blinkysadventure · 1 month
some work on the demo's hub has been done, alongside further implementation of the transition into levels :3
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blinkysadventure · 2 months
new video! new video! a showcase of the forest challenge :>
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blinkysadventure · 2 months
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ah ! the joyous jumper...
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blinkysadventure · 2 months
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blinkysadventure · 2 months
What if there was an adventure and you were blinky? That's the sort of question that Blinky's Adventure seeks to answer.
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blinkysadventure · 2 months
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yaoi day was yesterday
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blinkysadventure · 2 months
we don't speak of Blinky's Adventure 2.
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blinkysadventure · 2 months
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Cracking away at more stuff, here's the pause + settings menus.
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Also, I regrettably have to mention that freaky mode is going to be in the demo.
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blinkysadventure · 2 months
Oh yeah, this hasn't been mentioned here yet but Blinky is actually a little robot guy, specifically being a "Lightling." Lightlings are a type of lightbulb-headed machine that were initially created to destroy the Blumen Growth, but were ultimately repurposed after being not very effective against its spread. By the events of the game, though, all of that stuff is already said & done so most Lightlings are just ordinary fellas.
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Unrelated, but here's a random image of him that I like :]
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blinkysadventure · 2 months
Oh yeah, this hasn't been mentioned here yet but Blinky is actually a little robot guy, specifically being a "Lightling." Lightlings are a type of lightbulb-headed machine that were initially created to destroy the Blumen Growth, but were ultimately repurposed after being not very effective against its spread. By the events of the game, though, all of that stuff is already said & done so most Lightlings are just ordinary fellas.
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Unrelated, but here's a random image of him that I like :]
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blinkysadventure · 2 months
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here's the revised palette for the forest challenge, the sky's purple now for better contrast
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blinkysadventure · 2 months
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another wip look at the Forest Challenge, all of its assets are rethemed to autumn. (I actually suggested this hehehe, really like the colors scruff picked :])
there will likely be some tweaks to the palette, since at the moment it is a bit too orange, but other then that the stage is coming along pretty well.
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blinkysadventure · 2 months
New footage! Scruff decided that the demo needed 1 more level, so here's a look at the Forest Challenge.
It's essentially a harder remix of the main blumen woods stage, using all of the same gimmicks. Can't wait for you all to be able to play it in full 😁
(Oh yeah, also take a listen to the wip sound design. It's definitely not final but it is getting somewhere I'd say.)
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blinkysadventure · 2 months
*woke mode actually
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Oh yeah pronouns mode is still in the game! It lets you see all of the characters & enemies' 'nouns
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blinkysadventure · 2 months
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Oh yeah pronouns mode is still in the game! It lets you see all of the characters & enemies' 'nouns
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blinkysadventure · 2 months
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here's a clear look at the blinky's adventure twitter header btw. well, not quite clear since tumblr keeps on hitting it with compression but anyways
characters from left to right are:
malin (silly little lizard guy, one of blinky's pals) sylis (plant bird lady, looks after the blumen forest) blinky (you know him! star of the show :]) clemorot (blinky's cousin, the cowboy lightling! a bit busy being kidnapped at the moment) meklanen (main antagonist, the scientist ever. a bit busy kidnapping at the moment)
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blinkysadventure · 2 months
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oh yeah the official blinky twitter is active again. it'll mostly contain the same updates as over here, but if you're into that bird app stuff I'd say it'd be nice to give the account a follow :]
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