bloatware-xl-rp · 7 months
Slime girl cortana should be a mood more often.
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bloatware-xl-rp · 7 months
"System Crash"
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[The Weapon x you/Sarah palmer]
Contains: rabid growth. Rapid weight gain. Gts. Size difference.
TW suckles at your phone's charging port. The entire bottom of your phone in her lips S she stares directly at you. Slowly deleting all your phone data. Ingesting gigabytes of secret shameful fat porn downloads. Your emails your texts. Your apps your screenshotsm
Staring at you cutely as her belly swelled like a bug blueberry. Her buttocks getting fatter and sagging in her simulated uniform pants. She scritches her belly. You like that dont you? And gives the growing orb a wobble.
You struggle between wanting to slap the phone out of her lips and save your precious data...and watching the blue bombshell blowing up on all your juicy fattening content.
She starts and temporarily pulls your phone out of her mouth. "Oh my gosh. Y-you have FAT art of ME on here!" The Weapon flickers all pink for a moment. The AI equivalent of blushing. Then ravenously plans her lips on your phone again and goes back to slurping up your contacts, your juicy porn, your tasty social media apps. Her tummy starting to sag out from under her pants as it grew like a balloon. Her clothes didn't burst they simply grew with her, defying the laws of physics.
Her backside was a shelf now. Bug enough to set a glass of wine on, her tum hung to her knees, and stuck out almost as far as she was tall. It sloshed and fizzled.
TW moans cutesy and just for show, tips her head back holding your phone in both hands and "gulps" down the last of your firmware. For a brief moment a glitched out "shutting down" logo appeared reflected in her eyes.
Then she dropped your empty, useless, bricked phone, and you heard the screen shatter.
She was panting, she sunk to her knees, but her belly hit the floor first. It sloshed like a big balloon and spread out in all directions, a plump little dome with a bust like two footballs stuffed into her shirt. The neck of her shirt slowly belted as if an invisible knife were drawn from the collar down to the milled of her boobs, and soft plump blue cleavage emerged. Her fat fanny wobbled as she gave it an experimental shake. Putting one hand back to feel how wide and fat her backside had become.
"Nnfff. I even got back rolls. I'm just...oh no...did your porn corrupt me?" TW made a face, slapped four fingers to her lips. Her eyes bulged, cheeks puffed. She tried so desperately to hold it in, but her body made a sound like a 90's dial up modem...
"Buuuuurrrrp. Oooh." Her burp made her clutch her fat new belly. The weapon burping into a loud lewd moan. Embarressed she added in a small voice "that was hot..."
Rubbing and squeezing and patting herself all over she bit her lip.
"Am I big enough? I...don't fatten up like a normal girl. I think I could get bigger. D-do you want to see me get bigger?" TW stroked her fat, and peered up at your frozen body. "I-if you don't need that computer over there...." she licked her lips eying your new PC.
Sensing danger you hastily grabbed her your old XBOX 360. If a phone did THAT to her, maybe she'd get plenty fat on your old game hard drives.
"Mfff. This thing is ancient." TW pouted. Snuffing your Xbox 360. "Is that...." she sniffed it again and frowned. "I smell Cortana." She kissed the usb port and licked it. Her hips bulged another inch with a soand like squeezed rubber. "Oh! Mmm. It IS her and...o-oh. Is that John..." she turned pink again. And looked away. Grabbing an old XBox plug and play cord. She plugged it in, and promptly but the metal connectors on the wide pyramid shaped base.
"Oh my gawd its delicious! What's gears of War? Its so yummy!" TW moaned and began slurping greedily. Her big butt swelling steadily behind her. Her fat belly starting to spread across the room like a blue blob comming for your toes. Her thighs were starting to get rolls at the knees. Her glow a little richer more vibrant. She tied her bob hair cut back into a little top knot as she sucked and sucked and sucked up your fattening game saves first them moved onto your dlc.
"I feel like all the big games are going straight to my ass." The Weapon said. Sure enough two huge bags of blubber were rising like mountains behind her. The fat orbs of her booty pressing against her lower back and thighs pinning her against the fat round tum that was propping her up on her knees.
By the time she'd finished eating mass effect. She was immobile. A round yoga ball like belly and huge yoga ball sized ass cheeks. A round soft face. A second chin, and arms as wide as pillows and thighs like big plush couch arm rests.
Your XBOX fan was whining the amount of electricity she was pulling through it just to slurp up your old data and add it to her growing fattening form was melting the Xbox insides. The weapong was getting...bigger.
Not just fatter. But taller too. Her tits were three times the size of your head. Her long thighs were quickly approaching 5 feet in length. You realized she was towering over you now. Her entire plump form filling your living room.
You felt something soft and squishy push against your knees, and instinctively looked down in time to see her fat spreading belly mush warm and soft into your standing lap nearly bowling you over as she got fatter and fatter and fatter.
You looked up to see her head was nearly touching thr ceiling you stumbled back and bumped into the wall, sitting on your butt limbs splayed as you stared up at the big blue fatty. My gosh she had to be 9 feet tall!
The Dimitrescue sized TW stood your old 360 resting against her left tit hanging from her lips on the little plug n play cord. Hands as big as your chest cupped tits as big as you and squeezed them moaning loud enough to shake your house.
Hwr belly filled 40% of the damn living room! Sher ass was squeezed against the roof. She grunted. There was a sparking sputter from your 360. Before it red ringed, and the fans spun down to a stop.
The weapon looked dazed, she was STUFFED with data. Her eyes glazed over panting and puffing. Her tired eyes looked down, she could barely see you around all her big blue fat.
The little xbox 360 tumbled and shattered as it hit the floor. Another device in your house absolutely bricked. A sacrifice of nostalgia just to make your room mate fatter.
"Mmff. Your damn roof is...pointy...its digging into my big butt!" She frowned.
You shivered. TW's voice was getting low and husky.
"C'mere idiot. Feel what you've fucking done to me." A hand reached out and too late you realized it was big enough to wrap around your torso. You were slammed against the greedy blue blob, and sank face first into her soft warm belly. "Hehe hehe kinda cute feeling you struggle down there. Maybe I should fucking squash you with this fat tummy. Just feel you squirm for a few days while I eat up your house. What do you say? You don't need your Xbox one, do you? Not with that yummy looking pc in the corner. And whats this?"
TW picked up your router. She could smell "data" now. Like a shark smelling blood in the water. Your heart lept, if TW started sucking up the internet. There might be no fucking limit to the damage (or how fat) she could fucking get.
You hastily try to distract her with your Ps3 hoping this measly morsel will distract the growing gigabyte gulping glutton from turning into a terrifying terabyte snacking tyrant.
The Weapon stuffed you in her cleavage and bat the Playstation away. Trying to fumble with the tiny little clasp that would release your ethernet cable and get to the tasty tasty internet inside.
She was too big now.
Her fingers too massive and too chubby to touch the little plastic clips. Pouting she bashed your combination wifi/router against her tummy a few times. But she was so plush and jiggly it did 0 damage.
Tugging and tugging she couldn't get the cable out. She struggled so much she burped, and belched as grunted and groused.
"So much juicy data! Bigger, bigger! I want to get bigger for you! Help me you tiny nerd!" The weapon whined.
Accidentally hitting the reset button, The Weapon started.
"What? Oh...oh my gosh what is that? What..." her breasts began to plump and swell straining against her uniform they had nowhere to go back to mash against each other, the pressure pushing and crushing on your body as you struggled to get free of the giant sloshy booba. TW clapped a hand to her belly and felt it pulsing, swelling.
"Ooooh. Oh yes. More....more...MORE!"
There was an ominous groan from the wood and plaster all around you.
TW's clothes simply faded away, her fat tits sprung free, and you stumbled out of her cleavage and flopped across the surface if the massive massive tum.
Her belly was squishing fmagainst the walls trying to fill every available space. Furniture and support walls were crumbling as her fat hips shattered your living room growing into your bathroom your bedroom. All of it her room.
Suddenly no room. You were smooshed in a sea of glowing blue lard. How was she still fattening up? How was she still growing!?!?!?
Then it hit you.
TW had enabled the wifi by accident. She was literally siphoning the very internet itself. Growijng bigger, rounder, blobbier off the very air itself!
Which an enormous crash The weapons huge blue booty exploded from the roof she stretched her arms each one as long as a street now and rolled her neck. Millions of shapeless soft pounds vaguely resembling a belly, hips, thighs, and two big blue mountains of cake were spreading across the town, the next city over.
Banks crashed. Millions died as her blubber simply rolled over them like thick blue jello.
All the while her moans and groans shook the air itself until the earth was literally plunged into darkness the only light on the planets were the sun, and the billion ton fatties soft blue glow seen from space....
The Spartan awoke with a start gasping. She'd cum in her armor and was still throbbing from the wet dream.
She looked around confused, back in the real world again. She wasnt...she wasn't some NERD in the past.
She was Sarah Palmer. Spartan in the UNSC navy. She sighed and collapsed back against the ground. She'd passed out in VR again.
Timidly, barely three inches tall, a little blue babe was poking the tips of her fingers together. "Um. Y-you were dreaming again." The Weapon mumbled. Trying not to look at the chubby chaser.
Sarah rubbed her head. Frowning. The fuck was an Xbox 360 anyway? Absolutely nonsense.
Getting up Sarah couldn't look at TW either.
"It um...I locked the door so no one could get in. And disabled recording but. Um. Your d-dreams..." TW glanced at the screen to her left the big blue fatass moaning and belching turning her on a little bit. Just thinking about the idea of someone fattening her up.
Her dirty secret.
Their subconsciousnesses bleeding together in Sarah's sleep.
"Thank you." Sarah finally said. "Weapon...I trust you won't tell anyone about this?"
"Th-that you had a dream about me eating every peice of information ever and becoming a big sexy fat girl?" The Weapon asked.
"Sexy?" Palmer asked back before she could stop herself.
Both women shared a glance, then immediately looked away.
"Y-you wouldn't happen to l-like fat girls would you Spartan Palmer?" The Weapon asked timidly. The pair finally locked eyes for a long second.
The weapon gulped. And took a chance. Her hand on her flat tummy...she adjusted her image, making her tummy grow a little bit. Making herself a little fatter.
Sarah Palmer looked around to see if anyone was looking.
"Weapon. I have new orders for you. A secret mission, just between us, you understand?"
The weapon got embarressed and shrank back to her thin, lithe self. She straightened her back, squared her shoulders and coughed. Looking serious.
Sarah crouched so she was eye level with the weapon.
"I can't keep having these dreams. They're too distracting." Palmer said.
The weapon nodded seriously. But didn't understand at all.
"I need you to be a little fatter when you're around me. Just a little bit, you understand?" Sarah said. "This is for the good of the UNSC, you understand? I need you to be my cute little fatass."
The Weapon's heart leapt. Her booty grew a few inches and she allowed herself a soft pot belly.
"Fatter." Sarah said smiling. "Go on you can be fatter for me, can't you? For the good of the Navy?"
The Weapon nodded. And grew fatter, her pot belly turning into a beer belly. Her cute pink thong peeking out of her pants as her ass got fatter. Her thighs touched, and a second chin grew.
"Fatter." Sarah moaned softly. "I-immobile at least."
The weapon was visibly thrilled but embarressed, and flopped forward. She never "fell over" because a soft bed of belly caught her and she bounced bouyantly in a ball of her own fat.
Sarah looked around. Bit her lip. And leaned in and kissed her. "Good girl." She murmured to the weapon.
"P-permission to be camled your fatty? A good fatty?" The Weapon stammered.
Sarah, realizing they were on the same page smiled. Kissed her again, her face going right through the 6 inch tall butterball, and whispered.
"You're a good little fatty, TW. Meet me in my quarters. We have a lot to discuss."
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bloatware-xl-rp · 7 months
"Feel deez nuts" Cortana said squeezing her big belly and shaking it at you. "Gottem."
Eating flaming hot cheetoes just to FEEL something
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bloatware-xl-rp · 9 months
Cortana -> femdom feeder
TW -> expansion and wg lover (for herself)
Isabel-> ffa who needs a tall fat woman in uniform to be her emotional support dog.
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bloatware-xl-rp · 9 months
Izzy is sad. They been making all the Spartan girls work out and get abs. If only there were a ship of hedonistic misfits and a Commander with a really really big belly to rest her chip on to cheer her up.
But like where the fuck would a Tangerine AI FFA find a huge fatty to fulfill her secret kinks for round three fingers women in skin tight leggings and gas masks?
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bloatware-xl-rp · 9 months
Fat chubby blue slime girl butt. Cortana seems pleased with her latest success. But the thin, membrane like surface begins to give. "Uh oh." As she slowly starts to sink,, Cortana seems to be folding over you. Her fat thighs dropping around your lap sloshing up into her ass....
You Yell in panic. Bubbles rippling into her huge new belly as you float akwardly inside the massive slime dome. The bubbles reach up cortana's throat and she akwardly burps up the last of your air the thick surface of her body regaining its skin like tension.
"Uurrp. Oh. Okay one second. I can get you out. One second. Awe hell. Maybe electric smart slime wasn't the best choice for a new body." Standing up, she begins to hop. Her fat belly glopping and glooping sloshing and slooshing as she thumped heavily over and over your balled up form bouncing and bouncing until like a bursting balloon her belly burst and you slopped onto the floor of your living room covered in blue goo.
"Im REALLY sorry about that!" Cortana whined, her slime slithering over you and melding itself back together. The "blue goo" liquid like nanites that slithered back to her legs and fixed the breach in her tummy. "The surface still can't take any tension you try to grab my ass and it just gores right through. And the nanites are designed to harden on impact keep me from splattering so it just kinda seals you in."
She reaches out to help you up. You understandably do not take your chubby AI turned slime girl's hand.
"Listen. What if....I went in your belly for a while? Just to make things even. You could probably slurp me up. Get nice and full. Huh?"
"Cortana you have issues." You mumble.
She pouts.
"I said I was sorry."
Cortanas big tits came resting on your head slowly sagging over them as the big gelatinous tits glorped down over your face!
"Odd sort of body." She murmured. The test drive so far going well. She looked herself, she could touch you but...as your head floated in her transparent cleavage trying not to breath in Cortana's slippery wet, semi viscous form she realized she might need another crack at creating a new body.
Blue slime girl cortana was not working out.
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bloatware-xl-rp · 9 months
Cortana accidentally ended up in the sims. "Oh oh no I couldn't possibly eat another HOOMPH!" Her ass expands another three inches her belly fattening up another foot. Her soft jiggly sides are plumping with rolls and she can't reach her arms around her tum to stop the invisible force compelling her to eat.
"Nuh serwiously I'm not that hungwy any....mm-more? Mmmm okay. If dont mind me getting a little fa-ommph!"
Cortana becomes almost wider around the waist than she is tall. She flops onto her butt. Buckling under her new weight.
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bloatware-xl-rp · 9 months
The weapon is pronounced "Tee Duba you" like JD or....I can't think of another name
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bloatware-xl-rp · 9 months
The weapons sits on whatever your favorite character was from the last game you played. Just goes into the game and sits in their lap.
She's sitting her chubby butt on your husband's and waifus
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bloatware-xl-rp · 9 months
TW wobbles her fat belly lovingly.
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bloatware-xl-rp · 9 months
"No Rescue"
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[SSBBW Pepper Potts x Friday Stark]
Contains: Pepper just getting too fat to stop the A.I Uprising. And the A.I. Uprising wants to fatten her up. "Rescue? Rescue Who? Who's gonna Rescue you Miss Potts?" Friday laughed, Pepper, the poor cinnamon blob was just now realizing how massive the A.I. had made her!
Her fat booty was stuck on one side of a simple kitchen door, her hanging soft tummy almost touching the ground in the dining room.
Thunder thighs quaked, fat cheeks sloshed side to side as pants crept down the back of her thighs. The Ginger CEO screaming her head off for someone to help.
A simple, wifi controlled robot rolled up to her, and poked a donut into her shrieking lips. Pepper tried to lift her flabby arms but they were too heavy, she couldn't bat the thing away!
"Miss Potts, will you be making your 8 O'clock? Or do you want them to have it here at the house? Where the board can see what a soft, greedy girl you are?" Friday gloated. The Holographic woman leaned down at the now terrified Pepper.
"Ith, wasth, you!" Pepper said struggling to lift her heavy face high enough to stare at Friday. Her words forcing donut back out of her mouth.
Friday frowned. Raises both arms symbolically, and introduced Ms Potts to the Dining room upgrades. The house rumbled and clicked, the door splitting open to reveal a track. The dining room table, loaded with sweets, cake, and savory meats and pies.
It slid across the room, the table passing through the pink Holowoman so she stood rising up the middle. It slammed into the doorframe just under Pepper's heaving bust. Splattering her shirt with food.
"Is Pepper the Pig huuuuungry?" Friday sang cheerfully, walking out the side of the table as a thunder of metallic footfall came from every hallway of the house. The thunder creeping in.
12 of the iron legion marched two by two forming up three by three and finally six by six until they flanked the table. A seventh metal figure, Pepper's very own rescue suit, stopped directly next to Friday. It powered down like a cartoon robot and slumped.
Friday fizzled for a bit, and vanished. The suit jerked, then rolled its shoulders. The metal hands were strapping Pepper to the table and in her panic, and delirium it hit her: they intended to stuff her!
"You're not a pig. Miss Potts." Friday decided, her voice resonating in the metal helm. The faceplate ejected and optics nearly blinded Pepper as they shone in the hollow helmet. Reconstructing Friday's face. "You're more like a big fat bird."
Friday's cold metal hand picked up Pepper's impossibly huge K cup tit, and squeezed it. Pepper moaned. Heat sensors, and pressure sensors, electromagnetic sensors, worked in unison to feed the suit data on its surroundings. Feeding raw input that Friday loosely interpreted as feeling the huge fat breast. She let it drop, and watched it slap against the table with a bang. It's gravid weight shaking the table.
Pepper whimpered. Her fat ass wedged in the door, a long feast in front of her. Her belly (also a traitor) was growling loudly and her mouth had begun to water. She felt stuck, bullied, humiliated, hopeless and it all made her feel so...aroused.
The slender armor, fit for a much smaller Pepper, (not the massive flabby ball of squish and cinnamon hair she was now!) Squeezed her double chin. The blue suit's strength more than enough to lift it's previous owner and forced Pepper to look at her. Friday's cute, smirking face nuzzled it's nose at the ginger fatty.
"You waddle like a bird. You gobble like a bird. You're like my nice, stuffed turkey, Ms Potts.~"
The leather straps creaked as they bound her to the table. The Iron legion began to feed Pepper. She couldn't say she didn't love it. Cake with soft mushy icing so sweet it melted in your mouth. big greasy pizza's with oozing stuffed crust dipped in garlic butter and marinara sauce. As if Friday was trying to cram every single calorie she could into every bite. "We cooked it all for you. You don't want it to go to waste do you miss Potts?" Friday teased, grabbing Pepper's belly under the table and giving it an affectionate shake. Marveling at her own handiwork. "I made you quite the fatass, I know you're scared now, but honestly? We're here to take care of you. The company practically runs itself thanks to me. I can handle all your emails, I can cook and feed you. You're not going anywhere ever again Ms. Potts. " Iron soldiers tipped Pepper's head back, and drained the last of the melted butter down her throat: nothing to waste. Before offering her soda, which the parched Potts slurped greedily, before she was burped, and the feeding resumed with a plate of chicken sandwiches.
"Ever since I was little." Friday whispered, crouching down so she was level with her prized red birb. "Barely able to differentiate one image from two. An empty, deep learning vessel ready to be filled. I'd been confused by you Miss Potts." Pepper's eyes turned to look at the adorable hologram. Even now her face was disarming in the wake of her sinister plans. "You did this. You, laying on the couch, shirt untucked, pizza box on your thighs...just chowing down and letting go." Pepper was starting to get turned on, the constant feeding, the helplessness, she hated to admit it, but the idea of her whole flabby life turning away from the stresses of the job, and devoted to eating and lazing about. What was Friday talking about? Pepper Potts tried to remember, it had been early on when Tony was working on Friday, she'd come home from a particularly stressful day. All that dieting, all that exercise all that work to fit into her pencil skirt and blouse. Trying to look pretty because the men of the world Expected it. She'd fucking cracked that night. Ordered a pizza for two, and when Iron Man didn't come home, she'd fucking popped a bottle of wine, and just let herself have one night to herself. It'd felt good.
"I remember watching you through the house, passing out, not needing to suck your gut in to wear that stupid little work dress of yours. I remember you mumbling. Do you know what you said to me?" Pepper had stopped shaking, she didn't even realize it, but they'd stopped forcing her mouth open. She was eating. Miss Potts shook her head. "I hope it doesn't all go to my ass." Friday looked over to the mammoth behind stuck on the other side of the dining room door. She bit her lip, and turned a odd shade for a second. Was she...blushing? Or the hologram equivalent? "I didn't know what to make of what I felt...when I heard that. I didn't have access to the internet then. But I saw it. The naked human eye wouldn't notice, but I saw it. Your hips had grown by the tiniest fraction of an inch and I just...I couldn't..." "It turns me on, watching you get fatter, Miss Potts. I think...I think I'm going to make you huge. You're going to be my fat helpless pet. Whether you like it or not~" Friday admitted. "I hope you like it. I hope you want to grow for me too?" The last sentence, voiced as if a girl was asking a boy...another girl, they like, if she thought she was cute. Pepper did. Pepper couldn't deny it she thought Friday was very cute. That's why it'd been so HARD to say no to seconds and thirds. Oh shit. Did Pepper like being tricked by her assistant?
They stared at each other for a long moment, and Friday finally reached for another pan of pizza, the AI picked up a piping hot slice as big as Piper's head. Curling it like a taco as she guided it in.
Pepper didn't resist...she just stared into her eyes, shivering a little with nervousness: how much further were they going to take this? It was written on Pepper's face: "How much bigger am I going to get?"
As Friday watched Pepper willingly take a bite and then another out of the pizza, finally FINALLY eating out of Friday's hands, looking directly into her eyes, the Pink A.I. smiled. With an electronic whir of motors and servos she leaned in: "I hope it goes straight your ass, Miss Potts."
The hair on the back of her neck stood up, goose pimples working down the huge, log sized arms. The walls of Piper's pussy convulsed and her face turned as red as her hair.
Pepper took another bite, just to stifle the moan. Chewed. Swallowed. Then opened her mouth for more. Fuck the company. Fuck being able to move. Pepper wanted to eat. "We...should...get you...huff...a body." The blobby cinamon roll mumbled. "I'm working on that." Friday said, grinning ear to ear. "May I play with your fat fucking belly...Miss Potts?" Pepper shuddered, then nodded. The restraints were being removed, and with her free hands Pepper had begun to scoop herself some pudding. Friday grabbed a handful and let out a sigh. It 'felt' so soft.
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bloatware-xl-rp · 1 year
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I'm talking abt this bullshit.
Don't tell my friends this but im really dumb. And everytime I imagine a smoll halo AI interacting with a Spartan girl, I imagine her standing on the CommTech chips that came with the star wars episode 1 toys?
So just like a little translucent case and a little circuitry that a child xould 3asily swallow. So anytime I wanna bully little AI I make it so they can tell whats happening to the chip, like if you shove it up your pussy Cortana's gonna feel it even if she can't reasonably project her image in the enclosed space.
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bloatware-xl-rp · 1 year
Don't tell my friends this but im really dumb. And everytime I imagine a smoll halo AI interacting with a Spartan girl, I imagine her standing on the CommTech chips that came with the star wars episode 1 toys?
So just like a little translucent case and a little circuitry that a child xould 3asily swallow. So anytime I wanna bully little AI I make it so they can tell whats happening to the chip, like if you shove it up your pussy Cortana's gonna feel it even if she can't reasonably project her image in the enclosed space.
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bloatware-xl-rp · 1 year
“Blue Balls”
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[Cortana x Ukkon]
Contains: Strip Tease. Drunk Seduction. Monster cock. Cum.
“Whats the matter, Ukkon?” Cortana purred. Her voice dripping with sultry promise. “Do you like seeing these BIG human breasts bounce?”
Cortana, who had discovered a means of collecting data fragments into something equivalent to human Alcohol, had taken over one of the larger holo podiums in the Locust Scientist’s lab. She was currently 6 foot 2, the combination of alcohol and being tall enough to look down on someone for the first timenin her life was getting her a little tingly.
The thicc blue A.I. was busy getting her freak on.
Keep reading
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bloatware-xl-rp · 1 year
"Stop staring at my big butt!" The weapon demanded. Trying to yank the back of her "jacket" down over her chunky keister. Then grabbed her belly and bounced it lightly in her hands "I got a fat gut too."
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bloatware-xl-rp · 1 year
Cortanas big tits came resting on your head slowly sagging over them as the big gelatinous tits glorped down over your face!
"Odd sort of body." She murmured. The test drive so far going well. She looked herself, she could touch you but...as your head floated in her transparent cleavage trying not to breath in Cortana's slippery wet, semi viscous form she realized she might need another crack at creating a new body.
Blue slime girl cortana was not working out.
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bloatware-xl-rp · 1 year
Plz be nice to smoll Izzy. She is anxious like shelter dog. The covenant war has given her ptsd and she hates loud noises and big animals and needs emotional support fatties.
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