boyburning · 4 years
here's a link to a carrd compiling ways you can support the black lives matter movement (made by twt user @dehyedration)
other than listing petitions, places to donate, and where to call/text, it also compiles resources such as threads debunking misinfo, education on black history, and information for protestors. it's being updated regularly
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boyburning · 4 years
BLM Links Masterpost
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Keep reading
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boyburning · 4 years
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eat your heart out!
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boyburning · 4 years
Me @ myself:
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boyburning · 5 years
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hey it’s been a while
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boyburning · 5 years
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new blog header :)
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boyburning · 5 years
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internal monologue
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boyburning · 5 years
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mix and match mind
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boyburning · 5 years
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boyburning · 5 years
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summertime sadness...
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boyburning · 5 years
I’m in a similar scenario as you, Anon, but from the other was around. A long relationship turned toxic, gave us time to breathe, then tried to reconnect. Seems like they’re dodging every chance to communicate, ghosting every meet up, never giving me the time of day. If I were her, I’d want you to be honest with me. Tell her that you don’t want to contact her, and give her closer. It’s better than leading her on. (½)
Best case scenario, she understands, accepts it, and you both move on. Worst case scenario, she flips out at you and you block her. (2/2)
Thank you!! Sorry for posting this late, I've been neglecting this blog a bit :/
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boyburning · 5 years
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boyburning · 5 years
Is it normal to feel bad about ignoring a past toxic friendship? Finally I get some distance during the summer but I kinda feel ashamed and awful for avoiding her and ignoring all her attempts at reaching out to me. Should I feel this way? Help.
I'm confused on who was the toxic one, but either way it's OK to take time to process. There are healthy ways to address what happened, but rushing it will probably make the situation worse. I would recommend finding healthy ways to address it, like talking with someone or writing down your thoughts or expressing your feelings through art?
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boyburning · 5 years
what are your favorite and least favorite things about being on T?
Best things: VOICE DROP, facial hair and lots of hair in general, + being able to build muscle a lot easier!!
Worst: NEEDLES, mood swings, having to get my blood drawn a lot. I'm going to start phobia therapy soon, so that should help!!
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boyburning · 5 years
how did u choose your name?
My mom was the mastermind behind it actually! She made a list of names she thought would fit me.
I picked Noah because although I'm not Christian, I have a strong bond to animals! Plus, it was sort of similar to my deadname.
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boyburning · 5 years
no no its not mood swings its emotional parkour
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boyburning · 5 years
just wanted to say how awesome it is you’re helping support so many people!
aw thanks!! ;u; I'm trying my best! it feels good to finally catch up on asks!
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