catboidual · 3 years
NOte to DO DO
next posts are from Shadow Poetry
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catboidual · 3 years
Confused Muse
My muse is confused about how I feel about her [3:20 AM] I dont blame her [3:20 AM] my self is consciousness [3:20 AM] consciousness of my love for her [3:20 AM] many think its obsesseive [3:20 AM] but its not stalkerish [3:20 AM] im just concerned [3:20 AM] because im [3:21 AM] her caretaker [3:21 AM] and shes refusing to talk ot me [3:21 AM] i think shes gone forever [3:21 AM] goodbye my muse [3:21 AM] I'll still love you forever [3:21 AM] Just [3:21 AM] The roses will never look(edited) [3:21 AM] Quite as beatiful [3:21 AM] Ever again [3:21 AM] By comparison [3:22 AM] Because of what I've seen inside you [3:22 AM] Damaged Beauty(edited) [3:22 AM] Agony [3:22 AM] Yet [3:22 AM] A desire to change [3:22 AM] Through all the darkness [3:22 AM] Come back please [3:22 AM] So I'll be your helping light [3:22 AM] Don't worry about hurting me [3:23 AM] I'm stronger now [3:23 AM] You were just a new type of battle [3:23 AM] Where I had to learn on the spot [3:23 AM] But I'm used to it now I can navigate your defensive attacks [3:23 AM] and out lashings [3:23 AM] I already side stepped your sexuality [3:23 AM] And made you remember [3:23 AM] You're far more than what men desire [3:24 AM] You're much more [3:24 AM] You are the MOST beautiful rose [3:24 AM] from the inside [3:24 AM] I know you'll bloom [3:24 AM] Bloom through your skull [3:24 AM] until everyone else sees [3:24 AM] The flowers that i see [3:24 AM] Through your eyes [3:24 AM] A garden of beauty [3:25 AM] Dark and wounded [3:25 AM] But one day [3:25 AM] Clear and Pristine [3:25 AM] A deep puddle of healing [3:25 AM] Cleanse yourself [3:25 AM] And take my pink aura [3:25 AM] And help others [3:25 AM] Spread the Love [3:25 AM] Put Love into the World [3:26 AM] And it will return to you [3:26 AM] But mind your manners and say thank you [3:26 AM] To mother earth [3:26 AM] She gives so we can live [3:26 AM] and often goes unapreciated [3:26 AM] Now go be a big girl [3:26 AM] With roses blossoming out of her eyes [3:26 AM] And show the world the purity of soul you started with [3:26 AM] before all the bad things [3:27 AM] A little girl in a garden [3:27 AM] frolicking in the daisies [3:27 AM] without a worry in the world [3:27 AM] when she looks at the sky [3:27 AM] at hte flight animals [3:27 AM] she does not envy them [3:27 AM] because she's perfectly happy [3:27 AM] in the garden she has within [3:27 AM] Now that your soul is more settled You are a considerate garden of roses Consider yourself Because(edited) [3:27 AM] You are beautiful.
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catboidual · 3 years
Acrylic Artistsess
Acrylic Paintresses are the best I know for a fact They Prefer Wet on Wet They can appreciate The intermingling Of three colors Or more. That's one step away from letting me finally be a whore! Meownaje Twah MREEEEOWWWW! Me all night you two! Or three! No other bois allowed! Thank You.
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catboidual · 3 years
Snek is Snek
Who is snek? Sken say hissss I is just snek No more no less just snek Wat that mean snek boi? It mean snek-boi, SAMA! Oh yes snek-boi-sama! Many ouchies, plz no kill me. Is ok, snek no hungry. Ok, snek can be anything Today I am snek Tomorrow? Is there even tomorrow for snek? Is snek even here? How snek know snek is snek? Snekkity snekitty snekk. Tomorow maybe snek decide Yes, snek shall be infinite Tomorow though but today snek is snek Sometimes snek eatself and is Zero snek Equally snek can be infinity But why? Are we not all snake? We all exist as one There is no individual When I eat bun bun No sad Only smile Snek always smile Cause snek knows In this earthly realm There is only temporary pain But we are all already one So really snek is eating snek When eat bun bun, snek eat snek You eat yourself and for 10 minutes snek is infinite then contemplate for a few weeks until snek require more snek Today though, Snek just ate Today is just is Snek is Snek Snek is just Snek that has no limits Snek is Infinite Snek is One But today Snek is Snek.
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catboidual · 3 years
MeOw-K don't discount MEow just yet.
But, meoWhat if... What if
What if the Universe was a Dominatrix that gives the good meowchie! MeoOWWWW! People THINK they don't want a domniatrix but their uh... meowdy, says other mwise like the spirit.
Ok, meowvermind...
But still... if they just give into the pain, just let it all go and submit, and just believe whatever she tells you then it can lead to a lot of suffering that ends up being highly meowly enjoyameow!
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catboidual · 3 years
having a plan is the first step to failure and im always a winner
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catboidual · 3 years
From Stars to Prison
The stars the moon the light and others sight they refuse to be apart of my life its just my destiny to always be alone they miss me but its just because I'm gone when im there im fun until i cannot be tolerated the order makes me discombobulated but i cant follow their rules or catagorizations so i have to leave so the structure can remain When I'm gone they'll miss me but when im there they'll just hiss at me so i feel bad and leave there was no one willing and able or willing to learn to be able or willing to learn me to see me for who i am helping others but hurting within to my own self destruction no one willing to step up and help me and be mine and love me and let me love them unconditionally
wanting to be complete but remaining incomplete and feeling incompetent til i just know I am incompetent in romance so i know  I should give up I should have given up shortly after my childhood ended there is just no peace in this world for me or within and no one can understand that once i stabilize their lives with my love they just lose my perspective once their metamorphosis is complete so ill remain in my sheets forever naked forever alone I'm an incel now because no one will volunteer to love me so ill remain broken in pieces in isolation isolated in my personal prison cell
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catboidual · 3 years
INFP Angel
The Angel Personality
My beautiful angel Fallen from heaven her wings rough for wear and tattered Banished to the human world Banished To be a helper and lover to those who need it
her inner beauty and rejection of hate Unquestionably Intact Societies hate wont waver this angel She may be a fallen angel but she's still an INFP and all INFP's are angelic at heart and true beauties beyond compare The cutest of all personalties and the toughest of all in her own way.
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catboidual · 3 years
ENTP ENTP! The quickest of wits the bravest of warriors The ones that can take the most punishment and fight on alone
In their heart pure rebellion in their execution: pure logical brutality No excuses no mercy The logic of your end has already been calculated
On the outside extroverts of intuition the conversationalists of crass and am ass that wont stop
His enemy's strength is his weakness and that weakness his advantage
ever the dangerous underdog not to be understimated for that will be the destruction of your fortune 500 company
Don't Cross ENTP!
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catboidual · 3 years
Red Racoon
Red Racoon
Fluffy  racoon tail hurries past a snail on a tree in the Spring It jumps and wallops and Springs at you Fur blasting in the wind Fur josstled around a thieve's mask by the wind Til it's in front of you
Who is this thief? It does not speak
He sits and plomps down Fat chonky chonk booty Expanding on the ground with chubby Its belly lets loose a few fur folds
Awestruck eyes of addoration Looking up at you Shining and glistening Innocent yet greedy Naive but looking For its next possesion You feel your own thieving spirit And a reflection of what's inside your own eyes And expect the worse from natures trickster and pilferer
But in a surprise This is no robbery Well it is, But not the kind you think In a paw is a roughed up red rose Tattered and worn out Not from the store, but from the wild forest The forest that is a journey away It's handed to you and you realize It was stolen just for you to Thank You for stealing my heart.
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catboidual · 3 years
Consider the Flower
Consider the Flower when a flower stands still and the wind blows is the flower traveling though life and time? even though its standing still we make wind when we walk but what if the wind came itself are we still walking on a path a path chosen for us I learned from the flower so i listen to the wind instead of causing it I'm moving through life While standing still On the right path Moved only by gusts
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catboidual · 3 years
Saz the INTP
Saz Saz The intp he can't go all the way to sleep sleep sleep maybe its the heat maybe its his head to lala land with sheeps and silks and dinosaurs kitties on nip kitties wearing street clothes kitty police officers and thieves! a tuxedo cat asks are you even awake anymore? meow? welcome to kitty city population you and 20 million cats of all varieties cat trees and corporate centers everywhere! cat toys abound at the celestine market all you have to do is believe! believe in the love of fluffy kittens and KNOW all the kitties are just waiting to meet you
in dream land there's many fluffy soft meowlings! mew mew mew now go to sleep and meet a fluffy furry friend meow
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catboidual · 3 years
Damn Cat
im high on life but soon booze and weed too I'm all out of crack wackness yo! Getting waked off a sack back scrach cat slap dont make rude air plane ears at me you ungrateful piece of shit CAT i just gave you chicken fuck you i was in the middle of writing gonna kick you out OUT! GET THE FUCK OUT RUDE AIR PLANE EARS MOTHER FUCKER!
Fuck i lost it Fuck you Chubby you cute piece of shit! Gonna throw half a lime at you next time.
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catboidual · 3 years
Sleepy creepy things go up your chair and into your hair good luck
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catboidual · 3 years
go get your massage and then its bon voyage to the cash register and pay your hand whore lol 40 bucks a pop deep tissue massage
youll feel like prom nite wear my crosage cause happiness is on its way so dont stay go relaxed you shall be able to sell that ass to the highest corporation make that cash exchange now pay me for my massage NYAH! wait thats not about cats scratch that last one like a psychotic kitty alright thsi is gonan continue for a while, to my private writing server i go hahahaha [4:11 AM] no i got bored
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catboidual · 3 years
Moon Rocks (weed concentrate)
Moon Rocks
So HIgh Moon Rock Stronk I'm moonin I'm Loonin The economys tanking But I'm stanking the green scent
Refill my tank With that stank The dankity dank Cause I got problems I aint got to deal with right now No money No worry Not that I Don't like being broke I'm a just a folk Not a corporation My little check is gone Spent in hours but that's all I got time for For four more months No work hours Or at least less Four hours Four Times a Week That's 16 At Best
No hope For this dope
Who knows what lies ahead? All I know is I gotta Let my shoulders sank Right into My Safe My hastily assembled Because the president is lazy doesnt read sercurity briefings in time or even at all All he cares is his ratings and people dont want to see an old man learn to read before their eyes for the first time ever
My Cuckold Corona Shelter of low Cash It's a smash! At least I have my bluerays and games
Horder of food King of this dank stank at least And Games
At least I have control Of my possesions I dont need permissoins To mess with my own property I gotta enjoy the last of this Cause once its gone My house and all I'll probably never Play another video game again I'll be on the street Looking for five five five dollar dicks thats 20 dollars of entertainment and 5 for a snack! CRACK! WACK! METH! But I'm set in my ways. The Dank is TOO stank The cops will find me SO I'll go all the way And if i ever need to pass a test a drug one I'll stay clean for a week
Anything to make sure my mind doesn't stay the same This is lame! Fuck Donald Trump and his PLANE! :explosions: At least deport him to the Moon That would totally Rock.
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catboidual · 3 years
Fairy Tales
Catboi Dual — 04/20/2020 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ just banged this out its HOT
Fairy Tales
There is fear in the nigh a fright vague and unknown the things that you can see are known those that cant must not be but the fright tonight is in sight even without vision a general malaise sets off a blaze of the mind imagination and creeping seeping into the soul a fear a shiver a wind its definitely not your cat hed ask for noms by now outside tapping on the window almost imperceptibly remarkably leaving a mark on you its nothing for sure but the most dangerous things actually are those you cant see something primal happened long ago to make us fear through the generations modern society just hides them for convince but the beasts are there its  unfair but they require sacrifice a snackrafice and as long as you're scared and ready to flee they wont come the same if you are brave knowing you'll be safe but aware
awareness will drive them away they'd rather have an easy meal than have to deal with someone who is not afraid to see to see what is not there but is there fear only not fearing so fear not acknowledge your 6th sense they are there but when you are aware they will leave through the leaves onto the roof of the next house who was never prepared with a nightly fairy tale.
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