bloodforvlad · 3 months
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bloodforvlad · 9 months
"How's tricks?"
So, the would-be thief has returned to the mansion, has he? Good thing Vladimir is familiar with that heartbeat, or he might have squashed him like a pest.
"Better than yours, I'd imagine," he smirks. "Why don't you come out of the shadows and greet me properly?"
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bloodforvlad · 11 months
He's survived.
He almost feels like laughing.
Well. Now all he needs to do is survive the Harrowing.
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bloodforvlad · 11 months
Surly, sullen, brooding, angry.
He's still alive, though, after all these years, after everything that's happened. Surely that's cause for celebration.
And yet. And yet.
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bloodforvlad · 1 year
Glaring out the windows at the night. Drinking wine.
Time to get out of town, before the Fog rolls in.
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bloodforvlad · 1 year
send me 🕯️to hear my character's inner thoughts about your character.
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bloodforvlad · 1 year
Has the servants hang his ‘Most Peggable Man In Noxus’ award somewhere more prominent.
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bloodforvlad · 2 years
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soles of jeffery west shoes
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bloodforvlad · 2 years
Send me  “HC”  + a word and I’ll write a headcanon about it.
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bloodforvlad · 2 years
Does anyone mind if he takes the next few days off to hide in his wine cellar? No? Great.
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bloodforvlad · 2 years
Send me  “HC”  + a word and I’ll write a headcanon about it.
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bloodforvlad · 2 years
Why should I apologize for the monster I’ve become? No one ever apologized for making me this way.
(via ewok-gia)
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bloodforvlad · 2 years
Kicks back with wine, his robes falling tastefully open and off one of his shoulders.
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bloodforvlad · 2 years
💭 ~?
Is this kindness yet another cruelty? Or does she mean it? Can she mean it? Why? Is it for my magic, or her rivalry with the Grand General, or is there more? Can there be more? Do I deserve it?
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bloodforvlad · 2 years
──  types of people and classes
( bold: applies.   italics: sort-of applies  /  verse dependent.   strikethrough: antithetical to your muse. )
barbarian »     toothy  grins,   stories  around  the  campfire, clothes  covered  in  pet  hair, hot  temper,     old  jeans, heartbeat  in  head,     potatoes  and  steak,   beaded  jewelry,   bruises  like  galaxies ,    mementos, backpack  stuffed  full,    craigslist  furniture,   spontaneous  road  trips,     air  ripped  from  lungs.
bard   »     homemade  bread, white  lies, easily  excited,     trying  on  hats,     band geek,    pep  talks,    no  impulse  control,   sunsets,     vintage  fashion,  long  showers,     selfies,     following  dreams,   rosy  cheeks,     song  mash-ups,     pink  lemonade  with  tequila,     loves  easily,     animated  storyteller,   full  of comebacks
cleric   »   list  of  wishes,   biting  their  tongue,    band-aids  and  neosporin,    shoulder  to  cry  on,   morning  sun,     necklaces,  trial  and  error, homemade  quilts,   formal  clothing,     astrology  fan,     messages  in  bottles,     pleated braids,     speaking  up  for  friends,     feathers,     motivational  quotes,     vivid  dreams
druid   »     bird  watching,  shy  kid, wind  chimes, trying  to  whistle, summer  camp, apple  orchards,    lost  in  their  head,     glow-in-the-dark stars  on  the  ceiling, hoodies,  thrift  shopping, saving  worms  off  the  sidewalk,   pig  latin,    bare  feet,   thunderstorms,   numb  fingers,   braided  hair,     naming  potted  plants
fighter   »     goose  bumps,    leather  jackets,     adventure,    chewing  nails,     cares  deeply  but  can’t  show  it,     bronze  locks,   no sleep,   taste  of  iron,   netflix  binges,     never  forgets,    combat  boots,    stories  behind  scars,   table  for  one,     official  soundtracks, sore  calves,  trusts  themselves  the  most
monk   »     always  trying  to  be  better, wanderlust, meditation,   sweat  pants, old  photographs,  yoga,  sleeping  in  hammocks,   nostalgia,    minimalist  design,     breath  of  fresh  air, baby  animals, volunteering,   perfectionist,  doesn’t  care  about  fashion,    healthy  snacks, noticing  the  little  things
paladin    »     school  uniforms, thick  jackets,   sleeping  with  the  windows  open,    logical  advice,     scrapbooking,    compasses,  i  fight  for  my  friends,     sculpture  gardens,    cold  morning  air,  big  soul, likes  routine,  secret  romantic,  last  to  get  jokes, sunflowers,     practical  presents, misty  weather
ranger   »     herbal  tea,   smell  of  rain,     blinking  away  tears,     camping  trips,     collecting  bones,    swiss  army  knives,   first  impressions,   anxious  thoughts,     bobby  pins,   burnt  marshmallows,   too  competitive,   clothes  lines, messenger  bags, holding grudges,  gets  along  better  with  animals  than  people
rogue »    flirtatious  sarcasm,     candid  photos,   lost  phone  chargers,     adrenaline  rush,   picking  dirt  out  from  beneath  their  nails,  social  chameleon,   clashing  clothes,     self-deprecating  jokes,     claw  machines, sits  in  chairs  wrong,    smudged  eyeliner,   has  too  many  sunglasses,    eats  nothing or  everything
sorcerer »    infectious  laugh,   family  trees,   shivers  down  their  spine,     lipstick  and  roses, mood  swings, clumsy, believing  in  destiny,  high  expectations,  sleeping  in  darkness,  collection  of  nail  polish (and extra fingers to go with them),  passionate,     good  grades  but  never  studies,    poetry  books, blowing kisses,   not  knowing  their  own  strength
warlock »    knowing  everyone’s  secrets,    backpack  covered  in  pins, envy,    being  in  walmart  late  at  night,   earl  grey,   selective  memory, conspiracy  theories  and  cryptids,     keysmashing,   need  to  know  basis, can’t  cook,    bags under  eyes,    experimental  art,     flickering  bulbs, black red clothing  all  year  long
wizard »     piles  of  textbooks, cat  in  lap,     keeping  a  diary,    indecisions,     scented  candles,     studying  alone  in  a  café,   lingering touches,    museum  dates,    unanswered  questions,     taking  on  too  much  responsibility,     collections,     chalk  dust,     comfy  robes,     unnecessary  apologies, coming  home  after  a  long day
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bloodforvlad · 2 years
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bloodforvlad · 3 years
Either "Dancer in the Street" / or / "Slash and Slash" maybe~? uwu
He protests, weakly, at the Matron's gift. Swords? He is not a man inclined to weaponry. The delicate rapiers are beautiful, because of course they are, the Matron would never bring anything otherwise. The handles are ornate in brass and gold, with the floral motif interwoven between vines and serpents, and the blades are perfectly balanced and gleam like mirrors. The pair would be a beautiful gift, yes, as a work of art. But to use them, to take one and cross blades with the one in her hands? He cannot. For all she might wish it, he cannot. He doesn't have the skill, let alone the ability...
Vladimir continues to protest, then dips his head in shame and demonstrates how his claws make holding the blade impossible, how he winces in pain and fumbles and drops the beautiful thing to the floor with a clatter. Shameful colour rises in his cheeks. He cannot hold a blade, not in the way she wished. Perhaps she should look elsewhere for a sparring partner, because even in private he would do nothing more than disappoint her.
And yet, she sets both blades aside and faces him. The hands that rise are gentle and enclose his face with care - though memories are unkind, and he still flinches and expects a painful chastisement - and she holds him and murmurs a kind word. And then she is closer, close enough that her perfume intoxicates him, and when she tells him to raise his hands he does so without hesitation.
She guides those hands, one against her waist and the other held lightly in her palm. He is breathlessly nervous, for a moment, fearful of harming her, but she stands with him, those eyes drawing him in, the scent of rich oud and rose oil slowly calming him down. He is holding her, he realises, like a dance partner.
If they cannot spar, they can dance. He is a good dancer. In this, at least, he will not disappoint. He attempts a smile, a brief flicker, before the nervousness settles back in, and he swallows hard, trying to focus on doing everything right.
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