bts-smut-presents · 6 years
A Bad Boy’s Love (Chapter 2)
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REQUEST - Plot: JK has twin brother (the sweet & nice guy while JK is the rebel, independent and creative one) Y/N dated his brother but unfortunately the brother passed away. JK grew a hard crush on her and wants her to see him and move on from her past/the late brother.
Word Count - 2281
(Warning - This Chapter contains violence so if your sensitive to the subject then please don’t read. And there is a little Taehyung x Jimin ;) Also sexual themes are implied )
A/N - I know y’all are wondering where the Smut is and all I’m going to say is the next chapter is almost finished and I hope your not faint hearted ;) Also DONT forget that request are open.
Here’s the other parts :
A Bad Boy’s Love (Prolouge)
A Bad Boy’s Love (Chapter 1 Part 1)
A Bad Boy’s Love (Chapter 1 Part 2)
“If it’s not because of her ass and it’s not because of her chest then why do you ‘love her’ so much?” Taehyung continued to spin around in Jimin’s desk chair.
Jungkook turned to his friend with a death glare in his eyes. He loved Taehyung and all but now wasn’t the time for jokes.
“The same reason you’re in love with that Jimin guy.” Agitation rolling off his words.
“I don’t love Jimin. We’re just friends with benefits.” He got up out the chair and layed next to Jungkook on the bed.
“You really shouldn’t toy with him Taehyung. He might be what you need.” Jungkook turned to face Taehyung.
“This little talk is supposed to be about your relations not mine.”
“I know that but he’s a caring person also not to mention he’s cute and totally your type. I know you like him so why don’t you just be with him?”
“It’s not that I don’t want to. It’s just that.” Taehyung brought his knees up to his chest. Jungkook looked at his friend. His stare intensified as the silence grew.
“Well talk to me Taehyung.”
“His parents are homophobic.” His voice was low and shaky.
Jungkook pulled his best friend into his chest. He hated that he had to go through this again even though he shouldn’t have to for Gods sake it’s the 2000’s not the 50’s. Taehyung exhaled into Jungkook’s chest. It was hard enough for him to come out to Jungkook in fear that he’d lose the only person that cared for him.
Taehyung’s parents were never really there. His dad was an abusive business man and his mom was often out overseas debuting her cosmetic products. Jungkook rubbed his back and hugged him tighter. He knew how he felt. His parents too obsessed with the finer things in life to attend to their youngest child. Right before Jungkook was about to cry with him the door creaked open.
“Dinner’s ready.” Jimin whispered as he peeked his head through the door.
“We’ll be right there.” Jungkook rocked Taehyung back and forth as if he were a baby.
“Are you ok now.?” Taehyung nodded as he pulled away from Jungkook’s chest. He then got up and dried his eyes.
“I’m fine. Just thanks Kookie. Thanks for being here.” He gave him a hug and they both proceeded to the kitchen.
“Are you sure you can’t stay Kookie?” Jimin questioned as he wrapped his arm around Taehyung’s waist.
“I really want to but I have to go make things right. Thanks Jimin dinner was delicious. Who taught you how to cook like that?”
Jimin bounced with delight. “My Jin Hyung taught me everything I know. I’m glad you liked it.” Jungkook chuckled and turned to Taehyung.
“Ok be careful Jungkook.” Taehyung fist bumped Jungkook and shut the door after he stepped out.
One knock. Two knocks. Three Knocks. Four. Jungkook was tired of knocking at the god damn door. After about seven more knocks he gave up and sat beside the door. He closed his eyes and began to dose off thinking about all the wrong he’s done over the years. Like that time he got drunk and ran around streaking the neighborhood and you had to come get him from the police station. And that time him and Taehyung decided it would be fun to vandalize an abandoned hospital and you had to be there get away driver.
Something about your loving nature and caring made him someone completely different. He was almost in his tormenting wonderland but was rushed back to reality when the outdoor lights hit his face. He looked up only to find you towering over him.
“Y/N-ah. You’re awake?” Jungkook stood up.
“Of course I am. I’ve been at the hospital since earlier.” You leaned against the door frame.
“Hospital? Why?”
“I thought that would be pretty self explanatory. You sort of broke Junghoon’s nose and fractured his shoulder.” You looked away from Jungkook not wanting to believe that he caused all that damage.
“Look, I’m sorry that I lost my temper ok? I didn’t mean to over react. It’s just that Taehyung is more than a friend to me and I couldn’t stand to hear all those awful things Hoon was saying. I’m sorry if I made you feel bad in any way ” He grabbed our hand and looked at you with sympathy in his eyes. You pulled him inside and shut the door.
“Kookie I was never really mad at you. I mean yes you did go overboard and Hoon was in the wrong but you still shouldn’t take your frustrations out like that. When you get mad don’t go around punching people. Come talk to me.”
“I know and like I said before I’m sorry. Please forgive me.”
“Kookie I’ve already forgiven you.” You giggled and wrapped your hands around him. He smiled and hugged you back.
“But you have to apologize to Hoon first thing in the morning ” You looked up at him.
“Anything you say.” He brushed your hair out of your eyes. You smiled.
“Ok so for now what do you want to do?”
“Movie?” He let go of you and looked at your humongous arrangement of movies and TV collections.
“Ooooo Kookie lets watch this.” You held up a movie you had recently rented from redbox. He grabbed the movie from your hands and began to read the title.
“Fantasy Lover.” He spoke with his eyebrow cocked in surprise.
“Yeah.” You giggled and grabbed his hand. “Come on Kookie you’ll like it I promise.” You put the movie on and set off to the couch and sat next to Kookie.
“Are you cold?” You threw the couch coverlet over him and snuggled up into his side. He let his arm slide down the side of your frame so it could rest on your hip. You pressed play on the movie.
The opening scene showed a woman staring into a mirror lingerie covering her body and a man pressing himself against her. His hand massaging her womanhood and his mouth sipped hickies onto her collar bone. You didn’t really care for the movie having already watched it and finding it entertaining yet a little too much on the sexual side. You fell asleep in the tenderness of Kookie’s side.
While you were snug Kookie was struggling to keep his manhood in control. As the scenes grew hotter and more intense so did his problem. He wiggled slightly in his seat trying his best not to wake you from your snug slumber. The movie also seemed to have an erotic take on his thoughts and having his dream girl laying against him wasn’t helping. Impure thoughts about you and him clouded his mind as his gaze shifted from the TV and onto your sleeping body.
God the things he wanted to do to you. If only you knew how he wished to strip you of your clothes and mark you as his. If only you knew how he wanted to throw you on the bed and show you who you belonged to. If only you knew how he longed for your mouth to engulf him and your wetness immerse him. If only you knew. The boy shook his head at the thoughts. After all you were sleep.
His erection subsided as the movie came to its second scene. Which, showed a woman shooting up from her bed leading Jungkook to believe that all the current events in the movie were just a part of the woman’s provocative dream. Jungkook chuckled and turned off the TV. Thinking about how he could relate to the woman on so many different levels. After, his little comparison he picked you up and carried you to your room. He then went to the guest room where he was free to be left alone with his thoughts and consciousness.
Weeks pasted and You, Jungkook’s, And Hoon’s relationship was better than it had ever been. You managed to get the boys to hang out and come to the understanding that they are brothers and that at the end of the day they only have each other (and you of-course). Jungkook And Hoon went out more than usual. Jungkook didn’t mind though it was nice actually being able to talk with his brother rather than fight and bicker.
Jungkook almost forgot how outgoing a person Hoon actually was. Jungkook even started to stay over later on school nights just to get help from you and Hoon. He used to hate when Hoon was at home with you but now he can’t stop asking where Hoon is. This made you happy but you couldn’t help but feel a little envious.
You were so use to Jungkook looking forward to hanging out with you hearing Hoons name come out of his mouth was almost a surprise in all honesty but that didn’t matter because you had no feelings for Jungkook what so ever. (At least that’s what you thought)
“Y/N-ah. I’m going to get coffee with Hoon do you want anything back?” He yelled as he got ready to leave out the front door.
“No I’m fine Kookie. You be safe and remind Hoon to pay the light bill before we have to walk around with oil lamps and candles.” You giggled.
“Ok Y/N. See you later!” He shut the door after he put another exclamation point on his sentence.
It wasn’t long before he reached the coffee shop. He sat on a bench outside the shop. Not wanting to go in until he made sure Hoon arrived.
Jungkook sat there for about twenty minutes and Hoon still hadn’t arrive. Jungkook didn’t want to disturb Hoon at his place of work but curiosity got the best of him and he set off on his walk to the business building where Hoon worked.
When he finally reached Main Street he noticed that there were police cars and ambulances lined up down the street. There an eighteen wheeler had rammed the front of a car. No matter how close he got the car was wrecked so bad that he couldn’t tell if it was a car or just a pile of mashed up rubble.
He brushed past some of the strangers standing on the side walk to look closer. Finally, when he reached the yellow caution tape his heart sunk into the abyss of his stomach. Blood covered the drivers side of the car and the firefighters struggled to get the driver out of the car.
He let his concern get the best of him and crossed the yellow tape. The shouts of the police officers were tuned out by him. Alas, when he reached the body that layed on the ground he dropped to his knees. His hands trembled and his lips quivered. He let his hands graze over the face of his brother who layed cold on the ground. Blood running down from his forehead, his hands cut, and his mouth full of red.
“H-Hoon?” Jungkook’s voice was soft and fragile. The only thing Hoon could do was cough and give a faint half smile.
“You’re gonna be ok. Alright? We’re gonna take you to the hospital and they’re gonna patch you up. Ok? Ok?” Hoon built all his strength and pulled Jungkook closer. “Please keep yourself safe and out of trouble for me. I love you Kookie and please don’t ever forget that. Tell Y/-.” That’s all he managed to get out before blood filled his lungs.
“Hoon?! Hoon?!” Jungkook looked up to only see people who were merely staring.
“Paramedic! Somebody get the god damn paramedic!” He shouted as tears rolled down his cheeks. “You’re gonna be ok. You’re gonna be ok.” He squeezed Hoons hand as the paramedics loaded him up into the ambulance. Although, that’s what Jungkook hoped that’s not what happened.
It’s 12:45 p.m and Jungkook is just now making it to your home. Hoon was pronounced dead at 1:46 that afternoon and Jungkook has spent his time at the hospital wondering how he would tell you your boyfriend of one and a half years was no longer on this earth. He was still in his blood stained clothes. That being the least of his concerns. I know what you’re asking if that wasn’t his biggest concern then what was? Well his biggest concern at the moment was comforting you.
Making sure you didn’t take anything out on yourself. Five minutes had passed and Jungkook couldn’t bring his self to knock on the door but after summoning the courage and the strength he finally brought his self to do so. “It’s unlocked.” You said as you set down your hot chocolate.
“Y-Y/N.” You turned to look at Jungkook the shakiness in his voice alarming you. And when your eyes met his body you stood up with a quickness.
“J-jungkook. Why? Why are your clothes-.” He gestured for you to sit down. He wrapped his arms around you and pulled you into his chest preparing for your reaction. After, he calmed his self down he took a deep breath.
“J-Junghoon’s dead.” Your whole body went cold and severely numb. You pulled away from Jungkook and looked at him as if he were a psycho.
“Kookie please tell me you’re joking.” You stood up and walked into the middle of the floor. He stood up and walked towards you.
“I wish I was but no. H-he’s gone.” Tears stream down your faces and your knees begin to give out. You’re shaking and Kookie manages to catch you before your body can hit the cement floor.
Masterlist 😘
195 notes · View notes
bts-smut-presents · 7 years
A Bad Boy’s Love (Chapter 1 Part 2)
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REQUEST - Plot: JK has twin brother (the sweet & nice guy while JK is the rebel, independent and creative one) Y/N dated his brother but unfortunately the brother passed away. JK grew a hard crush on her and wants her to see him and move on from her past/the late brother.
Word Count - 2,000
Warning - (This Chapter DOES have Taehyung x Jimin in it so if you don’t like boy x boy the DONT read. There is no smut in this chapter but sexual themes are implied. Also there is a bit of violence in this chapter and please remember this is ONLY FICTION none of it is true. Other than that there are no more warnings and I hope you enjoy!!!)
A/N - Here’s the other parts :
(A Bad Boy’s Love Prolouge)
(A Bad Boy’s Love Chapter 1 Part 1)
(A Bad Boy’s Love Chapter 2)
“How Kookie? How? Has it really been that long?” You exaggerated as you left the front desk.
“Aish I’m sorry.” He covered his neck with his hand. The darn boy had been out of school so long you had to re-register him and in all honesty if he wasn’t Junghoon’s brother he wouldn’t of been allowed back in.
“At least tell me you know where your suppose to go for your first class?”
He looked at you with uncertainty in his eyes. You shook your head in disappointment and grabbed his wrist and proceeded to show him around.
“And heres your first class Ap English three.” You looked up at the tall male.
“Ap? You signed me up for an Ap class? I’m sorry Y/N but I don-.” You raised your fingers to his lips.
“My Kookie doesn’t say the word can’t. For that word is forbidden.” He tried his best not to laugh at your “elegant” vocabulary but his attempt came to no avail. You couldn’t help but laugh with him.
“But seriously Kookie you can do it. Also let’s not forget you pinky promised.” You gave him soft eyes as you wiggled your pinky in front of his nose. He sighed knowing that there was no way to get out.
“Ok I’ll try but that doesn’t mean I’ll succeed.” You let out an overstated “yay” as you through your arms around his waist.
He couldn’t help but whimper at how adorable you were. He just couldn’t. You were the softest thing on the planet. After giving him a long squeeze you let go and stepped back.
“Ok Kookie go in there and learn as much as you can. If you have questions come by my house after school.”
He nodded and placed his hand on the door knob. He looked back at you as if he were asking for permission to enter the classroom. You gave him a bright smile and a thumbs up and with that he opened the door and stepped into the class room.
It hasn’t even been five minutes and Jungkook is already pissed. Why? Well right after he closed the door the professor threw shade and smart alec comments by saying things like : “Here’s the boy with the smarts. Sesame Street smarts that is.” And not to mention the girls basically threw theirselves at him just as he predicted.
One girl even tried to get her seat changed saying that “She couldn’t see and that she was too near sighted to be sitting in the front.” But in the end the seventy year old hag refused to move her.
Luckily Jungkook didn’t get trampled by the girls (or guys) but the dude beside him kept stealing glances of him and it was making him uneasy but he couldn’t bring himself to be scared or threatened. The boy looked really innocent and soft for that matter. He had lush blonde hair, muddy brown eyes, and plush bee stung lips. Jungkook did admit to himself that if he wasn’t a boy (and if he didn’t love you) that he would definitely smash.
After Jungkook was through examining the boy he reached for a pen in his bag only to come out empty handed. Not wanting to disturb the class he leaned to the side and tapped the boy on his shoulder and mouthed the word “Pencil.” The boy nodded and gave him a quick smile before handing him a pencil.
“Finally.” Jungkook huffed as the bell sounded. He grabbed his bag and threw it over his shoulder. Not caring that it was only the first period bell and he still had eight to go.
“Hey. Can I get my pen back?” The much shorter boy stepped in front of jungkook and held his hand out. Jungkook mindlessly handed the boy the pen.
“Isn’t there a 30 minute interval in between each class?” He then walked to the front of the classroom. The smaller boy following him.
“Yes, you get 30 minutes to do whatever but you have to be back on campus or you get locked out of the class.” He followed behind Jungkook like a child following his mother.
“Your name?” Jungkook said while holding the door open.
“Jimin. Park Jimin.” For some reason that name sounded rather familiar but he couldn’t recall why.
“Well Jimin would you like to get coffee with me? My treat.”
“Sorry but I have someon-.” Jungkook held his hand up to indicate for the boy to stop talking.
“Not like that sweet heart.”
“Oh then of course.” He pushed his bifocals up the bridge of his nose. They both then proceeded to the cafe.
They sat down and placed their orders. Even though it was rather cold outside the heat from the coffee machines made the shop rather warm. Jimin unzipped his turtle neck jacket and placed it over the back of the chair. Revealing the red dollops’ on his jaw, neck, and collarbone.
Jungkook’s eyes went wide. The boy looked so innocent but there he was covered in crimson red hickies. The waiter came by with Jimin’s expresso and Jungkook’s black americano. The silence was too much to bear so Jungkook asked the first question that came to mind.
“Your girl must be the dom in the bedroom?” Jimin giggled while trying to keep the coffee in his mouth.
“I’m as straight as a circle.” He beamed as he set the coffee onto the coaster.
“Oh so you like receiving?” Jungkook quirked a brow.
“And how do you know that I don’t give.” He took another sip of his espresso.
“The hickies tell it all.” He poured a little creamer into his Americano.
“So who is he?” Jimin began to twiddle his thumbs as if he were unsure about who he had been sleeping with.
“I asked you a question.” Jungkook set his coffee onto the table and rested his hands under his chin.
“H-his name is Taehyung.”
“Last name wouldn’t be Kim would it?” He nodded.
“Well I’ll be.” Jungkook laughed to himself.
“Do you know him.” He looked up from his lap with a small gleam in his eyes.
“He’s my literal partner in crime let’s just say that.”
“You wouldn’t happen to be Jeon Jungkook would you.” He sat up in his chair. Jungkook gave him a slight nod.
“So what are y’all?”
“What do you mean?” His eyes fell back to his lap. He could tell the boy was sensitive.
“Are y’all together or just fuck buddies?” Jungkook knew he was being too straight forward for the boy but he also didn’t feel the need to sugar coat anything.
“Ummm.” He sighed. “I really don’t know how to answer that question. There are times where he tells me he loves me while we lay on the couch playing pocky. Then there are times were we fuck and he isn’t there when I wake up.” Jungkook could tell the boy was frustrated.
“Don’t worry too much. Taehyung is really hard to read around at times but there will be that moment when you know he wants you and only you. He talks about you a lot and he also says you ride him like no one else can.” Jungkook smirked.
He could tell that a sense of relief washed over the boy even though a deep scarlet blush tinted his cheeks. Jungkook then proceeded to type out a teasing paragraph to his “partner in crime” about his ‘friend’.
“ChimChim -ah!” There was a yell from the other side of the cafe.
“Y/N-ah. Finally, you showed up.” As soon as Jungkook heard your name his head shot up. The biggest grin on his face.
You came up to the table with Hoon behind you and his smile faded. Now let’s not get it wrong he didn’t exactly hate Junghoon. He loved his brother to death but his presence wasn’t necessarily liked by Jungkook. Why? Because no matter what Jungkook did Hoon would always manage to embarrass or make a fool of him. It never fails.
“I see you’ve made friends with Busan’s best dancer.” You sat down in front of Kookie who turned to Jimin and gave him a questioning look.
“Dance? Your a dance major?” Jimin blushed and nodded. Even though it was his passion and favorite hobby he still always managed to get flushed about the subject.
“Has TaeTae ever saw you dance?” Jungkook smirked and sipped his coffee which was slightly cold.
“Yes, he’s been to multiple showcases.” Jimin wiggled happily in his chair.
“Is Taehyung the boy you’re always with Kookie? You mean to tell me you’re still friends with him?” Junghoon looked at Jungkook as if he were the most ill minded human being on the earth.
“What do you mean am I still friends with him? He’s practically my brother. I would go to the end of the world with Taehyung.” The atmosphere began to get a little heated.
“I just thought you’d be smart enough to realize he’s only holding you back from what you can be. I thought you’d be smart enough to know that but apparently not. The only thing your brain holds is street smarts. Where did mom and dad go wrong with you?!” Hoon pushed back from the table.
“See Hoon this is the fucking reason I hate being around you. Why? Why do you always feel the need to talk shit?” If Jungkook wasn’t heated before he was most definitely heated now because one thing you don’t do is talk shit about someone who’s been there for him since they were toddlers.
He pushed the chair from under him and walked to the side of the table were you and Hoon were seated.
“Say one more damn thing Junghoon. I dare you say one more thing about anyone I care about. Say one more word and I’ll beat the living hell out of you in this cafe.” He now had the neck of Junghoon’s sweater in between his fist.
“And you wonder why mom and dad disown yo-“ He didn’t even get to put a period on his statement because Jungkook’s fist was already bashing into his face.
He threw Junghoon and used his hand to pin him to the ground as his fist continued to crack into his elders skull. He couldn’t stop. His temper was finally at its breaking point. The only color he saw was red. Nothing else.
“Jungkook! Jungkook! Stop!” He snapped out of his rage when he heard your please. Everyone’s attention was directed towards the table were you’ll were sitting.
“The hell are y’all looking at?” He let go of Junghoon who was unconscious.
“I think you should leave Jungkook.” You felt tears brim in your eyes. You had never seen Jungkook like this. Yeah you’ve seen him mad but you’ve never seen him go on an insolent rampage.
Jungkook only turned away and walked out the cafe as if he had no emotion but on the inside he felt like crying. No one had ever showed him as much love as you had and it hurt him for you to tell him to go away. Jimin who also had enough followed Jungkook.
“Jungkook hold up.” Jimin tried to catch up to the fast paced Jungkook.
“What the hell do you want?” He stopped and turned around.
“W-where are you about to go.”
“I don’t know somewhere.” He started to walk again.
“We can go to my apartment. Taehyung’s there. You look like you need someone to vent to and since I know you’re not gonna talk to me I suggest you talk to Taehyung. It’s not good to have outbursts like that.” Jungkook halted.
“Aren’t you a straight A student or some shit? Shouldn’t you go back to the university?”
“It’ll be the first day I miss. I can just tell them I had a 24 hours stomach bug or something. It’s fine really.” Jungkook huffed.
“Where do you live?”
161 notes · View notes
bts-smut-presents · 7 years
A Bad Boy’s Love
(Chapter 1 Part 1)
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REQUEST - Plot: JK has twin brother (the sweet & nice guy while JK is the rebel, independent and creative one) Y/N dated his brother but unfortunately the brother passed away. JK grew a hard crush on her and wants her to see him and move on from her past/the late brother.
Word Count - 1335
A/N - I’m still pretty new to writing things about actual people so please don’t judge to harsh. :) but anyway there will be harder smut coming soon ;) also I had to split up this chapter into multiple parts because Tumblr is stupid 🙃 so I’ll post the other part Friday or Monday ‼️
Here’s the other parts :
A Bad Boy’s Love (Prolouge)
A Bad Boy’s Love (Chapter 1 Part 2)
A Bad Boy’s Love (Chapter 2)
“Beep. Beep. Beep.” You groaned as you tumbled out of your bed. You grabbed a pair of leggings and a long sleeve shirt.
“Why do I have to have morning classes?” You murmured. You went down the hall to check on Kookie. When you opened the door he was still in bed. His lips were slightly parted, his neck turned at a perfect forty five degree angle, and the duvet only covered his waist down. Your eyes continued to wander until you reached below his waist. You blushed when you saw the tent in the sheets but you didn’t really want to look away. To be honest to you it was an appealing sight.
“This isn’t right Y/N. This isn’t right.” You mentally preached to yourself as you closed the door. You shook your head and proceeded to the shower hoping it would help your now clogged mind. The steam filled the bathroom and your thoughts floated far away as the warm water washed over your body.
Meanwhile, in the other room jungkook had been stirred awake by his “problem”. If he had 99 problems to deal with morning wood would be all of them. He whimpered softly as he slowly slipped his hand into his boxers. Soft slow strokes was all it took for him to have precum dripping onto his stomach. His grip tightening more and more as he slowly reached a high. He slipped his thumb over his slit causing shivers in his thighs. To be such a bad boy he was so gentle with himself. His breath became shaky and his thigh muscles tensed. Cum spilled over his hands and through his fingers. He grabbed some tissues from the nightstand and wiped it from his stomach and hands.
You had just got out the shower nothing but a towel your hair soaking wet. You left your clothes in your room not to be a tease but because of forgetfulness. You stop by Kookie’s room once more. Slowly pushing the door open not wanting to frighten the boy.
“Kookie?” He sat up and leaned against the headboard.
“Hmmm?” Tired rolling off his words.
“I’m about to cook breakfast. Anything in particular?” You sat on the edge of the bed. Water still dripping from your hair onto your shoulders and down your chest.
“No.” He licked his lips. Why? Because there you were soaking wet nothing but a towel covering you. He could do it. He could do it now. Explain how he feels while caressing your body on top of his. He could take that chance and have different outcomes. One being you love him and run off into the sunset and never look back OR you get a restraining order and never speak to him again. It could go both ways but in the end he chose to restrain himself.
“Kook? Kookie?” You nudged him due to a lack of response. He looked into your eyes as a form of acknowledgement.
“So is pancakes and eggs good?”
“Like I said before anything you want to cook is good.”
You smiled. “Ok I’ll be right back to take off the bandages and to see if the cuts have gotten better.” You got up and proceeded to your room to put some clothes on. You came back and Kookie was lying face down on the bed. You tried not to look. You tried not to admit it but you couldn’t resist temptation. You waltzed right over there and grabbed a handful of his booty. Oh my. Nothing got softer, thicker, or squishier than Kookie’s booty. (Well maybe Jimins.)
“Aghhh.” He growled as he quickly grabbed your hand and pulled you onto the bed.
“Sorry not sorry.” You giggled. He then flipped you over and pinned you to the bed.
“Apologize.” His breath was hot on your face.
“I will not. You were basically asking for it.” You wiggled under his grip.
“Ok.” The smirk on his face was more than evil.
“Kookie I swear you better n-.” Your voice was cut off by your laughing. His hands were under your shirt dancing over your skin. You wrapped your legs around him in attempt to get him under you. Your laughing gradually crescendoed until tears were in the brim of your eyes. Finally, he gave in and let you flip him over. You sat on his lap out of breath.
“Kookie!!!!” You repeatedly hit his chest.
He cocked his brow and put on a sly grin. “The only thing I asked for was an apology but you wanted to be a brat so I returned the favor.” These were the moments he loved the most. The moments were it felt like you belonged to him. The moments when you were alone and he could show his affection freely. The moments where you made him feel like you cared for him and only him.
Your breathing had slowed down a ton and you were finally able to properly speak. “Ok Kookie sit up it’s time for your check up.” He sat up and leaned against the head board once more. As he slowly sat up you stayed perfectly stationed on his lap. He let his hand grip your waist. You slowly unraveled the bandages from around his head.
“Does it’s still hurt?” You ran your fingers through his hair.
“No. I told you all I needed was sleep.” You then took off the bandaids and applied more antibiotic cream to the cuts. Finally, you took the stilt off his nose. It was still bruised but it wasn’t damaged or out of place.
“Are you sure Kookie?” You gave his nose a quick tap causing him to let out the cutest giggle. You rarely saw this side of Kookie. The side where he smiled. The side where he wasn’t cold. The side where the glare wasn’t in his eye. The side where he warmed your heart more than anyone ever had.
“Ok then how about you come help me cook?” He nodded and you two got off the bed and headed down to the kitchen.
“Kookie you don’t put vegetable oil in pancake mix you put butter!” You were killing yourself laughing at this point. The boy really didn’t know anything about cooking.
“Aish I don’t understand how you do this.” He turned to you blots of pancake batter covering his face and a whisk upside down in his hand. You sniffled.
“That’s also not how you use a whisk.” You motioned for him to turn around. Even though you were shorter you went behind him and emplaced your hand over his.
“Now you want to cradle it between your forefinger and your thumb. Loop the whisk around the bowl in a circular motion, allowing the handle of the whisk to move around slightly in your hand.”
“Like this?”
“Yes like that.” You moved away and watched him work.
“Kookie? Don’t you have classes at the university?” You helped him pour the pancake mix into a skillet.
“Yeah.” He looked at you with a quirked brow. “I don’t really go though. School isn’t for me.”
“Ok so it’s settled then you’re walking with me to the university.” He now looked at you baffled. Him? Go back there? Girls would be over him. Heck even guys would be drooling. Not to also mention the fact of him being Junghoon’s brother teachers would look at him as a disgrace. He gets told that enough and doesn’t need to hear it from a seventy five year old lady with a bachelors.
“Kookie.” You grabbed his wrist. “I know you feel like you’ll be an outcast but I wanna help. Please trust in me on this.”
He couldn’t say no. He hated himself for it but he couldn’t. How could he say no to his everything?
“Nun uh.” You held out your pinky and lifted his chin.
“Pinky promise?” He took your pinky and looped it around his. “Pinky promise.”
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bts-smut-presents · 7 years
A Bad Boy’s Love (Prologue)
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REQUEST - Plot: JK has twin brother (the sweet & nice guy while JK is the rebel, independent and creative one) Y/N dated his brother but unfortunately the brother passed away. JK grew a hard crush on her and wants her to see him and move on from her past/the late brother.
Word Count - 1304
(Warning - Sexual Themes Implied ;)
A/N - I’m still pretty new to writing things about actual people so please don’t judge to harsh. :) but anyway there will be smut coming soon ;) just please give me a little time but other than that hope you enjoy. Also I’m so sorry this is sort of short other chapters will most definitely be longer. :)
Here’s the other parts :
A Bad Boy’s Love (Chapter 1 Part 1)
A Bad Boy’s Love (Chapter 1 Part 2)
A Bad Boy’s Love (Chapter 2)
“No Hoon oppa. Y=mx+b.” You giggled as you struggled to help your significant other with his homework.
“Ahhh... Jagi I’d rather do something else.” He mumbled while nuzzling his nose in between the crook of your neck.
“No.” You pushed him away and got up from the sofa.
“Where are you going Jagi?” He whined.
“I’m gonna go fix Kookie something to eat and when I come back you better be done.”
“But Jagi he probably won’t even come home today. You know how he is. He’s probably spray painting someone’s car with that Taehyung boy.
“Well I’m still gonna fix him something, do you want anything?”
“How about dessert.” He wiggles his eyebrows. You rolled your eyes and proceeded to the kitchen.
There wasn’t much in the fridge. A gallon of day old milk, a half eaten tortilla, and some left over spaghetti.
“Hoon I’m about to go to the store. Do you need anything?” You put on your coat and headed for the door.
“No Jagi.”
“Alright I’ll be back in a bit.” You stated as you went off into the cold. You didn’t live in a bad neighborhood so it wasn’t necessary that someone walked with you.
Maybe little disputes every now and then, but other than that it was a very quiet area. That is until Kookie comes around. The boy always causes havoc. Neighbors constantly complaining about his presence. He made the neighbors dislike you a lot, but that didn’t matter you loved Kookie as if he were your brother. Or was it more than that? You shook your head at the thought not wanting to overthink the situation even more.
As you drew closer to the store you heard grunts coming from an nearby alleyway. Like I said you lived in a very nice neighborhood so it couldn’t of been something to bad. You approached the entrance of the alley and instead of grunts you heard constant cracking. It became more visible to you what was going on as you got closer. There was blood on the concrete. You didn’t know whether to do the right thing and help the victim or just walk away and pretend you didn’t see a thing.
You made your decision rather quickly. You yanked the culprit off the boy that laid on the ground. You froze.
“Yes.” He coughed. You began to pick him up off of the ground.
“I can walk.” He used the walk to pick himself up.
“Oh my Kookie!” You gave his face a couple of light touches. “How’d you get yourself into this?”
“I have my reasons.” He murmured as he limped out of the alleyway. You grabbed his wrist and started for the pharmacy.
“Where are you dragging me?”
“Before I saved you from your beating I was walking to the store to get some food for you and Hoon Oppa.”
“Hoon Oppa. Hoon Oppa. Is he all you ever talk about?”
“No I talk about you a lot too Kookie.” You paused and looked at him with a sad smile.
“That’s nice to know I guess.” He mentally rolled his eyes. Hoon? Why Junghoon? Out of all people why his twin brother? Yeah he was ok in school and yeah he was a good athlete but why? Why couldn’t it of been him and not his polar opposite twin? He let ok a light sigh the thought always made him agitated.
You both scavenged the isles for bandages and antibiotic cream. Anything that would help really.
“Ahh Kookie does this hurt?” You tapped his nose slightly. He winced at the feeling.
“I guess that’s a yes.” You then proceeded to pick up an ice pack.
“You don’t have to spend all this money Y/N. I can just sleep it off like I do everything else.”
“Kookie if you ever in pain don’t just go to bed sometimes that’s not the wisest thing to do. Just come to me and I’ll take care of you.” You smiled and set the basket on the counter.
He couldn’t stop himself from smiling back. He just couldn’t. He loved your smile. He loved the way it was contagious. He loved the way it made him feel warm all over.
What he didn’t love was how Junghoon made you smile the most. He’s always felt like he was in competition with him. Well to be honest everything for them was a competition and jungkook surpassed him in almost everything except winning your love.
“Kookie. Lala Time is over we’re here.” You waved your hand infront of his face trying to get his attention which had been gone the whole walk home. He nodded and you unlocked the front door.
“Hoon? Hoon? I’m back!” You yelled only to find a note on the living room table.
It read - “I got called into work today I’ll come by again tomorrow and call me if you find Kookie XOXO your oppa!”
“Ai, just make yourself at home Kookie. I’m going to go start some food then I’ll be back to patch you up ok?” He smiled in acknowledgement.
You then walked into the kitchen. His eyes glued to your every move. He tried his best not to get carried away but how couldn’t? Your hips were the perfect size not to thick not to thin, but his favorite thing about your body? His favorite was your thighs. His teeth tugged at his bottom lip. Those thighs.
Not Park Jimin’s thighs. Your thighs. The way they complemented your hips and brought out your waist. He felt his pants grow a little tight as every dirty image fled his mind. He knew it was wrong you were his brothers girlfriend, but how could something of the up most wrong feel completely right? He mentally slapped his self for getting to carried away with the thought. Now he has a problem that you couldn’t help him with well at least not yet.
“Kookie I’m cooking lamb skewers and rice is that fine with you?” You sat by him in the sofa.
“Anything you cook is fine with me Y/N.”
“Ok so time to bandage you up.” You stated as you grabbed the pharmacy bag.
You disinfected his face then put antibiotic cream and his cuts. After that you bandaged his hands and his forehead. Lastly you gave him an ice pack for his nose.
“Do you feel better love?”
“Yeah a lot better actually.” He zoned out a bit when you said “love” what was that suppose to mean? Do you call Hoon that? Or was it his special name? What ever it meant he had no time to think about because the timer for the food went off.
“Come Kookie lets get you fed.” You pranced off to the kitchen and fixed his plate with him trailing behind you.
“Y/N -ah is it ok if I crash here?” He murmured with a mouth full of food.
“Of course Kookie! I have some clothes for you in the wash room you left them here the last time you stayed. Just put your plate in the dishwasher an come up stairs when you’re finished.” You just couldn’t say no to the little Mochi.
“Y/N? Y/N? Where are you?”
“In the guest room Kookie.” He stammered to the guest room his leg still a little sore for the events that happened earlier.
“I hope everything in here is ok for you. You know the restroom is right down the hall and you just call if you need me. Ok Kookie?”
“Yes Y/N.” He beamed lightly at your motherly act.
“Night Kookie.” You stood on the tip of your toes and planted a soft hot kiss on his cheek. You then were off to your room.
“Night Love.” He whispered only for him to hear.
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bts-smut-presents · 7 years
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