blonderine · 5 years
This happens often
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blonderine · 5 years
Name ONE member of the Maximoff family that doesn't radiate chaotic disaster. I'll wait.
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blonderine · 5 years
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blonderine · 5 years
"Love you, bro." - blonderine
        Weird, right? Remy had always seen Daken as something of a threat towards his relationship with Logan (no matter how much, on a logical level, he knew that was ridiculous) and yet - here was this actual human reincarnation of a bumble bee, the physical product of Logan’s loins, and he couldn’t feel further from jealousy. He felt happy. Maybe he hadn’t realized it, but somewhere deep down, he must’ve always longed for a brother. Maybe that’s why he kept fucking around with Daken, pissing the guy off when he well knew he shouldn’t. Maybe it was a strange attempt at connecting with what little family he had.
        Of course, his relationship with Jim wasn’t quite as simple as a little brother but, well - dealing with that on a later date.
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        Remy chuckled. Smiled. “Naw. Love y’too,” he replied. Cooed, leaned against the other. “Glad t’have ya.”
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blonderine · 5 years
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More bees.
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blonderine · 5 years
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blonderine · 5 years
"What master do I serve? What am I supposed to say, 'Jesus'?" - blonderine
        Remy was devastatingly familiar with crisises of faith. He’d had quite a few in his life; ironic enough, he’d received a decently religious upbringing as a kid. Even then, he’d questioned the logic; this God of theirs told them not to steal, yet they did it anyway. He told them not to murder, yet at his first wedding, he killed his own brother in law.
        It was a mess. Remy’s faith had been especially off balance ever since he left. Not just in terms of religion - in terms of everything. Himself, his friends. His father, the X-Men, Mr. Essex. So… Where was he now?
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    “The way I see it, y’serve y’self. What d’you believe in? Is it good versus evil? Is it karma? Whatever power y’believe in, be it political, or supernatural, just the cosmos sendin’ out good vibes or, Hell - maybe it’s Mr. Trump. Whatever you believe in, that’s what y’serve. No matter what anyone else says, if y’believe, then y’do it. If it turns out great… Great. If it don’t, well… Y’try again. N’ you don’t stop tryin’ until y’find ya happy endin’.”
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blonderine · 5 years
Destroyer of tornadoes, village hero, ultimate good boi
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blonderine · 5 years
The Maine//Bad Behavior
One, two hits Her lips And bad behavior
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blonderine · 5 years
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“You make it sound like you’d expect me to be a kissing virgin,” Jimmy complains, biting the inside of his cheek as he meets that expectant gaze. Oh, boy. Listen, he’s totally kissed people before! That is to say, girls. Women. Not, uh. Not any men. But it shouldn’t be any different, right? And Remy is… real pretty, so.
Is he gonna stall? He’s gonna stall.
“Do you want the kissing thing to happen? It’s not like this just depends on me, here. You get a say, and uh. You didn’t really… say it.” He sounds like an idiot. Luckily, Jimmy is past being embarrassed for sounding like an idiot. You really get used to anything, and at least he knows he can never change his hair color. He needs the dumb blond prejudice or he’ll start disappointing people.
"What would happen if I'd kiss you?" - blonderine
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    “Y’would’ve done th’ kissin’ thing - n’ I would be proud’a’ya,” Remy replied. Lips curving into a mischievous little smile. He wasn’t entirely sure what it was with Jim; how he turned into such an awkward turtle around his cajun friend. Based on all he heard (and all he knew of Logan, for sure) the Howletts (especially Logan) were nothing short of ladies’ men (Logan). So being Logan’s son… Surely he had that gene, right?
        And yet…
    “Well? Y’gonna put on y’big boy pants or y’just all talk, huh?”
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blonderine · 5 years
Jimmy has never seen Remy like this. The other looks small, and smells faintly of grief, and Jimmy would guess that’s a lot of what is weighing on the other, having those shoulders curl inwards, wrapped up in a tidy little package. Unmoving, which is the weirdest part, Remy is always in motion, always ready with a quip and a laugh and a quick jump over furniture. Not now, though. Now Remy is still, quiet. Even his expression seems less lively than usual.
“Nah, don’t worry about it,” he says, draws his hand through his hair, blond bangs falling messily right back into his face, “you’d do the same for me.”
Speaking of doing, however. Jimmy looks around himself, finally dropping the towel he’s been wringing on the kitchen counter. He doesn’t know what he can do for Remy. If he even should do anything. There doesn’t seem to be a clear path of action, no obvious enemy to fight.
Suffice to say, he’s a little out of his depth, here. “Uh, can I ask a dumb question? What am I doing for you? Is there something else I can...?”
        Last night had been weird and, if he was honest, much of it was a blur, now. To be fair, he’d rather no think about it at all, though, so maybe the blur was better. A part of him wanted to compartmentalize the events of the day before into a box and shove that box under the bed and forget it there for the next twenty years. Only, there was a slight problem; the truth was out now, and he couldn’t stop remembering. Not the papers. Not the laboratory. Not the numbers on the pages, not the look on Logan’s face as he’d stood there screaming at the man who raised him as his own.
        And certainly not poor Jim, who had woken up a bit before Remy, already fussing, trying to figure out what to do. He hadn’t exactly gotten many answers out of the cajun, last night. Remy had barely known what to think, much less what to say. And yet, Jim had been good and gentle and let him stay.
        But, here he was, with a cup of coffee in his hands, a blanket over his shoulders. Should probably say something, huh? He would eventually. “—Sorry,” his voice was quiet and hoarse, more akin to a whisper. But, it was enough for Jim to hear, so it was indeed enough. “For… Bargin’ in.” He cleared his throat. Shook his head, shrugged. “Didn’t know where else t’ go.”
        Shit. You know things are bad when daddy’s boy (if he could call himself that anymore) Remy doesn’t wanna go home.
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blonderine · 5 years
“--uhhh.” Jimmy feels like he maybe should have actually thought about it a little before saying something, but no. Just blurt it out and look like an idiot when you get asked for more details was apparently the route he had to take here.
He’s absolutely no clue how to answer that, either. Neither? Or both?
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“Does it have to be, like, one of these two, or-- maybe I’m just, speaking in general? I mean it’s kinda funny how it works with the Latin, right?”
“We are all homos. Homo Sapiens.” - blonderine
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    “—Okay, I gotta ask,” he pauses. Does he wanna get into this? Maybe. Maybe not. The results could be catastrophical, but also oh so entertaining. “That you tryinna come t’ terms wit’ some boy love feelin’s, or that you tryinna come t’ terms wit’ th’ fact that ya boi ya brother is a man whore who don’ care ‘bout gender? Uh, just askin’. For a friend.”
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blonderine · 5 years
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blonderine · 6 years
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blonderine · 6 years
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blonderine · 6 years
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blonderine · 6 years
Golden Boy | v: single dadverine
Some moments in life, you don’t forget. Like the time the Witch holds you at gunpoint while saying “congratulations, it’s a boy”.
Jimmy, at the time, already blond-haired and blue-eyed, getting put into his arms, while Magda tells him to hide him. Keep him safe, Logan. Find someone you trust to take care of him.
Really, he agreed with her when she said neither of them was exactly cut out to be parents. Logan even had every intention to make sure he did find the boy a good home, with someone he trusted.
But first, he had to disappear, and disappearing is done best in a cabin in a woods. It’s definitely new that his cabin features baby food and diapers (also, why is this shit so goddamn expensive?), but the baby, whom Logan starts calling Jimmy without thinking too hard about it, is so young and all of his instincts say that he needs to keep the little guy close.
It turns into a week, a month, half a year, and by the time little Jimmy says Dada and actually means Logan, he kinda figures it’s too late for him now. He’s under the little one’s spell, and so what if Magda didn’t mean for him to keep him? It would hurt too much only imagining giving Jimmy away.
By the time Jimmy starts walking around, regularly terrifying Logan into what feels like small heart attacks, they move out from the cabin and move - to another cabin, one that Logan makes sure to toddler-proof thoroughly. Jimmy mysteriously (or not so mysteriously, as Logan catches himself behaving like the big soft-hearted lug nobody expects the Wolverine to be capable of being around his son) grows into a happy, exuberant kid, remaining blond and blue-eyed for all of it.
He’s five years old when Logan turns up at the mansion in Westchester, the small boy holding his hand and laughing brightly, in stark contrast to Logan’s own, typical scowl.
And that’s how little Jimmy ends up at Xavier’s School for Gifted Youngsters. Jimmy could get away with a lot of things just by smiling, which is, again, strongly opposed as far as strategies go to Logan’s own frown and growl routine. So, no, Jimmy didn’t learn that smile and blink those blue eyes of yours and everyone will coo from Logan, but it’s a barely-hidden secret that he’s learned it around Logan, since-- yes, the tactic works on Logan as well.
It doesn’t take long for Jimmy to be running through hallways on the regular, and with Logan not trailing right behind him, it would be impossible to recognize him as the Wolverine’s son, as the boy proves to be curious about everyone he meets, often distracted from going somewhere because he has to stop and say hi to a new person.
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