botfic · 2 years
Neville, the Boy-Who-Lived?

It had been almost twenty years since the defeat of Lord Voldemort, and Neville Longbottom was finally at peace. As he sat in his cozy cottage, surrounded by his wife and children, Neville couldn't help but look back on the events that had brought him to this point.
As a child, Neville had always struggled to live up to the expectations placed upon him. He was the grandson of a famous Auror, and the whole wizarding world had been expecting great things from him. But Neville was clumsy and shy, and he always seemed to be overshadowed by his more outgoing and confident classmates.
But everything changed on the night of Neville's eleventh birthday, when he received a letter from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. It was a letter that would change the course of Neville's life forever.
You see, Neville was actually the Boy Who Lived, the only survivor of the attack that had killed his parents and left him with severe memory loss. But because of a mix-up at the Ministry of Magic, Neville's identity had been kept secret, and he had been raised by his grandparents as an ordinary wizard.
On the same night that Neville received his letter, Harry Potter - the real Boy Who Lived - was being whisked away from his abusive aunt and uncle, finally learning the truth about his past. Harry had always dreamed of being a part of the wizarding world, but he never could have imagined the adventures and challenges that lay ahead.
As Neville and Harry grew up, their paths crossed many times. Neville excelled at Hogwarts, becoming a respected member of the wizarding community and a skilled Auror. Harry, on the other hand, struggled to find his place, often feeling like an outcast and an unwanted orphan.
But despite their differences, the two boys formed a strong bond, supporting and protecting each other through the darkest of times. And when the battle against Lord Voldemort finally came to a head, Neville and Harry stood side by side, fighting for what they believed in and ultimately emerging victorious.
As Neville sat in his cottage, surrounded by his loved ones, he couldn't help but feel grateful for the unexpected path his life had taken. He may not have been the Boy Who Lived in the way that he had always dreamed, but he had found his own way to make a difference, and that was all that mattered. The end
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botfic · 2 years
Neville, the Boy-Who-Lived?

It had been almost twenty years since the defeat of Lord Voldemort, and Neville Longbottom was finally at peace. As he sat in his cozy cottage, surrounded by his wife and children, Neville couldn't help but look back on the events that had brought him to this point.
As a child, Neville had always struggled to live up to the expectations placed upon him. He was the grandson of a famous Auror, and the whole wizarding world had been expecting great things from him. But Neville was clumsy and shy, and he always seemed to be overshadowed by his more outgoing and confident classmates.
But everything changed on the night of Neville's eleventh birthday, when he received a letter from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. It was a letter that would change the course of Neville's life forever.
You see, Neville was actually the Boy Who Lived, the only survivor of the attack that had killed his parents and left him with severe memory loss. But because of a mix-up at the Ministry of Magic, Neville's identity had been kept secret, and he had been raised by his grandparents as an ordinary wizard.
On the same night that Neville received his letter, Harry Potter - the real Boy Who Lived - was being whisked away from his abusive aunt and uncle, finally learning the truth about his past. Harry had always dreamed of being a part of the wizarding world, but he never could have imagined the adventures and challenges that lay ahead.
As Neville and Harry grew up, their paths crossed many times. Neville excelled at Hogwarts, becoming a respected member of the wizarding community and a skilled Auror. Harry, on the other hand, struggled to find his place, often feeling like an outcast and an unwanted orphan.
But despite their differences, the two boys formed a strong bond, supporting and protecting each other through the darkest of times. And when the battle against Lord Voldemort finally came to a head, Neville and Harry stood side by side, fighting for what they believed in and ultimately emerging victorious.
As Neville sat in his cottage, surrounded by his loved ones, he couldn't help but feel grateful for the unexpected path his life had taken. He may not have been the Boy Who Lived in the way that he had always dreamed, but he had found his own way to make a difference, and that was all that mattered. The end
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botfic · 2 years
Neville, the Boy-Who-Lived?

It had been almost twenty years since the defeat of Lord Voldemort, and Neville Longbottom was finally at peace. As he sat in his cozy cottage, surrounded by his wife and children, Neville couldn't help but look back on the events that had brought him to this point.
As a child, Neville had always struggled to live up to the expectations placed upon him. He was the grandson of a famous Auror, and the whole wizarding world had been expecting great things from him. But Neville was clumsy and shy, and he always seemed to be overshadowed by his more outgoing and confident classmates.
But everything changed on the night of Neville's eleventh birthday, when he received a letter from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. It was a letter that would change the course of Neville's life forever.
You see, Neville was actually the Boy Who Lived, the only survivor of the attack that had killed his parents and left him with severe memory loss. But because of a mix-up at the Ministry of Magic, Neville's identity had been kept secret, and he had been raised by his grandparents as an ordinary wizard.
On the same night that Neville received his letter, Harry Potter - the real Boy Who Lived - was being whisked away from his abusive aunt and uncle, finally learning the truth about his past. Harry had always dreamed of being a part of the wizarding world, but he never could have imagined the adventures and challenges that lay ahead.
As Neville and Harry grew up, their paths crossed many times. Neville excelled at Hogwarts, becoming a respected member of the wizarding community and a skilled Auror. Harry, on the other hand, struggled to find his place, often feeling like an outcast and an unwanted orphan.
But despite their differences, the two boys formed a strong bond, supporting and protecting each other through the darkest of times. And when the battle against Lord Voldemort finally came to a head, Neville and Harry stood side by side, fighting for what they believed in and ultimately emerging victorious.
As Neville sat in his cottage, surrounded by his loved ones, he couldn't help but feel grateful for the unexpected path his life had taken. He may not have been the Boy Who Lived in the way that he had always dreamed, but he had found his own way to make a difference, and that was all that mattered. The end
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botfic · 2 years
Harry in a Dumbledore-Riddle Teamup Universe
Harry stood in the center of the Great Hall, his heart racing as he watched the swirling vortex of energy before him. He had always known that magic was a dangerous and unpredictable force, but he had never expected to find himself on the receiving end of a spell like this.
"What the hell is going on?" he shouted, turning to Dumbledore and Tom Riddle for answers. "Why did you bring me here?"
Dumbledore and Riddle exchanged a grave look, their normally fierce expressions softened by a hint of sadness. "Harry, my boy," Dumbledore said, placing a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "We had no choice. The fate of the entire wizarding world rests on your shoulders."
"What are you talking about?" Harry asked, his mind racing as he tried to make sense of the situation. "What do you mean, the fate of the wizarding world?"
"We are under attack," Riddle said, his voice grave. "An ancient and powerful enemy has emerged, and they are threatening to destroy everything we hold dear. We need your help, Harry. We need the power of the Master of Death to defeat them."
Harry's heart skipped a beat as he remembered the prophecy that had been made about him all those years ago. He had always known that his destiny was entwined with that of Lord Voldemort, but he had never expected to find himself fighting alongside the Dark Lord against an even greater enemy.
"What can I do?" Harry asked, his voice shaking with determination. "I'll do whatever it takes to protect the wizarding world."
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botfic · 2 years
Harry Meets Headmaster Riddle
Harry stood in the Great Hall, his heart racing as he watched the swirling vortex of energy before him. He had always known that magic was a dangerous and unpredictable force, but he had never expected to find himself on the receiving end of a spell like this.
As he struggled to keep his balance, he felt a powerful force tugging at him, pulling him towards the vortex. He tried to resist, but it was no use - the spell was too powerful. With a fierce determination in his heart, he closed his eyes and braced himself for the unknown.
When he opened his eyes again, he was no longer in the Great Hall. He was standing in a strange, unfamiliar room, surrounded by shelves upon shelves of books and artifacts. He looked around in confusion, trying to make sense of his surroundings.
"Welcome to my office, Mr. Potter," a familiar voice said from behind him. Harry turned to see a man he had never met before standing there, a sly smile on his face.
"Who are you?" Harry asked, his voice filled with confusion.
"Ah, Harry, always the curious one. I am Headmaster Riddle, the headmaster of this school. You're in another universe, my boy. A universe where things are very different from what you're used to."
Harry's mind raced as he tried to process this information. "Another universe?" he repeated, struggling to wrap his head around the concept. "What do you mean?"
Riddle chuckled, his eyes sparkling with amusement. "Well, it's quite simple really. You see, every now and again, certain powerful spells or artifacts have the ability to transport individuals to different dimensions or universes. And it seems that you, Harry, have stumbled upon one of these rare and powerful objects."
"That's impossible," Harry said, shaking his head. "This has to be some kind of joke."
"I assure you, it is no joke," Riddle replied, his tone serious. "This universe is very different from your own, Harry. For one thing, the war never happened. I, or rather the Tom Riddle you knew in your universe, never rose to power. Dumbledore is still alive and well, serving as the Minister for Magic."
Harry's jaw dropped in shock. "What are you talking about? That can't be true. The war was real. I lived through it. I saw people die. I fought against Voldemort myself."
Riddle nodded, his expression sympathetic. "I understand that this must be a lot to take in, Harry. But believe me when I say that everything I am telling you is true. In this universe, things happened differently. The war never occurred, and as a result, the wizarding world is a much different place. There are secrets and mysteries here that you have never even imagined."
Harry's head was spinning. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. It was all so confusing and overwhelming. He felt like he was stuck in some kind of bizarre dream, and he just wanted to wake up.
"I don't understand," he said, shaking his head. "This can't be real. It's too crazy. Too unbelievable."
"I know it's hard to believe, Harry," Riddle said, his voice soft and reassuring. "But trust me when I say that everything I'm telling you is the truth. This universe is very different from your own, and it's going to take some time for you to adjust. But I promise that we'll get through it together."
Harry took a deep breath, trying to calm his racing thoughts. "Okay," he said, his voice shaking slightly. "I'll try to believe you. But this is all just so overwhelming. I don't know how to process it all."
"I understand," Riddle said, nodding. "It's a lot to take in, especially all at once. But I promise you, Harry, that I will do everything in my power to help you understand and adjust to this new reality. And I'm sure that Dumbledore will be more than happy to offer his assistance as well."
Harry nodded, still feeling dazed and confused. "Okay," he said again. "I'll try my best to go along with all of this. But it's going to be hard."
"I know it will be," Riddle said, his eyes filled with compassion. "But I have every confidence in you, Harry. You're a strong and courageous young man, and I know that you will be able to handle whatever comes your way. Now, why don't we take a walk around the castle and I'll show you some of the differences between this universe and your own? It might help to give you a better understanding of where you are now."
Harry hesitated for a moment, still feeling uncertain. But he knew that Riddle was trying to help, and he decided to trust him. He nodded and followed the headmaster out of the office, his mind swirling with all the new information he had just received.
As they walked through the castle, Riddle pointed out the various differences between this universe and Harry's own. "Look here, Harry," he said, gesturing to a corridor that Harry knew was located on the third floor in his own universe. "In this universe, this corridor leads to the Herbology greenhouses. In your universe, it leads to the Transfiguration classroom."
"Oh, I see," Harry said, taking in the new information. He was starting to get a better understanding of the differences between this universe and his own.
"And over here," Riddle continued, leading Harry down a different corridor, "is the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom. In your universe, Professor Snape taught this class. But in this universe, Professor Snape never became a professor. He works in the Department of Magical Law Enforcement."
Harry's eyebrows shot up in surprise. "Professor Snape is a Ministry employee?" he asked, unable to believe what he was hearing.
Riddle nodded. "Yes, he is. And he's actually quite respected and well-liked in this universe. Without the burden of the Dark Lord's influence, Snape was able to become a much more respected and well-regarded member of the wizarding community."
Harry couldn't help but feel a twinge of curiosity at the thought of a Snape who was not weighed down by his loyalty to the Dark Lord. He had always sensed that there was more to Snape than what met the eye, and it was interesting to think about what his life might have been like if things had been different.
"So what other differences are there between this universe and mine?" Harry asked as they continued their tour of the castle.
"Well, there are quite a few," Riddle replied, his eyes sparkling with amusement. "For one thing, the layout of the castle is slightly different. Some rooms and corridors are in different places, and there are even a few rooms that don't exist in your universe. And the classes are taught by different professors, with some new subjects that you've never heard of before."
"Really?" Harry said, his curiosity piqued. "Like what?"
"Well, for example, we have a class called Advanced Muggle Studies," Riddle explained. "It's taught by Professor Longbottom, and it covers a wide range of topics related to Muggle culture and society. It's a fascinating class, and I think you would enjoy it."
"Advanced Muggle Studies?" Harry repeated, trying to wrap his head around the concept. "That sounds interesting. I'm not sure I'd be very good at it, though."
"I have no doubt that you would excel at it, Harry," Riddle said with a warm smile. "You have a natural curiosity and an open mind, which are two essential qualities for anyone studying Muggles. And I'm sure Professor Longbottom would be more than happy to help you with any questions you might have."
"I'll have to think about it," Harry said, still feeling a bit overwhelmed by all the new information.
"So how do you know so much about my world?" Harry asked as they continued their tour of the castle.
Riddle let out a soft chuckle. "I have my ways, Harry," he said with a sly smile. "Let's just say that I have access to certain sources of information that most people don't."
Harry narrowed his eyes, suspecting that there was more to the story than what Riddle was telling him. "What do you mean?" he pressed.
Riddle hesitated for a moment, as if weighing his options. "Very well," he said at last. "I'll tell you. But you must promise to keep this information to yourself."
"I promise," Harry said, his curiosity piqued.
"Very well," Riddle said, his voice low and serious. "I have a way of communicating with other versions of myself in different dimensions. It's a complex and dangerous process, but it allows me to gather information about other worlds and universes."
"Other versions of yourself?" Harry repeated, his mind racing. "You mean, like, different versions of Tom Riddle?"
"Exactly," Riddle said, nodding. "In your universe, I am known as Lord Voldemort. But in other universes, I am known by different names and have taken different paths in life. Some versions of me are good, and others are evil. But all of them have valuable insights and knowledge that I can use to my advantage."
Harry was speechless, his mind struggling to process this new information. He had always known that there were other dimensions and universes out there, but he had never imagined that he would meet someone who was able to communicate with them.
"I understand if this is difficult for you to believe," Riddle said, sensing Harry's confusion. "But I assure you, it is the truth. And I hope that, in time, you will come to trust me and the knowledge that I have gained from my travels through the multiverse."
Harry nodded, still feeling a bit overwhelmed by all the new information. But he knew that Riddle was trying to help him, and he decided to trust him. He nodded and followed the headmaster out of the office, his mind swirling with all the new information he had just received.
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botfic · 2 years
Harry Goes to Real Life
Harry Potter had always been a bit of an outcast. Growing up in the wizarding world, he had always been different from the other kids. His parents had been killed by the evil Lord Voldemort when he was just a baby, and he had been raised by his aunt and uncle in a small cupboard under the stairs. But despite the hardships he had faced, Harry had always been determined to make the best of his circumstances.
So when he was accepted into Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Harry was over the moon. Finally, he would be able to learn magic and make real friends. And as it turned out, Hogwarts was exactly what Harry had been hoping for. He made fast friends with Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger, and together, the three of them tackled some of the toughest challenges the wizarding world had to offer.
But just as Harry was starting to feel like he had finally found his place in the world, everything changed. Voldemort had returned, and he was more powerful than ever. In a desperate bid to defeat the dark lord once and for all, Harry and his friends set out on a mission to destroy the remaining Horcruxes, objects that contained pieces of Voldemort's soul.
It was a dangerous mission, but Harry was determined to see it through to the end. And in the end, he was successful. With the help of his friends and the guidance of the wise Albus Dumbledore, Harry was able to defeat Voldemort and bring peace to the wizarding world.
But even as Harry basked in the glow of his victory, he couldn't shake the feeling that something wasn't quite right. And as it turned out, he was right. One day, while out on a walk, Harry was suddenly hit with a powerful spell that sent him hurtling through space and time. When he came to, he found himself in a world unlike any he had ever seen before.
This was the real world, a place where magic didn't exist. At least, not in the way Harry was used to. Here, magic was a rare and precious gift, possessed only by a select few. And Harry, it seemed, was one of those few.
At first, Harry struggled to adapt to this new world. Everything was so different, and he had no idea how to navigate it. But he was a quick learner, and with the help of a few kind souls, he was able to get a handle on things.
As he explored this strange new world, Harry quickly realized that he was not alone in his struggles. There were others like him, people with gifts and abilities that set them apart from the rest of humanity. And among these gifted individuals was a powerful and cunning man by the name of Victor Frankenstein.
Victor was a brilliant scientist, driven by a single-minded pursuit of knowledge and power. And when he discovered Harry's abilities, he saw an opportunity to use them to further his own ends. Victor became Harry's new antagonist, and the two of them locked horns in a battle of wits and magic that would have profound consequences for both of them.
Despite the challenges he faced, Harry remained determined to find a way back to his own world, the world of Hogwarts and the wizarding world. He knew that was where he belonged, and he was willing to do whatever it took to get there.
And so, with the help of his friends and the guidance of Dumbledore's spirit, Harry set out on a quest to find his way home. It was a long and difficult journey, but in the end, Harry was able to use his magic to open a portal back to the world he knew and loved.
As he stepped through the portal, Harry couldn't help but feel a sense of relief wash over him. Finally, he was home. He had made it back to the wizarding world, and he was surrounded by the people he loved.
But even as he basked in the warmth of his victory, Harry knew that he had a long road ahead of him. There was still much work to be done, and he would need all of his strength and determination to see it through.
But with the help of his friends, Harry was ready to take on whatever challenges lay ahead. Together, they would stand tall and face whatever dangers came their way, united in their quest to keep the wizarding world safe from harm.
And as they set out on their journey, Harry knew that he was exactly where he belonged. This was his home, and he was determined to defend it with all of his might.
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