can try to ruffle your feathers to get any type of reaction out of you but you stay unbothered AF and that's what draws them nearer to you.
You have a gift for social interactions. Most people have social anxiety but you maneuver and work the room with ease and calmness. It's very admirable.
So many people want to marry you dude, I'm not even kidding. But I'm sensing that you are just focused on yourself and your goals. Relationship isn't a priority in your life right now. But that also is what turns the thirst factor UP when it comes to you.
Rich girl, city girl, material gworl vibes
"You always got dem eyes on you" - people love to watch you and stare at you. Sometimes people zone out in conversation with you because your beauty distracts them 😂 you could be talking to them in perfect pronunciation and speed but they won't hear a damn thing you said lol I guess your beauty is deafening too 😂
As beautiful and as sexy as you are, you also have a tender kindness when you interact with anybody. Your beauty shines both inside and out and that's why you are the mf GOAT.
You turn heads every where you go. You got bitches jealous wishing they was you. Ermahgerrrddd, I'm getting a rush of energy from tons of people who fantasize about what it would be like if they had your life. Honestly, that sounds like I'm over hyping y'all, but it's the truth lol. Maybe knowing this information will help you see the beauty of your own life and appreciate it for what it is. Because from folks looking on the outside into your life, they would literally trade spots with you in a heartbeat. Heck, they are already doing it in their daydreams. Recognize that YOU ARE THAT BITCH.
You may come from a great family life. Or people think you come from a super good looking family judging based off of your looks alone lol
A lot of people want to be tied to you in some way. People feel that being connected to you gives them "brownie points" in popularity 😂😂 some people may try to befriend you for clout. I'm not even getting social media vibes, although y'all may be big on social media too. But I'm sensing like real life clout, which is ten times better than social media clout, ya feel me. It's almost like knowing you in real life makes people feel more important in real life.
Y'all are the IT GIRL/ IT BOY. Everyone wanna be you, do the things you do, talk like you, walk like you, fucking everyfannnggg!!! I cannot with y'all. You guys are unreal but thats why we are so fucking obsessed with you, booo. Keep doing you and keep being you 🌻
Pile 2 - Cutie Pie 🥧
Overall Tarot Card: Ace of Cups
Channelled Song: My Bestie by Lloyd ft Sevyn
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⛽ The gasssss on you is.....⛽
Everyone wants to hug you, squeeze you, love on you. Stick you in their pocket and take you home. This vibe is so mushy and gooey!
Everybody's little sister. You provoke a very protective spirit in those around you and those close to you. You are looked at as something that needs to be protected at all costs.
I dunno what it is about you but people will go to bat for you no matter the situation or the time. If ever you are in trouble, you have a whole gang of people who you can count on to drop what they are doing and prioritize you. Even if they are pissed off at you, they would lay their differences to the side and come to your rescue.
You make people feel very emotional when it comes to even just the thought of you. You are so special to people I don't think you realize that!
You are that person in people's lives that they cannot imagine ever losing. Like an angel in disguise who needs to be protected from this cruel world.
You attract friends like flies!!!!! This pile is SOOOOOOO popular and you don't even have to try. You could actually be a more introverted and reserved person but constantly have a crowd of people with you.
Sooooo warm and soft. Feels like I'm sinking in an ocean of really warm honey. That's how you make people feel.
People LOVE hugging you, cuddling you, and feeling you. Your presence is very calming and motherly.
You have great motherly instincts and people trust you with their children and animals. Kids might naturally flock to you and easily trust you because of your kind nature.
You may only consider a small group of people as friends but there are so many people who consider you as one of their best friends. You may make some friends jealous because they envisioned some type of exclusive friendship with you. However, a lot of people need you in their life and so that's something they need to come to terms with.
A lot of people feel like they can confide in you with confidential matters, knowing it will be kept safe. You also give really great advice that helps people progress further on their life path.
You are a very necessary presence in many peoples life stories. If every human soul had a book about their life, there would be at least one chapter about you in multiple life books. While most people are only focused on writing their own book, they are scarcely mentioned in other stories. But you, you are very necessary in the development of other people's life journeys. Like you make an impact on their story for the better. Wowwwww. I can only imagine that this role comes with a lot of positive karma for you and your generations to come.
You beautify every place you enter, every floor you walk on, and every person you meet. You are a contagious ray of light that shines everywhere you go even in the darkest of places.
You very rarely compete or get jealous of people and that's why many consider you to be their best friend. They feel completely free to be themselves around you with no judgement, guilt or shame.
You are unapologetically yourself and it's a big turn on for the opposite sex.
Many people wish they could possess your unapologetic nature but they are realizing it is a lot harder to mimic than they thought.
"I walk like this cuz I can back it up. I got a big ego" -Beyonce
You been through a lot and it shows through how sweet and caring you are. And because you put out that energy, people wanna love you the same way in return.
You really tug at people's heart strings when they think of you. I'm hearing "a heart of gold and titanium". So valuable and indestructible.
You have been placed on this throne by a lot of people. Very very respected and admired. I'm hearing you proved yourself. Your true colors shown and they worked in your favor.
An example for others to follow
A true royal
SELF-CONTROL, SELF-CONTROL, SELF-CONTROL. You have so much self control and people are both envious and admiring that trait of yours. "The one with the most control over themselves is the one with the most power in the room."
You might be a very adaptable person. You literally can chop it up with anybody you want! No personality is too hard for you to adapt to.
You have such a knack for resolving conflict. You can de-escalate any situation with your soft spoken voice and level-headedness. Things always run smoother when you are around.
People take you seriously and really listen when you speak. You may not vocalize your opinions as often as others, but when you finally do, it shocks people, so they listen.
A deep well of wisdom.
Honorable. Highly respected. Highly trusted.
Pile 3 - LEGEND ⚜️
Overall Tarot Card: 8 of Pentacles
Channelled Song: One Call Away by Bina Butta
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⛽ The gasssss on you is.....⛽
BOSS BITCHHHHH. I see you focused on that bag and getting that bag!!! If you chose this pile, YOU LOOK LIKE MONEY, HUNNY 🤑
"came through drippin *drip drip*"
You are a hard ass worker. I'm getting strong energy coming from the workplace you work at. You got a lot of people dumbfounded at your work ethic. For some reason, I'm getting that they didn't think you were going to be the type of worker that you are.
You may be known as someone who bosses up every time you experience a hardship in life. It's actually pretty phenomenal to watch.
Phoenix rising from the ashes.
You are that one character in a movie story that never dies 😂 it's like no matter how many battles you fight, you never fucking die lol it's annoying to your haters but so inspiring to those who witness this inner strength of yours.
You are a LEGEND! Some people think that your life experiences are too good to be true. But they just ain't ever met nobody like you before thats why. I'm hearing that behind your back people try to investigate the validity of your story just to be humbled when they find witnesses who retell the same story.
People want to know the depths of your life experience. I'm getting that people view you kind of like Indiana Jones who is well travelled with many stories and adventures to tell for many days.
You inspire people to think outside of the box. To want more for themselves and be open to newer opportunities that can make them feel free and alive again. You make them want to explore life again.
You walk around like a large ball of life force energy. Anything within a 5 foot radius of you starts to be influenced by your vibration.
A lot of people speak about you!!! A lot of people have your name in their mouth. It's very positive though. I'm hearing a lot of praise, chanting your name. Celebrating you!
I sense you might be hermit mode or really just focusing on yourself. People can see the changes that are happening through your physical appearance . Your hardwork and focus shines through your countenance.
You have a lot more people who support and love you. Im feeling that for this pile, the support isn't as apparent as it was for Group 2. I'm feeling like this pile stands alone with lots of silent supporters. Something about you being very intimidating or being closed off to a connection is what's blocking people from showing their support but it's like they understand why you are closed off and respect your boundaries.
People feel like you are going very far in life and will hit it big in the future. They want to see you win and are silently watching until then.
The way you carry yourself is top notch alpha type vibes. Specifically for my feminines, this is so sexy about you. You carry this masculine energy in such a sexy feminine way it intimidates and submits even the strongest of men. Very BAWS BOSS like.
"Dat ass, dat ass, dat ass, dat ass" 🤨🤨okaaayyyy, someone clearly has a nice juicy ass that needs to be pointed out 🤷🏾‍♀️
You must have a very strong presence in your work place because the energy keeps taking me to a work environment. Either that or you think about work all the time 😂 you really are such an independent woman. Some may call it hyper independent but do you honey. Set the standard as high as you want. Don't let their intimidated ass opinion shrink you 😉
Maybe you own a lot of businesses or aspire to own your own business. People see the potential for you. But I'm getting indecisive energy. You are probably really talented at SOOO many things and are weighing out your options. However, you know that once you have made your decision, there is no stopping you from reaching the top. Everyone else knows it too and that's why they are silently watching you.
You are a rare human. You have an imagination that is so active. Anything you imagine, you create in this world. You were probably a very imaginative kid and highly active. With how hard you work coupled with your crazy active imagination, you actually have the power to manifest whatever you want into existence. Maybe you are aware of that. Maybe you aren't. But channelling this energy feels very magnetic and strong. Keep your imaginations alive. Keep your dreams alive. Chase them.
People wonder how you gained such a bright imagination. They wish they could have that light that you have. You heal a lot of people's inner child by giving them experiences to exercise their imagination. Maybe you enjoy conversations about the trendy things from people's childhoods or you like to talk about the future a lot. You spark creativity and imagination for people and it gives them motivation for life again.
You lead by example. Lots of people are out here running they mouth but you stay steady on your grind proving your worth through your life.
You have silent supporters because you are a silent leader. You don't do much talking. You just do the damn thing and later on people find out what you did and are completely shocked.
You are a bombshell. Not only do you look great but you're like a ticking time bomb in people's minds. You constantly have people stewing over you and then boom, you do something that blows everybody's minds lol. I like this vibe. Very spontaneous and fun to be around
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