urge for a zombie apocalypse au
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So I think I have a little over 50 followers now, so I’m doing a little graphic giveaway for my followers. Read on for details!!
First place: gets 50 icons of their chosen character or faceclaim, and can choose from the multiple graphics I have. They also get a blog background for this container theme.
Second place: gets to choose between 30 icons or a background for the same theme above.
Third place: gets 20 icons
Examples of my icons and backgrounds
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you must be following me to be entered
no likes count, only one reblog counts
you have until august 10th at 12am CST to enter
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¥ー❝Listen, I don’t got time for this. Can you just move yo dumb ass so I can do some work? Just move.❞
          “You do something other than annoy people? News to me.”
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¥ー❝I personally don’t give a damn. I helped ya’ll so I deserve a little more respect, monkey.❞
          “Doesn’t excuse you for being a pain in my ass, crabface.”
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"I never asked it to be that way...I never asked to be made!"
          “Hey man, calm down--”
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"I said, Leave me alone!"
          “Aw, c’mon, I’m not that bad!”
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Steven Universe Angst Meme RP
"Did you even bother to know who I used to be?"
"You can't keep me trapped in here anymore!"
"Don't trust them (Muse name)."
"I just want to go home."
"Admit it; I'm just an embarrassment to you!"
"You're the one good thing that came out of this mess; I thought you were always proud of that."
"I never asked it to be that way...I never asked to be made!"
"I'm so sorry, I never wanted you to see this horrible place."
"But that's okay, we won! Then they shut this place down so the Earth would be safe from parasites like ME!"
"You even sound like her..."
"Then why don't you just leave!"
"I don't want to fight you!"
"I wouldn't want to fight me either."
"I'm not going to let you stand there and remind me about everything I hate about myself!"
"Go Away! I'm bad and you shouldn't be around me."
"You wanna pretend none of this ever happened! You think I'm just a BIG MISTAKE!"
"You're not the mistake; you're just a byproduct of a...big mistake."
"There are so many things out there that could hurt you; I shouldn't've let one of them be me."
"I see a lot of things that could hurt you."
"I can't do this! Not again!"
"Get that thing away from me!"
"My Pearl...you're wonderful."
"We were right here, over 5000 years ago."
"Please understand; if we lose, we'll be killed. If we win, we can never go home."
"Why would I ever want to go home, if you're here?"
"Everything I ever did, I did for her."
"What would she/he think of me now?"
"Well, I think you're pretty great."
"I am done being everyone's prisoner; now you're my prisoner, and I'M NEVER LETTING YOU GO!"
"I never believed in this place."
"Sometimes, you just gotta know when to bail."
"I said, Leave me alone!"
"You'd stay for her!"
"Well what about ME, huh?! had someone who looked out for me until she started hanging out with YOU!"
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¥ー❝I ain’t here for you, now get outta my way.❞
          “Woah-ho, I don’t think you’re in a place to be makin’ demands here.”
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thetigerofosaka started following you
          “Come crawlin’ back for another ass-kickin’?”
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❝ She’s a pretty WARRIOR, fighting crime && evil. ❞
          “Sounds like someone I know.”
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“Does Junketsu’s presence disturb you?”
          “On you? Just a little.”
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12 13 17 25
 12. Have you ever been fisted (anally or vaginally)?
          “No, and I don’t plan to.”
 13. Do you like mild roughness (scratching, spanking, hair-pulling, etc.)?
          “Eheh--more than you know.”
 17. Do you ever masturbate in the shower?
          “I tried it once. I suggest doing that in a tub cause I got a bad bruise.”
 25. Are you comfortable with partners seeing you nude in non-sexual contexts?
          “As much time as I’ve spent at Honouji and with Nudist Beach, I kinda have to be. Nudity isn’t automatically sexual y’know.”
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41 do 41 for teh lulz pls
 41. How big is your penis?
          “I could lie and tell you I’m huge, but in all honesty it’s nothin’ special. About six and a half inches, but everyone knows it’s technique, not size that pleases the ladies.”
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❝ Sailor V games, of course! You know Sailor V, RIGHT? ❞
          “Sounds familiar. Tell me more?”
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❝ Then, I’m probably an EXCEPTION. I just go to s c h o o l, study && play video games. ❞ 
          “What kind of games?”
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nsfw ask meme: 1,7, 10,20,14
1. What tends to feel better for you, sex or masturbation?
          “That all depends, actually. I’m a proud owner of a few toys meant for one person, so the bias hangs equal on both sides.”
7. Are you well-acquainted with your G-spot?
          “I like to think I am.”
10. Do you like having your nipples touched?
          “Sometimes, yeah.”
20. Do you sleep partially/fully naked?
          “Most nights I sleep in my boxers, but if it’s really hot I’ll go totally nude.”
14. Do you have any kinks?
          “Come find out.”
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❝ A-about me? I’m a pretty BORING person, Uzu-san. ❞
          “Oh, come on, I doubt that. Everyone’s got something interesting about them.”
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