catdantong · 5 years
A Letter to P
Hi P, I thought I have moved on since December but apparently I still have a lot of unresolved anger for how you treated me.
I flew across the country 3 times to visit you last year, but you didn't want to come to SF to see me even once. I even told you I decided to move back to NYC just to be close with you. The final message I got from you was cold and cruel, you don't even remember how many times I went to visit exactly. Throughout the last 7 years that we have known each other, you never showed me any genuine emotional intimacy, even after I told you the difficult event that happened with my family. There is only silence following my last love confession to you. You didn't even for once considered me for as a real romantic interest, instead only wanted to keep me around for your own physical pleasure and kink fantasy. Now I have found out who is the girl you were texting while you were with me - some 22 years old Instagram model who just moved to the city, I have finally realized no matter how hard I tried to please you and find common grounds between us, I was never your type to begin with. We were supposed to go to Costa Rica together but you brought her instead. Seeing her posting all the PDA photos with you hurts me every second, I didn't know that was the type of girl you were attracted to. I thought you were better than that.
Oddly enough, somehow I felt relieved knowing that truth. I don't need to keep guessing who you cheated me with. It is not that I am not enough for you, it is because I am so much better than you. I've felt into a deep depression for the last 3 months because of the pain you have caused me. Now it is time for me to climb back up. I'm not wasting my time and energy on someone who doesn't care about me at all. I deserve real love and happiness from a special someone, and I am glad that person isn't you.
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catdantong · 5 years
It’s almost 2020
“It takes two ppl to have a toxic situation, but only takes one person to make the right choices in their life - set boundaries, goals, dreams
dream realistically big dreams”
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catdantong · 5 years
Have to remind me -
It’s just part of life
Acknowledge your pain
It will pass
I will be alright
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catdantong · 5 years
I haven’t felt so free and full of joy and happiness for so long. 
When you are not in your own mental cage, you start to experiment with new things in life that bring you so much excitement. 
Can’t wait to explore more in life!
Keep loving life. Loving yourself.
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catdantong · 6 years
You know someone is toxic for you and not good enough for you. But somehow you are still drowning in the temporary joy that it brings you even afterwards it hurts like hell. I guess this is the withdrawaling period when you are craving for whatever that you were addicted to.
Just remember whatever it brought to you, it was toxic. The pain they have given to you has way surpassed the illusion of joy that they presented to you.
Never look back. Move forward with people who deserve you.
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catdantong · 6 years
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catdantong · 6 years
Life Lessons I learnt in 2018
Over the past three years in the Bay Area, I have gone through a couple disfunctional relationships. I realized perhaps I didn't have much deep reflections on these experiences thus I keep running into guys who treat me poorly and I end up with a broken heart. Writing down my thoughts now will help me in the future hopefully.
1. Never trust anyone easily. Trust your own instincts.
There is always some reasons that make you suspect someone, and most of the time they are good reasons. Trust your own instincts and the red flags, don't let them fool you with lame excuses and lies to deceive you in order to gain your trust. Never allowing someone to gaslight you and disregard your own feelings ever again. You can only allow them into your heart step by step.
2. Financially independent for yourself, do not cover fees for others.
Till this day, that piece of shit still hasn't paid me back the money he owed me. I invested so much not only emotionally but also financially for his ass, but guess what, at the end of the day he doesn't have any intention of paying you back. Because he never truly loved you or cared about you. All he cared was himself and how to deceive and manipulate ppl into giving him whatever he wants. I let him to do this to me, because I was a weak person towards the illusion of love. However, I won't let myself or anyone else do this to me anymore. If they are not able to afford themselves, it's not your responsibility.
3. Love yourself, your world does not revolve around anyone else but yourself.
Distinguish what is really important to you. Your priorities in life right now is to live the most by working hard towards your dreams, spending time with ppl who truly care about you and your personal development. If you invest most of your time, emotions, money, and love to someone who doesn't even deserve anything from you, you will end up hurting yourself deeply. If you are not happy anymore, just walk away. They are not your project to fix. You cannot change someone who doesn't want to change themselves. And most of the time, they won't ever change. You need to protect your heart, and remember your own personal standards, moral and ethical values. Don't settle for someone who is clearly not the same level with you.
Now I am walking away for good, and I won't ever look back. Sometimes I wish there was a pill I could take so I would forget what all those douchebags and assholes ever did to me or their exsistance in my life. However, I should remember them. Remember the lessons they have taught me. It still hurts, but I believe time will heal me. I will be better, and meet someone who deserves my love and attention.
Here are some goals in 2019 that will motivate me to work harder on my personal development and my dreams.
My #1 goal for 2019 would be live in a life filled with positivity. Be healthy physically and emotionally.
1. Working out at least 4 times a week, cardio + weights
2. Learn and develop at least one new working out rountine. Kick boxing, Olympic weightlifting, Hot Yoga, Cycle Bar, etc.
3. Enjoy doings things alone or with ppl who worth your time.
4. Learn how to drive so you can go on road trips whenever you want not depending on any others!
5. Start crypto trading
6. Keep submitting resumes and work harder on recruiting.
Here is to a new journey. I am looking forward to 2019 and the amazing things that I will do.
Remember, love yourself. You deserve better.
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catdantong · 6 years
Moving on
Someone once told me, the quickest thing to get over someone is to imagine he is dead.
Here is me moving on 😀
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catdantong · 6 years
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''I only went out for a walk and finally concluded to stay out till sundown, for going out, I found, was really going in.'' --John Muir ⛰ (at Twin Peaks (San Francisco))
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catdantong · 6 years
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MoMA shennigans with @ninjahzan.5 (at SFMOMA San Francisco Museum of Modern Art)
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catdantong · 6 years
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Recent hangouts with some Haasome people! Crazy it's been a year already 💗 (at Berkeley, California)
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catdantong · 6 years
Every time I try to fly I fall
Without my wings
I feel so small
And every time I see
You in my dreams
I see your face
You're haunting me
At night I pray
That soon your face will fade away
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catdantong · 6 years
有天我睡醒看到我的身边没有你 在我的右边是你曾今喜欢的玩具 可当我站起身来在房间里寻找你 留下的只有带着你味道的一封信 就在昨天还一起看我们的照片 可现在让我感觉像烂剧里的主演 为什么这种事情会发生在我身边 是不是老天没能看到对你的疯癫
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catdantong · 6 years
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简单爱🌿 (at Oakland, California)
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catdantong · 6 years
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catdantong · 7 years
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#latepost✌💛💙💛💙💛haasome night with these bears🐻sorry for ruining the first pic😹i suck at taking photo booth pics. Good luck with finals everyone 🙌 (at Haas School of Business - UC Berkeley)
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catdantong · 7 years
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Fun time visiting Google in SF! #google #sanfrancisco (at Google San Francisco)
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