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Life is going ok I trying to make new friends but like idk how plz help me thx love you guys
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Why is this song me I was literally talking to my crush and I found out that I liked him. Also you guys should give it a listen.
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^that is a cat I made I talking to my friend
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School is here an I think I'm gonna die first day at a new school hope it goes well and hope I meet new friends this year I'm gonna actually do my homework lol
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Idk why but I feel like these gifs are so claiming and pretty I wish I was in these gifs
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Omg I walked to the beach it was so nice the water was amazing i made this little face and i just loved the day so much wish i could go back in time to do this again
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Hola lovely people I just want to say that today is going to be an amazing day. I hope everyone is doing well. I love this picture and I thought maybe you guys might like it too. Well that's was my little talk with you guys love you all and don't be scared to commit or dm me also try to guess the cereal ok bye.
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This song is so amazing I cry everytime I listen to it thinking of my crush. Cuco is an amazing artist and he get me through some bad times in my life. He has an amazing voice and some of his songs you can relate to. I started listening to him in 2018 and I live every minute. He has fun songs but he also has song that you can relate to and that's what I love about his music. If anyone reads this you should give him a listen.
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I need this sweater because like virginity does rock
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Omg this is litter the best song ever anyone who see this should give it a listen
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Hi I'm just some girl wanting to be accepted and this is my waifu she is so cute I love her
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