bofor-fh77b · 1 year
Jaune’s emotional support animal
Receptionist: You have to understand we can’t allow your pet to stay here with you.
Juniper: “Wearing red vest”
Jaune: Why not?!?!
Receptionist: Well for starters he’s like twice your height.
Jaune: And?
Receptionist: What do you mean and, he might bust a hole through the ceiling.
Jaune: Oh don’t worry I trained him for years you have nothing to worry about.
Receptionist: Why can’t we leave him outside?
Jaune: It’s raining, I’m not gonna leave him in the cold.
Receptionist: Sir, we cannot allow you to have that… thing in here.
Jaune: This thing, this thing has a name and it’s Juniper!
Jaune: “Pets Juniper”
Jaune: Besides, you guys said pets are allowed.
Receptionist: Yeah pets as in a dog or a cat… not an oversized rabbit.
Yang & Blake: “Watching the argument”
Weiss: What’s going on?
Yang: Vomit Boy is arguing with the receptionist.
Weiss: Why?
Blake: They won’t let him bring Juniper to his room.
Yang: Why did we let him bring Juniper in the first place?
Blake: You know why, he’s been through so much on that island and he needed more help than just us and his teammates.
Blake: Besides Juniper is a certified emotional support animal.
Yang: Whose bright idea was it to get Pumpkin Pete over there certified?
Blake: It was Nora’s.
Weiss: “Sigh”
Weiss: “Walking away”
Yang: Where are you going?
Weiss: To see the manager.
Blake: Why?
Weiss: That Dolt won’t stop arguing with the receptionist until he’s told he can bring his pet.
Yang: Good luck with that.
Jaune: “Still arguing with receptionist”
Blake: Okay has been going on for a while, should we stop him?
Yang: Nah, I wanna see who wins.
“Hotel Room”
Juniper: “Laying on bed”
Jaune: “Petting Juniper”
Juniper: “Thumping foot”
Jaune: Thanks for letting us sharing a room with you Weiss.
Weiss: “Laying on futon”
Weiss: Whatever makes you happy Jaune.
Jaune: I still can’t believe you convinced the manager to let Juniper stay.
Weiss: Yeah… even if it caused me to use thousands of lien to bribe him.
Jaune: Well I definitely owe you one Weiss.
Weiss: If your truly offering, I would like to take you up on that.
Jaune: Oh really, well uh what do you want?
Weiss: “Gets up from futon”
Weiss: I don’t want much.
Weiss: “Slowly gets on bed”
Weiss: I just want to get to know you better.
Weiss: “Moves hand towards Jaune’s hand”
Weiss: Maybe help you relieve some stress.
Juniper: “Moves his head between Jaune & Weiss’ hands”
Jaune: Aw, look at you.
Jaune: “Scratches Junipers chin”
Juniper: “Raises Ears”
Jaune: Isn’t he the best Weiss?
Weiss: “Pouting”
Weiss (Irritated): Yes Jaune, he’s perfect.
Jaune: Now what were you gonna say?
Weiss: It’s nothing Jaune.
Weiss: “Gets off of bed”
Weiss: Just go to bed.
Juniper: “Sleeping peacefully”
Jaune: “Leaning on Juniper”
Weiss: “Glances at Jaune & Juniper”
Weiss: Hmph
Weiss: Dunce.
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bofor-fh77b · 1 year
The ship might just sail...?
Since the Ruby vs Neo arc was finished in one episode
All that's left is visiting the tree (and maybe seeing the carpenter?)
I think they might get home by the end of this season
All they need to do is beat the Curious Cat. Which will involve saving Ruby and going home right after
The question now is:
What about Jaune x2 (Young and Old?)
What's going to happen to Neo?
Im scared that it's too easy for Neo and Jaune to stay behind jn the Ever After
It'd be horrible for their character growth. Neo needs to stop running away and doing whatever she wants. Jaune needs to stop trying to save everyone
But it's easy to do narratively. Neither are good at learning their lessons apparently and I'm scared
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bofor-fh77b · 1 year
New blog ig
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bofor-fh77b · 1 year
RWBY FNDM to the Curious Cat Before V9C8
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RWBY FNDM to the Curious Cat after V9C8
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bofor-fh77b · 1 year
Yang: Umm, Jaune.
Jaune: What?
Yang: Why is Blake-
Blake: *On Jaune's back, her head on his*
Yang: -doing that.
Jaune: Well I was having trouble with my homework, so I put my thinking cat on.
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bofor-fh77b · 1 year
Also most of these beers ive either never heard of or it tastes like hash smoke and tramp piss mixed together, Stella is pretty good ig
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bofor-fh77b · 1 year
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128K notes · View notes
bofor-fh77b · 1 year
Unfortunately, I'm not the best when it comes to yankee history other than a vague run down, and the Pacific war, I'm really sorry, noneatnone would he best if you want a discussion on it
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Irony is a foreign concept to these people
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bofor-fh77b · 1 year
Ah sorry lmao
DrAg IsN't SeXuAlIsInG cHiLdReN
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bofor-fh77b · 1 year
It's like, my playbook is 2 years out of date and in Chinese, whereas everyone else has the latest edition
To be honest, they explained all those social rules to me, with the exception of hand gestures and personal space, most of them you can only learn through horrendously painful trial and error
Mobility aids and sensory aids aren’t a “worst case scenario”
Stop acting like it’s a tragedy when someone starts using a cane or wheelchair, and stop acting like it’s someone admitting defeat if they need ear defenders or stim toys.
Aids are a good thing. They allow us to live better than we could before, and that’s something to celebrate, not demean and be doom and gloom about.
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bofor-fh77b · 1 year
Oh shit yeah, hey OP, you made your bed. Fuckin sleep in it
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bofor-fh77b · 1 year
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bofor-fh77b · 1 year
I have mates who work on building the housing estates, they say material wise, to build a 3 bed 2 bath "shell" (walls, windows and external door, nothing else) it costs there around that much, and to he honest thats what you get when you buy a new home.
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4K notes · View notes
bofor-fh77b · 1 year
And that's why Canada lost the war of 1812!
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how joyless do you have to be to try to introduce rules to something like flag making
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bofor-fh77b · 1 year
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Man found the stoplight cameras were activated during yellow lights and decided to cut the wires of it.
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bofor-fh77b · 1 year
@thatorigamiguy is this real ?
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Irony is a foreign concept to these people
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bofor-fh77b · 1 year
Legally blonde is not something you want as a benchmark dude
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