butterflybnha · 2 years
Broken To Perfection
[7] Recommendation's fight
Story’s Masterlist
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You stood in front of the 'weapon' while Hagakure had gone to go and give you information on where they were through stealthily be completely invisible - taking her boots and gloves off.
A sudden chill hit you, as the building froze, trapping your feet into the ground. Todoroki's quirk... Taking a deep breath, the button on your glove opened as you touched the ground, the ice disappeared fast, due to it had been created recently. 
"Woah Y/n-chan! All the ice just disappeared!" Hagakure's voice came through the ear piece. 
"Do you see them, don't worry about what happened to the ice, I got it covered..." Your reply was simple as you glanced out the window, seeing one of the opponents from the other team was standing there, shoji. Weird... Was Todoroki inside by himself? He must have thought he would have been able to freeze them
"That was your quirk, Y/n-chan...?" Silence was followed before a scream was heard from Hagakure. "Todoroki is here! He is on the second floor-" You heard a noise, along with another shriek yelling that it was cold. 
"Yaoyorozu, give up now. Your teammate has been captured." Todoroki spoke through the ear piece that he had taken from Hagakure, who's shouts could be heard through the ear piece.
You didn't reply to him, you looked over at the weapon, deciding whether it would be best to move it or not. Deciding to leave the weapon, you left the room, closing it behind you and carefully walked through the building to try and find Todoroki to capture him
She didn't have to worry about Shoji, he was outside from what she saw - her only goal was to capture Todoroki. A small squeak came from you as you slipped on a patch of ice and landed at the bottom of the staircase, finding your partner who was tied up nearby.
"Y/n-chan!" You found yourself dodging a ice spike that was meant to capture you, it grazed your side slightly. Your eyes dashed over to see the male that Hagakure was going to warn you about. 
You knew he was here - lets just say your time smelling his peppermint scent came in handy this time.
Todoroki's breath was condensating, he was getting cold from the ice. He got ready and sent another ice spike your way to trap you within it, but you were quick and the clip on your glove opened and touched the ice causing it to disappear within a few seconds - his ice was harmless to you right now while you were using your quirk.
Todoroki sent another ice spike towards you, causing the same process of you getting rid of it, though he was now gone from your sight. 
"He went upstairs Y/n!" Hagakure told you as she stayed tied up and frozen in some ice. You had no time to save her right now, you nodded your head slightly before going to try and get the male before he could find and touch the weapon. You were getting rid of the ice that was recently created on the ground as an attempt to slow you down. 
Soon you stopped and closed your eyes. Last time you were able to know he was with Hagakure, now you could try and find him now. You were trying to smell him out - probably looked weird what you were doing to everyone on the cameras - but right now you were trying to find your enemy.
Peppermint... Peppermint...!!!
You jumped back as ice tried to trap you, this time succeeding and trapping your leg in ice, you were quick to touch it and move away. You looked to see Todoroki, the capture tape in his hand, ready to capture you so he could find the object he needed to win this. He was quick to change from completely using his ice - to finding hand to hand combat.
As he sent another ice spike towards you, by the time it was destroyed, he grabbed onto your wrist so he could tie you up with the capture tape. You ended up quickly moving your leg to kick his side, his grip loosened on your wrist for you to grab his wrist with your other hand - that had it's glove completely covering it - to twist his wrist. He dropped the capture tape, and you quickly kicked it away before he wouldn't be able to use it.
Todoroki moved quickly as he grabbed both of your wrists, pushing you against the wall so you wouldn't move to touch him with your hands, he was prepared to move if you tried to kick him.
This was awkward... You were being pinned against the wall by Todoroki - this caused your cheeks to turned a light shade of pink.
"You know you're just loosing time right? You need to find the weapon before the time is up." Yet he couldn't let you go unless he wanted you to go free and attack him and tie him up with the capture tape. 
His expression changed slightly before it went back to normal - emotionless.
"Shoji, I captured Hagakure and Yaoyorozu, but I can't get to the weapon without letting one of them loose." He spoke through the earpiece - you could tell he probably wanted to do this alone, but he couldn't let you free, you were a weakness for him - your quirk destroyed his ice instantly.
He could have searched for your capture tape - but he would rather not touch you all over without your permission - it would be inappropriate.
So you were both awkwardly standing there in silence, heat was rising in your cheeks as you felt him breathing on you a bit. You definitely were going to die from embarrassment about this if someone mentions this to you.
"THE HERO TEAM! WINS!" As All Might announced the victory of Todoroki and Shoji. Todoroki let go of your wrists.
Rubbing your wrists, you watched Todoroki as he was slowly getting rid of the ice. You went over and helped him with destroying the ice, and going to help Hagakure before the teams headed back.
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butterflybnha · 3 years
(Kinda Angsty, Death of the reader, g/n reader, Sad boi Bakugo, kinda s**cidal bakugo if you squint)
Katsuki Bakugo is scared of loosing someone important to him. 
Now all he could do was watch as your eyes closed, lost its cheer and life as your left behind body was resting upon the hospital bed. The bandages wrapped around your injuries that caused your demise.
He sat beside your body, the weak grip that held onto his large hand had disappeared now. He use to be worried to hold your hand, thinking his quirk would blow it up accidentally and hurt you.  Katsuki wouldn’t be able to feel your touch anymore, your hands wouldn’t find their way into his hair to play with it, give him small massages to help him relax, wrap around him to hold him close to cuddle or when you kiss.
He would never be able to see you smile, the pictures would bring him back to his state of tears, watching how happy you were with him. He would never fully recover from your death.
Kirishima tried to help his friend, yet not even him could help his friend move one. Katsuki could never go on a date with someone else after, all he could do is compare them to you, their face to your beautiful one, your touch to theirs. 
He hates laying in bed, staring at the empty half where you use to lay with him and cuddle.
He spent more and more time training and working, to not go back to his house, never wanting to see anything that could remind him of you. He would change gyms just to get away from the memories.
He became reckless during missions. Eventually finding himself in the hospital, in the same room and the same bed you laid when you took your last breath.  
He could only hope that once he closes his eyes, he will see you again... If only he didn’t wake up healed from his injures... If only they could have done the same to you.
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butterflybnha · 3 years
Izuku Midoriya was nervous at the beginning of your relationship. He would be beet red as he would hold your hand, or just a simple kiss on the cheek would make him faint.
He slowly grows use to your affection, showing more affection by holding your hand with a small blush or kissing your forehead or nose to see you scrunch up your nose. 
Izuku would prefer to give the affection, because he still turns red as you show him, but he feels calmer giving you the affection and love you deserve. because you are the most precious person to him and he loves you alot.
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butterflybnha · 3 years
Broken to Perfection
Chapter 6: Hero’s lesson
Story’s Masterlist
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UA's system of teaching was interesting. You would have normal classes - that every school has - in the morning before lunch.
"Alright everybody! Hands up, show some spirit!" Present mic yelled at the students, wanting them to answer the question in english. Your gaze moved from the board to the window beside you, watching as the cars drove passed the school, looking at the clouds as they change shape.
"Yaoyorozu!" You jumped slightly and looked to see your sister's hand was up as she answered the question. A small sigh and you looked out of the window again - it was weird sharing a class with other students and trying to keep up with the pace of the lesson considering you had been homeschooled - unlike your sister and your classmates.
At lunch, everyone would get top-tier food from Lunch rush for a dirt cheap price!
You stood in line as you got your lunch, heading to go and sit at a table by yourself. You glanced over at your sister - who was talking to your classmates happily as she had become friends with them on the first day.
You took your chopsticks, eating your soba in peace. As much as the food was delicious - you couldn't stop the sour taste in your mouth as you watched your sister make friends.
You noticed that someone else joined you, sitting across from you. Todoroki. Neither of you interacted when you sat together at lunch - your sister probably guessed he was your friend and you just wanted to sit with him. He was a loner, and so were you. So you were eating silently together, no conversations, nothing. Just quiet
And finally after lunch it was time for the Afternoon classes - Hero basic training.
"I have come through the door like a normal person!" All Might yelled as he entered the room at a fast speed. As your classmates were excited to see that the number one hero was their teacher, you found yourself zoning out again, staring out the window, playing with your pencil as it scribbled doodles on the page in front of you.
"It's All Might!! He's really gonna teach us!" "That's his silver age costume!" As whispers travelled through your classmates, you finally looked over at your teacher, to find out what the lesson was going to be about.
"Hero Basic training! The class that'll put you through all sorts of special training to mould you into heroes!" All Might announced as he entered the classroom. "No time to dally. Today's activity is Battle training!" 
'Battle training...' You didn't notice but you gripped onto your pencil, snapping it in half.
"And for that... You need these!!!" All might clicked a button and rows of suitcases came out of the wall with numbers on them. "In accordance with the quirk registry and the speciak request forms you filled out before being admitted,,:
"Costumes!" Your classmates cheered at seeing it.
"After you change, come out in ranking order to ground beta!!"
Taking the case with the number '21' on it, you headed out to go and get changed.
You opened the case, slipping off your uniform and started to change into your hero costume.
You left most of the outfit design to the company - though you partly wished you didn't. The main things that you had asked for were given.
Your gloves were customly made to have a clip on the palm to allow you to open it and use your quirk easily without always needing to take off your gloves. You wore a skin tight body suit that showed your (non-existent) curves and on top of it was a crop top hoodie and shorts that were black with f/c highlights in it so your hero costume wasn't completely one colour.
"Y/n-chan, your costume looks cool." Momo smiled at you as she put the last item of her hero costume on. Comparing both of your costumes, it would be very confusing that you are related. It was already weird thanks to you both not looking alike each other that much, your quirks were different and your hero costumes were opposite
While hers was very revealing - for her quirk, yours covered almost your entire body. She looked like she was just wearing a swimsuit into battle.
"Thanks Momo-chan..." You looked away and put your stuff away into your locker. You noticed your classmates were getting changed into their hero costumes still.
"Woah Y/n-chan! I love your costume!" Ashido grins as she made a thumbs up to you - You never wanted to be called Y/n-chan by your classmates, but since you and your sister share a last name it was obvious why you were called by your first name.
"Thanks Ashido."
"Call me Mina!" Mina smiles at you, which you just shook your head slightly. "No, I feel more comfortable refering you by your last name.." - plus only friends really call each other by their first name..
You left to see some of your male classmates outside, starting to head out to the training ground. You followed behind, finding yourself blending into the crowd.
"Looking good is very important ladies and gentlemen!!! Look Alive now because from today on...You're all heroes!" All Might complimented everyone as the students all finally reached the area.
"Shall we begin?"
All Might split everyone up into teams, the first round had gone by of Midoriya and Uraraka against Bakugo and Ida with Midoriya's team being victorious - though they weren't exactly in the best shape after that fight.
"Y/n-chan! Its nice that we ended up on a team!" Hagakure spoke in a cheerful voice to you. "Do you have a plan on how we will beat Todoroki and Shoji?"
"Team B and I! Team I will be the villains while Team B is the heroes!!" You were going up against Todoroki, as much as you hoped to either be on his team - or Momo's - you ended up against him. Taking a deep breath, you looked down at your hands.
"His quirk... it's ice right?" You looked at Hagakure. "Yeah? It is...?" Hagakure's voice had a hint of confusion in it - why were you asking her?
"Leave me to deal with Todoroki... I can get rid of his ice." That was all you said before heading to go into the building.
You knew you had a small advantage against people with quirks like Todoroki - all you needed to do was tire him out with over usage of his quirk, but you didn't know if he would have a second plan up his sleeve.
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butterflybnha · 3 years
New years with Katsuki Bakugo
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Katsuki Bakugo would prefer to spend his new years with you alone, but the Bakusquad would tag along with you two.
A small party with the Bakusquad and watching the new years countdown together.
Bakugo would pull you away from the group a few minutes before midnight so you two could be alone. 
You two would be able to hear your friends yelling out ‘5! 4! 3! 2! 1!” As the clock reaches one, you and Bakugo would end up kissing to start with your new year together.
You can’t tell me that the bakusquad aren’t secretly watching from inside with Denki recording you two.
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butterflybnha · 3 years
Yandere Denki Kaminari
Denki is a very clingy Yandere. He will be by your side 24/7 (only exception is the bathroom and changing)
He would only become a proper yandere once you become friends, he wouldn’t be a yandere instantly of meeting and ‘flirting’ with you.
 He likes wrapping his arms around your arm or holding your hands everywhere to make sure you’re safe. He would steal some of your clothes constantly and denies if you question him about it.
He would 100% not kill someone you are dating or like, but will glare at them from a distance, make you feel guilty for not spending as much time with him as before and lies to your s/o that you’re cheating on them.
As long as you’re with him, he won’t break and kidnap you... just be careful with what you do and say around him
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butterflybnha · 3 years
Yandere Shoto Todoroki
Shoto would be a stalker yandere. Watching you all the time, he wouldn’t go up and talk with you, just watch from the side lines mostly. If you start a conversation with him, he will act normally so you won’t be able to tell if he is a yandere or not
He would threaten anyone would even try getting in the way of you and him. Murder isn’t an option for him. Threatens and Manipulation are more useful. I mean who would want the number one hero’s son on their bad side?
If he hits a breaking point, he would kidnap you, he will take his time with waiting until you return your feelings to him.
“I love you so much Y/n.”
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butterflybnha · 3 years
“Home” (Yandere!Dabi x reader)
Prompt: ‘Home’
Yandere!Dabi x reader
You stared at the ceiling, counting each second until you heard the soft snores of the male beside you. His scarred arms were wrapped around your body so tightly it felt suffocating, any small movement you did now, could cause you a new mark on your body if you weren't careful. Slowly moving out of the scarred man's arms and body heat, you slipped out of the bed, pulling out a large dufflebag out of the closet, you had to leave.
You had been stuck for years inside this broken down apartment, under the watch of your 'boyfriend' Dabi. You don't know how you caused the male to be attracted to you, nor how did you know why you agreed to be with him in the beginning, but after months of being abused, you knew you had to leave. Everytime you want to try and break off things with him, it get worse.
Now you were being forced against your will to be locked inside of his home, never seeing sunlight from the windows getting blocked out, the door was always locked with the key always hidden somewhere. You couldn't escape, as much as you wanted to. But, you had to, so after years of dealing with the abuse, you've learn his schedule, how long until he falls asleep, where he hid the keys, everything. You knew it all.
Small creaks came from each step you made on the broken floorboards. You soon stopped and bended down onto the ground, pulling off a certain floorboard off the ground with ease, inside sat a pair of keys, taking them out of the hidden area, you covered up the hidden space again before quickly going over to the front entrance.
Sticking each key into the door, you felt your palms getting sweatier as you heard movement from the bedroom. You couldn't just bail out now, Dabi was going to burn you, possibly just kill you right here and now. No one would know that he killed you.
Your vision was blurring from the tears that started to pool into your eyes. Your breathing stopped at hearing a voice suddenly.
"Doll? Where are you..." As the final key slotted into the lock. click. it was unlocked. Quickly pulling it open, you started to run for your life. You were so close to freedom. You dropped your bag, considering how close Dabi was to you, it would only cause you to be slower if you kept it with you.
You were fast to start going down the staircase, though being careful as snow was covering parts of the stairs from it being exposed to the outside. You couldn't stop to appriciate the fresh air or the view of the lights from the city, there was no time.
Your hands were trembling, you were so close, to getting home.
"Doll." Dabi's voice was heard at the top of the stairs. You looked up and stared at him straight in the eyes, anger had filled his eyes, so frustrated that you would try to attempt this, on christmas eve as well. He may not be a religious person, but still, how could you leave him now on the day before christmas where you celebrate with the people you love most?
"Doll. If you come back now, I won't burn your face, not saying you will go unpunished for this act you're doing." You found yourself hesitating, questioning if you should listen and just go back... home?...
"Doll. Stop." Dabi started to follow you now, as you suddenly started to hurry down the stairs. You couldn't just give in, not now, where you were so close to getting home... your real home.
"Y/n, stop right the fuck now." Before you knew it, you felt warm, too warm. A scream came from you, as you slipped on the snow and ice on the stairs, falling down onto the ground, head first. Some burns covered the back of your from Dabi trying to burn you before you could escape, but you fell first.
You were cold... no... now you were warm... warm as Dabi carried you back to your... 
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butterflybnha · 3 years
Cuddling with Shoto
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 He was very hesitant to cuddle you when you started dating. He wanted to make sure you were comfortable with him so if you want to cuddle in the beginning then you have to cuddle him first
After a while, a few months of dating, he will start cuddling you when you go to sleep and that is the only option on how he sleeps now.  He likes spooning, being small or big spoon. His favourites are to have you facing him and cuddling to either warm up or cool down. Or you holding him from behind..
He would pull you onto his lap to cuddle with him, or just cuddle whenever you two are alone,
He enjoys playing with your hair when you cuddle with him
Let him have his cuddles
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butterflybnha · 3 years
My (Fake) Boyfriend Masterlist
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Katsuki Bakugo x Fem!Reader (ongoing)
Plot: You honestly didn’t know how you were able to convince Bakugo Katsuki to be your fake boyfriend. But you especially didn't expect to start crushing on him.
1. “I’ll do it”
2. “You were fucking worried about that shit. So why the fuck not can I help.”
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butterflybnha · 3 years
My (Fake) Boyfriend
Fem!reader x Bakugo Katsuki
Plot: You honestly didn’t know how you were able to convince Bakugo Katsuki to be your fake boyfriend. But you especially didn't expect to start crushing on him.
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"I'll do it."
Those words were stuck inside of your head as you were listening to the lesson that Present Mic was teaching you. You were trying to listen to atleast. You were shocked that Katsuki Bakugo. The Katsuki Bakugo, would decide to do that for you. Sure you both have started to be friends since your second year, but still. It was just weird to you.
"L/n." You were snapped out of your thoughts when Aizawa had called you out. You looked at your teacher, who was sitting in his sleeping bag on the ground. Now Present Mic and your classmate's attention was on you. "Sorry Sensei..." You mumbled and looked down, picking your pen up again to write down the english notes.
Present Mic cleared his throat before continuing with his lesson on Adjectives, how they can descriptive, be numeric... Something was placed onto your desk, a small piece of paper that Bakugo had hid inside of a cap of a pen. Glancing at the teachers first, you took out the small paper and glanced at what was written on the page.
'What's wrong with you now?' You read silently. Using your pen to scribble down your reply, making it small so it could fit on the page before stuffing it back into the pen cap and handing it back to Bakugo
'Thinking about what you said. Why did you offer to help?' Bakugo had taken it and started to read what you had written to him. You tapped your fingers on the table waiting for him to reply to you.
As the pen cap was placed back on your table, you started to read what he wrote. 'You were fucking worried about that shit. So why fuck not can I help." Something was scratched out on the paper, you couldn't really read it. 
'That's sweet of you bakugo.' You were about to send it back to him. "Bakugo, L/n." Aizawa raised his voice at you two when you were about to send the note back
oh shit.
After getting a small lecture from Aizawa after the lesson, you were heading back to the dorms. You had a few days before the meet up with your parents and Bakugo your supposed boyfriend.
"Oi, dumbass wait." Bakugo grabbed your arm, causing you to stop and looked at him. Tilting your head slightly, you waited for him to explain what he was doing.
"About the fake boyfriend shit." Bakugo clarified "Why did you need one..." You pulled your arm away from him. Hesitant to tell him about what was really going on with the fake boyfriend thing.
"I'll tell you afterwards... You just need to act like someone's boyfriend." You told him causing him to stare at you. "What does 'acting like someone's boyfriend' fucking mean?"
"I don't know! I never had a boyfriend." You shrugged a bit. "Just be.. respectful and nice. Someone that parents would aprove of to be their child's boyfriend, you know."
Bakugo just 'tched' before walking off. You watched him leave, you stood there silently.
You hoped that this would be a good idea to have Bakugo as your fake boyfriend. If not, you know your future of being a hero, might end faster than you think it would.
"Please don't fuck this up for me Bakugo..."
Taglist: @glitterandgoldfinds
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butterflybnha · 3 years
My (Fake) Boyfriend
Fem!reader x Bakugo Katsuki
Plot: You honestly didn’t know how you were able to convince Bakugo Katsuki to be your fake boyfriend. But you especially didn't expect to start crushing on him.
You needed a significant other. And fast. You didn't care if it was a girl, boy or someone who classified as something else. You just needed to date someone before your parents forced you into a marriage that you don't want to be in.
You were born with both of your parents quirks, an enhancing quirk as well as an enhanced quirk of your father's Wings quirk. They wanted you to be with someone who had a strong quirk and was successful, so you could take care of your children at home and be a good wife in the future. But that isn't what you wanted.
You wanted to be hero for people to look up to - like your favourite hero Hawks, your parents were slapped in the face with that when your letter from U.A. came in the mail. So from the start of your first year they started to look for someone, who they deemed as perfect for you to marry. It was annoying. 
Now in your third year at U.A, your parents found someone for you. With your 18th birthday around the corner, they told you about the marriage, it was with a 21 year old business man who was rich and had a powerful quirk. You wanted nothing to do with him, nothing to do with the marriage. So you were going to try and leave it somehow...
"So Y/n..." Your father started the conversation as you had started to stuff your face with the food in front of you. Your mother kicked your foot lightly, telling you silently to be more 'lady-like' and not to stuff your face with the food. You used your hand to cover your mouth as you swallowed the food in your mouth already, using the sleeve to wipe off whatever had gotten on your face.
"So, you know how you are going to be 18 soon...." You just hummed as a response, taking small bites of the food now, glancing at your mother, seeing that she now approved with how you were eating and acting, it just caused you to roll your eyes. "And you are still single.."
Glances were exchanged between your parents. Soon your mother sighed softly and cleared her throat. "We have set you up on a date with a male who we think you should consider marrying-" You coughed violently as you choked on the pasta in your mouth. "What?!" You looked at your parents, getting another light kick at your leg. "Don't raise your voice." 
"You set me up on a date with someone, who I don't even know?!" You ignored the glare from your mother as you didn't quiet down like she had asked you to do. "Yes we did dear." Your mother continued. "You can't just stay single for your entire life, and we believe that Mr Yato will be a good husband for you. So we are setting you up on a date-"  
You had to think of something, something to stop this date.
"I'm already dating someone." You regretted when those words left your lips, but you had to stick with this. "Yeah, he has a strong quirk and he is trying to become a hero too..." Your mother's eyebrow raised a bit at your answer. "You are? Why didn't we hear about this earlier."
"We wanted to keep it secret from everyone, to make sure we are right for each other. We have been dating since our second year at U.A..." Your gaze moved away from your mother's, hoping she would believe your lie to her.
"Well I would like to meet them. See if they are good for you." Your father spoke and looked to you. "Tell them that we want to meet them next week Saturday." You just nodded slightly.
You needed a partner. Now
You were stressed, You needed to date someone, someone who your parents would approve on. Who could that be?
Todoroki? No, he may be endeavours son, but you were only acquaintances, it would be weird to ask him all of a sudden. Midoriya? No he would just be a nervous mess. Kirishima-
"Oi dumbass." You felt someone flick your forehead. Hissing a bit, you glared at the person who sat in front of you. He was leaning on the chair, facing backwards on his chair as he stared at you, a usual annoyed look was set on his face. "What the hell is wrong with you?" It wasn't a questiong, it was a demand for you to tell him what was wrong
You looked at him, pressing your lips together, debating on if you would tell him about your problem, its not like he would help, he might just laugh and tell you good luck with it. What's the harm in telling him, he might just tell you to go ask Kaminari or Kirishima to help
"I need a boyfriend to impress my parents. Not a real one, I just need a fake one." You told him softly. You stared at him, expecting him to laugh and tell you good luck.
"I'll do it."
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butterflybnha · 3 years
Broken To Perfection
[5] Competition For Last Place
[longish chapter for you guys lol]
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"You're hoping to become heroes after three years here... Right. The one with the lowest score across all eight events will be judged as hopeless... and will be expelled." Will be expelled.
Those words had caused the students to panic about their career to become a hero. You were one of those who were panicking about this, you stared at your gloved hands that were shaking slightly, out of the fear of getting expelled from the hero academia on the first day of going there. 
"It's only the first day! I mean, even if it weren't... That's totally unfair!" The brown haired female yelled towards the class's teacher. Aizawa let out a sigh before he started to reply to the brunette.
"Natural disasters, Highway Pileups, rampaging villains. You're saying that is fair? Calamity is always right around the corner. I'd say Japan is full of unfair things. Heroes are the ones... who correct all that unfairness. If you were hoping to spend your evenings hanging out at restaurants or going on dates. I'm sorry to tell you that for the next three years. UA will run you through the wringer." Aizawa looked at all his students, watching their expressions to his speech. "That's plus ultra. Use your strength to overcome it all. So bring it."
You looked at your classmates as their faces changed expression, except for one, who kept his nervous and scared expression. He had dark green messy and curly hair with round green eyes, a few freckles scattered on his face - he looked adorable to you. Shaking your head, you had to focus. You couldn't fail, not today. You were going to be a hero.
Event 1: 50 meter Dash
"3.04 seconds!" The robot shouted out as a blue haired male - known as Tenya Iida - passed the finish line with the Frog girl following behind him with 5.58 seconds.
"7.15 seconds!" the brunette had ended up getting - her name was Ochako Uraraka.
"4.54 seconds!" "5.51 seconds!" Ashido had gone up against a male named Aoyama, beating him by a second thanks to his quirk stopping hallway. 
"4.13 seconds!" Bakugo had passed the finish line before Midoriya - You were learning their names thanks to Aizawa calling them out. "7.02 seconds!"
As the last few students went, you were called up. You were alone, due to everyone else going before. As it started you ran as fast as you could. "7.09 seconds!" You crossed the finish line, panting slightly. Your classmates were looking between each other, some questioning about you getting an average score yet you came in through recommendations.
Aizawa looked at you, he knew that you could have used your quirk in someway to help - heck you came in 3rd place during your race in the recommendation exams yet when threaten during school on getting expelled you don't use it?
Event 2: Grip Strength.
'48 kg' was on the machine in your hand, biting your lip slightly as you glanced over at your other classmates.
"Wow! 540 kg!? Are you a gorilla or an octopus?!" Male students were surrounding Shoji, who had ended up getting 540 kg on his.
You gave your result to Aizawa before sitting to the side, watching as your classmates compared their scores to each other, your score was low in comparison - average for someone their age without using their quirk.
You looked down and gripped on the hem of your tracksuit jacket, tears brimming in the corners of your eyes, knowing you were going to come in last place.
Event 3: Long jump
Event 4: Side-stepping
Both ended up with you getting average or below average. You watched as your classmates during the now 5th event: throwing.
Uraraka held her soft ball, as she threw it, the ball continued to float away. Aizawa showed his phone towards the class and Uraraka.
"Infinity?!" The class were shocked at the result. You looked down, not bothering to even decide to look at her result - even if it wasn't infinity you knew it was so much better that what your result would be.
"Midoriya." As Aizawa called up the next one of your classmates, you could overhear a conversation between some of your classmates.
"Midoriya isn't doing very well..." "Well duh. He's a quirkless runt!"  "Quirkless?! So you haven't heard about his feats during the entrance exam?!" Your gaze moved from the ground and your shoes over towards the green haired male who was grabbing a new ball from Aizawa and getting ready for his throw.
As he threw, it landed on the ground, not that far away. "huh.. but I was trying to use it..." The male was muttering to himself as he glanced down at his hands in confusion.
"I erased your quirk." Aizawa replied to the confused male. "That ridiculous entrance exam.. Completely irrational when you consider someone like you got in." Harsh much Aizawa - but to you those words seemed to effect you as well as the male who it was aimed at.
You looked at your teacher, noticing that was previously hidden under his scarf was a pair of goggles. 
"Those goggles..." You muttered softly.
"He's the erasure hero, Eraserhead?!" Midoriya cut off your thoughts as he announced who your teacher was. You could hear your classmates mutter between each other, some recognizing him, some don't. You did. During your research as a kid, you wanted to get rid of your quirk - which caused you to find out about Eraserhead, who's quirk could temporarily get rid of a quirk, though you wished it was permanent erasure quirk, you just left it and continued searching, ending up with no answer
"I saw how you can't control your quirk. You'd be incapacitated again. Were you hoping someone would step in to help afterwards?"
"N-no, its not like that..." Midoriya told his teacher as he was pulled in by the scarf.
Whatever Aizawa told Midoriya after that, you couldn't hear. Your gaze moved back onto the ground, you knew that what Aizawa had told Midoriya - it felt like it was instead being told to you.
"705.3 Meters!" You looked up to see that Midoriya had thrown the ball, his finger was injured from when he did.
"Woo! Now that's a hero like record if I ever saw one!" Uraraka cheered for Midoriya. "His finger appears to be swollen, thinking back to the entrance exam... what a strange quirk..." Iida muttered,
"What the hell?! Explain yourself, Deku!?" Bakugo yelled at Midoriya as he ran over to him ready to explode the male. Bakugo was wrapped up within Aizawa's scarf.
"What the... this cloth... is stiff!!" Aizawa was using his quirk on Bakugo as he held the male back with the scarf. "Its a capture weapon made of carbon fibers and a special alloy wire. Geez stop using your quirk already. I'm getting dry eye over here." Once Bakugo calmed down slightly, Aizawa freed him and released his quirk, putting eye drops into his eyes.
Your eyes followed Midoriya as he went over to Uraraka who asked him if his finger was okay.
"Yaoyorozu Y/n" Calling out your name. You flinched and grabbed a ball before standing on the field. 
You knew you were last so as you were getting ready to throw, Aizawa's scarf stopped you from throwing the ball. 
"This is a quirk apprehension test. If you think you can get through this entire thing without using your quirk, even if you don't come last - I'll expel you along side the last place finisher." Your body froze at his words. Lowering your arm, you stared at your gloves, having to take them off.
"But isn't that unfair Aizawa-sensei! You said that only the last place student would get expelled and if Y/n-chan doesn't get last, she shouldn't be expelled" Your sister joined the conversation for you - arguing back against your teacher.
"Your sister isn't putting in the effort like the rest of the students." Aizawa's response was. "In Midoriya's instance - he would break his body if he used his quirk. She got through recommendations, her quirk doesn't cause her to need a reason to not using it unless important. If she went through without trying to become a hero, and not using her quirk, she would end up falling behind and getting expelled. So it would be easier to expel her now if she doesn't want to try.
You pulled the gloves off of your hands, stuffing it into your pocket. Taking the ball carefully in your hands, watching as it was slowly disappearing. You got ready and threw it.... nothing was thrown, it was gone - to your classmates it looked like it went too fast for them to see it.
Aizawa glanced at the machine in his hand, seeing as it wasn't working. The voice was glitching out.
"Infinity." Aizawa announced as he sighed as he was trying to figure out to fix it.
"A second infinity?! And she didn't use it before?!" Your classmates thought as they watched you putting your gloves back on. There were only 2 people who really knew what happened - Yourself and your sister. The score was infinity thanks to the ball not existing anymore thanks to your quirk
You waited anxiously for the results.
Standing beside your sister as your teacher revealed all your results. Your sister held onto your hand, gently squeezing it as a way to comfort you and tell you that you were going to pass.
'21. Yaoyorozu Y/n' That caused you to freeze. You were last. You looked to see your sister's name was at the number 1 spot. You were ready to be expelled from UA due to your failure.
"Also, I was lying about expelling someone." The class was quiet from what Aizawa said. "That was a rational deception... meant to bring out the best in all of you." Aizawa grinned slightly as his gaze moved over to you.
"Your sister isn't putting in the effort like the rest of the students."
You looked down at what Aizawa had told you during one of the events. You stared at your hands, making fists with them
You were going to have to try and become a hero with this curse of a quirk if you want to stay in the hero academia.
"Y/n-chan!" You looked at your sister, who was standing with some of her new friends. "Ready to go? Hope you don't mind Jiro, Mina and Hagakure walking with us."
Your gaze moved over to the 3 girls beside your sister. "N-no its fine... but I'm gonna head to the library first, I wanna see where it is before I leave." Momo looked at you before she nodded her head slightly and headed off with her new friends. "See you at home Y/n." Momo smiles at you slightly before turning to talk with her friends.
You sighed softly and looked down at your bag. Noticing someone was standing in front of you, you looked up to meet with bright red eyes. 
"hey Y/n-chan, wanna walk with me?" Kirishima grinned at you. "Since your sister left without you, I thought you wouldn't want to walk alone."
"Oh...thanks...?" Kirishima smiles at you as he took his bag from his desk, waiting for you before you both left the school, he would try to talk to you as you both headed out, but you just listened in the beginning before zoning out into your own thoughts.
Kirishima seemed to notice, deciding to stop talking to you, making it silent between you both for a short while. "Your quirk was really cool and manly! I mean you broke the app on how far you threw it!" 
"Its not that cool..." You replied softly, kicking a stone slightly. Kirishima glanced up and noticed a male in front of you both.
"Hey Bakugo!" You flinched at the sudden yelling and saw the blonde male in front of you.
Bakugo glanced at you both. "What the hell do you want extras."
Kirishima went over, pulling you over as well to the blonde male. "During the quirk test, you were so manly." Kirishima grinned.
"Tched, whatever." Bakugo looked at you before he looked in front of him.
"I'm heading down this way." You told the two males as you waved slightly.
"See you Y/n-chan!" Kirishima waved slightly at your retreating figure as Bakugo just rolled his eyes and continued walking.
Taglist: @great-goddess-of-sin
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butterflybnha · 3 years
Broken to Perfection
Chapter 4: Pretty red eyes
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Standing in between two of your classmates, you watched your teacher as he started to explain why you were all here.
"A test of our quirks?!" The class questioned their teacher and looked at Aizawa for an explanation.
"What about the entrance ceremony?! or the guidance session?!" One of the females questioned our teacher, she had a shoulder-length light brown hair that curved slightly at the bottom, combining it with her pink cheeks and rounded eyes and face, she was pretty cute to you.
"No time to waste on that stuff if you want to become heroes." Aizawa replied as he took out a softball, tossing it up and catching it over and over. Your gaze moved away from the girl and your teacher over to your classmates, mixed feelings were on all of their faces, some were confused, others had unreadable expressions and some just didn't reflect any emotion. 
"UA is known for its 'freestyle' educational system. That applies to us teachers as well." Aizawa told his class, causing you to looked back at your teacher, who was telling you all what you would be doing..
"Bakugo." The male beside you looked at your teacher. "How far could you through in middle school?"
"Sixty-seven meters." He replied. You looked over at Bakugo, taking in his appearance as he headed over to take the softball from your teacher.
His hair was blonde with a short and spiky cut. His eyes were intimidating - sharp bright red eyes, they were beautiful - though his uniform was lazily done, it clearly showed that he didn't care about how he looked in his uniform. You felt like he did have some sort of style though and just didn't care about his school uniform.
"What are you looking at, extra." You snapped out of your thoughts and looked up to be staring into Bakugo's eyes. With him being close by again, you could smell him, his scent was a mix of burnt caramel and some sort of cologne, though it was a comforting scent.
"She was just surprised at what you did bro!" A male interrupted before you could say anything - saving you the embarrassment of admitting that he smelled nice like what you did to Todoroki earlier. You don't know why talking about someone's scent was your first instinct to say, but it was weird for both the people in the conversation.
You looked at the male that stood behind you. He had red eyes - like Bakugo's but were more friendly - a small scar was above his right eye. His hair was a bright red and spiked upward, it looked like it could take a long time to style. The part of his hair that stood out the most were two tufts that looked like little horns - it was cute. His teeth were spiked as he grinned at Bakugo. You could probably smell his cologne from a mile away - it reminded you of an ocean.
Bakugo just 'tched' towards you two before he turned away and looked at your teacher again.
Before you could thank the male for helping you with avoiding an awkward social interaction, you heard your teacher again.
"You're hoping to become heroes after three years here... Right. The one with the lowest score across all eight events will be judged as hopeless... and will be expelled." Your body froze at hearing the last word. Expelled... You knew you weren't that strong physically. Your quirk was a disaster itself. You weren't good at controlling it, in fact you barely use it ever! You could feel yourself starting to panic.
Your chest tightened, your body was shaking slightly. You knew that you were going to be the one expelled. You knew you wouldn't make it this far as a hero. 
"Your fates are in our hands. Welcome. This is.. The hero course at U.A High!" Aizawa told the class, his gaze scanning the faces of the students, most were confident in passing while some were worried. Two students stood out in his gaze. They looked like they knew they were the bottom two.
The names of them are Y/n Yaoyorozu and Izuku Midoriya.
Who will come in last? The boy who's quirk only 'manifested' recently or the girl who has a fear in her own quirk...
Taglist: @great-goddess-of-sin
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butterflybnha · 3 years
Hello! I really like your fics!
Do you do tags? If not then it's alright but if you do then please tag me in the broken to perfection!? 💕
Aww thank you ^-^ and I can tag you :)
(I'm glad you enjoy reading it, it took me like a week to figure out the plot and Y/n's character-)
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butterflybnha · 3 years
Broken to Perfection
Chapter 3: U.A High School
Story’s Masterlist
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Your eyes stared out the window, you were bored. You were sitting in your classroom, class 1-A. Your sister was talking to someone else in the classroom, trying her best to make friends with her new classmates, while you sat in your seat boredly.
A ping came from your phone, taking out the phone from your pocket after feeling the buzz, you stared at the message from Inasa, who was just sending a good luck message to you for your first day at U.A. After sending him your replay, you smelt something. Peppermint?
You glanced up to see sitting in front of you was number 23, otherwise known as Todoroki Shoto, you learnt he was the son of endeavour, thanks to news outlets having mentioned that he was taking the exams - The reporters don't have a life outside of reporting do they?
"Do you want something?" A monotone voice broke you out of your thoughts. You stared into the heterochromia eyes that stared into yours. You never got a good look at his face during the exam. His left eye was a turquoise colour and his right was a brownish dark gray. They were beautiful and it stood out thanks to his hair contrasting it.
There was a large burn covering the left side of his face, it was hard to tell from a distance, but it was an ice burn? It seemingly was burnt by something and he used ice to try and help it, but it caused more damage to his skin so it left a large scar that didn't fully heal. His hair was split perfecting from white and red, with how he looked, the one word you could really describe his face was that he was handsome.
"Hello?" You looked at the male. You said the first thing that came to your mind.
"You smell nice." Your face turned a dark red colour - as dark as the male's hair in front of you. You had to admit, he did smell nice like peppermint, it wasn't too intense smell, but it was nice.
The male's face didn't change much - only a light pink colour dusted his cheeks - he just nodded his head slightly before he turned around to go back to what ever he was doing before the conversation, if you could call it one.
"Remove your foot from that desk! such an action is insulting those who came to UA before us as well as the craftsmen who made the desk!" Your gaze moved over to a blue haired male who was yelling at another. 
"Like I care, what middle school are you from, you extra?" The second male spoke towards the male, clear annoyance and anger in his voice.
"I'm from Somei Private Academy. My name is Tenya Ida!" The blue haired male told the other male who sat at the desk.
"Somei?! A stuck-up elitist,then? I should blow you to bits."
"You're awful. Do you really wish to become a hero?!" 'Ida' looked at the male, shocked at what he said.
You told yourself to not get involved in the argument and just looked at your phone, listening to the yelling and taking between your new classmates.
New voices entered the room, though you only looked up when a gruff voice spoke. "If you're here to socialize, then get out." You stared at a yellow sleeping bag, inside sat a make with black hair - from what you could guess, he was your new teacher.
The class quieted down with their conversations to look at the sleeping bag as a male was climbing out of it. "It took eight seconds for you to quiet down. Time is a precious resource. You lot aren't very rational are you? I'm your homeroom teacher, Shota Aizawa. Pleased to meet you."
You couldn't really believe that this guy would be your homeroom teacher, he looked like a homeless man - no offense to your new teacher though.
"Quickly now. Change into your gym clothes and head out to the grounds." Aizawa told the class before he left the students to the grounds.
You looked at the dual hair-coloured male who was leaving to go to the changing rooms with his bag - where his uniform probably was in.
Taking your bag, you looked at your sister, watching as she grabbed her back and continued her conversation with the other girls in the class. You just turned away and started to walk out. You weren't good with socializing, hell you barely socialized with anyone your age most of your life. You just ended up being alone most of your life.
You looked at your phone, wanting to talk to your only friend, Inasa, ask him how to make friends. If only you were like your sister, or like him. They were social people, they could make friends easily with their out-going personalities and friendly faces. Your grip tighted slightly on the phone in your hand - thanks to your gloves, your quirk didn't destroy it yet.
Feeling someone touch your shoulder, you jumped slightly and looked to see a girl in front of you. Her skin was...pink?
"Heya! I'm Mina Ashido, lets be friends." Ashido smiled at you.
"Y/n Yaoyorozu..."
"You're Momo-chan's sister right?" You just nodded your head slightly and listened to the female. "Wanna hang out with us at lunch?" Ashido pointed over to the group of girls, that were talking to your sister.
You grip tightened slightly on your phone, watching as your sister was talking to everyone, calm and friendly to them. It made your heartache slightly.
"No thanks." You told Mina as you just walked passed her into the changing rooms. You don't know why you did that, it was probably since you felt jealous. You didn't want to admit it, but seeing how easily your sister could talk to people and make friends with everyone, it made you jealous. Your thoughts went to thinking that Ashido may only have asked to be your friend because of your sister. It was a dumb thought, but that was what your mind went to first
You sighed softly and took out your gym uniform to change.
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butterflybnha · 3 years
BNHA Boys as Parents
Including: Bakugo, Kirishima and Todoroki
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Katsuki Bakugo
He would at most have 2 kids, not the type to want a large family - though if you did have more he won’t treat any of his kids differently and love them all equally.
Katsuki may not show it, but he would be nervous about having to take care of his children
When your child is born (or adopted), he instantly turns soft for them, holding their small body in his big hands, making sure they were safe and comfortable in his arms. 
He definitely would be the parent to say "No significant other until you’re 60″ to his kid or kids.
He would be proud and show off his children to his and your friends.
Matching hero onesies of his hero costume. All I have to say
If your kid did come out, he would support them. 
If they have a quirk or were born quirkless, he wouldn’t care, as long as they are happy and he can protect them
Overall, he is a good father
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Eijiro Kirishima
Eijiro would be the type who wouldn’t mind a small or big family, love them all equally.
The day you both get your first baby (through birth or adoption) he will cry. He will hold them close to him, promising to protect them no matter what.
He would always be the one to get up to take care of a crying baby in the middle of the night, doesn’t want you to deal with it. He is really good at taking care of a crying baby.
He would record everything. From them waking up to them sleeping. Every single second will be recorded unless you try to take his camera away
“But what if they say their first word?! We won’t have it on video?” “They are only a week old Eiji!”
He wouldn’t mind what their quirk is, or if they have one. It doesn’t matter, but will support them if they want to be a hero no matter what.
Always will be sad when he gets interrupted by a mission so he can’t hang out with you and his baby.
Overall, very supportive father
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Shoto Todoroki
Shoto would love a big family, 3 kids at least, though won’t mind if you want a small family
He is worried, what if he will end up like his father? What if his child hates him like him towards his father. You will have to comfort him about this.
He melts when he first holds his baby. He would play with their fingers carefully, heating his arm up to keep them warm as they snuggle him.
He would be always making sure they are okay, do they need a diaper change? Are they warm enough? Is it too warm? He is just a worried father.
He wouldn’t care about quirks - Why would he after what he gone through as a kid because of his quirk. He would be really happy even if they ended up quirkless.
When he comes home tired from hero work, he just wants to cuddle with you and his baby.
Overall good father, just very worried about his kid.
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