blackhatandfriends · 2 years
Tumblr Sexyrematch info
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blackhatandfriends · 2 years
does this blog still take requests or no because i just found your blog and i am IN LOVE with how you write!
I do not take requests here since I’m not really into villainous anymore.
But I have started doing Star Wars (and eventually other) x reader fics on my blog @dorianwritesthings if you are interested :)&
No villainous requests but I’ll do One Piece and Star Wars requests on the other blog.
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blackhatandfriends · 3 years
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2017 // 2021
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blackhatandfriends · 3 years
It has been a long time coming
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blackhatandfriends · 3 years
I’m assuming it’s HBO Max Latam, so PLEASE those in Latam who have HBO Max, message me or record whatever you can!!
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blackhatandfriends · 4 years
Heyyyy, howdy! How u doing? Howzit going? I wondered, there’s so many people fangirling over black hat. How would the big four respond to their fans?
Black Hat:
On the surface, he’s disgusted that there are what he views as more Demencias
However, he recognizes and takes joy in the power he holds over his fans.
Yes, spend all of your time on him. Make art, write fanfiction.
The more you think about him, the easier it will be for him to influence your mind for his own nefarious purposes....
He has fans?
That makes him both incredibly happy and very nervous.
Of course the viewers are attracted to his incredible intelligence! He is the best mad scientist in the business.
But also, does that mean he needs to try harder? How does he know what the fans want? What if they turn on him? He has to look at this newfound status from every angle.
She’s chill with her own fans. Why wouldn’t she be? She’s awesome.
However...Black Hat’s fans...you all better watch out.
If any of you think that you love Lord Black Hat more than her, you’re probably in danger.
He loves friends!
Hello friends! (He made you all cookies.)
Black Hat and Friends Master List
Thank you for reading!
If you would like to support me and the work that I do here and on my other blogs, please consider checking out my support page or buying me a coffee!
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blackhatandfriends · 4 years
If your still doing requests I’d love to see some headcannons on how Black Hat would fair with an S/O who deals human body parts on the black market and harvests the product themself’s, if ya know what I mean. A human S/O that uses they’re fellow humans for they’re own personal gain I think would make Lord Black Hats black heart sing. If this is too gory or you don’t wish to write about something like this I totally understand.
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Warnings: Gore
Black Hat Headcannons for a S/O Who Deals in Human Body Parts
The first time he met you, he could tell you were covered in the smell of blood. It intrigued him.
He knew, of course, that you weren’t a good person, why else would you be so comfortable meeting with him?
Shortly after you two get together, he discovers you in the middle of hacking a body into more manageable pieces. It delighted him to see you that way, covered in blood with just a hint of a sick smile on your face as you turned around to greet him.
Soon enough he realizes that you get your “inventory” yourself, and he offers to let you use a satellite office in Hatsville so you can have more space to manage it effectively.
He appreciates that your approach changes from “project to project”. Depending on what you need from each body, your technique ranges from delicate and precise to incredibly violent.
Clearly, you don’t just do it for the money and he finds that especially attractive. You’re using your fellow humans for gain, and he loves that, sure. But you also seem to take an insane sort of joy in it. That look you get in your eyes makes his non existent heart flutter.
Black Hat and Friends Master List
Thank you for reading!
If you would like to support me and the work that I do here and on my other blogs, please consider checking out my support page!
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blackhatandfriends · 4 years
I absolutely love your writing (the villain bar owner story is 👌👌👌! May I request a doc where reader gets captured by a group who want to use them as "leverage" against Black Hat so he comes and wrecks shop, but accidentally scares reader because he's never been *that* level of wreck shop before?
A/N: Thanks for the request and the compliment Anon! I really liked writing the bar stories. :)& Anyways! Here’s your request, hopefully it’s what you were looking for!
Warnings: Gore, Blood, Torture...idk man this one is fairly violent.
Black Hat shot you a glance.
“Going out to that garden of yours?”
You nodded, “It’s coming along. We’ll see how fruitful it ends up being.”
“Indeed.” He said, going back to flipping through paperwork. You turned to leave, but Black Hat added, just before the door closed, “I’ll need to see you back in here in a few hours.”
“Okay.” you said, rolling your eyes. He didn’t need you for anything, you knew that. But you wouldn’t dare say no. Besides, spending time with him was nice as you’d grown to enjoy his company.
You sat back, dusting your gloved hands off and admiring your work. Despite the constant dramatic weather on Hat Island, you’d managed to begin growing a small garden and your first flowers were starting to bloom.
However, while you were sitting there, triumphantly basking in your defiance of the island’s weather, something hit your neck.
You tried to stand, already woozy from whatever had just been shot into your system. You reached for the gun at your hip, but didn’t find the target in time. A few more rounds of darts shot out of multiple points in the trees. You tried to doge but two more planted themselves into your leg. A shot in the direction of one earned you a cry of pain, however the world went black shortly after.
When you awoke, voices faded into your conscious. They were all to your left, faint at first but soon you were coherent enough to make out what they were saying.
“Are you sure you got the right one?” a gruff voice asked, “They don’t look all that special.”
“No, this is the one, for sure.” another, more articulate voice said, “Our spy network is fairly certain that this one is the most valuable asset out of all of his underlings.”
They were talking about Black Hat. You chided yourself for being so careless. He’d never let you hear the end of this. Or rather, he would have, if you ever saw him again.
You let your eyes open, quickly taking in the details of the space. Your kidnappers had you strapped onto a large metal table. There was an IV in your arm, which you decided not to look at for too long. You couldn’t tell what they were feeding you anyway, though you assumed it had something to do with how drained you felt.
“Ah,” that was the voice of the articulate man. You could now see that he looked the part, wearing a pristine button down shirt and slacks, even his tie seemed crisp, “You’re awake.”
You squinted at him, hoping that maybe if you did so hard enough, he would burst into flames. The other voice, wearing a similar outfit to his companion but with a suit jacket and no tie leaned into you.
“Oh I can’t wait to see what your boss forks over to get you back.” He smiled, you could smell smoke on his breath.
“You’ll never get anything out of him!” you spat, pulling away from him.
“Oh we don’t need to get anything out of him.” the other one smiled, “You’ll do all the work for us.”
Flug could hardly stand to watch as they skewered your side on the tape, made even worse by the anger that radiated off of Black Hat in curling, twisted waves, like a black fire in slow motion. You were trying to keep yourself from crying out in pain, but the look on your face spoke volumes.
“Doctor.” the “r” of the word hung on his boss’s tongue, “Where is this signal coming from?”
The abandoned warehouse sat on the edge of the city, an old and terribly cliche hideout. Not to mention that Black Hat could clearly see some of the modifications they had made to the building from the outside. That giant ray gun was poorly concealed at best.
He made his way past the perimeter with ease, killing the boy they had posted at the gate and both the men in the booth near the door. He didn’t bother to take a key from them, opting instead to slide through the wall, startling the two guards on the other side. He grabbed one by the shirt, holding him up and flashing his pointed teeth.
“Where..are...they?” the guard in his hands fainted at the question. Black Hat looked up to his partner, who simply pointed a shaking hand down the hall and mumbled out a nearly unintelligible, “Room 44”.
He killed them both of course, moving down the hall as more and more guardsmen poured into the hallways.
Fools. He smiled wickedly. Absolute fools.
You heard the determined shouts of guardsmen outside the door, then you heard the hopeless screams. It was the first distraction from the pain in your side in a while, and you found yourself focusing more and more on it as the screams drew closer. The guards watching you, along with the few organization higher ups that were playing cards to your right started talking to one another. One of the leaders, the one with the suit but no tie, approached the door. But it opened with a bang just as he reached it.
Black Hat stood there, holding a disembodied arm with a key card. There was blood on his clothes and an unnerving smile on his face. His eyes moved to you for a moment, then to the man in front of him.
“What...What did you do?”
“Nothing you won’t soon know yourself.” his voice carried the wail of thousands behind it, “Bud Pine.”
“H-How do you know my-” but he never got the chance to finish that question. Instead, Black Hat all but disappeared, and left carnage in his wake.
He was terrifying, like a dark whirlwind of malice. You felt yourself push back into the metal slab in an effort to get away from the overwhelming feeling of pure evil that had overtaken the room.
Walls were coated in blood as he moved from person to person, their bullets were useless.
He wasn’t human.
You’d known this before, of course, but now...being confronted with it so blatantly...it scared you.
When he finally got near your slab of metal, you flinched. It was slight, but he noticed. He always noticed. There was a look to him, covered in blood yet seemingly unfazed, eyes lit up in a strange tangle of anger and excitement. It made you uncomfortable when struck against the feelings you had for him.
“I’m sorry.” you apologized as he released you from your restraints, slicing through them with ease.
“Did I...scare you, my dear?” he asked, waiting patiently with an outstretched hand. You could tell he noticed you wait just a moment longer than normal, but you did take it. He helped you up, but seeing the struggle it was, opted to lift you into his arms instead.
“I’m sorry, sir.” You said, looking up to him, “This shouldn’t have happened.”
“We’ll talk about it later.” he said voice stern, but there was something underneath the hard tone….something softer.
You opted to accept that response, and relaxed in his arms, feeling surprisingly safe as the darkness radiating off of him dissipated.
Black Hat could see you were expecting to be reprimanded. It’s what he would have done if it were….if it were someone else he’d come to rescue.
You seemed to be over your fear of him. It had been a while since he’d allowed himself to indulge in that much violence, let alone have anyone see him in such a state. He wondered if it hurt your opinion of him. But then you began to cuddle into his chest.
He let you do so grateful that you wouldn’t be seeing the corpses that lined the halls and dotted the building’s perimeter as he walked the both of you back home.
Black Hat and Friends Master List
Hey! If you’d like to support me and the work that I do here and on my other blogs, please consider checking out my support page or consider buying me a coffee!
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blackhatandfriends · 4 years
Black Hat informs Flug and Demencia of a squid monster that escaped their dimension and they have to go and bring it back to him.
Source of the youtube video this was taken from below! (CN LA does a comp of upcoming stuff each month)
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blackhatandfriends · 4 years
Headcanons for the main trio's opinions on an SO that has a mild obsession with piercings and has a bunch of them already?
A/N: Does the main trio mean Dem, Flug, and 5.0.5 or Dem, Flug, and Black Hat? Cause like the first group goes on assignments and the second is the ones everyone wants fics of most of the time…It’s not you're fault Anon! I just like to overthink things.
Anyway I’m gonna do all four just in case!
Black Hat:
- Humans are so interesting. And the aesthetic practice of piercing is something he finds particularly fascinating.
- He quizzes you occasionally on both your experience, and the different kinds of piercings that humans can get.
- Eventually he gets jewelry for you with his brand’s hat on them, so everyone knows exactly who you work for, and who you are.
- He immediately puts all of his giant magnets somewhere where Demencia or anyone, really, can’t accidentally turn them on and potentially hurt you.
- Honestly, he thinks you look pretty rad.
- He is very concerned with making sure your piercings are safe and that they don’t reject or anything and keeps a close eye on any new piercings to make sure that they’re healing properly.
- She is such a fan of your piercings.
- You could probably talk her into getting one or two more, but she’s pretty happy where she’s at.
- Low key stalks your piercer to make sure they’re reputable instead of...you know...just looking them up.
- Loves stealing shopping for jewelry with you.
- You have so many of them! You must really like them.
- Whenever you buy a new piece or get a new piercing he notices, not because he sees the piercing, but he sees the slight change in your mood.
- His favorites are your lip piercings (if you have them), because they bring attention to your smile.
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blackhatandfriends · 4 years
Can I please request a fic where Flug, 505, and Reader are trying to get Demencia down from a high place because she took something important, but she won't come down for anything, so when Black Hat walks in Reader gets a genius but ultimately stupid idea. They then proceed to flirt with him and it both works and backfires as Demencia comes down in a fit of rage but Black Hat actually discovers he likes their attention.
Thanks so much for the ask! Here it is! Sorry if it’s a bit short!
You read the ask. You know what this is.
“Demencia! Get down this instant!” Flug’s yelling was starting to give you a headache.
“Never!” Demencia’s yelling, even from high up on the manor’s roof, was also giving you a headache, “Not until you promise to make Black Hat fall in love with me!”
“Not all of us have a death wish you petulant lizard!”
5.0.5 was looking up nervously at Demencia as she ran along the edge of the roof. She’d stolen one of the Doctor’s most recent inventions, and Flug wouldn’t be able to finish his required work if he didn’t get it back.
“We have to roll those out to customers in a week, Demencia!” He yelled, trying and failing to hit her with some sort of ray gun.
“Yeah, and if you don’t, Black Hat will have your head on a silver platter.” you said, elbowing the doctor as he took another shot.
“Y/n, you’re not helping!” 
“Think of it as motivation to improve your aim.” You smiled, “Or make a lizard woman who’s slower next time. Take your pick.”
Suddenly, the door to the manor flew open. The sky went dark, and dramatic lightning nearly knocked Demencia off of the roof. 5.0.5 dove to hide behind Dr. Flug.
“Doctor Flug!” Black Hat screeched, “Why aren’t you in that lab working?”
Flug was shaking so hard his words came out of his mouth is slow bursts.
“I...well...um...Jefecito....you see...”
Demencia was recovering from the lightning’s near miss, and you got an idea.
“Oh, sir, it’s so wonderful to see you out here.” You said, putting on your best innocent face, “I was starting to think you’d forgotten about our dinner date tonight.”
“What in the infernal 9 realms are you talking about?”
“Oh you know!” you said, taking his hand, “You promised that you would take me to that new restaurant tonight. I was so excited when you asked me, you being so powerful and attractive, I would have never been able to ask you.”
There was a second or two of baffled silence from everyone. It felt like a year, but then you heard what you wanted.
Demencia came slamming down. You moved out of the way just in time. Flug quickly snapped something around her neck, causing her to fall to the ground.
“Ha! Not so high and mighty now, are you?” Flug said, the lines in his bag wrinkling as he smiled. 5.0.5 lifted Demencia up and helped Flug take his invention back inside.
You looked over to a confused, and slightly annoyed Black Hat.
“S-Sorry about that, Sir.” You said, refusing to make eye contact. “She wouldn’t come down.”
You both stood there for another eternal second. You felt a gloved hand lift your chin. Black Hat was smiling.
“Where, exactly, did I promise to take you, dear y/n?”
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blackhatandfriends · 5 years
Movies/ Movie Date HC’s
Headcanons for the Crew at the Movies/ On a Movie Date:
Black Hat:
In General:
-He’s a monster so he doesn’t butter his popcorn.
-And he isn’t even there to see a movie. He’s changing whatever is on the screen to brainwash or generally terify the movie goers.
-He’d obliterate the line….so you usually try to get there when it’s not very busy (or not, I don’t care what you do).
-Yeah, good luck getting him to shut up during any movie. If the villain makes a mistake, you’re going to know about it.
Dr. Flug:
-He doesn’t even have the time to be here, so he’s probably getting work done in his seat.
-He likes sci-fi films and horror films, though the supernatural horror scares him much more lately…
-He also occasionally takes 5.0.5 to see children’s films.
-He’ll probably pay more attention to you than the movie.
-Also if you happen to hide behind him in a scary movie, that’s a big confidence boost for him.
-She loves horror movies and romance movies.
-Also she will steal all of the candy from concessions.
-Holding hands, holding the door, heart eyes aimed right at you. She’s all over it.
-You can definitely hide behind her if you get scared.
-Also her hair is like a blanket.
-He loves children’s films.
-Also, popcorn with extra butter! (Make sure it’s a large, he is a bear.)
-He also likes candy, but Flug is adamant that he only get so much (you buy an extra thing of candy anyways).
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blackhatandfriends · 5 years
Wait, so, are you back, or are you still on hiatus? You have a post saying you aren't, but your bio says you are??? I'm confused ó^ò
OH! I will go change that.
Yes I’m back! Thank you for pointing that out!
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blackhatandfriends · 5 years
Looking back at the Halloween shorts, they're kind of lacking views? What happened lmao
I remember they came out at an awful time, like really late, and it was unexpected. Also they aren’t in the Villainous playlist, so for new fans they’re much harder to find. Honestly I don’t even know how someone would find them without knowing they exist, and it’s a pity because they’re amazing shorts D: Go watch them!!
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blackhatandfriends · 5 years
Hello :)&
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blackhatandfriends · 5 years
I Told You It Wouldn’t Work (Part 2)
DEMENCIA X DR. FLUG (Sort of?) Continuation of This Post: I told you It Wouldn't Work (Part 1) Based on This Post: Original Comic
Demencia sighed as the hot water washed over her skin, surprised Flug’s shower could get water as hot as she liked, which was near boiling. With some effort, she managed to rinse everything out of her hair.
She shook off the water, and stepped onto a plane shaped bath mat. It was odd of Flug to let her shower in here, rather than in her own quarters.
Everyone in the manor pretty much had to use the same products.
And yet she still smelt the slightest bit like him.
She could fix that later though, for now she threw on the nasa t-shirt and shorts that Flug had thrown next to the door.
Surprisingly comfortable.
She took the towel out of the room with her, still trying to dry out her hair.
Flug was on the couch, simultaneously tinkering with a remote and watching a documentary, she sat next to him.
“You can change it if you want.” he said, not looking up from the remote, “I’ve seen this one before.”
She reached forward for the remote and began to search through the guide.
Nothing really interested her, though. She settled on an old rerun of Wipeout.
“You’re not sending me into my holding area?”
“You’re not giving me reason to.”
“I’m tired.” she shrugged. Pulling out her phone and scrolling mindlessly through Instagrim.
Neither said anything for a while. Eventually Demencia gave up on her phone and pulled a pillow to her chest, focus going to the show, though for once watching people get hit in the face didn’t bring her the same joy.
She put a head on Flug’s shoulder.
“Why doesn’t he want me?”
“He’s Black Hat, Demencia.” Flugh sighed, his bag crinkling slightly, “I don’t know if he CAN want you.”
“That isn’t what I wanted to hear.”
They sat in silence for a while longer.
“I guess you’re right though.” She sighed.
“Hm?” Flug quirked an eyebrow down at her.
“He’s so...and I’m just...Maybe he really can’t want me…”
Flug didn’t reply right away, but when he did, he moved to look Demencia in the eye. She’d never seen such a firm look behind those goggles before.
“That’s not right.”
“What? You just said-”
“If anyone is at all likely to win him over, it would be you. Statistically...I mean. NO one else is really trying, right? Let alone surviving. But you? You’re so stubborn you survive over and over and you just don’t give up. It may be impossible for him to be with anyone, but I don’t see how you’re any more dead than the non existent competition.”
Demencia glared at him for a moment. She was pretty sure this was support. And she didn’t know how to respond.
But...he was looking at her with warmth for once. She looked back to the TV, grabbing her legs.
“Gracias, Flug.” she smiled a little.
Flug looked back to the Television as well.
“If you say a word, I will figure out what it takes to kill you.”
Demencia shrugged, “Not if I kill you first.”
They shared a half-joking, half-uncertain glance.
“Popcorn?” Flug asked, standing.
A/N: I was re-reading some of my old stuff lately, trying to find something to write about since the pilot was coming out and I wanted to get back into making content in the fandom. And I read this and remembered how much I like writing dementedpaper fics. Anyways, here is a continuation of it. Thanks for reading guys! Even if you don’t want to reblog, please feel free to interact by commenting!
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blackhatandfriends · 5 years
Pilot Is Up, Hiatus Over
Hello my fellow villians! It's been what? Half a year since the last time I've actually put anything up? I appologize for that. A lot has been going on! I've been trying to finish the first draft of my novel, the music program slapped me in the face (in a good way!), I started my minor in creative writing, and I got engaged to my best friend! So I'm sorry I had to take a break, but for the summer at least I am back! Thanks to the many of you who have been checking in on me, liking my posts, and going back to re-read in the time I've been gone. Anyways guys, the pilot is up and I've been waiting for it! I was hoping that it'd bring me more writing inspiration, and indeed it has! I'm going to try and marathon write some stuff, throw it into my queue (is that SERIOUSLY how you spell that word?!) and try to have a fic posted each week. That way if I miss a week here or there, you'll still get regular content. I'm not open for requests now, since I'm just trying to jump back into the swing of things. But keep on the lookout for an update about that in the comming weeks. Happy hero hunting! -Dorian
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