cbbcami · 3 years
Just when you think things can’t get any better, someone else makes a plan to arrive later this year. Lets hope they get their moms ears 
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And her magic. Imagine giving birth to a muggle. 
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cbbcami · 3 years
“So... what have I missed?”
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‘Aliens took over the house. We’re now their servants.’
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cbbcami · 3 years
I have returned like a Phoenix out of the ashes.
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Originally posted by andy-clutterbuck
Did you bring me back a present?
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cbbcami · 3 years
“You know I’d never pass up a chance to get dressed up, let’s hit the town.”
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‘I’m ready for that, but is the town really ready for us?’
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cbbcami · 3 years
“One day I’ll see you both as conjoined twins, it’s gonna happen.” Ben teased with a chuckle. “You say that but maybe it will make you seem more relatable, they’ll know they aren’t alone in struggling with accents.” Then again even though Ben was British himself, he had a feeling the derby accent was out of his reach to. “Wait isn’t it one of your dreams to be abducted by aliens? Because if so, am I not allowing you to live your dreams? Like a good big brother should.” He assured her, but the smirk on his face showed his joke. “I’ve not really got anything going on, mostly been spending time catching up with friends.” There had been Debs at Christmas and their valentine date. But nothing had happened since and Ben knew better than to count his chickens before they hatched.
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‘We were definitely a little conjoined this morning.’ Camila fired back, wiggling her eyebrows before bursting into a giggle. Maybe Ben wouldn’t find her joke funny, but she clearly thought it was hilarious. ‘Maybe. It seems to have worked for Jason Statham and his American one. No offence, Jace.’ Those last three words were spoken to the nearest camera, just in case. ‘No, my dream is to be able to remember being abducted by aliens. I wanna meet them! It sucks if I’m sleeping through it every time.’ Somehow that logic made sense to her. ‘Nothing at all? Really? That doesn’t sound like the big brother lothario I know and love to tease.’
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cbbcami · 3 years
“Would I be me if I didn’t? Answer is hell no I wouldn’t. And I’m damn lucky that you do. I don’t think I’d survive this place without ‘ya, Cams. No damn way I’d forget. That would be a crime. A crime that would land me in the Big Brother cells. I’d put myself there for it. You are the damn best, y’know that? Like seriously. Camila the damn best Mendes.”
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‘That’s good, ‘cause I’m not sure how I’d get through it without ya either. Every Kat needs her Casper. Speaking of which, we should totally do that for Halloween this year. I’ll make Jack join in and go as Stinkie or Stretch. — Good, the dedication to garlic bread is one I admire. No wonder we get on so well. It’s true, I am, but that’s only ‘cause I’ve got the best bestie by my side. You wanna drive or should we be super lazy and book an Lyft?’
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cbbcami · 3 years
“…It’s just the spice of life…” 
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‘That damn spice. It’s always catching up to us when we least expect it.’
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cbbcami · 3 years
“Want us ta show ya just how lucky I am?”
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‘Is the answer to that question ever no?’
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cbbcami · 3 years
“What is the average forgiveness taco amount?”
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'I’d vote four at least, but there’s no maximum limit. You can go as wild as you like. Depends how badly you wanna be forgiven.’ 
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cbbcami · 3 years
“Ah so it is one of those places. I see now how this works.”
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‘That’s exactly what kinda place it is. —— I think that’s a good thing though. At least life is never boring, right? Whether we’re being treated or tortured.’
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cbbcami · 3 years
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camimendes: Always sweeping me off my feet. @jackoconnellcbb
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cbbcami · 3 years
“Looks like Immaa a lucky guy/”
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‘Don’t ever forget it.’
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cbbcami · 3 years
“…No - not another contestant. Don’t worry.” 
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‘It’s kinda hard not to be a little concerned, bub.’
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cbbcami · 3 years
“Always here with the good ideas,”
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‘More like the best ideas. Are we thinking wine and face masks, or dancing in a bar downtown until we get blisters?’
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cbbcami · 3 years
“Are you two morphing into one? Now I need to hear your best attempt at a derby accent.” Ben chuckled, Britain really did have a wide variety of accents. “Yeah that’s true, and you do it so well with it, little sisters all around the world should take a page out of your book.” He nudged the woman’s knee with his own. “I might just be, I need to get respect somewhere. And we both know I don’t get it from you.” Ben joked with an fake accusing look towards Cami. “I’m really happy for you kid, seriously.” 
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‘I think we might be. It’ll give a whole new meaning to the term ‘other half.’’ Camila laughed, wrinkling her nose when Ben suggested she attempt Derby. ‘Uh, no, thanks. I’d like to keep my acting career a little longer and it would be over in seconds if I annihilate an accent on national television.’ Although, she supposed the cameras had seen her do worse during her time here. ‘What can I say? I’m a perfectionist. Gotta be the best. — Respect is earned. Maybe if you stopped the little fuckers from abducting me as often as they do, I’d be nicer,’ she shot right back, poking her tongue out after. ‘Yeah. I’m pretty happy for me too.’ What she had with Jack really did feel like something special. ‘What about you? Anything happening in the romance department? I know it brews around here quicker than Emma Watson brews tea.’
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cbbcami · 3 years
“Aye we both love Casper. It is only appropriate one of us disappears. Don’t worry ‘bout it Cams. Life happens y’know? ‘Aye you know me, I’ll eat pizza any damn time of the week. Let’s go have a good time.”
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‘The fact you managed to slip a Casper reference in without even being prompted makes me love you more than I already did. Who would’a thought that was possible? — Yes! And garlic bread. Don’t forget the garlic bread. I’ve spent hardly any of my budget recently, so I’ve got enough for us to really go wild with that menu.’
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cbbcami · 3 years
“Aye ya seem pretty fucking special.” 
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‘I am.’
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