carniscrubs · 6 months
Ain't Too Proud!
For the past year, I've been working as a floral manager, but the pay barely exceeds the minimum wage. Can you believe it? A managerial position! I had high hopes that as my responsibilities grew and my familiarity with the business increased, so would my compensation. However, despite the mounting duties, my salary remained stagnant.
During Valentine's, as you can imagine, we experienced a tremendous surge in business. Unfortunately, I also fell gravely ill with bacterial bronchitis. Despite my condition, I couldn't afford to take time off. I soldiered on, crafting arrangements and fulfilling customer orders, all while under the influence of cough medicine and antibiotics. To make matters worse, the company assigned me only two assistants, one of whom was a novice with minimal knowledge. Amidst the chaos, I had to handle ordering, reports, and paperwork, among other things. Incredibly, we generated a staggering $55,000 in sales over a three-day period: February 12, 13, and 14.
After the exhausting ordeal of Valentine's, I finally managed to take a week off to recover. However, fate had one more cruel twist in store for me—I contracted COVID-19 on top of everything else. The following week was a blur of sickness; I can barely recall any of it. Nevertheless, I vividly remember sending a text to my boss, informing her that "as soon as I can sit up out of this bed, I'll be submitting my resignation." I had reached my breaking point. The company showed no concern for my well-being; all they cared about were sales and getting orders completed. With renewed determination, I embarked on a job search.
You won't believe where I found a new job—McDonald's. Surprisingly, a crew member position at McDonald's pays more than what I earned as a floral manager for over a year. Some might scoff at the idea, but I'm not too proud. I'll gladly flip burgers and fry fries. Besides the improved pay, there's an added bonus: McDonald's will cover the cost of my college education. It's an incredible win-win situation!
Never let shame or embarrassment deter you from taking a job. Even if it's not your dream job, if it provides a decent income without compromising your health or well-being, seize the opportunity. Remember, companies prioritize their own interests, not yours. Offer them your time and effort, and in return, collect your paycheck. I'll share more about it next time!
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carniscrubs · 6 months
Here is the fix, it's not mine. I found it on reddit. But it works!!!!
Get Ublock Origin browser extension
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Add this to your filters on a new line:
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carniscrubs · 6 months
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carniscrubs · 6 months
“Please stop destroying what is left of your heart by constantly thinking about things that have broken you.”
— Unknown
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carniscrubs · 6 months
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carniscrubs · 6 months
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carniscrubs · 6 months
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Does anyone truly care, or is it just an illusion?
Throughout my life, I have faced numerous challenges. However, I don't mention this to join the ranks of those who constantly emphasize how difficult their lives have been. You know the type—people who incessantly complain about the hardships they've endured, their myriad problems, and the troubled nature of their childhood or adolescence. We all encounter obstacles and difficulties at various points in our lives. Sometimes, all we desire is for someone to lend an ear and listen.
Guess what? I'm that person who is willing to listen! No judgment, no sermons, and no entanglement in controversial topics like politics or religion. None of that. Just a compassionate ear. If you're struggling and feel like nobody cares, I care. Give it a try! I may not be able to solve your problems or find the perfect words to say, and at times I might just sit here, staring at your text. But I will listen, I will respond, and I genuinely care. Why, you might ask, would I care about a complete stranger? Well, despite my attempts to deny it, I am human. I have experienced pain and found myself in situations where it felt as if the entire world had turned its back on me. I've had moments where I contemplated ending my own life, where I ran away (and actually did!), where I harbored ill feelings toward others, and where I wished to spend my life sleeping, avoiding the world outside my bed. I have ventured into some dark places without anyone to extend a helping hand and pull me out.
I never want to miss an opportunity to prevent someone else from feeling that way. That's why. That's why I would care about a complete stranger.
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carniscrubs · 6 months
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"Tear me open, watch me grow."
Life has really took a huge turn for me. I'm excited, scared, nervous, and so many other things. I have so much to talk about, so many things I want to share. So many different topics... I'm going to use Tumblr as my own personal diary, blog, place to just express my thoughts... we'll see how it goes!
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