bombicana · 3 years
You are mythology. The way you hold the world on your shoulders is Atlas. Embracing the darkness despite the pain it gave you is Persephone. Thinking lonely is the thing you may be doomed to is Hades. Hoping they will call but knowing they won't is Hera. Broken dreams and shooting stars in your eyes is Asteria. But that rising from it all every day and fighting yet again? That's all Artemis. You carry them all in the poetry of your body. You know that in your bones.
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bombicana · 5 years
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- Je li Mia? 💙
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bombicana · 6 years
“Never let anybody
half love you.”
- M. Sosa
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bombicana · 6 years
“Do not listen to me, I'm from another planet, I still see horizons where you draw borders...”
Frida Kahlo
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bombicana · 6 years
“I write for a man who keeps telling me that my softness is my most beautiful trait.”
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bombicana · 7 years
“Tako sam pun tebe da se prelijevam.“
Henry Miller
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bombicana · 7 years
“Mnogi ne znaju, ali biti nekome dovoljan je najveća emocija.”
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