brittanafics · 4 years
Life With The Lopez-Pierce’s (Chapters 1 and 2)
Chapter 1: 
Life for Santana and Brittany couldn’t have been more blissful and joyous ever since their wedding day. Once they returned from their honeymoon, they decided to get their shit together and commit to college … without dropping out this time.
Brittany applied to NYADA as a dance major. Brittany moved Carmen Tibideaux with her contemporary dance number to the Pretenders’ “I’ll Stand By You”. She was there with Mercedes when Finn told her about how his mom walked in on him singing that song to the hologram of the fetus he thought was his baby, and she wanted to do something in his honor, even if it was just an audition that only one person was going to be there for. Almost immediately after graduation, she ended up being a backup dancer for Sony Entertainment and all their artists. She even was Mercedes’ backup dancer for her first headline tour.
Santana also enrolled in NYADA. She didn’t know why she was so hesitant to apply there when Kurt and Rachel were both students there, but deep down she knew that she didn’t think she was talented enough at the time and didn’t want to humiliate herself with a rejection letter. Surprisingly though, Rachel put a good word in with Carmen Tibideaux for her and Brittany, which she wasn’t going to lie, helped a lot. Even with the good word Rachel put in though, at the end of the day they got in because of their talent. Santana wouldn’t have gotten in without her moving cover of Adele’s “Set Fire To The Rain”. Kurt told her all about how she needs to sing something emotional and not go overboard with props, because he definitely didn’t want her to repeat his mistake. After graduation, Santana went back to Broadway, and even played Fanny Brice in “Funny Girl”. Permanently this time.
Once they got employed after graduation, Brittany and Santana both agreed that they wanted to start a family. They decided to go with adoption because one, Brittany is a dancer and didn’t want to jeopardize her career with a pregnancy that would seriously affect her body forever, and two, Santana knew that she wouldn’t be able to handle a pregnancy. All those hormones … did not sound appealing to her. Plus, Brittany also felt bad about all the kids in the foster care system who needed parents. These kids needed parents and a home, and Brittany and Santana needed kids to give a home to. So, adoption it is. The adoption process was incredibly frustrating and long to say the least, but after a couple of months they adopted their three-month-old baby, Jacob Lopez-Pierce.
Fifteen years later, Jacob Lopez-Pierce is the captain of the chess club at the public high school right next to their house. Jacob unfortunately isn’t as popular as his moms were in high school. It’s bad enough that everyone in school knows who his moms are, and that he even has two moms in the first place but being the captain of the chess club is even worse than being in the glee club, and the kids in New York still like to throw slushies too. He doesn’t mention any of this to his moms though. He doesn’t figure that his moms would take it well that they were the most popular girls in high school and he’s at the bottom of the high school food chain. It makes him feel like a disappointment, like he’s the complete opposite of what his moms expected him to be. The simple solution would be to quit chess club, but he loves it too much to do that. If there’s one thing his moms taught him, it’s that he shouldn’t stop doing what he loves just because it’s considered “lame”. His moms told him all about glee club.
Chess was his glee club. He first fell in love with it when Brittany taught him how to play a couple of years ago. It was one of the few things she enjoyed doing during her short-lived time at MIT. It was one of the first things that him and his mom connected over. He couldn’t hit a note to save his life, and he was an even worse dancer than Finn. He wasn’t artistic in anyway. He wasn’t as athletic as his cheerleading moms were either. He tried out for the football team and didn’t get in … and the lacrosse team, ice hockey, rugby, etc. He even tried out for the cheerleading team too. The one thing he was good at though was chess. And math. Those things came easy to him.
However, his mom found out about this secret when he came come one day drenched in whatever was in those slushies. Earlier that day, about a dozen jocks slushied him at once … and this time he couldn’t clean it off before he got home. Santana was about to lose it.
“Jacob, who the fuck did this to you because I am about to go all Lima Heights!”
“Just a couple of guys on the football team it’s no big deal.” Jacob tried to explain. All he wanted was to go take a shower and study for the history exam he has tomorrow, but he knows that his mom was not going to let this go.
“No big deal?? No big deal?? Are you fucking kidding me Jacob! I’m gonna need names because I’m not gonna let whoever did this to you get away with this!” Santana exclaimed
“What are you and mom going to do? Go to the principal and tell him all about how this is bullying and you’re not going tolerate that.” Jacob said, mocking his other mom.
“What the fuck did you just say. No, you don’t get to disrespect your mother like that. Just go to your room and we’ll deal with this once your mom gets back home from the studio” Santana said. She knew her son wasn’t the most popular guy at school but she had no idea that this is how he was being treated.
Chapter 2:
When Brittany got back home from the dance studio, Santana didn’t waste a minute. She immediately told her about the fight she had with their son. She was furious at him for making fun of Brittany and mocking her, but she was also angry at herself for not protecting him for the bullying he’s experiencing at school. She’s his mother, it’s her job to shelter him from all the bad shit. Since Santana hasn’t calmed down, Brittany was going to be the one to talk to Jacob about all of this and try to figure out what happened.
She opens the bedroom door to find him on the phone with none other than Barbra St. James, Rachel and Jesse’s kid. They’re around the same age and have been best friends ever since they were born, even though they have almost nothing in common. Rachel and Santana have been in a lot of the same Broadway shows over the years, so they would always bring their kids to watch rehearsals when they were younger. If you would’ve told Brittany and Santana in high school that their child would be Rachel Berry’s daughter’s best friend, they would not have believed it.
“I’ve got to go I’ll call you later B.” Jacob said as he hung up on his best friend. He was telling her all about what happened with his Mami earlier.
“So, you’re back from work?” He asked awkwardly. The last thing he wants right now is to have this conversation. He just wants to get it done and over with so he could go back to talking to Barbra.
“Yeah. Mami told me what happened at school today, and also about the comment you made about me. If you’re going to make fun of me, at least make an attempt to make it a bit funny.” Brittany said jokingly.
“Mom I’m so sorry I didn’t mean to be so rude. You know I care a lot about you mom and I’m never making fun of you again. I shouldn’t have in the first place.” As angry as he was about what happened to him at school, his mom had nothing to do with it and he shouldn’t have taken out his anger on her. He realizes that now
“Honestly, between me and you it seems like Mami is angrier about that than I am. But still, we’re worried about you. What’s going on at school and why didn’t you tell us baby.” Brittany asked.
“People at school don’t like me that much like I told Mami it’s really not that big of a deal. I didn’t want you guys because I didn’t want you disappoint you. I’ve seen the pics in your high school yearbook. You two were the most popular girls in school. And then there’s me, the biggest loser at school. I’m the complete opposite of the son you and Mami want me to be.” Jacob said. It was always easy for him to open up to his mother. She was one of the most understanding and empathetic people he knew.
“Well, have you ever seen the pictures of us from Junior Prom?” Brittany asked. Jacob did not know what this had to do with the conversation they were having but he’s assuming it’s going to make sense eventually.
“No.” Jacob replied
A few minutes later, Brittany pulled out a picture of Santana and Dave Karofsky from that night and showed it to her son.
“Mami’s bisexual?” Jacob asked, being genuinely confused. He had no idea why his mom went to her junior prom with a man. Before today he didn’t even think it was a possibly for his mom to be interested in men.
Brittany chuckled at that question. “No, I am but she’s definitely a lesbian.” Brittany explained.
“Then why did she go to her junior prom with this random guy?”
“That guy is Dave Karofsky. I asked your Mami to go to the prom with me, but she wouldn’t even let me ask her on the popular internet talk show I used to have, Fondue for Two. I should show you some of the episodes one day but yeah she didn’t go to her junior prom with me.”
“Why wouldn’t she go to the prom with you, you two love each other.” Jacob considered himself smart, but he had no idea what was going on.
“That guy in the picture? He made uncle Kurt transfer schools and that’s how he met Uncle Blaine. He used to bully Kurt for being the most unicorn of them all at our high school. But he met his soulmate because of that. Mami wasn’t as brave as you are now when she was your age. That’s why she pretended to date Dave Karofsky instead of going to the prom with me. She cared more about being popular than being herself. She wanted to be prom queen so badly, but do you know who was prom queen that year?”
Jacob shook his head.
“Uncle Kurt! They voted for him to make fun of him, but he still had something that all the girls at school wanted because he wasn’t afraid to be himself. He even slow danced with Uncle Blaine. It was so romantic. At the end of the day, it wasn’t better for her to pretend she was someone she wasn’t, even if it made her popular and saved her from bullying. We don’t care if you’re considered a loser. We’re all losers, you’re just brave enough to show it. Your Mami and I couldn’t be prouder to have a son like you.” Brittany explained.
Jacob understands the point his mom is making, and he had to admit that it makes sense. It’s good to know that his moms don’t care that he’s such a loser, even though he knows that his moms would’ve totally bullied him if they went to high school together. He actually finds that hilarious. Despite that however, he still has pent up anger inside of him from being bullied every day in school.
“We’re still going to have to talk to your principal though because what happened is mean, it’s bullying, and I won’t accept it.”
Jacob just nodded and agreed. He figured it’s better to pretend that he feels okay now than having a longer conversation with his mother about his problems. And she did actually make him feel like he doesn’t hide the fact that he’s getting bullied anymore. This conversation wasn’t completely useless.
“Finish your conversation with Barbra because your Mami and I are going to order dinner soon okay?” Brittany said before she felt the room.
Santana was outside the bedroom eavesdropping on the whole conversation. “My pep talks are starting to get better than Mr. Schue’s, right?” Brittany asked Santana excitedly.
Santana gave Brittany the biggest genuine smile her face could possibly make. She’s never been so in love with her wife. “When did you get so smart?” Santana asked before she leaned in to kiss Brittany.
“Gross!” Jacob exclaimed as he opened his bedroom door and saw his moms kissing.
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