candle-queen · 2 years
The Exchange (part 1)
~2 weeks before the Wedding~
Villain walked into a Cafe on the corner, thoughts rushing through thier head. The main one being who the hell where they supposed to take to thier sister's wedding? They invite that had been received last month and reread about a hundred times flashed through thier head.
Please Join Us To Celebrate Our Wedding!
Time: starts at 4pm
Place: *Church venue*
RSVP: please notify us if you can come at (425)***-***
We can't wait to see you there, lots of love A&L.
P.S. You'd better have a date little brother! Don't try to claim you didn't have time! -Laura
P.S. If you don't your never going to live it down man.
"Damned sister of mine..." Villian grumbled sipping thier tea. 'There is Henchmen... no he would accidentally call me boss in front of everyone. There's Danielle... no she abroad for the time being. Greg? No, Ugh.' Villain's thoughts ran in this circle for the next half hour before they gave up and went home. 
Hero on the other hand was a crossed town with their own dilemma, they were just two weeks off from the Heroes masquerade gala and they didn't have a date. Worse, everyone thought they did have a secret partner because "Why else would you leave early every weekend?" Now all the other heroes and superheroes expected to meet this mysterious person but truth was, there wasn't one and there never was. They just liked thier Saturday night to have some them time. They had the outfit they were going to wear complete with a mask, but who in thier right mind would go with them and not let it go straight to thier head? 'Hell this is worse then a one night stand because once introduced they may want to see them again. Ugh why can't they just leave it alone?' The Hero thought to themselves. 'Whatever, I have work tonight and chores to do, no time for self pity right now.'
Later that night 
'You know what maybe some good banter or a good fight will ease my mind from this nonsense.' Villian thought as they got dressed in thier 'work' outfit. They then left the base giving a small, "I'm going out." To the guards before disappearing into the night. 
Hero was on their normal protrol for the night when a shadowy figure appeared in the skyline. "What kind of trouble are you getting into now Villain?" Hero sighed, before following. They meet on a mostly abandoned roof top towards the outskirts of town. 
"Why are you here Villain? Some scheme or maybe a distraction?" Hero paused, "Actually it's rather late for you, what are you up to?" Hero questioned. 
"Well aren’t you an inquisitive one tonight." With that Villain lunch themselves at Hero trying to land a solid punch. They doged just in time and pushed them forward, Villain stumbled before whipping around again and tried to attack once again. This continued for a while before Hero finally landed a punch to Villain's face; They paused and Hero spoke, "What the hell Villain? First off you come looking for a fight and then your so distracted you won't even focus on the fight!" Villain held thier jaw for a moment before blurting out, "I need a favor."
"What?" Hero was taken aback, "What type of favor could you of all people want from me?!" It's almost came out as a shout.
"I know it's not ideal but I really need a..." They trailed off, thier ears turn a bright red. "A what? Villian I swear it's to late to deal with your nonsense right now." They said exasperated. 
"A date!"
Hero blinked a few times before also turning red under the mask they wore. "...What would you need a date for?" The gala rushed through Hero's mind hoping they weren't trying to crash it or something worse. 
"My sisters wedding is coming up next weekend and she is requiring I come with a date. Nobody else I can bring is available and I'll even make a deal with you, no chaos, no mischievous, no schemes, nothing, for say a month?
"A deal huh? Maybe..." Hero trailed off thinking on how this could work. "I'll only agree IF you do that and something else."
"And what could that be little Hero?"
"The Heroes masquerade gala. They other have convinced themselves I'm dating someone and they want to meet them there."
"Are you saying what I think you are," Villian's eyes narrowed a bit, "You are! Ha the little Hero is asking me to go with them as thier date because they are single but lied to thier colleagues. How scandalous!" 
"Oh shut up will you! You asked first!"
Villian laughed before sticking a hand out, "So what do you say little Hero, fake dating for a few weeks to avoid both groups coming for our heads?" 
"Only if your not as much of a prick as usual." Hero smiled lightly before shaking thier hand with hope of things working out. 
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candle-queen · 3 years
The Perfect Place to Watch Fireworks
Colors exploded in the sky as the year starts anew, two figures sat on the hillside watching the festivities. "Never thought we'd make it this far," Hero mused a trickle of blood running down thier arm. Villain sat next to them an open gash on their leg, "You know this isn't the way I expected to celebrate this year... but I'm not complaining," a smug smirk found its way to their face, "at lest not too much." Hero let out a sigh as they watched another firework go off the colors painting them is red and blue hues. "Not going to lie I kinda forgot what day it was..." Villian said with a small sigh, knowing what Hero's next words would be. "Forgot? We had a deal, no reeking havoc on holidays!"
"I know-"
"No! I should be down there at the bar getting somewhat drunk instead of bleeding out up here with you!" Their hand pressed firmly to thier rib cage. 'Ouch that hurt' thought Villain, they know what they agreed to but seriously 'it's New Years eve, most people barely consider it a holiday for crying out loud!' Hero continued to rant but Villain had stopped listening by this point. 'What was the point? They got it, Hero hated them.' It took Hero a minute to notice that Villain had stopped listening so they stopped talking. For the first time they really looked at Villain, they stared at the fireworks with an almost sullen look to thier eyes, and for a reason Hero couldn't place it sadden them. They should go to the hospital at sometime they thought slightly distracted. After all they didn't have super healing like Villian, who's gash was notable smaller then when the conversation had begun. But they couldn't seem to pry themselves away just yet, not when Villain looked so sad? Villain took note that Hero was now looking at them and fell back into thier persona, "What find something you like little Hero?" The Hero splutter at that and gave a huff before standing with aid from a tall tree nearby. "As if! I'm head to the hospital to get check, don't cause anymore trouble, ok?" "No promises!" Villain called after them but didn't move. After all it was a perfect spot to watch the fireworks.
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