blueopinions49 · 6 days
Right!? ive noticed this confusion allot and I think it mostly stems about the misunderstanding of power itself. Most people associate power=status and those traits usually go to e3 rather than e8. While power of choice and autonomy goes to e8. Id argue that 3 and 8 are almost complete opposites.
I see a lot of people mistake 8s for 3s and vice versa. I do get why, but they are fundamentally different in that 8s don't care what others think of them and 3s care immensely. Generally speaking, of course; there's always a degree of variation.
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blueopinions49 · 8 days
Next Move
Hello guys im currently finishing the unhealthy/healthy enneagram series and idk where to go next with my content so here are a few options as to where to go next. Please if you have any ideas comment and let me know
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blueopinions49 · 15 days
My Thoughts on Popular Personality Websites
Inspired by conversations happening in the comment section of this post (shout out to @istj-mbti and @flayedsheep )
16 Personalities
Ah, 16 personalities, the enemy of the MBTI community… I’m joking… kind of. In all seriousness though, 16 personalities is really more similar to the Big Five personality types, than it is to MBTI. It can be a great tool… just not for understanding MBTI.
If you take it, you might get an accurate type, but more often than not… you won’t. I’m an INTP, and for the longest time, I always got INFP or INFJ on this test. My ISFP friend and ENFP friend both got INFP, and my INTJ friend has gotten variations, from INFJ, INTP to his actual type.
It has a big intuitive bias, and even though most of the MBTI community rejects this website, I definitely feel like this website is responsible for the intuitive bias present in the community. The biggest flaw however, is the disregard for cognitive functions.
And I get it. Cognitive functions are complicated and not everyone wants to sit down and learn the cognitive functions, and they really wanted to market this test for general audiences
I do think that alot of people who get into MBTI, start with this test, because it is so universally used in schools and jobs and stuff.
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Personality Database
I have mixed opinions on PDB. Hypothetically, it’s a great place for discussions, when it comes to fictional characters, but like most MBTI forums it can turn sour very quickly, and it’s filled with people that have varied understanding of MBTI or enneagram.
Like, you’ll have a lot of adults who have been into MBTI for years and have a strong understanding of all the types, you have people who are just learning what cognitive functions are, then you’ll have teenagers who have just taken the 16 personalities test.
So in general, typings on that website are very hit or miss, but it’s a really great place to start when I’m unsure about a character typing, and want to see arguments other people have. However, I really hate when people use the typings on that site as the end-all-be-all of character types.
I mean, look at this?
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Anna and Mirabel? ENFPs? I don’t have a super popular opinion on Anna’s typing but… ENFP?! Really? Also, how tf is Mirabel ANYTHING but an Fe user?
I agree on the consensus for Mulan though.
I do think that out of the majority of the MBTI tests online, this one is the most accurate, because it takes cognitive functions into account. However I do have a few concerns with it, the first being its so long lol.
I know that they want to get the most in depth understanding of a person, but a lot of the times, it just feels like they are asking the same questions over and over again, but with different wording, and that can make it frustrating, and a lot of the time, I don’t finish it.
Not to mention, even though this one is more accurate than most, there are always flaws with these types of test. No test will be in depth enough to understand you enough as a person to give you an accurate type. This is another test I’ve taken multiple times and have been given a different type.
Though I will give the test credit, this one has been given me my actual type before… so at least there’s that. I do think if you’re going to take a test, this one is a good one to take.
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MBTI Online
No judgement… but I am begging people to not pay 60 dollars for this test. You can find ones that are just as good for cheaper, or even better yet, free. This test isn’t going to give you anything any other test will.
I do know someone who spent the 60 dollars, and still got mistyped by it sooo… yeah. If you really want to take it, by all means, go ahead, I just wouldn’t.
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blueopinions49 · 15 days
Hello!! I love this post I agree with 9.5/10 of these however, I am bit a curious with some of the typings.
SX5 Sasuke : ive always had a bit of trouble typing him. Currently my typing of him goes SX6>SP8>SP3>SX4. Any thoughts on his typing?
SP6 Kakashi: Ive never understood this typing. I know it's prevelant in PBD but I dont see how he desires community and emotional safety. Also why would he be an SP6? aren't they known for their hyper anxious nature?.
SP1 Minato: Idk I always saw him as an SO7 maybe Sp1 could be it
SP1 Sakura: Tbh I dont get it. Her desires were never to keep an upstanding moral code. Also the SP1 is all about withholding wrath. I think her desires to be loved and be helpful are more prevalent in her arc.
SX8 Tsunade: I dont see how tsunamis core desire is autonomy and power.
SO8 Temari: Interesting I always knew she was an 8 however, I always thought she was an SP8 but I think her commitment to the sand village can be seen as an SO8.
Also thoughts on SO8 Naruto? ive seen being thrown around and I low-key hate it... I think SO3 Naruto is just too good, too accurate and more developed in the show. Have an excellent day!!
The Enneagram personalities of each Naruto character (in my opinion):
Asuma: 9w8 sp/so 964
Chiyo: 1w2 sp/sx 127
Choji: 9w8 sp/so 927
Deidara: 4w3 sx/so 478
Gaara: 4w5 sx/sp 469
Haku: 9w1 sx/sp 926
Hinata: 9w1 sx/so 926
Itachi: 1w9 sp/so 154
Ino: 3w2 sx/so 378
Iruka: 2w1 so/sx 216
Jiraiya: 7w6 sx/so 729
Kabuto: 5w4 sx/so 549
Kakashi: 6w5 sp/so 694
Karin: 6w7 sx/so 682
Kurama: 8w9 sx/sp 836
Kisame: 8w7 so/sx 873
Kushina: 7w8 so/sx 782
Madara: 1w2 sx/so 135
Might Guy: 3w2 so/sx 371
Minato: 1w2 sp/so 126
Nagato: 4w5 so/sp 461
Naruto: 3w2 so/sx 379
Neji: 1w9 so/sp 136
Obito: 7w6 so/sx 794
Orchimaru: 5w4 sp/sx 548
Rock Lee: 3w2 so/sx 368
Sai: 5w6 sp/so 594
Sakura: 1w2 sp/sx 126
Sasori: 5w4 sp/sx 514
Sasuke: 5w4 sx/sp 584
Shikamaru: 9w8 sp/so 954
Shisui: 1w2 so/sp 126
Temari: 8w9 so/sp 863
Tsunade: 8w7 sx/so 873
Zabuza: 8w9 sp/sx 864
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blueopinions49 · 18 days
I disagree, the enneagram sees it self as a helper tho. At its core they want to be loved so they go about she by giving others what they believe they need. I do think healthy E2 are caring.
I agree with the premise of mistyping E2 however, most of the mistyping comes from people typing X charcaters as a two based on their poor understanding of how E2 works.
Asuka Langley SO3 as SX2
Maxine Minx SO3 as SX2
Steven Universe SO9 as SO2 (Allot of SO9 are typed as SO2 especially in PDB)
I also think people forget the image aspect of E2; they are super ego types and image types. So they tend to do most things out of a need to close the gap with their ideal self. This often leads to mistyping of people thinking that they are driven to do good and change the world. Healthy 2s can but the average two is more focused on being loved by doing "good" rather than some ideals like a Type 1, 7, 9 or even 8 do.
Again the Pride of E2 isnt the pride we know by our day to day use. I suggest checking John Lukovich work tho he has allot of insight and nuances on each type.
rant but enneagram institute e2 is so innacurate to e2. how is e2 a helper and a super nice person when e2 is basically pride? 'When Twos are healthy and in balance, they really are loving, helpful, generous, and considerate. People are drawn to them like bees to honey.' -enneagram institute's e2... if you look at the repression defense mechanism of e2, it claims that 'The repression of their underlying neediness for love, because if they have to ask for love than they believe that they are therefore not lovable. "Others are in need of my love, I am not in need of others' love."' does enneagram institute show this? no.
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blueopinions49 · 19 days
Healthy/Unhealthy Type 6
Healthy Social 6
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Kitty Pryde 6w7 (so/sx)- Kitty's development is all about community and standing up for what she believes. As a super ego type she goes forward in most of her appearances to fight for community and the well being for others.
Clare Deblin (6w5 so/sp)- While very anxious i think she is the most realistic display of an average SO6. Her desire to fit in and be in community with her friends constantly makes her feel comfortable in herself.
Marie Moreau (6w5 so/sp)- in the beginning of the show we see her having trouble to come out of her shell. By the end of the show we see how Maries core desire is for stability and community.
Unhealthy Social 6 
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Dvorah (6w5 so/sp)- Constantly using others for her own benefit and doing everything she can to control the hive.
The Deep (6w7 so/sx)- Insecure, dumb and creepy. He is constantly using the community around him to hide his true intentions. As well as his incompetence makes him rely on others constantly to fix his messes.
Greg Hirsh (6w7 so/x)- Similar to the past two characters he uses the system around to move upwards in life eventually landing him In a place he can never move.
Healthy Self Preservation 6
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Allison Argent (6w7 sp/sx)- While she has her ups and downs she always kept her desires in check and tried helping as much peoples as possible. Eventually dying to save her friends (the movie didn't happen).
Miles Morales (6w7 sp/so)- He started insecure and worried about whats his place in the world and by the end of movie we see him fully accept the mantle of spider man.
Frank Shang (6w5 sp/so)- He initially had a confidence problem but with patience and friends he managed to out through and become an excellent leader.
Unhealthy Self Preservation 6 
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Josie from bottoms (6w5 sp/so)- She started a fight club to get with a girl she liked... While allot of her actions are morally dubious we see her eventually recognize the wrong she did and ask Isabelle a second chance.
Ashley Brown (6w5 sp/so)- Her anxiety makes her jump to conclusions fast and in most choices ends with her throwing others under the buss.
Peter Pettigrew (6w7 sp/so)- He hides behind other due to his vulnerability and incompetence. Eventually leading to his own death.
Healthy Sexual 6
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Flame Princess (6w7 sx/so)- When we first meet her we see how sheltered she was due to her fire powers. As the series goes on we see how she struggles with her fear of who's true intentions are and who truly has her best intents for her. In the end of the show we see a fully realized FP who's interrogated to her 9 and found peace and love in community as the fire kingdoms Queen.
Natasha Romanoff (6w5 sx/sp)- Her health levels are completely up for debate however I see Natasha as a 6 who's worked to integrate too her 9.
Sango (6w5 sx/so)- Similar to FP she struggles to understand who to truly trust in the current stage. In her chase for her brother she learns to trust others and be vulnerable. Eventually falling for Miroku.
Unhealthy Sexual 6
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Laura Palmer 6w7 (sx/so)- Her struggle to find stability in her life ends with her disintegrating fully to 9. Becoming sad and in need to feel something.
Jacob Black 6w7 (sx/so)-While he started well in the first movie. Once he became a werewolf he was constantly chasing after Bella even when she stated she wasn't interested.
Carla Roson (6w5 sx/so)- Looking for stably and peace in the first place makes her struggle with her relationship with Polo. Once S2 starts we see her trying to seduce Samuel to let his guard down. Eventually falling for him. In S3 we see how she fully disintegrates towards 9 in order to maintain her house hold steady. In the end she leaves las Encinas.
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blueopinions49 · 19 days
Enneagram 2 is a very complex type that has allot intricacies and nuance that people tend to ignore. Enneagram ISNT a helper but it most definitely is a nurturer. I think allot of people misunderstand how their Pride works and often confuses it for the Vanity of 3 or the Lust of 8.
John Lukovich description is essential to understand why the 2 is both a rejection type and how it relates to its core desire.
They view love as a conditional affair. Creating self rejection from themselves and start prioritizing their needs over others. The 2 is symbiotic in their emotional needs. They give purely to receive a sense of identity. Thats why it relates to Pride. Others need that nourishment. "Pride in their good intentions leads twos to believe that they sincerely ONLY have others benefits at heart while being above certain basic human shortcomings" The Instinctual Drives & The Enneagram P.175 . So yeah, Enneagram Institute is correct in their premise.
rant but enneagram institute e2 is so innacurate to e2. how is e2 a helper and a super nice person when e2 is basically pride? 'When Twos are healthy and in balance, they really are loving, helpful, generous, and considerate. People are drawn to them like bees to honey.' -enneagram institute's e2... if you look at the repression defense mechanism of e2, it claims that 'The repression of their underlying neediness for love, because if they have to ask for love than they believe that they are therefore not lovable. "Others are in need of my love, I am not in need of others' love."' does enneagram institute show this? no.
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blueopinions49 · 1 month
Any tips on telling the difference between e7s and e8s ?
weirdly enough I believe E7 and E8 to have allot of similarities.
Lust and Indulgement
Sense for freedom
Frustration with attachments
And allot of 7s can look like 8s (Han Solo SP7)
Vice Versa Katherine Pierce SP8 (looking like a SP7)
The 7
However the differences can be seen on how they approach life. The 7 yearns for freedom and pleasure (by pleasure I mean a general enjoyment of life) thats why their biggest problem is Gluttony. They want to enjoy everything at its fullest. Allot 7s imo have a 3 ish material desire BUT unlike the E3 who likes pretty things due to its aesthetic and value, the 7 enjoys them for the joy it brings to them.
Gluttony in the enneagram is an excessive need to consume indulgence.
The 8
Unlike the 7 the 8 doesn't look to enjoy things but rather have a full anatomical control of itself. The 8 tend to have a black and white view of things. They are natural go getters and dont mind being more abrupt about the things they want unlike the 7 who is more calm. Which is why their vice is lust incredibly fitting imo.
Lust in the enneagram is an intense desire to get X not usually sexual in nature but can be.
Characters to contrast them
Elite: Guzman (ESTJ 8w7 sp/sx) vs Christian (ESFP 7w8 sp/sx)
SATC: Miranda (ESTJ 8w9 sp/sx) vs Samantha (ESTP 7w8 sp/sx)
GOT: Cersei Lannister (ESTJ 8w9 sp/sx) vs Tyrion (ENTP 7w8 sp/so)
LOK Korra (ESFP 8w7 so/sx) vs Bolin ( ENFP 7w6 sx/so)
SW: Leia Organa (ENTJ 8w9 so/sp) vs Han (ESTP 7w8 sp/sx)
Inuyasha: Inuyasha (ESTP 8w7 sx/sp) vs Miroku (ENTP 7w6 sx/so)
TBOSAS: Sejanus (ESFP 8w9 so/sx) vs Lucy Gray (ENFP 7w6 sx/so)
Note: Sorry for taking so long to answer college has been difficult to handle due to graduation.
Note #2: I'll try and post unhealthy/ healthy type 6 this week.
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blueopinions49 · 2 months
Emma Mounetbank and Emily Davis are the best examples of SO3 vanity in full display
Collage of enneagram characters I made for an amino post.
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Edit: Replaced Chiaki with Napstablook. 5 mistyped, sorry.
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blueopinions49 · 2 months
The SX3 dilemma
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Meg March ESFJ 3w2 sx/so (From Little Woman)
Hello there! im sorry for not posting much I've been having a bit of hard time this semester with graduation and school admissions. Thats why my posting hasn't been consistent at all. However, im gonna try and at least finish the healthy/unhealthy enneagram series. Im writing this post cuz I've noticed that there is a bit of misunderstanding of what is the SX3 and how we identify them. As well as some differentiation between an E2 vs E3.
What is an SX3
Sexual Three "Charisma" or "The Cheerleader"
"Sexual Threes seek to experience Essential Value through their desirability and the magnetism of their attraction displays. Sexual Threes want to be the most magnetic person in the room. They feed off of generating intrigue, mystique, and even controversy, and they aren't much concerned with being liked or pursuing practical achievements. Competition in Sexual Threes revolves around being the most attractive and having the most captivating sexual display, and they're most likely to have cultivated a striking personal flavor meant to stand apart from others. People of this type are not interested in generic beauty, so some Sexual Threes, especially performers, play with attractive yet experimental personas or go for an overtly sexy image.- (P.209 John Lukovich, The Instinctual Drives& The Enneagram)
However, while I really like this definite of SX3 id like to add that the attractiveness of the SX3 isnt necessarily physical. It can be like the materialism of the SO3 or the Humility of the SP3. The SX3 desires to find an ideal partner in which they can find success and love. The SX subtype is ALL about interpersonal connection.
How to differentiate them from other types
I think the easiest way to different two types from each other is usually through core desire and triads. most people usually confuse them due to the squishy nature the SX3 has. Imo unlike the SO3 which are usually easier to spot due to their leadership, ambition and overall way they carry themselves. The SX3 is somewhere in between the SO3 and the SP3. The SX3 MAY have the assertiveness of an 8. However, they can also have the playfulness of a 7. The timidness of a 6, the calmness of a 9 or the desire of love of the 2. Which is why I think relying on the look of the type can fall short a bit when it comes to looking for traits. So I think the more important aspects of them can be seen as:
I think allot of people forget that the E3 core desire is validation so they create an image (a performance if you will) to show the world.
Unlike the E2 the SX3 will NOT sacrifice their own needs in those for the partner. The 3s desire is their own and so are their ambitions. The SX3 is an idealist romantic and what doesn't fall in that image will be cut out.
NOTE: The relation to the other individual doesn't need to be romantic necessarily.
yes, they are an image type BUT unlike the other two heart types the 3 has a need to attract through conventionality. Unlike the SX4 they don't pose as hurt, broken and sad individuals or the SX2 more sacrificing nature the SX3 will use "whats in" or what their target of desire likes.
Characters that are SX3
Charlotte York 3w2 sx/so
Finnick Odair 3w2 sx/so
Lestat Di Lioncourt 3w4 sx/so
Amy Dunn 3w2 sx/so
Dionne Davenport 3w2 sx/so
Johnny Storm 3w2 sx/so
Steve Harrington 3w2 sx/so
Fiona 3w2 sx/so
Sansa Stark 3w2 sx/so
Lady Dimitrescu 3w2 sx/so
Dennis Reynolds 3w2 sx/so
Emma Frost 3w4 sx/so
Ino Yamanaka 3w2 sx/so
Rosalie Hale 3w2 sx/sp
P.S This post came to mind cuz im low-key regretting making that SX3 Azula post. As well as rethinking my typing of Tomie.
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blueopinions49 · 2 months
Hello! I'm currently studying enneagram and I'm getting stuck on the instinctual variants. My basic typing is 5w6 593. I think I'm a sp5, sp6, so9, sx3. I am wondering if it can even work that way. Like, can one have two of the same IV in a core type and wing? (Ex. sp5, sp6) Another question I have is how is it all supposed to add up, like do I need a certain stack of IV for it to make sense? Why or why not? I'm also looking into the wings for my tri-type but I realized it might help if I figure out this question first lmao. I realize this is a loaded question but I could really use some help!! I don't know where to look, I am not sure where to find sources that have these structural basics. I hope that made sense. Thank you so much and have a nice day!
Helloo!!! ok so allot to get into here
"I am wondering if it can even work that way. Like, can one have two of the same IV in a core type and wing? (Ex. sp5, sp6)"
-If you mean center of intelligence nope it can't since the tri type only takes one type of each center.
-For IV imo yes you can have the same IV in the tri type. Since the main type is the most important and influential it affects your other types for EX I am SO3 SX6 SO1. Due to me being an SO3 I focus more on the external world so that'll influence my other types.
"Another question I have is how is it all supposed to add up, like do I need a certain stack of IV for it to make sense? Why or why not?"
If you mean the venter of intelligence question yes if it's some other thing no?. Tri types aren't really big priority when it comes to typing so imo as long as you have a cohesive one (like the one you have rn) it's ok.
For sources I have all of mine listed on my bio plus in my Enneagram guide. Personally for IV I would 100% go with John Lukovich. Ive been thinking of doing a series with his understanding of the enneagram.
And it's no problem always here to help and have good day as well.
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blueopinions49 · 2 months
MBTI Grip: Se
An explaination on function grip in MBTI. Not an expert. May change later.
Grips occur when a type is under an immense amount of stress. Their other functions give up mentally and "shut down", which allows their inferior function to take over. A type in the grip begins to act like the unhealthy version of their inferior function, very unlike and opposite of themselves. Grips can last for a short while or longer, depending on how long the stress persists.
Se inferior (INxJ)
Se inferior types may struggle to enjoy the present moment as their minds are often set on what they need to do next. They can miss obvious details and struggle with daily routine. They can also let opportunities slip by since they are often not spontaneous or risk takers - they prefer to see how a situation may go and follow through with it.
When in an Se grip, INxJ will come out of their shell but in a careless, messy way. As Se is focused on the physical sensations, a very stressed INxJ will try to cope with stress by overworking their Se. They may start to over indulge in physical sensations and pleasures such as food (especially unhealthy food) and drinking, sexually risky behavior, tv and/or on their phones (screen time in general), drugs, sleeping time away, etc any unusual thrill seeking and risky behavior is part of the Se grip.
Engaging with the auxiliary function helps to alleviate the stress and to gradually break out of the grip. For INTJs, they have to use their Te; need to create plans and goals to achieve things to boost their focus and confidence. For INFJs, they have to use their Fe; engage with others, work on and improve their relationships with others. Both types should focus on setting realistic goals and expectations for themselves when trying to get out of a grip. Doing too much and having high expectations will likely result in failure and disappointment, only pushing themselves further into their grip. They need to learn to use Se to relax and to support their Ni and aux rather than a distraction.
MBTI list
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blueopinions49 · 3 months
If you were neglected by your parents or disempowered by your peers and decided you need to spend the rest of your life taking what you deserve and protecting the underdog youre an 8
If you were neglected by your parents or disempowered by your peers and decided you need to spend the rest of your life winning love and admiration and encouraging self-esteem through fake-it-til-you-make-it youre an 3
Both 3 and 8 are obsessed with strength and helping those they care about be tougher. Downsides: take failure and rejection personally (mostly 3), overassertive where they aren’t wanted (3 and 8), need crisis to learn how to handle others’ and own soft emotions (mostly 8)
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blueopinions49 · 3 months
In my opinion
Luke Castellan: ENFJ FeNi 2w3 so/sp Gemini
He embodies the Pride 2 to such a great extent idk how people missed it.
The Pride of Enneagram 2: Ive seen as of recently that people don't know how the pride of enneagram two works and they usually end up confusing the vanity of 3 with it.
Pride of Two: The believe that others NEED them In their life in order to be well. IMPORTANT KEY DETAIL OF THE ENNEAGRAM 2 they give to receive. Important thing to remember is that the E2 is an image type and they need to feel their ideal image validated by others, in the case of two through acts of service and nurturing. YES EVEN THE SX2. Also from all the 3 image type they are the most extroverted when it comes to them looking for validation. I.E looking for others Love.
Vanity of 3: The believe they are better than others because they are good at X. The vanity of 3 is what most people understand as the colloquial use of pride, they are similar but not the same. The 3 is never looking to obtain love from others just validation and praise. When it comes to looking for validation they are mix between the external and internal. Their view of SUCCESS is very very SUBJECTIVE.
Why Luke is a Social 2
The social 2 looks to give others a leader in which they can inspire goodness in others and help them have a better life. Key thing is Luke sees himself a savior of sorts his hate for the olympian gods doesn't come from a need for the validation and status (like a 3 would) it was because he felt the treatment they would receive by them was cruel and unfair. As the series goes on we see him disintegrate towards 8 allot. Eventually his quest turns into a liberation of power to an acquisition of power.
Why Luke isnt a Social 3
An unhealthy social would've never thought of being a detractor of the status quo but rather to be looking to be an active participant of it.
Oliver Quick (from Saltburn) SO3-Feigns everything to get to the top and end up rich with the family inheritance.
Shiv Roy SP3 - Denial of vanity through the idea of shes the good due to having a "moral" high ground over her brothers. Eventually acting on self interest and greed.
Amy Dunn SX3- She has an idea of the perfect relationship and what a romance should be and she changes her self to be just like the status quo in the end becoming Perfect Amy.
Sorry for the long rant.,these are just my thoughts.
Hot take, but I don't really see Luke Castellan from PJO as an Enneagram 3 and I would like to see other people Thoughts about it
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blueopinions49 · 3 months
im an infp unless im an intp idk the jury’s always been out
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blueopinions49 · 3 months
hmmm interesting I never really saw Tim as an SP5 nor SO3. I think SO5 suits him the best. I dont see the vanity of 3 as aggressive in him as say Damien? who honestly I think might be mistyped as an SP 8 in PBD. Personally with his MBTI I lean a bit more to INTP TiNe
Jason honestly interesting you see him as a 4 tbh I always thought the SP8 typing came from stereotypical things or just the aggressiveness in which he reacted to his trauma rather than any analysis on his core. I could def see him desiring for Depth and Uniqueness as a 4w3 sx/so or 6w7 sx/so (desire for stability).
Honestly can't wait to see more of your comic typology opinions no one in PDB seems to elaborate with their typings in their section and sometimes they are just blank slates.
Typology rambles #1
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Tim is so e3 coded, i won't argue with PDB typing him sp5, he's stereotypically that but i'm just gonna keep seeing him as e3. Maybe not having 5 as his dominant, i'm typing him as 359... my typing might not be accurate but this is my own opinion, nothing serious.
PDB types him as 594, i see Tim is leaning more to sp3 rather than having 4 on the heart triad. I agree with 9, just not on the right stacking. If he is actually an e5, he's probably so5.
3 vs 4: the thing about Tim is that he wishes to be enough to wear the suit he wears. He works hard and feels like a failure at the same time because he isn't able to let go the guilt of saving everyone, seen in Knight Terror comic.
Main point is that he works hard to feel like he'll be enough for his achievement, while e4, fits more on Jason-- the type who is motivated by envy, a person who wants to be seen as they are. Compared to Tim, Jason does work hard but his motivation is always based on self. While Tim is more directed to external, Jason is from the inward. He wants to be seen for himself, expressed through anger and hate, while Tim would probably have the same motivation, but he does it by proving on what he can achieve, on what achievement that could make him seen worthy to be the person he idealize.
I would type him as INTx 359 sp/so. (still debating whether he's TiFe or NiFe user)
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blueopinions49 · 3 months
INFP: Fi-Ne-Si-Te
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Complex Dreamy Creative Honest Idealistic Devil-may-care Melancholic Scattered Imaginative Deep Inner-directed
Anne Shirley-Cuthbert from Anne with an E
Frodo Baggins from The Lord of The Rings
Wanda Maximoff from Marvel
Miguel Díaz from Cobra Kai
Viktor Hargreeves from The Umbrella Academy
Ben Solo/Kylo Ren from Star Wars
Will Byers from Stranger Things
Lucy Pevensie from The Narnia Chronicles
Luna Lovegood from Harry Potter
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