boylemedia · 2 years
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"Where do I stand on the -- on the WHAT? The "Transgender Question"? Well for one thing, sir, I recall the last few usages of that particular phraseology. A group of millions is not a question -- I have not yet finished speaking -- not a question, but a demographic."
"The Romans had their castrated priestesses, the Hindus their Hijras, but my god, let us take to the barricades because Uncle Al came to Thanksgiving in a skirt and pantyhose! It's the province of rubes. Hayseed reactionaries and the worst effluvia of America's suburban colon."
"And Chapelle! My god, Chapelle. Embarrassing as only a true great can become in his declining years -- I speak here with complete self-awareness; kindly hold your barbs -- as he tires of innovation and falls back into the soporific cushion of the lowest common denominator!"
"One joke stretched until you can hear its joints popping like some poor bastard broken on the rack. "Oh my car has pronouns, I identify as a bird, I'm trans-Chinese." The laziness of it -- shameful. You should see the transgendered roast themselves; there's true scorched earth."
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boylemedia · 2 years
Hey are we all coming back here now that right wing ego maniac owns Twitter? Here’s a picture of my baby!
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boylemedia · 3 years
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Okay I haven’t been here in a while, so here are some recent posts. I’m also two pictures off from accidentally posting all IPAs again…Saved it. 
Instagram: Colvinology
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boylemedia · 3 years
No wonder I loved living in Seattle so much; where my fellow Bretons at?
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Climate comparisons between North America and Eurasia
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boylemedia · 3 years
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Picked up Clan Invasion the other day - these new plastic minis are incredible!
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boylemedia · 3 years
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Via https://twitter.com/mithrilshirt?s=21
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boylemedia · 4 years
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boylemedia · 4 years
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boylemedia · 4 years
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Frank Cadogan Cowper  -  Fair Rosamund and Eleanor,  1920 
British, 1877-1958 
Oil on canvas
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boylemedia · 4 years
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boylemedia · 4 years
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boylemedia · 4 years
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boylemedia · 4 years
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boylemedia · 4 years
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From assorted works by Vitaliy Ostaschenko
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boylemedia · 4 years
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I love "how do you do math?" questions. Here's how my brain does it:
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How about you guys?
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boylemedia · 4 years
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boylemedia · 4 years
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Art by Kejun Wang
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