brochunews · 6 years
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evelyne_brochu: Photographe: @duckwords
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brochunews · 6 years
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evelyne_brochu: Studio jour 5. Photographe: @p_bro
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brochunews · 6 years
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evelyne_brochu: Yup.
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brochunews · 6 years
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Evelyne Brochu as Louise in Thanksgiving ep3
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brochunews · 6 years
最近過帶老是會少掉最後一秒,只好用螢幕錄影,品質不甚理想但還勉強可以看,請多包涵囉 It’s weird that my software lost the last second recently, I think it’s better I use screen recorder to embed the subtitles, the video quality will be lower, if you really mind, you can retrieve the original video in the link. http://servicepresse.arte.tv/arte-a-series-mania-2018-3-series-en-competition-ad-vitam-il-miracolo-et-thanksgiving/ Thanksgiving 劇情簡介 http://www.newendistribution.com/fr/program/thanksgiving/
EBro pups DECIPHER GANG FR-EN @darkbluecaro Vid @cophinebw Sync adherantnerdhi
World Premiere,  19H30, 2nd May, 2018, Festival Séries Mania, Lille, France Air date: September, 2018. Arte, France-Germany
2018年5月2日法國里爾市 Séries Mania 電視節世界首映 預定2018年法國Arte電視台播出
Vincent Archambaud四十多歲,與美國人Louise結褵多年,兩人在Vincent於麻省理工學院求學時認識。Vincent和Stéphane Caron 合夥開了JKL公司,專門開發安全軟體。Louise將公寓租給外國人和遊客,她有一間房仲公司Parisdise。Vincent 開發了革命性軟體Splendor 可以將病毒送回送件人。這個軟體的橫空出世足以撼動全世界對付網路犯罪的能力。迫於壓力,Vincent 和他的夥伴及專案助手Théo小心翼翼繼續開發這個軟體。但Vincent受到JKL公司上層金流融資的壓力。這次是來自南韓資訊業巨人MOBUN提供了誘人的條件。Vincent 有些動搖, 他有經驗同時也很焦慮因為他有些對 Louise有些吃醋,這給他在工作上也帶來了壓力。當 Caron決定要宣布將將這個軟體商業化, Vincent卻感覺走投無路。幾個星期後,JKL正在加快腳步的同時,MOBUN卻發行了一個和Splendor高度相似的軟體。 這當然為JKL公司帶來震撼彈,一時間公司內部愁雲慘霧。安全主管Philippe Rameau於是展開調查。所有員工皆受到調查,但Vincent成為眾矢之的,為什麼他隱藏了他有位美籍妻子的事實?他真的了解他身邊的人嗎?還有他的關係?他的最新活動?Vincent已然搖搖欲墜的世界更顯得支離破碎。他的伴侶關係也因為這次調查因而受到挑戰,而顯得幾乎受到毒害。 Vincent Archambaud, la quarantaine, est marié depuis plusieurs années à Louise, une Américaine qu’il a rencontré au MIT pendant ses études. Avec Stéphane Caron, Vincent a créé JKL , une société de développement de logiciels de sécurité. Louise, elle, loue depuis peu des appartements à des étrangers et des touristes, au sein d’une agence dont elle est à l’origine : Parisdise. Vincent développe un logiciel révolutionnaire, Splendor, capable de renvoyer un virus à son expéditeur. Sa sortie sera une étape capitale dans la lutte mondiale contre la cybercriminalité. Sous pression, Vincent avance prudemment sur le logiciel avec Théo, son complice et assistant sur le projet. Mais Vincent est « chassé » depuis toujours par des concurrents directs de JKL . Cette fois c’est le géant coréen de l’informatique MOBUN qui lui fait une proposition alléchante. Vincent est fragilisé. Il éprouve, en même temps, un sentiment d’angoisse et de jalousie vis-à-vis de Louise, ce qui le rend encore plus tendu et nerveux dans son travail.Quand Caron décide de publier un communiqué de presse annonçant la commercialisation imminente du logiciel, Vincent se sent acculé.Quelques semaines plus tard, prenant de vitesse JKL, MOBUN sort un logiciel, en tous points, similaire à Splendor.
C’est le choc à JKL… où le climat se dégrade vite. Une enquête interne est ouverte par Philippe Rameau, chef de la sécurité. Tous les employés sont interrogés, mais c’est Vincent qui devient l’objet de toutes les questions : pourquoi a t’il caché avoir une femme américaine ? Que sait-il vraiment de son entourage ? De ses relations ? De ses nouvelles activités ? Le monde déjà vacillant de Vincent se fragilise un peu plus. Son couple se trouve directement menacé par l’enquête et le climat soudain délétère qu’elle instaure dans leur relation.
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brochunews · 6 years
Thanksgiving 15 seconds Trailer #1 (x) 
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brochunews · 6 years
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I met Évelyne Brochu! 😻🙌👌💜🤙
I waited for Évelyne Brochu after “L'Idiot” on Thursday (April 12, 2018) and I was the only one who waited. She hugged me 3 separate times and blew me a kiss. We talked about how I flew in from LA that morning to see her and she said “Wow, that’s so nice! And I made you wait, I had friends visit me backstage” and hugged me. I told her “No worries” and that she was amazing and that I got this ticket cheap + got a free ticket for Saturday’s show from a Tumblr buddy, all I needed to find was a flight and a place to stay. Thankfully I was able to book a cheap flight and found a place walking distance from the theatre. Then she complimented my leather jacket and I pointed out that a bunch of the pins were of her and she said “Aw! I didn’t even notice. Oh an ‘X Company’ one” and proceeded to touch and feel lots of the pins, but stopping on the one of Cosima and Delphine and said “I really love this one!” I said “Oh yes, my fave, you and Tatiana.” And she said “Isn’t Tat the best?” I told her “Yes definitely” and that I was lucky enough to get a pic with Tatiana a few weeks ago at the “Outside In” screening and she said she hadn’t seen that movie but will check it out. We got to talking about how I got to see Tat at a couple of UCB shows because of our mutual love for the theatre and how I took pictures/gifs and Tat even posted one of my pictures to her Instagram and Évelyne said “oh what’s your name on Instagram, I’m going to have to check out your work as a photographer.” I told her that that’s very kind, but it’s just a hobby and that lead to me talk about how I’m a caregiver and that UCB and events and stuff + photography is just my outlet and fun for me. The pins reminded me of the Andy Shauf patch I got her, so I said that she had recommended Andy Shauf during an X Company interview and because of that I was found out about him was able to see him live a few days before the Orphan Black’s Paleyfest panel (he’s so good!), I was hoping to give the patch to her after the panel, but wasn’t able to, so I gave it to her on Thursday and she said “oh (something in french that I didn’t understand, but I’m pretty sure I had literal heart eyes), I’m going to put it on my jean jacket!” She asked me how I like “L'Idiot” and I embarrassingly told her that I don’t know french but I read the cliff notes and watched the movie version with English subtitles so I got what was going on. I told her I liked the fact that they break the forth wall and talk to the audience. And she was like “Yeah! I do too, I mean why not, they usually kind of make sly gestures to the audience, but never fully talk to them.” I was like “yeah it’s great to interact with the audience cause then to feed off the energy.” She said “Yeah, I agree. We had an afternoon show with a bunch of teenagers who had roaring laughter to the jokes and it made us feel like rockstars.” Then before I could chicken out I had to thank her for Delphine and that if it wasn’t for her (and Tatiana/Cosima) I wouldn’t have explored my sexuality, but then I got flustered and was like “Sorry, it’s a long story, never mind” and she said “Hey, don’t rush, it’s okay, I’m here.” 😻😻😻 So I took a breath and proceeded to tell her that because I became a caregiver for my mom, I had to drop out of school and stop working to take care of her and because of it I got depressed and lost who I was. When I found OB I was working through that and I realized I truly didn’t know who I was anymore and when Delphine said “I have never thought about bisexuality. I mean, for myself, you know?” something clicked. If it wasn’t for her and Tatiana I wouldn’t have gotten one step closer to finding who I am. She pulled me into and hug and said “Wow, thank you for sharing that with me. I’m glad for you. You and I now have this and the show, thanks to John and Graeme and everyone.” We took a selfie in the middle of all this talking and she was like “how is the light here? Hmm, no let’s go over here.” And I was like “maybe I could ask someone to take it with flash” and she said “no, a selfie is better so we are closer.” She hugged me once more and said “thank you visiting my hometown, enjoy exploring Montréal. Tomorrow should be a good day to explore cause of the weather. It’s like 10 which is nothing to you.” I said it was 90 degrees when I left LA so I’m pretty sure I’m going to get sick, but it’s worth it.“ We laughed and she said "Ok, I’m going to go sleep.” I was like “Oh yeah, of course. I’m sleepy too, I got in at like 10 AM and flew out at 11 PM from LA and on top of that I had a layover in Toronto, so I’m pretty much running on fumes.” She said “Shit, that’s why it was a cheap flight!” We laughed again and I said “but it was totally worth it.” And she said “I love it.” She said “I’ll see you Saturday” then she blew me a kiss and said “au revoir, mon cher”.
I waited for Évelyne again after I saw L'Idiot for second time on Saturday (April 14, 2018). I brought her a gift (a box of chocolates from the place I had brunch and a cat toy for her cat, that I had seen while exploring the city). I apologized because I don’t know much about cats and I obvs don’t know anything about her cat. She said “Oh! That is so sweet, you are so sweet!” I told her that “They apparently just got the toy in that day and it had lasers and threw treats and stuff, so hopefully it enjoys it.” And she was like “my cat doesn’t have toys, she has been playing with like a cork thing.” And we laughed. Then I told her that the audience’s reaction was so much more outward and loud. And she was like “Oh yeah, I could feel it. You were here Thursday right? Yeah, it’s great when it’s loud like that. We were feeding it to each other.” I then asked her if we could take a picture with my camera this time. And she said “Oh yeah, maybe we can ask someone.” she instantly switched to french to ask someone. Swoon. Someone offered and she said “Oh hold on, let me take my hair down.” Proceeds to pull her hair down and shake it out and comb her fingers through it. Ugh. 🤤😻 Then we took one picture, but we blocked the way and it was a bit blurry, so we switch sides and then took it again. I went to look at the picture and Évelyne looked over and said “Are my eyes open? Oh we look great!” Then I told her if she can sign my playbill and she asked how to spell my name and she said “oh belle.” I told her the origin of my name (First 3 letters of my parent’s name put together. Dad : DIOnisio + mom : ZENaida = DIOZEN). Then I thanked her and told her I didn’t want to keep her because I knew she had two shows that night. And she said “Yeah I’m dead, we had 7 shows in 5 days” and I blurted out “Well you look great.” She giggled and said “Thank you” Then she said “Sorry the weather is bad, but I hope you are enjoying Montréal.” And I told her “I was able to sightseeing yesterday at Old Montréal. Today is freezing, but it’s still gorgeous.” She said “Well that’s good.” Then she thanked me again for the gifts and hugged me while simultaneously saying in my ear “Safe travels.” Then I said “Thank you, take care.” She said “you too! Bye!” And blew me a kiss again.
This is way too long, but I had such an adrenaline rush after these two shows/meetings and didn’t want to forget or miss a damn thing so I typed this all out after walking back to my hotel.
L'Idiot was excellent! !!!SPOILERS!!!
Évelyne played Nastasya Filipovna so well! Like Nastasya as a character flips from being a very strong/confident and falling apart. And she definitely goes back and forth A LOT and Évelyne nailed it! And it’s crazy how she gives so much by not doing much. Like when she first steps out she literally stands still, staring at the audience, for like 5 minutes as people talk about her, then slowly you see her get annoyed and then she snaps at the men. She goes from hysterical laughter to fighting and choking another character/ being choked and all in these amazing outfits (big dresses, head pieces, jewelry, etc.) I can keep going on about how amazing Évelyne, but the rest of the cast was fantastic too. There is this one scene a party scene where the light and music switch to happy dancing from dark and intense. The lighting was so magical. I haven’t seen live theatre other than low budget school productions, so this might be the norm but I was mesmerized by what the lighting did and how it changed things. Strong and talented cast. Breaking the forth wall was a great decision, really killed with humor, emotion, drama, etc. You really are with the cast as an audience member and as if you are in it with them. I loved it and was so glad I got to see it twice. And my seats were from the very left and very right, so I got like every angle of the show. Haha
Anyway, Évelyne is an angel! L'Idiot was glorious. I bought a bunch of Évelyne’s movies for cheap without having to pay shipping to LA. I also got a bunch of albums of artist from Montréal that I love, without having to pay shipping. This trip was ace. I can’t thank my Tumblr buddy enough for the free ticket and I’m so glad I was able to find a cheap flight and hotel and my dad was able to take care of my mom. Thank you universe for letting everything fall into place for such an amazing trip. 😻🙌👌💕
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brochunews · 6 years
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I could explode rn. I was able to talk to this actual angel for like 20 minutes??!? She was so genuinely kind and down to earth. I’m so happy.
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brochunews · 6 years
Ebro Show de Rousseau 20180409 vtele_FRsubs
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brochunews · 6 years
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New still of ‘Thanksgiving’ (2018) 📷
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brochunews · 6 years
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New stills of ‘Thanksgiving’ (2018) 📷
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brochunews · 6 years
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lafamilleouellette: MAIS QUELLE BELLE GANG!! Ce soir sur @leshowderousseau, on reçoit la légendaire Anne Dorval, la radieuse @evelyne_brochu et le lumineux @emile.bilodeau. Partyyyyy 🎉💥
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brochunews · 6 years
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leshowderousseau: Ce soir les invités du #ShowDeRousseau sont: 👉 Anne Dorval 👉 @evelyne_brochu 👉 @emile.bilodeau
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brochunews · 6 years
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Thanksgiving by Nicolas Saada with Grégoire Colin and Evelyne Brochu
Computer researcher Vincent Archambaud runs a company that develops cyber security software. His wife Louise, an American expat, has just started her own agency that rents apartments to visiting foreigners and tourists. Vincent spends long months developing a revolutionary software program called Splendor that will be a major game changer in the worldwide fight against cyber crime.Bu twhen a Korean competitor puts on the market a software program identical to Splendor it sends shockwaves through Vincent’s company… where things heat up fast. An internal inquiry is opened; all the employees are questioned. But most of the questions are aimed at Vincent: Why did he hide the fact he had an American wife? What does he really know about her new work activities?
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brochunews · 6 years
dlphinecormier: she knocked my bag off my shoulder after hugging me and look how PURE (April 4, 2018)
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brochunews · 6 years
April 5, 2018 | source 
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brochunews · 6 years
April 5, 2018 | source
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