blosscohan-blog · 11 years
Then can I ask what it is?
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No, not at all.
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blosscohan-blog · 11 years
Is it something bad?
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You could call it that, yeah.
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blosscohan-blog · 11 years
Oh... did something happen?
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I think he’d want to know this, though.
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blosscohan-blog · 11 years
No, the question is: what hasn't Avery done?
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Erebus is quiet, not that eerie quiet that Erebus always has. But that quiet that’s quiet because someone died or something. So the question is: what did Avery do?
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blosscohan-blog · 11 years
Be social is so much work. Being lazy is the new cool thing to do.
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I thought that Nyx party would make people want to be social. Guess not.
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blosscohan-blog · 11 years
Did something happen? Or are you one of those persons who gets bored while on vacation?
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Well, my short vacation is shorter than I thought.
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blosscohan-blog · 11 years
I forget to call my mom all the time, to be honest.
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I still need to call my dad and little brother. Ah shit.
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blosscohan-blog · 11 years
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blosscohan-blog · 11 years
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blosscohan-blog · 11 years
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avamayer replied to your post: avamayer replied to your post: friendly reminder...
(shh i was joking ava would probably murder her lol) but like maybe milla could??? bc she doesn’t really care either way.
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blosscohan-blog · 11 years
Yeah... Olympus wouldn't be Olympus without the screwed up the families.  Everybody likes cake. It's impossible to not like cake.  But not everybody likes alcohol. Some drinks taste so bad. Cake always tastes good.   No, no tie. Hemera would win.
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I would be, I know that for a fact. Everyone’s got their issues here. I think in a weird twisted sorta way that’s what makes Olympus so great. I don’t know, cakes are great but everyone likes alcohol. Not everyone likes cake. And those people should be shunned forever. I think Hemere and Nyx would probably tie.
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blosscohan-blog · 11 years
Ashton is your friend with no benefits who wishes he had benefits. And Grace is just... Grace.  You're not? Did you get him fired already?
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Ashton is my friend, so is Grace. And I’m not dating or screwing a teacher.
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blosscohan-blog · 11 years
Won't kill me, but I don't like it. Especially it's only based on how I look.  I can't keep track of every new student, so yeah... better late then never.  Not everybody lies, steals and cheats. I think there are still nice people in this world. Not everybody can be bad.
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Whatever.  Nickname won’t kill you.  Thanks, but you’re late.  Too nice… not a thing.  Everyone steals, everyone lies.  
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blosscohan-blog · 11 years
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avamayer replied to your post: friendly reminder that i want someone to find out...
lol what if ava
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blosscohan-blog · 11 years
I don't think yours is the most dysfunctional. You'd be surprised by what goes on in some other families.  And I don't wanna underestimate Nyx, but we're pretty fun in Hemera. Sure, we don't have parties, but we have cookies and cakes and that's the best thing ever. If there was a house team competition, Hemera would kick all the other houses' asses.
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I feel like there’s a few families who do siblings pretty well, you know, considering the circumstances. But I feel like mine is the most dysfunctional of them all. I’m sure everyone feels that way about their families though. Yes, Nyx is always a good time. I’ll definitely be making sure to stop by Hemera more often, though. It seems like a pretty fun place to be.
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blosscohan-blog · 11 years
I wasn't trying to make myself special.  Welcome to Olympus, then. I think you'll like it in here. It's nice.  And we're Hemeras. We don't steal. We're too nice for that.
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Everyone likes being called by their name; doesn’t make you so special.  And nicknames are easier.  Yeah, I’m new — place gets a lotta them.  They could steal, like normal people.
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blosscohan-blog · 11 years
Right. Let me guess... Ashton? He's your actual friend? Or your actual crush?  Or maybe he's just the other one, considering you're dating a teacher, or screwing one, or whatever.
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I have actual friends. I may not have as many as everyone else around here, but at least the friends I have are real.
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