There are very few things Noah Coleman missed about Bradford Springs in all his years away from the place, but the bakery has certainly been one of them. He’s always had this insatiable sweet tooth and when it comes to the bakery’s fresh homemade apple pie, he’s weak. Savoring another bite, he glances over at the woman who’s heard his outward musings and offers up a brief grin. “If they ever change the recipe, I’m doomed,” he admits, chuckling softly. He nods and hums in agreement, finding it hard to argue with the woman. This pie, as simple as it may seem, really is one of the few things he can count on. Setting his napkin aside, he reaches out to take her hand, “Evelyn, the pleasure’s all mine,” he replies, committing her name and face to memory. “Noah,” he answers, “Noah Coleman.” Stealing a quick swig from his coffee, he glances at her again, “So I take it you’ve been in town for a while then. Where are you from originally, and how’d you come to land in Bradford?” Admittedly, he’s become a bit of a conversationalist over the years and true to his inquisitive nature, the questions start flowing before he knows how to stop them. Perhaps it’s the lawyer in him, or it’s the social butterfly he’s finally allowed himself to be.
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Chuckling, Evelyn nodded in agreement, taking another bite of her own pie. “If it’s any consolation, you won’t be alone. I’ll happily riot with you, if they ever do. Strength in numbers.” Shaking Noah’s hand, Evie’s grin spread as the formal introductions were exchanged. “I don’t normally get such a warm reception, it’s nice to have a change of pace.” She joked. Noah’s questions came and Evelyn was sure her pause was noticeable. Though these days, her expression didn’t usually give any outward indicator that all of the above were touchy subjects for her. Still, there was no denying that she hadn’t been able to totally perfect her response to the perfectly normal inquisition. “I suppose that would depend on what you define as ‘a while’. I’ve been here for about four years now.” Raising her eyes briefly to the ceiling, Evelyn did a quick mental calculation, checking her own math. “Originally, I’m from Seattle. My daughter and I moved here after...Well, really we just...Needed a fresh start.” Her eyes dropped momentarily as she took in a breath, clearing her throat after before placing a smile back on he face. “And what about yourself, Noah? Have you been here long? I’m sure I haven’t seen you before- I would absolutely have remembered if I had.”
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Open Starter
Elsie had completely underestimated small towns. She had never been an adult in a small town. Having grown up in London, then spending her young adult years in New York, she figured a small town would be easy to navigate. But she was very wrong. Everything was farther apart. The streets weren’t a perfect grid system and it seemed like the names of stores never fully populated on her phone. In addition to that, Elsie had never bothered to learn to drive. She didn’t need to in the city with easy access to public transportation and cabs which were more scarce here. Frustrated that she had tried three different streets looking for a beauty supply store she finally gave in and just jogged up to the person walking in front of her. “Excuse me.. sorry to bother you.. I’m a bit lost.” She said, her accent smooth and her voice soft. “I’m looking for the beauty shop?” She asked before deciding to elaborate. “I’m not from here..” As if her outfit and accent didn’t completely give that away. 
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Knowing she had the upcoming evening off, Evie had chosen to take care of a few errands that morning, before heading home to catch a few hours of sleep. Already, she’d been able to check the bank and the library off her list. As she made her way back to her car, she clicked through the mental notes she’d kept of where she would need to go next, considering the best route to reach her final destination- the grocery. She had nearly made it back to her vehicle when she was stopped, though the interruption wasn’t something she minded at all. Evelyn smiled, nodding as she glanced down the street to her left, then back at the speaker. “Oh, no worries at all hon. We were all new to town once upon a time, right? You’re going to want to head that way.” Evelyn replied, pointing to the sidewalk to their left. “Go down to that corner down there, then turn left. It’ll be the third storefront on your left.” Taking in the girl’s accent, she tipped her head. “If you don’t mind my asking, where are you from?”
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WHERE: Bradford Bakery WITH: Open!
It’s crazy to him that even after twelve years away, everything about Bradford Springs feels exactly the same to Noah Coleman as he sits in Bradford Bakery, enjoying a slice of his favorite pie. The only thing that’s changed, perhaps, is the way Noah looks in the sleepy Colorado town. Over a decade ago, he left as a quiet, dejected teen who always had his nose in a book and dreamed of one day blasting off to outer space with NASA. Now, he’s back as a successful defense attorney looking to open his own practice in the very place where his passion for law started— and he’s far from quiet. “It’s been twelve years, and this pie still tastes exactly the same,” he says to no one in particular as he stabs his fork into another piece, “Place looks the same too.”
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Generally speaking, the bakery was a place Evelyn did her best to avoid. It wasn’t the bakery’s fault, really, but more that sugar and sweet treats were things she did her best to ensure remained for special occasions, knowing that she could easily find herself falling into an addiction to the sweet, delectable goodness of the gorgeous treats. Today, however, she’d decided to indulge, stopping in for a quick slice of pie and cup of coffee after dropping Hazel off at her summer camp program for the morning. Hearing a nearby voice, she turned to the man seated at the table next to hers, offering a bright smile and a nod. “I must admit, I can’t speak for the past twelve years, but I can say that it has been the same for the past four, at least. I’ll take your word for it, though.” Chuckling, she continued. “I’m not mad about it, though. It’s nice, knowing that there’s at least one thing we can all count on in this world.” Leaning over, she offered her hand. “I’m Evelyn, by the way. It’s a pleasure to meet you...I’m so sorry, I don’t think I caught your name!”
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Ephram: I'm sorry... What? You want to go out at that time? Like start the evening then not end it?
Evelyn: I- I'm sorry? I think you may have the wrong number. Who was it you were trying to contact?
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          “It might have also had something to do with me cutting the line an’ making a few kids look like they were about to cry an’ all when they cut me off,” he replied with a shrug as he held back a bit of a grin at the idea of others in line being upset with him using up more glitter than he was allowed. It wasn’t that big of a deal, or so he told them— but there were a few parents in line that wouldn’t stop complaining until he was up and out of the seat so their kids could take his place. “Exactly, that’s all I’m saying. People come to expect nothing but a calm, cool and collected head when it comes to me,” he replied with a grin. “It’s not usually a what but a who—or rather, an avoiding of someone that’s kept me occupied.” Not that he planned it that way, but staying at the ranch to avoid running into June until he was ready to face her again had been part of the reason that he hadn’t found himself in trouble or hurt as of recently. Though it wasn’t like he wanted to avoid her, but rather he wasn’t ready for that to be the end of everything— it made sense in his head at the time, even if it didn’t while trying to explain to others. “It’s been… you know,” he trailed off with a shrug. “As long as I keep my distance from Vivi then I know I don’t gotta lug around all the art she’s most likely bought like I had to do last time. Nothing more than a pack mule to her. What about you?”
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Cocking an eyebrow, Evelyn feigned a disapproving look Colton’s way, quickly breaking her composure as her smile gave her away. “Tsk, tsk Colton, taking glitter from babies. I want to say you should be ashamed, however your plight has convinced me. I stand behind my initial assertion, that they simply should have brought ore glitter.” She couldn’t help but to chuckle at the man’s sincere grin; it was refreshing to speak with someone so carefree, someone who seemed happy in a way she hadn’t been herself in so long. Even in her line of work, often she saw people at their worst and weakest. It was something she hadn’t ever minded, though it did force an enjoyment of the lighter times even more, when they came. “Exactly. It’s your whole aesthetic, I knew from the first time I saw you in the ER.” Shaking her head, Evelyn slipped her hands into her pockets. “Oh? Well, despite my motherly instinct to pry, I’ll let you off the hook this time, and say I’m glad that whatever you’re doing now seems to be keeping you healthily occupied.” Her brows furrowed at his response, her head tilting as she attempted to determine whether she was truly seeing a shift in the man’s demeanor. “Vivi?” Evie asked, not bothering to mask her curiosity. “Forgive me, apparently I’m not as hip with the who’s-who as you are. It sounds like you know whoever that is pretty well- well enough to be deemed a pack mule, at least.”
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“Ah, well you could have just said that in the first place. But thanks for clarifying. I wasn’t trying to categorize someone into a creeper just yet. I’ll save that for a few months during Halloween.” The man mused, nonetheless mirroring his own friendly smile back to her. “It’s Pad Thai. The secret ingredient is in the sauce. I may be biased but I highly recommend. Sounds like it wouldn’t take any convincing by your curiosity though.” The smile continued. The sauce was spot on. Obviously, by the man’s own efforts in getting seconds. He had half the thought of getting a few extra for leftovers so he could pack it into his lunch for work. Hospital food wasn’t exactly the best. “Nice to meet you, Evie. I’m Jaylen. Fairchild huh.” The man started to say. That particular name holding a sense of familiarity or so he liked to believe. “I’ve heard that name before. You don’t happen to work at the Medical center would you?” Seemingly, it was his turn for his own curiosity to peak. 
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Evelyn nodded slowly in response, bobbing he head slightly from side-to-side. “I could have, you’re right about that. Maybe I’ll try that approach in the future. It would probably work a little better than just staring until I’m acknowledged.” Laughing, she shook her head at herself, only slightly embarrassed by her apparent lapse in ability to be an actual human being. Stepping forward, she took a closer look, tilting her head as she took in everything she saw within the mix. “I’m glad you held off on that label, then. I am in your debt.” She teased. “The sauce, huh? And what exactly is the sauce? You can’t judge me, but...I haven’t ever actually had Pad Thai. I’ve heard of it, but never had my own experience. Which, as I’ve recently been made aware, is rather strange this day in age.” Bringing her eyes back up to meet his, she paused, taking in a breath. “Jaylen, it’s nice to meet you as well. Yes, that’s right! Uh-oh, you caught me. I do. I’m one of the overnight doctors on the Emergency Side. What’s your last name? I’m willing to bet I would recognize it!” 
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One way to instantly diffuse Finn’s anger is kindness. Not just the fake nice that some people did when they were trying to avoid confrontation or be polite. But, the kindness that comes from a generally good hearted person, like the one that Finn had bumped into and swore at. It was moments like these that he was truly reminded how much of an asshole he really was, but he still didn’t feel bad about that fact. 
“Nah, you’re fine, um, it was probably on me anyways. I shouldn’t have barked at y’all like that.” He flashed a tight lipped smile to match the much warmer one she gave him. “You’re tryin’ to juggle a lot, there. Need help gettin’ it all wherever you’re goin’?” Finn could scarf down the rest of his corndog in two bites and that would free up one arm, downing the beer would go just as quick if he needed the second. She looked familiar, like she should be in a white jacket. “Emergency Room doctor…. nurse? You work there right?” He waved off her offer. “Nah, ‘m fine, believe you and me, I’ve been hit much harder and still kept my beer from spillin’.” He finished off the corndog and threw the stick in one of the many garbage cans. “Anyways,” he started when he turned back her way. “I’m almost positive you gave me stitches before. Ye look real familiar.” 
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Throughout her life, there had been several occasions on which Evelyn had been told she was far too softhearted for her own good. Repeatedly, she’d found herself in situations that called for her to take unnecessary responsibility, in predicaments in which she gave far more than she would ever receive, and in moments where she could do nothing outside of allowing herself to be a bit more than walked on. Despite her recognition and knowledge of the truth behind those claims, she couldn’t bring herself to stop. Kindness, love, and compassion were all Evie’s biggest driving forces, and faith in others, and in the good she believed all people possessed Therefore, the kindness she showed the man following the collision was nothing less than genuine; a glimpse into the woman she truly was. 
“Hey, it’s no problem at all, it’s already forgotten.” Evelyn assured. “After all, between the crowd and the noise, you’ve got every right to be a little aggravated.” The smile didn’t escape Evie, and her own brightened in response. “That is...Possibly the most accurate thing I’ve heard today.” Glancing at the items in her hands, she chuckled lightly then shrugged, followed by a hesitant nod. “I don’t want to take up too much of your time, but that would be...Very, very nice. Thank you so much.” Shifting, she readjusted one of the stuffed animals in her hands, though her head snapped back to attention at the man’s comments. “Oh wow, you’re spot on! Doctor, actually. Doctor Evelyn. Most people call me Doctor Evie. That’s so funny, I’m glad you recognized me!” Laughing, her eyes followed as he finished his corndog. “I’m grateful for that, no doubt. But, please. Let me buy you a drink. If for no other reason than your kind offer.” His mention of stitches landed, triggering a vague memory of the precise moment Finn had found his way into one of the Emergency bays she happened to be assigned to. “Right! Yes! Of course! It’s Finn, is that right? It’s neat that you remember me! How are you doing? I’m assuming those stitches healed well?”
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           “That’s what I said too.” he replied with a grin when someone else seemed to understand what he was going for as he cast a backwards glance into one of the mirrors lying about before he tossed it back down on the table behind them. “They were being too cheap with their glitter. Way too cheap,” Colt added with a raised voice so they could hear him behind back at the face painting before he was grinning back at Evelyn. “You know me, doing what I do best— staying out of trouble an’ avoiding the hospital.” It was a bald faced lie, one that he wore happily in the moment as she laughed because he was rarely out of trouble or keep to himself. 
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Watching as Colton tossed the mirror aside, his tone serious despite the joyful glimmer she could have sworn she saw behind his eyes. “Too cheap on glitter? Really, it’s an offense. You aren’t alone in your plight. As the mother of an 8-year-old, I am very familiar with the price of glitter. Even in tough times, I’ve never seen a bottle exceed $2.50. Perhaps we should go buy them a few tubes.” She joked, adding a wink as her own voice rose to back the man up. At the explanation of his scarcity, Evie couldn’t help but to cock an eyebrow in a teasingly challenging manner A small, soft smirk spread across her lips as she nodded slowly. “Right, right. Of course, silly me. After all, you are the King of low-key and the Master of wellness. Tell me, what has managed to keep your attention while you’ve been ‘staying out of trouble’. I’m just curious.” It was obvious she was teasing the other, poking fun at the explanation she felt safe in assuming was absolutely untrue. “It must really be something, to keep the great Colton Wright occupied.” Taking a step forward, Evelyn glanced over at Hazel, making sure things were still going well, before returning her attention to her companion. “Aside from trying to stay out of trouble, how are you enjoying the Festival this year?” 
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location: wild flower festival - somewhere near food.
open: anyone
“Okay, don’t be giving me those judgmental eyes. I’m allowed to indulge once in awhile. “ Mind you, this was his second serving in like a hour span. Festivals like these were made for music and eating. It was similar when you would watch a movie, you had to have the perfect movie snack. They went hand in hand. And currently, in the man’s own was some delicious Pad Thai. Obviously, he wasn’t a heathen. When he spoke he definitely wasn’t stuffing his face as he had been. “In my defense I run like 5 miles a day.” He loved to eat but the man loved to have an active lifestyle as well. So, they balanced one another out.
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Following an entire afternoon filled with booths, vendors, and more shopping than she needed or intended to do, Evie found herself needing a little more than a break from the hustle, bustle, and crowd. Making her way towards a small seating area near the food vendors, her eyes landed upon a man who was positioned nearby, digging into something that looked absolutely delicious. Truth be told his voice startled her- she’d been lost in thought about what she herself might indulge in. “Oh, I beg your pardon.” She answered with a soft smile. “It wasn’t my intention to stare. At least, not at you. I was meaning to stare at your food.” Raising a hand, she quickly shook her head. “Not to judge you, of course, but because...I’ve I’ve been trying to figure out what it is you’re eating. It looks so good. Kudos, though, on the running and generally healthy eating. I wish more people took things like that more seriously.” Stepping forward, she tilted her head a bit. “I’m Evelyn Fairchild, but please, call me Evie. And you are...?”
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Open starter 
Location: Food trucks and Vendor Carts 
Grace normally skipped out on the Wildflower festival, but this year had been her first time back in Bradford in 6 years, and her dad needed to get out of the house. He was off looking and talking with the local artist, and Grace had worked up an appetite. Just as she was trying to make the hard descion, before she looked over at the person beside her who also looked as if they couldn’t choose. “I think maybe the burgers may be the winner, but if you have a better suggestion I will happily take it.” 
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Even before she attended Medical School, Evelyn had been somewhat of a health-conscious eater. While she didn’t classify herself as someone who only ate organic and plant-based, she was known for her preference for salads, fruits, and vegetables, maintained a close and carefully charted daily water intake, and ate only the leanest of meats when she did at all. There had even been a time in which she’d found herself researching various protein powders, considering delving into that side of the health-conscious spectrum. However, there was no denying that fair and carnival food had always been her weakness. When the woman spoke, she herself had been carefully studying the menu of options, using what flimsy amount of willpower she had to attempt to talk herself into something bad-for-you-but-not-terrible. Turning, she nodded in agreement, eyes widening. “A burger would be amazing, you’re right. I haven’t had one in years- at least, not a beef burger. I’m sure they’re pure perfection here...” Evie’s voice trailed momentarily before she shrugged a bit. “But, as awful as it is, those chili cheese fries are calling my name. I don’t know that I’d say that’s a better suggestion, though.” Turning, she stuck her hand out in front of her. “I’m Evelyn Fairchild, it’s a pleasure to meet you.”
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starter: open
Toni arrived to the event a little later than everyone due to him having to close up the dispensary. He’d been jealous of his co-workers that were able to work the both at the festival unlike him who had to work at their store where there’d only been a handful of customers. Toni quickly navigated to the booths where clothing was being sold, wanting to scope out the vintage clothing section to add to his large collection that really needed to be down-sized.
There had been many vendors advertising vintage clothing which quickly brought a smile to his face. He didn’t know how long he spent looking at the racks of clothing, but he knew that being high at the moment wasn’t the best decision because he was contemplating buying every little shirt and accessory he’d been fascinated by. The voice in the back of his head had been his only saving grace because he didn’t need to be spending all of his money on clothes yet again. 
He’d been filtering through the many racks when he spotted a jean jacket with a variety of Looney Tunes on the back of it that was the perfect size. Toni pulled the jacket off the rack, put it on himself, and turned to the person next to him. “Please be my second opinion and tell me I should get this jacket. Who doesn’t like the fucking Looney Tunes? I mean..look at it.” He did a complete twirl with the happiest of tone in his voice, completely avoiding the price tag because he didn’t want any negative factors preventing him from buying the jacket.
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Though Evelyn had thoroughly enjoyed attending the festival with Hazel, time to herself wasn’t something she got all to often, especially not since losing Damian. So, when her nanny had offered to keep Hazel in for the evening to allow Evie a few hours of personal time, she had taken the offer- begrudgingly. While personal time and space were things which she had always enjoyed, in many ways it seemed as though they were things she had far too much of these days, in ways completely unrelated to her daughter. 
Making her way slowly through the booths and vendors, she considered heading for the stage, interested in who might be performing during the early evening hours. On her way, however, she was distracted by the racks of gorgeous vintage clothing on display from one of the vendors. She’d been perusing the racks slowly, not necessarily pressed to buy anything herself, but more interested in browsing, deciding whether or not she might come across that would speak to her. 
Evelyn was lost within her own mind when a nearby voice snapped her back to reality, and she turned abruptly on her heel, her fingertips flying to rest against her heart. “Oh, goodness. I’m so sorry, I must have been lost in my own thoughts.” With a shake of her head, she offered a bright smile before dropping her eyes to take in the garment the other was presenting. “Gosh, Loony Tunes?! I haven’t thought about that show in years! This is incredible!” Her head nodded excitedly as she stepped to the side to admire the jacket from a different angle. “If it were any other jacket, I would say to pass. But I’m not sure I’ve ever seen something quite like that, it’s very unique. I’d say go for it!” Laughing, she gave the other a thumbs up. “I’m Evelyn, by the way, Evelyn Fairchild. You look familiar, I think I’ve seen you around town.”
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who: open when: saturday, july 16th midday where: he can be pretty much anywhere at the festival
After having sat patiently enough to manage a little more than half of a tiger’s face painted on him, Colt couldn’t sit still any longer. He’d practically jumped out of the chair to let another take his spot even at the complaints and scowls that he got for knocking over some of the paints on the table. He grinned as he hopped away, itching to find something else that would help him get through the day after being talked into the face painting in the first place. “What d’ya think? I almost went with the butterfly but they didn’t have enough glitter to bring out my vision.”
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As a child, Evelyn had always thoroughly enjoyed getting her face painted any time her family ventured out to events similar to the one taking place in Bradford Springs. Art was something she found entrancing, her mother had instilled that within her, and she loved the idea behind being able to wear art. Hazel, who with each passing day seemed to become more of a perfect blend of herself and Damian, took the trait after her mother. She’d been admiring the work from afar, holding her daughter’s hand in her own as the girl bounced excitedly next to her. “You know what? I think you made the right choice. You look incredible. And, there is absolutely no sense in sporting a butterfly with too-little glitter. Frankly, I think it should be a crime.” Laughing, Evie’s eyes twinkled as she joked. “How have you been, Colton? I haven’t seen you around recently. Though, that could certainly be attributed to the fact that I’ve been a bit of a recluse myself lately.”
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starter || open
Ephram grimaced as he looked at his… creation that was on the table. There was as much glue on it as there was on his fingers. When the laughter came from the neighboring party he grew playfully defensive. “You are the one who talked me into this,” he swung his head over, not sure how he ever agreed to it, but was trying not to just say no to everything. “You’re not allowed to shame me.”
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Growing up the eldest child of an art teacher, Evelyn held a special place in her heart for arts and crafts of any kind. While it admittedly wasn’t something she had kept up with over the years, especially not during her time in medical school, and most definitely not in the early stages of her grief following her husband’s passing, it was something she kept in her back pocket. Something she continued to tell herself she would revisit, or come back to. And, with her daughter Hazel getting older, Evie couldn’t help but to want to give her the same memories she had with her own mother- time well spent together, exploring arts and crafts, with no end goal or plan in mind other than having fun. When the opportunity to do just that presented itself, Evie did not hesitate to jump on it. Truthfully, she had been lost in the colorful macaroni portrait she’d been working on with Hazel, but hearing the man’s voice as he addressed another party drew her attention. 
Once he was finished speaking, she cleared her throat to gain his. “For what it’s worth, I think you’re doing great.” She said with a smile, leaning over to close a bit of the gap between them. “My mom always said, one of the best things about art is that, no matter what anyone else says, no one can really critique anyone else’s art. It’s something that comes from inside you, so how could anyone else ever truly comment on that? They don’t see what you see.” After a moment, she chuckled, shaking her head at herself. “I’m sorry, believe it or not I did not intend for that to come out quite so cheesy. What can I say? It’s the mother in me.” She offered, glancing at the girl across the table from her. “So, I take it this isn’t typically your idea of fun?”
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location: festival near the stage  availability: open
Festivals and any large crowded place wasn’t really Finn’s thing. Still, he ended up there because he secretly loved Stevie Nicks and had never seen her live before. Plus he could never say no to a good party and the night life at any of Bradford Springs’ events was bound to be a good time. 
His first stop was getting a corndog, because they were always better at a fair or festival. The next was the brewery’s truck to get something to drink to go along with his food. Honestly it was likely to be one of many trips there because Finn wouldn’t be Finn without some sort of drink in his hand. He turned and looked toward the stage to see them setting up for the show. It wouldn’t be dark for another hour but he was debating getting a good spot anyways. Not paying attention he walked right into someone, luckily saving the beer from spilling. “What the fuck, man? First time walkin’ or what?” He grimaced at the other person even though it was likely not their fault at all.
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From the moment the festival was announced, Evelyn began planning her day off around taking Hazel to enjoy the festivities. Spending time with her daughter was one of Evie’s favorite things, and she had no doubt that the girl would find the festival exciting. Ever the socialite, Evie admired Hazel’s ability to make friends wherever she went, to find ways to work herself so easily into any scenario, even ones where she was the youngest in the room. 
Evie had been following her daughter through the crowd, juggling a large stuffed animal, two bags of cotton candy (one pink, and one blue, just in case they tasted different), both of their drinks, and a bag of popcorn, when she felt another collide with her shoulder. “Oh, gosh, I’m so sorry!” She responded immediately, offering an apologetic smile. “I should have paid more attention, I didn’t even see you.” Though she was fairly certain it had been the man who had bumped into her, given his tone and choice words, she wasn’t about to give him any reason to feel more defensive than he obviously already did. “I’ll tell you, I feel like I should come with some sort of sound effect at this point, warning people I’m coming through.” Glancing at the contents of her hands, she shrugged before offering another smile. “Are you alright? Is your drink? I would be happy to buy you another, if not. I’m Evelyn, by the way. I would offer my hand but, if I did, I believe we would find ourselves in yet another predicament.”
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full name: Evelyn Fairchild   age & date of birth: 34, October 31, 1987 gender & pronouns: cis female & she/her time living in bradford springs: 4 years occupation: Emergency Doctor @ Rocky Mtn. Medical Center positive traits: Organized & Compassionate negative traits: Guarded & A Perfectionist where do they live: Rural- Evie owns a home on the outskirts of town, that could be considered a semi-farm. She has a couple of horses, as well as a couple of pigs, a rooster, and several chickens.
BACKGROUND. tw: spousal death, pregnancy
Evelyn Rochelle Fairchild was born on a chilly Halloween night in 1987. The first child to her parents- Jacob and Patrice Fairchild- she was welcomed into the world with nothing less than smiles, blessings and love. Her father was a carpenter, working long ours for decent pay. Her mother was an art teacher, seeming to never grow tired of the insurmountable challenges that came from being an educator. The couple were high school sweethearts who had never fallen out of love, and their relationship quickly became the model Evie crafted hopes for her own future relationship after.
Throughout her childhood, Evie was well-liked by the adults around her, often deemed an "old soul", or someone who was "wise beyond her years". While the majority of children her age were playing leapfrog and swinging from monkey bars, Evelyn far preferred spending time to herself, keeping her nose deep in the pages of whatever book she could get her hands on. Evelyn was bright, caring, and helpful. She never failed to pay attention to and take care of her classmates, despite feeling no real connection to them beyond their time in school. She heeded and obeyed every rule set forth, and ever bit of instruction after that, throwing herself totally into academics.
When Evie was 4, her younger brother was born, followed by another when she was 6. Though it is commonplace for siblings to fight, squabble, and argue, each of the Fairchild children genuinely loved each other, and would have done anything for each other at any given time. The family was always very tight-knit, in the best of ways. Growing up in an environment like that taught Evie many things about family, love, and life in general, helping to shape who she is, and what she hopes for in life.
Unlike seemingly everyone else in her peer group, it never really occurred to Evelyn to place any sort of importance on romantic relationships for herself. In her mind, she seemed to always hold onto the idea that there was one person out there for her, meant for her, and that she would find them when the time was right. What she hadn't expected was that they might find her.
When Evie was 19-years-old, she met Damian. After graduating high school, Evelyn had gone immediately to college, a Pre-Med major who worked a part-time job as a library assistant at the college she was attending- Ohio State University. Damian, a Junior, quite literally collided with her one afternoon, as the first semester of her Sophomore year was drawing to a close. A collision turned into a late lunch, which turned into dinner, and two short months later, the couple had become official. They were married at the end of Evelyn's Junior year, with Damian having graduated with a degree in Biochemical Engineering a little over a year earlier. Things between them were a whirlwind, and by the time that Evelyn entered Med School, they had purchased a starter home together, and were beginning to plan for their futures.
By the end of Evelyn's third year, she became pregnant with their first child, a beautiful baby girl, whom the couple named Hazel. It truly seemed as though nothing could be more perfect- that nothing could go wrong. However, tragedy struck the young, happy family when Evie was 30 and Hazel, 4. Having recently completed Med School, Evie was working overnights in a local hospital located in Charleston, SC. One night, at approximately 11:30 PM, Evie received a call that Damian had been killed. The small favor was that Hazel had been with her parents for the evening, and hadn't been involved in the incident. It had occurred outside the local 7-11, with Damian attempting to make peace within an argument that had broken out. The scene ended violently, with an attack on Damian that had claimed his life.
Heartbroken, terrified, and alone, Evelyn vowed to her late husband that she would do whatever was necessary to ensure Hazel lived the life they'd dreamed of giving her together. While she remained in Charleston for nearly a year following the loss, while she settled affairs and learned to somewhat live again. However, it wasn't long before remaining in the home they'd once shared proved too much. Deciding she needed to get out, she packed her things along with Hazel's, put the house up for sale, and left. Landing in Bradford Springs, she purchased a home for herself and Hazel in the rural part of town, wanting to live a quiet and simple life away from the main hub of the town. Evelyn and Hazel have been in Bradford Springs for four years now, with Evie working the overnight shift at Rocky Mtn. Medical Center. While life has certainly moved on since Damian's passing, Evelyn has only just recently felt as though she has found her footing.
-Part of Evelyn wants to date, to try and live the life that she knows Damian would have wanted for her. But, something always seems to hold her back. She tells herself she simply hasn't met the "right one", but some part of her understands that she now finds it difficult to open up to others, afraid to love again.
-Evelyn's favorite book is The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton. Though many find it a juvenile love for an adult woman, she has always held the book in her heart. After reading it for the first time at 13, she latched onto the characters and the world in general, part of her longing for camaraderie and friendship like what she read about in the book.
-Her favorite animals, in order, are cows, dogs, and squirrels.
-When she was a child, Evie spent a good amount of time paintinng. Art was both an outlet and a love for her throughout her childhood, and at the time was something she hoped she might pass along to her children. However, she has not painted since Damian passed.
-While she does not consider herself to be a full-fledged farmer, Evelyn houses several animals on her land. She also has her own garden, where she grows various fruits and vegetables. She enjoys taking her harvest to the Farmer's Market in the appropriate months, to get herself and Hazel out of the house, and to earn a bit of extra cash.
-After only a few months in Bradford Springs, Evelyn hired a full-time, live-in nanny for Hazel, knowing she would need someone to stay with her at night. Evie may be the employer, however she views the nanny as being a part of the family, is generous with their pay and their time off, and feels as though they are the person she has become closest to.
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