butibite · 8 days
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Do you want to be Rick Grimes? Do you want to kiss a TWDU character? Do you want drama, angst, the ability to do something epic? Look no further than Fear What You Become a Group RP Discord server!
We are an active TWDU Discord server looking for more people to join our ranks. We are OC friendly and have plenty of areas to extend some creativity. Our plot takes place in 2023 upon the end of FTWD season 8. We have lots of characters up for grabs some of which include: Rick Grimes Madison Clark Morgan Jones Michonne Grimes June Dorie Victor Strand And many more! For more details check out this post: HERE
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butibite · 15 days
Come join us! Plenty of characters are open!!!
The Walking Dead Universe Roleplay! 🧟‍♀️
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𝔽𝕖𝕒𝕣 𝕎𝕙𝕒𝕥 𝕐𝕠𝕦 𝔹𝕖𝕔𝕠𝕞𝕖 is a new group RP for the Walking Dead Universe!  I’m Venus (F24 years old), one of the Admins and creators of the server, and I am looking for people who might be interested in joining!
Quick Info: - The RP takes place on Discord - The server/RP is 18+ only.  - Mature and violent themes will be present - Canon characters are open, and OCs are welcome!  - Although if you wish to use an OC it has to be approved and you also need to claim a canon character as well, just to keep everything well-rounded in the RP.
This server is friendly and very laid back! We do our best to be welcoming and understanding when motivation to write is low, or when real life takes control, so even if you can’t get a reply in, always feel free to hop on and just chat 🙂
In-depth info:  Six months after the events of Fear The Walking Dead's last episode, a nuclear event occurred that terminated 89% of life as it is, most settlements didn't survive, nor did the animals and the plants, The blast is pushing all living life to the East Coast, which is more viable. At the moment two of the most viable locations are: The Haven led by the Ottos and Alexandria led by The Grimes and said settlements were in a constant fight for resources and survival. Further details about the plot can be found on the server. 
Changes in the shows' stroylines depend on how it would affect the overall plot and whether it would make sense or not. The changes must be permitted by the admins and yes, we encourage creative world-building!
Since there are so many shows and moving parts within The Walking Dead Universe, we meshed the timelines a bit for the server, so we can get as many characters active as we can! 🙂 
My co Admin and I really love the idea of group RPs, so within the RP there will be a big main plot that we construct and help guide the RP a bit, so everyone can join in! But as always the writers are free to branch off and have their own threads and you know side quests and all that! But the Admins will also be initiating group threads that anyone can choose to join like going on runs, or a large conflict, and so on! If you have any question, my co-admin and I would be more than happy to answer!
Contact Info: 
If you would like to join or have questions you can message either myself or my co-admin!
Venus contact info:  Tumblr: @all-that-is-gold-is-now-gone Discord: venus228
Museless contact info:  Tumblr: @themuselesswriter Discord: muselessroleplay
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butibite · 20 days
Fandom RP Partner Search
I'm in the mood for a fandom roleplay, something fluffy, a little angsty. Lots of romance. I'm open to RPing as either in the pairings, but please note I can be picky with the OCs I write with.
I'm open to figuring out plot together or I might have one sitting on the back burner, it all depends on the ship and fandom. Shoot me a message via tumblr or comment to let me know you're interested.
I only RP with those over 18, check out my carrd for more info about me and a writing sample.
I roleplay through Tumblr reblogs or Discord, and don't have a preference. I am willing to double for some of these pairings, feel free to ask. Here are the fandoms I'm looking for:
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Troy Otto x OC | Troy Otto x Alicia Clark
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Carver Hawke x OC | Fenris x Hawke | Varric Tethras x Hawke
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Rafe Adler x OC
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Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd x Byleth Eisner | Hubert Von Vestra x Byleth Eisner
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Aleksander Morozova x Alina Starkov
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Simon Waite x Cora Glass | Simon Waite x OC
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Calvin x Adult!Bea (Please, please, please message me if interested!!)
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butibite · 1 month
RP Prompt Partner Search
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Selcouth Valley
M!OC x F!OC | Tumblr or Discord | 18+ | Multi-Paragraph
The people in Selcouth Valley are a pleasant sort, the kind of small town where everyone does actually know everyone. It's got its quirks of course, like the fact that the entire town lives in the same neighborhood of near identical cheerful well maintained houses and on Tuesdays the power always shuts off for a few hours and there's never a good signal.
But it makes up for that with its sense of community, the neighborhood barbecues, the cozy atmosphere, the near zero crime rate. So of course (your character), looking for a fresh start moves in. And of course, she feels like she has finally found a home.
And well ... her next door neighbor mows his lawn shirtless and might be the closest thing to a Grecian God she has ever seen. (My character) on top of being attractive is polite, charismatic, and funny. The community seems to look up to him as some sort of leader.
And he seems to have an interest in her! It might be too good to be true.
It is.
What's that expression -- the hills are watching? Or is it the hills are alive?
The tone for this RP is very much Uncanny Valley, Welcome to Nightvale, cryptids, and cults. This can be as light hearted or a gritty as you would like. I'm also a fan of involving a child character into this plot possibly on either side for yours or my character.
The relationship between our characters can be one of genuine love or conman manipulation. I have no triggers and so I'm open to working with whatever you have in mind.
Some of the general tones or topics I personally enjoy are psychological manipulation, romanticized cannibalism, and cryptid worship, but these are optional. I really want this to have an unnerving edge to it.
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I'm still fairly new to RP on tumblr, but have over a decade of experience in general! Feel free to check out my CAARD for my rules, about me, and a writing sample.
I love to make friends with my partners, a big portion of roleplay for me is being able to chat about our characters. I like making playlists, Pinterest boards, edits, sometimes even short stories, so if you don't typically like to chat we likely won't be compatible.
I don't mind RPing through Tumblr reblogs or Discord (though I prefer to have a dedicated server to keep things organized).
Feel free to shoot me a message or comment to let me know you're interested or if you have any questions. 🏺
Posted: 08.15.24 Status: CLOSED
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butibite · 5 months
Drew dutifully stretches out his injured leg, wincing as he does it. Not wanting to be rude he pulls the top hat from his head and runs a hand over his sweat damp hair. It's probably broken -- damn it.
"I do try to be the shiniest in the room. Personal preference you understand." He grins even as he prepares himself to have his boot removed. This is absolutely going to suck.
"Unfortunately me, a tight rope, and gravity did not mix well. I didn't expect myself to get injured from a rope two feet off the ground, but then I suppose Lady Gravity had it out for me tonight and I hit the ground wrong."
Drew shrugs, "So well just tell me the damages, doc."
Yep, dumb mistake. Absolutely stupid mistake. But such is the price of learning new tricks and so he finds himself disappointed and in an Akso room waiting for a doctor -- for his totally better be sprained and not broken ankle.
If it's broken he'll have to see about a boot and not a cast so he can still at least do the ringleader shtick. Andrew throws back his head and sighs. Really should have bent with his knees or something.
He's still in full get up, blue bedazzled suit, top hat, black boots. He didn't see the point in changing. At least he could make a cane look like part of the act.
Shouldn't the doctor be in by now? He sighs again.
'Have fun with this one.' Yvonne had told him when she'd handed him the patient profile, with the most dubious expression plastered on her face. Greyson would be lying if he said that cryptic little tease didn't unsettle him a little, but covering night shifts in Akso's ER clinic rarely came without interesting stories.
He knocks twice on the door before entering, and starts his usual greeting. "Hi Andrew, my names Dr. Greyson and I'm-"
So. many. sequins.
And a top hat? Knee-high boots? He's been working the night shift a lot the past few weeks... but had he missed all of summer and woken up on Halloween? Was the circus in town? It only takes him a second to recover, a hand coming up to card through his hair as an apologetic smile spreads across his cheeks. Yvonne was definitely right.
"Ah- forgive me. My usual Tuesday evening is typically a lot less shiny." His laugh is soft, more at himself than poor Andrew. "It says here you may have broken your ankle? Shall we have a look?" Greyson sits across from the young man motioning for him to present the injured leg. "And maybe enlighten me with how this happened?"
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butibite · 5 months
Lyra thinks about how she's under weight, under nourished, how her body never seems to want the food in Linkon City. And it's not like she hasn't tried, she's tried hundreds of restaurants but there are only a few she is remotely happy with. She drapes further into her hair, bangs falling out from behind her ear to cover one eye.
"I don't like any of it." She glances out the front window as to not meet his gaze. "I still can't sleep. The air smells different. I've been here longer than I've been there and yet ... I can't sleep. Thank you for the flower. I put it in my bedroom, I hope that maybe once it's big enough it will smell more like home."
The way he brings up Prince Xavier is strange to her, as someone in such a different part of their home. Jeremiah speaks of him fondly, even with a trace of amusement. Like he's not a threat. "Is he going to come after me?"
Better to know, not that it will matter much to Linkon City whether she is in it. The most she's contributed is to a few menu recipes.
{Closed with @butibite}
It's afternoon, and Jeremiah finds himself cautiously approaching a cafe he had altogether only walked by, and if he'd ever entered in the past never left a strong impression.
Today though he pays attention. First observant of the sad looking potted pansies outside that definitely needed more fertilizing. Then his eyes search the hostess stand for a familiar face. He doesn't see her. The hostess takes his order, a sandwich he'd deemed as 'pretty decent for human standards and a pastry.
He wonders if the girl backed down, or if she's just in the back somewhere. With a sigh, he channels some old energy from way back in the academy days, the voice that would send young recruits flocking to his side as he regaled tales of travels alongside their upperclassmen and mentors.
"Hey, pretty Miss, sorry to bother. Was wondering, is there a Lyra around today? Yay high, pretty eyes? Tell her that Jeremiah's here to see her and she owes him a coffee? She'll know who. Thanks." He leaves with a wink and takes a seat in the cafe.
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butibite · 5 months
When she notices the vibrator her legs spread on reflex, with him behind her she's able to drape one leg over top his and when she realizes the potential she does it to his other leg, spread wide, with him able to change just how spread she is.
Rose leans heavy into his chest, head falling against his shoulder. And it feels like he's all around her, he's everywhere, not nearly everywhere enough. She sighs in contentment. "I think it's pretty clear I'll let you do whatever you want to me."
And she would, she really would. There's something so tantalizing about the idea of surrender. Of falling at his feet and letting him make every decision, to feel and exist without need to perform. Her pleasure becomes his decision. There are far worse things.
((Premise: Rose and Caleb go out for their first official date. And she gets more attention than Caleb bargained for.))
Rose runs her fingers through her hair making sure that everything is in place. The red is red, short, spaghetti strap. Her hair is down, curled, her makeup done. She smiles at her hard work and steps out of her apartment bathroom to look at Caleb.
"Well, does she clean up?" She teases, spinning on her heels. To be honest she's hoping she'll make an impression. It's their first date after all.
his eyes go wide at the sight, and suddenly he feels underdressed. he wants to feel like a guy that deserves to be on her arm, but he just feels like he’s come up short again. he stammers out a response, blush already creeping into his cheeks.
y-you look incredible rose. sheesh. you sure i’m dressed ok?
he asked nervously, needing her reassurance just as badly as he runs his fingers through her hair. he almost forgot that he brought her a small gift, reaching into his jacket pocket for some freshly cut apple slices.
they’re uh… honeycrisp. thought it would be better than the stereotypical flowers and chocolate.
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butibite · 5 months
She leans back into his larger chest, surrounded by the sensation of having him so close. Everything about them has changed, evolved into something bigger and more intense than it ever was before. She feels small and held, safe and secure in the scent of him and his warmth through her thin dress.
Rose tilts onto her side, still leaning on his chest to look up at him, reaching out to trace the underside of his jaw with her fingers. There's the barest touch of stubble there to prick at her, and she smiles at how much has changed.
"I remember the day I realized I was in love with you." She whispers, surprised she's willing to tell him this story, "We were in our last year of high school. You were a menace back then, new girlfriend every week. I'd find you all around the school, I swear a new one each time. And it never bothered me."
Until the day it did. "And then one day I just woke up, went to school, saw your mouth pressed against some girl and was so overcome with jealousy I walked into the girl's bathroom, and punched one of the stall walls it remained dented the rest of the year."
She pauses, considering the next part, "And then I got this really terrible habit." Rose looks away, face burning with shame. "I started fucking myself in your bed when you were gone. When you went off with friends, or stayed over at someone's house. And I knew then any man I liked was just a piece of you."
((Premise: Rose and Caleb go out for their first official date. And she gets more attention than Caleb bargained for.))
Rose runs her fingers through her hair making sure that everything is in place. The red is red, short, spaghetti strap. Her hair is down, curled, her makeup done. She smiles at her hard work and steps out of her apartment bathroom to look at Caleb.
"Well, does she clean up?" She teases, spinning on her heels. To be honest she's hoping she'll make an impression. It's their first date after all.
his eyes go wide at the sight, and suddenly he feels underdressed. he wants to feel like a guy that deserves to be on her arm, but he just feels like he’s come up short again. he stammers out a response, blush already creeping into his cheeks.
y-you look incredible rose. sheesh. you sure i’m dressed ok?
he asked nervously, needing her reassurance just as badly as he runs his fingers through her hair. he almost forgot that he brought her a small gift, reaching into his jacket pocket for some freshly cut apple slices.
they’re uh… honeycrisp. thought it would be better than the stereotypical flowers and chocolate.
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butibite · 5 months
Mortified would be an accurate way to describe how she currently feels. Ready to go bury herself in a hole somewhere, or hide under a table. Instead Lyra gives him a hesitant smile, "Embarrassed a bit I think."
She looks down at the table, hiding from the stare he has. She wonders if he knows he's intimidating, if he's scary the same way she finds the Prince scary. Or if he thinks being a florist takes away from her fear. It doesn't. If he kills her she'll probably just feed his plants or something.
And yet, there's something sad about him, something that calls to the sadness in her. Like they're both suffering for the same reasons. And maybe they are, they're so far from home.
"Did you ... get enough food?" She glances over at his plate, "I can get you something else." Lyra sighs and runs a hand down her face, "I'm sorry, this is so odd. And - and well it's odd."
It's scary. Talking with someone who knows her secret is terrifying when she's worked so long to guard it.
{Closed with @butibite}
It's afternoon, and Jeremiah finds himself cautiously approaching a cafe he had altogether only walked by, and if he'd ever entered in the past never left a strong impression.
Today though he pays attention. First observant of the sad looking potted pansies outside that definitely needed more fertilizing. Then his eyes search the hostess stand for a familiar face. He doesn't see her. The hostess takes his order, a sandwich he'd deemed as 'pretty decent for human standards and a pastry.
He wonders if the girl backed down, or if she's just in the back somewhere. With a sigh, he channels some old energy from way back in the academy days, the voice that would send young recruits flocking to his side as he regaled tales of travels alongside their upperclassmen and mentors.
"Hey, pretty Miss, sorry to bother. Was wondering, is there a Lyra around today? Yay high, pretty eyes? Tell her that Jeremiah's here to see her and she owes him a coffee? She'll know who. Thanks." He leaves with a wink and takes a seat in the cafe.
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butibite · 5 months
Rose has to stop and take everything in when she gets up there. For a long minute she just stares at everything, trying to wrap her head around all of it. This is a lot, more than she expected. It's romantic and thoughtful, and so very Caleb. Tears prick at her eyes, and she hates her melodrama but this is just so wonderful.
"You did all of this for me?" She looks up at him with wide eyes. All of this in less than an hour. Rose grins, "Someone has been misusing his Evol."
She kicks off her heels leaving them by the door and walks further into the room sitting on the air mattress. "You're good." She points at him with a laugh. "This is the nicest thing a guy has ever done for me."
((Premise: Rose and Caleb go out for their first official date. And she gets more attention than Caleb bargained for.))
Rose runs her fingers through her hair making sure that everything is in place. The red is red, short, spaghetti strap. Her hair is down, curled, her makeup done. She smiles at her hard work and steps out of her apartment bathroom to look at Caleb.
"Well, does she clean up?" She teases, spinning on her heels. To be honest she's hoping she'll make an impression. It's their first date after all.
his eyes go wide at the sight, and suddenly he feels underdressed. he wants to feel like a guy that deserves to be on her arm, but he just feels like he’s come up short again. he stammers out a response, blush already creeping into his cheeks.
y-you look incredible rose. sheesh. you sure i’m dressed ok?
he asked nervously, needing her reassurance just as badly as he runs his fingers through her hair. he almost forgot that he brought her a small gift, reaching into his jacket pocket for some freshly cut apple slices.
they’re uh… honeycrisp. thought it would be better than the stereotypical flowers and chocolate.
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butibite · 5 months
She's in the back washing dishes, apron damp, light hair pulled up into a ponytail when one of the girls from the front peeks her head around, "Some cute guy is asking for you. Said you have pretty eyes. Uh Jeremiah, is he your boyfriend?"
Lyra chokes on her own spit, the vice commander is here? She flips off the faucet, "No, we just met." She must say it too fast, or her face is too red because her co-worker only gives her a look before she walks away. Running a hand over her frizzy hair she sighs and heads out to be humiliated.
She sees him sitting there by himself, looking all nice, and oh, she is not ready for this. Lyra wanderers over knowing her boss won't mind if she takes a quick break, considering she never takes breaks. Carefully she slides into the seat across from him. "You came."
Truthfully, she did not expect that. Had thought he would continue in his little shop with his important friends without ever thinking about her again. "I watered it this morning, really carefully."
{Closed with @butibite}
It's afternoon, and Jeremiah finds himself cautiously approaching a cafe he had altogether only walked by, and if he'd ever entered in the past never left a strong impression.
Today though he pays attention. First observant of the sad looking potted pansies outside that definitely needed more fertilizing. Then his eyes search the hostess stand for a familiar face. He doesn't see her. The hostess takes his order, a sandwich he'd deemed as 'pretty decent for human standards and a pastry.
He wonders if the girl backed down, or if she's just in the back somewhere. With a sigh, he channels some old energy from way back in the academy days, the voice that would send young recruits flocking to his side as he regaled tales of travels alongside their upperclassmen and mentors.
"Hey, pretty Miss, sorry to bother. Was wondering, is there a Lyra around today? Yay high, pretty eyes? Tell her that Jeremiah's here to see her and she owes him a coffee? She'll know who. Thanks." He leaves with a wink and takes a seat in the cafe.
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butibite · 5 months
This sounds like a repeat to their teen years of sneaking out the window to get drunk in the park across the road. She's filled with nostalgia and nods, "Alright, I'll get some drinks. Are we meeting back at my place?"
It sounds like they might be but she wants to make sure before she splits from him. She walks backward down the sidewalk, waiting for the go ahead as she runs through all the different drinks she could but and what she already has at home for a night like this.
She is certainly going to be overdressed but something tells her he won't mind that at all.
((Premise: Rose and Caleb go out for their first official date. And she gets more attention than Caleb bargained for.))
Rose runs her fingers through her hair making sure that everything is in place. The red is red, short, spaghetti strap. Her hair is down, curled, her makeup done. She smiles at her hard work and steps out of her apartment bathroom to look at Caleb.
"Well, does she clean up?" She teases, spinning on her heels. To be honest she's hoping she'll make an impression. It's their first date after all.
his eyes go wide at the sight, and suddenly he feels underdressed. he wants to feel like a guy that deserves to be on her arm, but he just feels like he’s come up short again. he stammers out a response, blush already creeping into his cheeks.
y-you look incredible rose. sheesh. you sure i’m dressed ok?
he asked nervously, needing her reassurance just as badly as he runs his fingers through her hair. he almost forgot that he brought her a small gift, reaching into his jacket pocket for some freshly cut apple slices.
they’re uh… honeycrisp. thought it would be better than the stereotypical flowers and chocolate.
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butibite · 5 months
One moment she's attempting to have a good time, the next Caleb's arm goes snapping forward, the guy hits the ground and makes a run for it. And the weirdest thing occurs to her -- jealousy. He's been rough with her so many times, he's spit on her more than once and as she blinks trying to catch up, she's jealous he spit on someone else.
When he leans in she grabs his arm, "I'm fine." But her voice is tight from the reeling of her thoughts, and how odd they are and how odd their relationship began. "You didn't need to hit him."
They're likely going to get kicked out now, she glances over at the bartender and sees him talking with someone else. They look toward them and yep, time to go. "Come on, before they call someone." She drags him out the back door, and down the alley, dipping around a corner before she stops.
Rose pouts, huffing out a breath. "I didn't even get a second drink, Calville."
((Premise: Rose and Caleb go out for their first official date. And she gets more attention than Caleb bargained for.))
Rose runs her fingers through her hair making sure that everything is in place. The red is red, short, spaghetti strap. Her hair is down, curled, her makeup done. She smiles at her hard work and steps out of her apartment bathroom to look at Caleb.
"Well, does she clean up?" She teases, spinning on her heels. To be honest she's hoping she'll make an impression. It's their first date after all.
his eyes go wide at the sight, and suddenly he feels underdressed. he wants to feel like a guy that deserves to be on her arm, but he just feels like he’s come up short again. he stammers out a response, blush already creeping into his cheeks.
y-you look incredible rose. sheesh. you sure i’m dressed ok?
he asked nervously, needing her reassurance just as badly as he runs his fingers through her hair. he almost forgot that he brought her a small gift, reaching into his jacket pocket for some freshly cut apple slices.
they’re uh… honeycrisp. thought it would be better than the stereotypical flowers and chocolate.
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butibite · 5 months
She grabs his arm before he walks to the bar, "Shots, fly boy, that's what we need." When he goes off to make the order, she keeps dancing. There's more people here than usual, but she doesn't usually come on the weekend.
A different guy slides up in front of her while she dances, and gives her a smile. Rose gives an awkward smile back and tries to step away, but he keeps pushing forward. Great one of those kinds of assholes. She shakes her head no at him and he still doesn't take the hint.
He goes so far as to reach for her waist, but she slaps his hand away, taking another step back.
((Premise: Rose and Caleb go out for their first official date. And she gets more attention than Caleb bargained for.))
Rose runs her fingers through her hair making sure that everything is in place. The red is red, short, spaghetti strap. Her hair is down, curled, her makeup done. She smiles at her hard work and steps out of her apartment bathroom to look at Caleb.
"Well, does she clean up?" She teases, spinning on her heels. To be honest she's hoping she'll make an impression. It's their first date after all.
his eyes go wide at the sight, and suddenly he feels underdressed. he wants to feel like a guy that deserves to be on her arm, but he just feels like he’s come up short again. he stammers out a response, blush already creeping into his cheeks.
y-you look incredible rose. sheesh. you sure i’m dressed ok?
he asked nervously, needing her reassurance just as badly as he runs his fingers through her hair. he almost forgot that he brought her a small gift, reaching into his jacket pocket for some freshly cut apple slices.
they’re uh… honeycrisp. thought it would be better than the stereotypical flowers and chocolate.
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butibite · 5 months
She smiles at the feeling of him curled up behind her, and presses back into his hips in response to it, taking a sip through her straw. Girlfriend. He said it back. She glances over her shoulder at him, and winks.
"I had breakfast," She defends and takes another sip, like breakfast wasn't hours ago, and doesn't mention her breakfast was in fact a cup of coffee. Zayne would absolutely kill her. But well she's feeling a tad risky today.
The bartender takes one glance at them and sees he's going to be getting better tips elsewhere. That or maybe it's the fact that Caleb wears a piece of his uniform wherever he goes, and no one wants to do toe to toe with a Deepspace Pilot.
"Want a sip?" She knows he'll hate it, too sweet and 'girly' for the likes of him.
((Premise: Rose and Caleb go out for their first official date. And she gets more attention than Caleb bargained for.))
Rose runs her fingers through her hair making sure that everything is in place. The red is red, short, spaghetti strap. Her hair is down, curled, her makeup done. She smiles at her hard work and steps out of her apartment bathroom to look at Caleb.
"Well, does she clean up?" She teases, spinning on her heels. To be honest she's hoping she'll make an impression. It's their first date after all.
his eyes go wide at the sight, and suddenly he feels underdressed. he wants to feel like a guy that deserves to be on her arm, but he just feels like he’s come up short again. he stammers out a response, blush already creeping into his cheeks.
y-you look incredible rose. sheesh. you sure i’m dressed ok?
he asked nervously, needing her reassurance just as badly as he runs his fingers through her hair. he almost forgot that he brought her a small gift, reaching into his jacket pocket for some freshly cut apple slices.
they’re uh… honeycrisp. thought it would be better than the stereotypical flowers and chocolate.
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butibite · 5 months
Rose shoots him a look and saunters over to the bar leaning against the bar top, partly because yes, she wants a drink, partly because it makes her ass look good. She's already decided tonight will be the night to be a tease. Get him out of his own head a little. "I'll take a Malibu and pineapple, and my boyfriend," She revels in the word and hopes he hears her say it, "Will have whatever is cheapest on tap."
She grins at the barkeep and the barkeep grins back before he moves to fetch the drinks she ordered. Rose waits shimmying side to side to the music that comes out of the overhead speakers. They always have good music here.
((Premise: Rose and Caleb go out for their first official date. And she gets more attention than Caleb bargained for.))
Rose runs her fingers through her hair making sure that everything is in place. The red is red, short, spaghetti strap. Her hair is down, curled, her makeup done. She smiles at her hard work and steps out of her apartment bathroom to look at Caleb.
"Well, does she clean up?" She teases, spinning on her heels. To be honest she's hoping she'll make an impression. It's their first date after all.
his eyes go wide at the sight, and suddenly he feels underdressed. he wants to feel like a guy that deserves to be on her arm, but he just feels like he’s come up short again. he stammers out a response, blush already creeping into his cheeks.
y-you look incredible rose. sheesh. you sure i’m dressed ok?
he asked nervously, needing her reassurance just as badly as he runs his fingers through her hair. he almost forgot that he brought her a small gift, reaching into his jacket pocket for some freshly cut apple slices.
they’re uh… honeycrisp. thought it would be better than the stereotypical flowers and chocolate.
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butibite · 5 months
She looks down at his offered gift with an amused smile, taking the snack. "Let me just," Rose rushes to her fridge, depositing her gift before nodding to herself that should keep it fresh enough. "You look great."
Things have been strange in the best way. After their confessions Caleb had to leave again the next day. The beginning of their relationship had comprised of one long goodbye kiss, several phone calls (one of a particularly raunchy nature) and now a week later their first date.
So she's sort of nervous honestly. He smells like cologne and put on a black T-shirt beneath his aviation jacket, necklace on full display. Rose grabs his hand, "Come one, let's go."
The bar she plans to take him to is in walking distance, a small little place with an old fashioned theme. Xavier had showed it to her, mostly she thinks to show off the fact he's topped all the arcade machines in the back. "So am I drinking on your dime or mine tonight?"
((Premise: Rose and Caleb go out for their first official date. And she gets more attention than Caleb bargained for.))
Rose runs her fingers through her hair making sure that everything is in place. The red is red, short, spaghetti strap. Her hair is down, curled, her makeup done. She smiles at her hard work and steps out of her apartment bathroom to look at Caleb.
"Well, does she clean up?" She teases, spinning on her heels. To be honest she's hoping she'll make an impression. It's their first date after all.
his eyes go wide at the sight, and suddenly he feels underdressed. he wants to feel like a guy that deserves to be on her arm, but he just feels like he’s come up short again. he stammers out a response, blush already creeping into his cheeks.
y-you look incredible rose. sheesh. you sure i’m dressed ok?
he asked nervously, needing her reassurance just as badly as he runs his fingers through her hair. he almost forgot that he brought her a small gift, reaching into his jacket pocket for some freshly cut apple slices.
they’re uh… honeycrisp. thought it would be better than the stereotypical flowers and chocolate.
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