If you think someone’s shirt is cool, tell them! If you think your friend is beautiful, tell them! If you love someone’s art, tell them! Speak goodness into the world, it is time to stop suppressing kind thoughts.
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Another woman’s beauty is not the absence of your own beauty
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Sometimes, self care is filling in your planner, doing your home work early, working out so you feel better about your body, and sometimes its buying yourself that sweet you want or bubble baths and disney movies. Make sure when taking care of yourself, you do a little of both:)
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it really is 🌼
words submitted by @ ryan.the.music.man on instagram! thank you so much for supporting Daily Positivity Star - you’re a star! ⭐️
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You shouldn’t have to feel guilty for telling people about your bad days. The point of having friends and loved ones is to have a support system where you both can rely on each other; and it’s okay to lean on those important to you when things aren’t going great. You shouldn’t feel like it’s a burden to talk about things that aren’t always happy. I promise, it’s not a burden. You deserve to talk about your emotions and be listened to the same way you listen to others.
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true beauty isnt about how clear your skin is. true beauty isnt about how thin your legs are or how tiny your waist is. true beauty is about how kind you are and how you treat people
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i know that this may be hard to believe, but:
you are not a burden
you deserve happiness
you deserve to be listened to
you are so strong
you are kind
you are amazing
your situation right now is not your forever
it’s going to get better
your best is good enough
you are good enough
you are beautiful
you deserve to live your best life
you’re working so hard
you’ve gotten through everything that has been thrown at you so far; you can get through this too
you are worth so much
you are wonderful
you can choose positivity 
your past does not define you
your mistakes do not define you
your grades and achievements do not define you
your mental health does not define you
your struggles do not define you
it’s never too late to try again
it’s never too late to start
you are cared for
you are valued
you are so important
i am so proud of you
you’re going to be okay
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whether you were productive today, whether all you ate was junk food, whether you couldn’t get out of bed. Your value is the same, there is no point system that you judge yourself on, your value doesn’t change depending on whether you ate a salad or a pie. Your worth remains constant. All you can try and do at the end of the day is be a good person, that’s all anyone asks of you. Be a good person whether that means telling someone they’re beautiful, opening a door for someone, giving some food to the homeless person on your street or staying in bed today because you know you need rest. Just try your best and know that no matter what, you have value as a person and though they may try, no one can take that away from you.
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can we all just agree that theres too much meanness in the world so we should all be nice to each other? every time we support someone and lift them up rather than knock them down, we get to help make the world sunshinier
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gentle reminder
this is not forever; you have had good days, and you will have them again – let it out, take a breath, and try again
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gentle reminder
you don’t have to be productive all the time; you’re not a machine, you’re a person with aspirations, feelings, and you deserve to be fulfilled and happy - take a break whenever you need to, and please take care
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gentle reminder
you are really amazing
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Hey, the future can be terrifying, but I know you’re gonna do great things. I know that because you already are. Thanks for being here and being you :-)
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My name is Ann and I am currently homeless. I make money off my photography, and that’s currently my only income to keep my cell phone on and allows me to eat. I urge you to check out my Kofi page and decide whether you would like to donate. I am only $100 away from being able to afford an apartment!! Please reblog this to help out a fellow disabled and nonbinary photographer
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Someone else's success does not equal your own failure.
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