bubblewater · 1 hour
hey what’s up guys i’m still trapped in this abandoned grain silo
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bubblewater · 1 hour
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This is why we protest police on the MTA. Anyone claiming this doesn’t happen apparently hasn’t heard of a speed trap before.
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bubblewater · 1 hour
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This is so good.
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bubblewater · 1 hour
a writer who writes the most fucked up “dead dove: do not eat” problematic pairing and fully tags and warns for the content they create will always be worthy of more respect in my eyes than people who call others weirdos because of who they ship. This is because a writer who writes disturbing things but gives me plenty of warning about them has demonstrated, regardless of what happens in the fic, that they value the consent of real people, and that they value my consent to see such content and will always offer me the option to avoid or withdraw. On the other hand, a purity cultist who demands I explain my trauma and exactly why I might be drawn to dark content, regardless of whether they’re the purest fluff writer to ever write, has demonstrated a lack of respect for my boundaries and the attitude that they are entitled to whatever they want to take from me. 
There are a lot of things that bother me about purity culture, but I think the most disturbing is that it clouds the very definition of consent, and then teaches this confusing version (you must consent to deep dives into your trauma and how it affects you for the benefit of strangers who have already decided you’re a bad person, and not consenting to that automatically makes you an abuser, also no one can consent to reading or thinking about disturbing content ever because thinking about it means you want it irl) to young, vulnerable, and often traumatized individuals, thus making it harder to understand their trauma and easier for them to ignore the real warning signs of abuse (like demanding that you agree with the abuser otherwise you’re literally the worst and most harmful person ever) because it teaches that abusers only come in one type, and that all abusers are “nasty shippers”.
This is especially dangerous because real life abusers teach their victims that the abuse is happening because the victim is a bad, evil person. One of the diagnostic criteria for PTSD is literally “Places undue blame on themself or others for what happened”. Teaching traumatized people that consent is a luxury only “good” people are allowed to have is incompatible with support for abuse survivors. tl;dr a writer who tags “dead dove: do not eat” has demonstrated respect for the necessity of consent. A purity cultist who sends anon hate has demonstrated a lack of respect for consent. 
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bubblewater · 1 hour
I love it when people use "shrimp" to mean "beyond the human range". like "shrimp colors" but applied to other things. "shrimp emotions" "shrimp sounds" "shrimp morality", as if shrimp are living some kind of transcendent existence that humans can never comprehend
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bubblewater · 2 hours
I want it to be a smoke weed at work day. But there have already been quite a few smoke weed at work days this week. So I'm unsure
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bubblewater · 14 hours
Having an evangelical Christian mom is funny because I spent 30 minutes rambling about cathedrals and Catholic churches and various apocrypha and the only thing she replied with is "as long you don't convert to catholicism"
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bubblewater · 1 day
I know "60s housewives who invented slash fanfiction" has taken on a life of its own as a phrase, but Kirk/Spock didn't really exist until the 70s and THOSE WOMEN HAD JOBS. They were teachers and librarians and bookkeepers and scientists and they damn well spent their own money going to conventions, printing zines, buying fanart and making fandom happen. Put some respect on their names.
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bubblewater · 1 day
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bubblewater · 2 days
who fucking litters. why do i ever see litter. who thinks that’s okay. who. who NEEDS to throw their fast food bag out the fucking window instead of waiting until they get somewhere with a trashcan. what kinda clown behavior. get fucked.
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bubblewater · 4 days
The people who police your gender will police your gender even if you're cis.
Eat them.
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bubblewater · 4 days
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Bill returns - A billford comic part 1 (this one was so long I had to divide the post here)
So, the whole thing took me a week of work, but with a lot of determination, hyperfixation (the ones where you forget you're a human, you know the ones), and energy drinks, you can do anything.
Hope u guys like it!! <33
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bubblewater · 4 days
it is very childish and naive but i am still so shocked to see that so many people are just fucking outright mean
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bubblewater · 5 days
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Felt a need to draw hugs (thinking about sea grunks has made me extra emotional :’))
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bubblewater · 5 days
trump makes a blatantly lying comment about how haitian immigrants are eating “pets” and the white left is frothing at the mouth to turn it into a “hahaha funny meme”, without thinking of the horrific implications that a statement stating black people are coming to eat [inferred: white] people’s pets went unchallenged and is now actively being spread as a “joke”.
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bubblewater · 5 days
One of the more stark examples of how tumblr "leftists" think anyone who has things is a wealthy elite is when I see the takes that unionizing is a must for working class solidarity (true, generally. You need safeguards against inner corruption in your union and need to know how to bargain, or you'll end up in a workplace like mine where our own union just clawed back our workers rights and let our employer step all over us, but that's a different post.) along with the take that making 50k a year is hoarding wealth (what the fuck are you talking about)
You guys know that those unionized trade workers you hold up as working class heroes are NOT making minimum wage right?
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bubblewater · 5 days
you absolutely should not read dunmesh for the yaoi, you will be disappointed. dont read it for the yuri either, i did and was sorely disappointed. read it because you have autism and you will be obsessed with this intricate and beautiful world and story and the sincere and complex picture of living with autism and food and class and above all desires, the ones we repress the ones we overindulge the ones that hurt us and the ones no one will allow us to fill
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