Nerdy femslash fanfiction
873 posts
Because the world could always use more femslash. May add original fiction later.
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brightstarff · 9 years ago
There are so many things wrong here.
First of all, someone pointing out that changing a bi character’s sexuality is problematic is not the same thing as saying lesbians shouldn’t exist or that you should “go back to your hole.” Second of all, considering the history of forced conversion and erasure within the LGBT community as a whole, altering queer people’s sexualities is frankly gross and a little disturbing for the same reason murdering queer characters is. It erases queer sexuality–and erasing ANY queer sexuality falls under that heading, not just ones you like more. Yes, actually, that IS appalling.
We can certainly talk about shows hedging with bi female characters to try to ensure their characters have the possibility of romance with a male character–yes, that is a problem, but that’s not what you’re talking about, and I know for a fact that bi people don’t appreciate their identities being used for the purposes of sweeps (ie: House). Not all representation means good representation, and having a bi character on a show (for example*cough*theonehundred*cough*) whose lovers continually DIE is not good representation of bi people, or a character whose only same-gender love interest is murdered 2 seconds after they consummate their relationship for sweeps, so it’s not like they’re doing great here either. You’re talking about forcefully converting already queer characters to a sexuality you identify with more. Should there be more/any living lesbians on TV? Yes. (And in fact, there is one on Orphan Black–Cosima. In that show they actually shot (and most likely killed) the bi woman.) Does that mean lesbians should erase bisexuality (and bi erasure is already a problem–none of the bi characters on TV have openly identified AS bisexual)? No.
The fact that you said this simply proves that bi representation is also woefully lacking and shows how bi people are shit on from all directions in society.
Bi people don’t have it “better” (which is what the undercurrent of your recent posts have been) and there is no evidence to support that claim other than a skewed understanding of both sexual orientation and media representation (and actually, bi people do WORSE on psychological and sociological scales than gay people–they tend to have higher rates of suicidal tendencies, mental illness, poverty, etc).
Edit: And, frankly, I think this whole discussion is because some lesbians find the idea of women being with men icky, and they don’t want Gabby and Xena to be with men because they would see it as undermining whatever would happen between the two of them (ie, when gay folks won’t date bi folks). If they’re going to be together in the show, why does it matter who they’re with before (or in between, if the show portrays them as on-again-off-again, which was a popular fan headcanon about their relationship during the original)?
if.. they're both bi.. why would you want one character to be a lesbian?? taking representation from others isn't helpful, supportive, or useful. At all.
I guess I’m greedy for wanting at least one living lesbian on television. Sorry, I’ll go back in my hole where I don’t exist and should have no wish to exist and wanting even half of a w|w is shocking and appalling and how fucking dare I.
Here’s a better question - why WOULDN’T you want one to be a lesbian. I am truly all ears.
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brightstarff · 9 years ago
The problem is that people often get the demographics of specific time/places wrong. Take Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find them–no non-white lead characters, theoretically some sort of minor roles played by POC. The film takes place in HARLEM during the 1920s.
Or they get it wrong because there are histories that get written out and so people make incorrect assumptions based on the canonical set of research people tend to focus on. IE: all of the films set in England or something in the Renaissance or the Victorian era having no black people. Granted, the exact demographics are difficult to find (particularly since race was often referred to in terms of euphemisms/coded language), but we have photographic evidence that there were black people…and in fact England got an influx of black people during the 17/1800s because England didn’t practice slavery in London.
Even Norway–there are a number of immigrants from the middle east who have been moving there in the past few years. While they don’t make up a huge proportion of the country’s overall demographics, it still seems feasible that you could have a movie that included a Turkish family/group of friends, for example, particularly if it takes place in Oslo or something.
IDK, the argument that a white majority cast is “realistic” will always ring false in my ears, because as someone whose school system was 98% white (literally, not even exaggerating–i looked up demographic information at the time because i was curious) growing up, I still had a number of friends who were not white who would be “main characters” along with me in a hypothetical film about my life.
PS: The issue with Gods of Egypt wasn’t that they weren’t Egyptian. Egyptians didn’t look the same then as they do now because there’s been like… millennia since then and at least one empire (?? my history isn’t great on this but the ottoman empire happened, which I believe is also why islam is predominant in northern africa)  (and there’s some debate about what Egyptians looked like, afaik, but people know it wasn’t white). The problem is that the movie didn’t even TRY to consider the fact that people in Egypt thousands of years ago would not have been white.
I call bullshit because there are legit so many great poc actors/actresses?? like literally a lot of those movies have 'searching for caucasian (white)' for poc roles. can't remember her name but a poc actress flew out to audition for the role of tiger lily in pan but was turned away!!!! and they picked rooney mara (ily rooney but wtf?) instead. complete bullshit. avatar fans could pick out a fancast for the movie and it probably wouldve been better than the shit that was the last airbender
Yeah I know that. I mean like.For Gods of Egypt, for exampleAre there enough actors in America who are of Egyptian descent/english speaking Egyptian actors who are able to break through in an American market?
I’m not trying to say that they should all just cast white people but assuming that there are constraints. Is it ALWAYS gonna be wrong to cast PoC for white roles or Whites or PoC roles? Assuming all other options have been exhausted?
Thoughts on blind casting? Someone pointed out that theater is starting to move in the trend of blind casting, which I personally L O V E.
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brightstarff · 9 years ago
psychic: *reads my mind*
me: B R E A K I N G  N E W S the mongols have invaded china. “w e ‘ v e  i n v a d e d  c h i n a” said the mongols. “p l e a s e  r e s p e c t  u s  o r  e l s e  w e  m i g h t  i n v a d e  y o u  a s  w e l l” *swords unsheathing* okay said japan. so the mongols came over, ready for war. and diedinatornado (actually a typhoon). but they tried again, and had a nice time fighting with the japanese but then diedinatornado (actually a typhoon). then the emperor overthrows the shogunate then the shogunate overthrows him back and moves to kyoto and makes a ~new shogunate~. and the emperor can still dress like an “”emperor””” if he wants. that’s fine.
psychic: what the fuck
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brightstarff · 9 years ago
2012: Oh My God, there has never been , or will there ever be a candidate as bad as Mitt Romney
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brightstarff · 9 years ago
steven universe episodes?
so I just watched what hulu calls “season 1″ of steven universe which has 52 episodes (it ends with “joy ride,” where they find peridot’s escape pod). i wouldn’t mind just buying the next season, but the way amazon and itunes have it it’s really confusing. they both have 3 seasons, but season 2 for both ends with greg and amethyst watching little butler, and season 3 starts with steven’s uncle visiting, which I haven’t watched so i’m assuming it takes place after the 52 episodes i’ve watched
why would both services basically cut out the entire homeworld gem plot...and also where do i go next?
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brightstarff · 9 years ago
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reblog and tag which mario 64 glitch you are
im too many entities
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brightstarff · 9 years ago
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i’ve never played a dragon age game in my life and mykie wanted my reactions to some of the companions. i think i nailed it.
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brightstarff · 9 years ago
Hello, Minttu. I noticed that you've been drawing your Adaar Dragon Age character a lot. But I also noticed that, for a woman, she has rather masculine facial features. Is this supposed to be a convention in this fictional race, that ladies have strong jawbones, handsome actor chins and the like? I'd hate to think that you made her look like a man unintentionally.
I am sincerely sorry she has offended your definition of what a woman should look like and I
oh no here she goes again
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brightstarff · 9 years ago
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brightstarff · 9 years ago
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brightstarff · 9 years ago
The history of lesbian representation on television is rocky — in the beginning, we seemed exclusively relegated to roles that saw us getting killed/attacked or doing the killing/attacking. And until the last five or so years, lesbian and bisexual characters seemed entirely unable to date an actual woman or stay alive for more than three episodes, let alone an entire run, of a show. Gay and lesbian characters are so often murdered on television that we have our very own trope: Bury Your Gays. We comprise such a teeny-tiny fraction of characters on television to begin with that killing us off so haphazardly feels especially cruel.
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brightstarff · 9 years ago
looks like my ps4 is done for good :( i can get my data off of it if i get a new one (HAHA with what money, i ate rice for dinner 3 days this week) but i replaced the blu ray drive and it STILL won’t read discs, even when I go through all the safemode options
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brightstarff · 9 years ago
this was released literally 1 year after i realized i was a Gay. i died. there is so much going on here. the sword as the phallic symbol connecting the two love interests technically but unknowingly in competition for viola’s affections (also the fact that olivia is wielding it and orsino is on the receiving end). the clothes (pls give me viola’s/hathway’s clothes. i will wear them unironically.). the fact that orsino’s shirt is basically useless. viola’s face which screams “i shouldn’t be into this but i kind of am.” orsino’s face metaphorically demonstrating lying on a couch and crying about music being the food of love.
okay is there any photograph in history that deserves to be painstakingly rendered in oils and hung in a gilt frame in the Louvre more than the threesome photoshoot from that production of Twelfth Night with Anne Hathaway tho
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like…dude…Caravaggio doesn’t hold a single candle to this shit………
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brightstarff · 9 years ago
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Viking ring castle in Denmark, dating from c. 980 AD.
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brightstarff · 9 years ago
apparently he’s supposed to be playing a non-binary character :/ i’m worried that other people calling him ugly etc in response to this movie is going to negatively backlash against nb folks, esp dmab and/or trans feminine folks 
and ofc trans women as well
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brightstarff · 9 years ago
I know some folks who follow me are probably interested in Star Wars, so here’s a bundle of classic SW games from Humble Bundle, because I’m always gaming on a budget and I’m sure other folks out there are too.
If you haven’t used Humble Bundle before, they run timed specials where you can buy a ‘bundle’ of games for any amount you choose (which are redeemable through Steam). If you pay over the average, you’ll get more (and usually more desirable) games. By paying $8, I was able to get KOTOR, KOTOR 2 (the first one an RPG by BioWare), Dark Forces, the first Jedi Knight game (which is actually a sequel to Dark Forces), X Wing Alliance, and a bunch of other stuff. Along with a 75% off coupon for 3 games from the humble bundle store (again, also run through steam). If the Bundle adds more stuff after you already bought it, you get that stuff too, even if the average has increased since the last time you paid.
If there are any folks who want to play some of these games but they have a Mac, let me know in a message! (I think KOTOR and KOTOR 2 are the only ones that run on Mac) I’ll do a little tutorial of how I run windows games... without having to partition my entire hard drive, and again, on a budget.
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brightstarff · 9 years ago
can you guys please help my friend out. she got into a Harvard program for the summer but she’s comes from a very low income family. she lives with her disabled father and is the only breadwinner in her family and cannot afford the travel costs etc so any help would be very appreciated!!!
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