blond-and-bastardly · 11 years
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blond-and-bastardly · 11 years
His heart's pounding as they make their way into the bay and when Kira looks at him, that question in his eyes, Mu can't do anything more than.....shrug.
He doesn't know if he'll be all right. He only knows that he has to do his best.
When the cockpit opens and there are a couple familiar figures waiting below, he swallows hard.
"Let's...go say hi."
The fact that he sounds real puts Natarle off incredibly. Her lips are pressed into a thin line and she’s taking a moment, before she finally gives them the go ahead. The Archangel is docked, momentarily, floating in the middle of the ocean what with it being the middle of the night. It opens one of its legs, however, and Kira manoeuvres the Freedom to fly into it.
He knows that the two women will probably have questions—where they both were, what they were doing. The biggest questions, of course, will be reserved for the dead man in his cockpit. Kira looks over to him with a silent question in his eyes—are you going to be okay? He knows for a fact that Mu isn’t fully ready for such a big step, and Kira doesn’t want him to have one of his infamous breakdowns so early into their return.
He doesn’t want to put Mu through that again.
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blond-and-bastardly · 11 years
Mu gives an awkward sort of grin and a sharp little salute.  His heart swells a little at the sight of the pair, and he just...he hadn't realized how much he'd missed seeing their faces.
"Hey," he says. It's simple...straight...and utterly nowhere near enough of a greeting and he knows it. 
He also knows the debrief won't be...very fun at all.
Mu swallows hard, his smile faltering.
Kira asks for permission and he’s quiet a long time, waiting silently, putting on a mask of calm if only to assuage the man by his side. There’s a pinging noise, though, and the screen to his upper right starts to work, static playing before silence.
"Identify yourself." Natarle’s voice is unmistakable, clearer and far stricter than the captain’s. Kira finds himself smiling and giving a small wave, and it’s in this split-second that her eyes widen in shock. "Ensign Yama—"
There’s an even wider stretch when she notices Mu in the background, and then Natarle is leaving her post, a muffled ‘Captain Ramius!’ sounding before the unmistakable slide of opening and closing doors.
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blond-and-bastardly · 11 years
be possessive and territorial about me that’s my favorite thing
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blond-and-bastardly · 11 years
Mu swallows hard, his stomach belly-flopping, and then he nods, taking a steadying breath.
"Yeah. Let's say hi to our old friends, yeah?"
He's praying that they don't say his name.  He can handle Kira saying it but...well.  He'll survive.
He straightens his shoulders, and runs a hand nervously through his hair to try and make himself presentable.
"Maybe that was a bad idea," Kira says, a little worried, but smiling fondly nevertheless. He shakes his head and then turns back to the dashboard, pulling out his keyboard and beginning to input commands.
"You ready to see the Captain again?" he asks, his posture calm as he continues to type. The request is ready, but Kira has yet to hit ‘send’. He knows they’re in an unidentified mobile suit. He can only hope the Archangel will speak to them, anyway.
He waits for Mu’s cue.
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blond-and-bastardly · 11 years
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an au where kira owns mu, the well-dressed inumimi. with bonus mysterious empty picture frame
drawn on my crummy phone again ;;v;;
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blond-and-bastardly · 11 years
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i drew this on my phone with my stupid finger ;;v;; it looked so much better on my phone too, maybe i’ll clean it up with photoshop if i’m not too lazy
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blond-and-bastardly · 11 years
Mu swallows hard and laughs, grinning. "Yeah, I'll be all right. Your new baby here packs quite a punch. Color me impressed!"
He's running a hand through his hair, and unclenching his hands. The smile on his face is genuine, even though his knuckles are white and his heart is pounding and he's taking a deep breath.
His stomach lurches, and there’s a strange sort of exhilaration roiling in his gut, his eyes wide.
He lets out the quietest groan, and swallows hard.
It’s incredible, really. 
He’s handling it well…really….
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blond-and-bastardly · 11 years
His stomach lurches, and there's a strange sort of exhilaration roiling in his gut, his eyes wide.
He lets out the quietest groan, and swallows hard.
It's incredible, really. 
He's handling it well...really....
"Ah, this was your suggestion, commander," Kira states just to make the terms clear. He’s smiling, though, and he knows he won’t really tease Mu if he can’t handle the speed. His hand pushes the thrusters forward, foot pressing into the pedal all the way down, and metres rise to full power as the Freedom pushes for all it’s worth—nuclear-powered energy and all.
It jets forward so suddenly it lets out a sonic boom, and Kira’s expression actually turns wild as he presses back into the seat of his GUNDAM, excitement sparkling in his purple eyes and metres running high.
The distance metre is going up so quickly the numbers blur, and the clouds swish as they power through.
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blond-and-bastardly · 11 years
He raises a brow, and he grins cheekily, steadying himself.
"I'll take that challenge then," he says with a bright grin.  "Go for it, mm?"
Kira looks back down at the navigational systems and then the surroundings of endless cloud around them, his fingers flexing cockily over the controls.
"Maybe," he says. "Or it could be an observation, if you don’t take it up."
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blond-and-bastardly · 11 years
He nods at the  words. It made sense, really. Maybe it was best if they weren't...noticed. A moment later he's blinking, and then a derp sort of grin pulls at his lips.
"Is that a challenge?"
The thought of Mu owing him has Kira smiling a bit, but he says nothing. He doesn’t think he’ll ever let Mu get hurt again regardless, especially if the blond decides to get hurt for him.
"Nobody does," he admits at the question. There’s a moment’s hesitance where his nervousness clams up around him, but he says nothing about it. "I could’ve contacted Miriallia, I guess. But I’m not sure if she’ll be able to contain herself before our return. Don’t think the Federation’d be happy knowing you were working for ZAFT, so it’s probably best if we land silently."
He cranes his neck and checks the perimeter for any mobile suits, but with no immediate threats he lets out a soft sigh. “We won’t be there for a couple of minutes, unless you want me flying the Freedom at maximum capacity.” He looks at Mu out of the corner of his eye, a slight mischievous glint in them. “Don’t think you can take it.”
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blond-and-bastardly · 11 years
He lifts his hand and squeezes Kira's shoulder, swallowing past the lump in his throat. "I can't thank you enough," he says softly. "I...don't...." He falls silent, shaking his head. 
"I'm going to owe you for forever," he chuckles, leaning his head on his knees.  
He's silent for several long minutes, eyes watching Kira's movements. "About how long will it take us to arrive? Does...anyone know we are coming?"
The touch of Mu’s hand has Kira smiling a bit, and he nods his head. “Don’t mention it,” he tells him, and then he keeps the Freedom at a constant speed, glancing at his tracker pinpointing the Archangel's current location. “Even when I thought you were dead, I…” His fingers tighten over the shift, Adam's apple bobbing as he swallows.
"… didn’t want your baby falling apart with you gone."
The Zero had been one of the few things the Archangel had that still belonged to Mu completely. His pilot suit had been lost with him, his personal effects put in a box and left in his bedroom.
Mu La Flaga had no family to pick the box up for him, and it had been the saddest thing Kira ever heard.
He tries a soft smile. “I only maintained her, though. I promise I didn’t make any modifications.”
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blond-and-bastardly · 11 years
Mu's eyes go wide, and he has to swallow hard over the thick lump forming in his throat.
"I....thanks, Kira. I. " He's having a hard time with the words, and his cheeks warm as he pats Kira's leg. "Thank you," he murmurs, looking down at his feet.
Kira had taken care of his Zero. Kira didn't /have/ to do it, but he did, and that makes him....really stupidly happy.
"Where do you think I came from when I found you over the ocean?" Kira asks, and though he’s not often very confident, he can’t help himself. He knows Mu doesn’t doubt his abilities, but he wants to make him sure that Kira can protect him. That Kira won’t let ZAFT take his commander away from him again.
He activates all the wings, and the Freedom flies at maximum speed. The downside of being all the way in Onogoro, far in the East, is that it’ll take quite a bit to reach Alaska. Granted Kira can break supersonic—he’d done that in his venture from the PLANTs back to Earth—but he doesn’t know if that’d be a very good idea. Or if Mu could handle it at all.
"You know," he starts, flying higher to hide the GUNDAM in the clouds, "I maintained your Zero while you were… gone." It seems like the most accurate word. "I hope you don’t think it a shabby job."
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blond-and-bastardly · 11 years
[9:16:45 PM] Kira (ღ˘◡˘ღ): Mu La Flaga (Hawk of Endymion)
Strength: ▮▮▮▮▮▮
Vitality: ▮▮▮▮▮
Agility: ▮▮▮▮▮▮▮
Intelligence: ▮▮▮▮
Luck: ▮▮
Possessiveness: ▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮
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blond-and-bastardly · 11 years
Mu nods. "Won't be easy to just...disable them. ZAFT forces have a tendency to keep going and going, whether you want them to or not." He grimaces and shrugs, nudging Kira's leg lightly.
"You can be sure that you're likely to be the first thing I grab onto in case of barrel rolls." 
He's grinning as he watches Kira start up the Freedom, and then his heart is in his belly as they move into the sky.
His eyes go wide. It's....really quite incredible.
God, he'd missed flying.
"Disable and destroy," Kira says calmly. He’s mastered the targeting systems to the Freedom, has figured out how to destroy machines without killing the pilots inside. "And only the machines."
He smiles a bit, looking at Mu out of the corner of his eye. “And if I do any barrel rolls, you can always hold onto me if you get scared.”
He presses the ignition button, the Freedom turning on. He manoeuvres it out of the cave first, and then he gets it to stand, and that’s when he spreads the GUNDAM’s wings wide. Pushing the engine thruster forward, he presses his foot into the pedal next. And then the Freedom jets up into the sky.
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blond-and-bastardly · 11 years
Mu eyes the giant machine with a low whistle, and then when he squeezes in, his eyes , of course, rove over the controls.
He wonders how much customization Kira's done to this one.
"Yeah. I'll be fine, long as you don't try any crazy...barrel-rolls or some such thing," he says with a chuckle, eyes fascinated with the way Kira's hands rove over the controls.
"....What will you do if we meet...ah....complications."
...Complications meaning Hebi Cai. Or other ZAFT members.
Kira blushes a bit at that, but once they enter the small cave the Freedom’s hunched up in, he clambers up the mobile suit with expertise, getting the cockpit open. He lowers down the platform for Mu to get on and sticks his tongue down at him. “Wouldn’t have let you driven it, anyway,” he says with a soft scoff.
Except maybe he would, but only if Mu promised not to speak of the N-Jammer Canceller it’s equipped with.
When his commander’s up with him, Kira shifts to offer Mu some more room. The idea of lap-sitting had crossed his mind, but he decided it too awkward. A sacrifice not worth the result.
"You okay?" Kira asks, and his hands flex over the controls like he’s come home.
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blond-and-bastardly · 11 years
Mu's hands tremble as he looks down at the key in his hand, the weight...surprisingly heavy. He swallows hard, and grips it tight, following after Kira.
Caridad's like...a mother to him.
When Kira asks him the question, his eyes go wide. "I....don't think I could handle it, to be honest....I'm not...well.." He gives Kira a cheeky grin. "I'm not you."
That Kira’s mother had come to care for Mu as well is no secret, and just before he leaves her she tells him she’d like to see both of them coming home soon. Then she’s going back to bed with one last hug from her son. She doesn’t think she can handle watching him actually leave.
Kira waits patiently by the door, a little regretful, but also feeling better knowing he’ll finally be able to do something. At the sound of Mu’s footsteps, he straightens, and he gives him a comforting smile.
Before he actually opens the door he presses something into Mu’s hand—a small key, warmed by Kira’s own palm. “Mum said to give it to you,” he says, very softly. And then he’s walking out and making the trip down the cliff towards the shore. The Freedom has been hidden all this time and he hasn’t touched it aside from when he hacked into Alliance frequencies, and as he walks down the narrow pathway over by the side towards the cave it’s hidden in, he looks back at Mu one more time.
"Do you want to drive?" he asks.
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