cbnr1715 · 3 years
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@brandonkuwonu @cncoluv @klausjoelsandwiches @childishadultperson @sandra2476-blog @nypunichols27131-blog @dyludusteele55506-blog 
Ray-Ban Sunglasses
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cbnr1715 · 4 years
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Hogwarts AU
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cbnr1715 · 4 years
When you see this message, you are lucky to have a famous glasses holiday promotion for as little as $24.99.
@colbybrocksecrethideout @shoot-the-oneshot @jimblejamblewrite @thollandss @cnchoebaby @writings-of-a-hufflepuff @tom-holland-is-spiderman @sunsetswrv @magnolia-among-the-stars @delicatelukepatterson @daddyjugheadjoneschokeme @damnthoseyes @childishadultperson @multi-fandomgoddess @spider-zab @cncohdamn @marvels-blue-phoenix @imagination-is-key-in-my-world @trick-or-stab @albus-potter-x-blog @starksparker-archive @beautiful-holland @astronomyparkers @itsanerdlife @swanky-batman @allfandomxreader @ifandomalot @merceret @beautifuljetblackheart @hollandroos @midtownvaledictorian @cosmetologynerd @peter-parkers-underoos @kiera-writes @colesprouseimagines @kindledimagines @team10posts @martinez--twins @therealbooboostewart-blog1 @itsallabout-eadrik @eadlynschreaveofillea @eaddlyn @shadowjays-waffles @natrasharomanova @staff @xcalmemaybex @sandra2476-blog @nypunichols27131-blog @dyludusteele55506-blog
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cbnr1715 · 4 years
When you see this message, you are lucky to have a famous glasses holiday promotion for as little as $24.99.
@colbybrocksecrethideout @shoot-the-oneshot @jimblejamblewrite @thollandss @cnchoebaby @writings-of-a-hufflepuff @tom-holland-is-spiderman @sunsetswrv @magnolia-among-the-stars @delicatelukepatterson @daddyjugheadjoneschokeme @damnthoseyes @childishadultperson @multi-fandomgoddess @spider-zab @cncohdamn @marvels-blue-phoenix @imagination-is-key-in-my-world @trick-or-stab @albus-potter-x-blog @starksparker-archive @beautiful-holland @astronomyparkers @itsanerdlife @swanky-batman @allfandomxreader @ifandomalot @merceret @beautifuljetblackheart @hollandroos @midtownvaledictorian @cosmetologynerd @peter-parkers-underoos @kiera-writes @colesprouseimagines @kindledimagines @team10posts @martinez--twins @therealbooboostewart-blog1 @itsallabout-eadrik @eadlynschreaveofillea @eaddlyn @shadowjays-waffles @natrasharomanova @staff @xcalmemaybex @sandra2476-blog @nypunichols27131-blog @dyludusteele55506-blog
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cbnr1715 · 5 years
Guyyysss please register with this link I’m trying to get it for my cousin bday gift!! She’s my best friend and I wanna do something nice for her😊
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cbnr1715 · 5 years
In which it’s the 50’s, and y/n meets trouble boy.
I had some help from @azurebrock 🖤 I know it’s not what we talked about, but this is dedicated to youuu xx
p.s this was the hardest imagine I’ve ever had to write... I have no idea why!!! Pls don’t @me if it’s horrible cuz I know lol
Your hair bounced, walking towards the diner to where your girlfends were waiting for you. The first year of college had just ended, and you came back home for the summer. You were excided to relax, and see friends and family for the whole break, maybe even go to the beach here and there. Your skirt flowed in the wind as you opened the door revealing the vibrant hangout where all of your old schoolmates from high school always ended up coming back to. You smiled and waved at friends from the past as you headed towards the table where your friends sat, smiling from ear to ear you quickly slid into the baby blue booth.
“Y/n!!!” They all cheered making you laugh.
“Sorry I took so long, I was unpacking” you sighed. “It’s good to be home” you hummed.
The girls were obviously happy to all be together again, just the four of you- a small group, but a strong bond of friendship.
“Meet any cute boys while away?” Your friend asked causing you to blush.
“No way! I don’t have time for boys!! My dad would kill me anyway” you laugh.
“I have a beau” one of the girls said making you all gasp.
“Stop it, no way!”
“Spill!!” You nearly screech. You all giggled and blushed as she told you how she had met this boy that was in her English class. They were partners for a project and one thing lead to another- when finally he asked her to go study. You all cooed and awed at the way her eyes lit up as she spoke about the boy who took her heart. “We have to meet him!” You gushed “does he live close by?” You asked.
“He lives three states over” she whined. “But he’s already met my parents when they came to visit, I insisted they that must meet.”
“I’m so happy for you” you smiled.
“Is he the one?” One of your friends blurted out making you roll your eyes. Of course he wasn’t- they only just met!
“I hope so! He’s so charming, he makes me feel so amazing” your friend gushed.
You gasped, shaking your head as the girls looked at you with confusion on their faces. You’ve got to be kidding me, you knew she was desperate for love, but really? The one? Already?!
“I’d love a June wedding, and all of you girls can be my bridesmaids!” She squealed as your friends gasped happily.
This was insane you thought. She was too young, this was crazy! College isn’t even over yet and she’s talking about marriage for crying out loud! “Don’t you think it’s a little too early to talk about getting married?” You asked.
“Of course not, y/n! You have to think about these things before the man you want gets snatched up! I mean we can’t get married too old, we have children to worry about.” She said sternly.
You nearly gagged at her words, your friends were so regressive- you never understood their outlooks on life. All they ever wanted to do was fall and love and have babies. Isn’t life about trying new things, traveling, doing whatever make you happy? Not your parents? Maybe you were the only one, but you knew you didn’t want to end up like your friends. Married young and pregnant before the age of twenty three. Of course you let it slide, playing happy for your best friend, knowing she’d never let you hear the end of her views on married life.
As the four of you gathered around the table, food being brought over to you and milkshakes being finished. The four of you stood up to go onto your next excursion- the drive in, which would be airing the newest movie of the the summer. You all jogged out of the diner and headed into your friends car to head over to the movie earlier so you’d get the best spot possible. The sun was already starting to set, and the warm summer air smelled like popcorn and burgers as you pulled into the parking section for the movie. There were always quite a fire people parked, and stretching their legs, walking around and getting snacks before the movie was to start.
“I think this is a good spot?” Your friend said, parking her car three spots away from the screen. “Not too far, and not too close” she grinned.
“This is the best spot we’ve ever had!” You mused.
“What should we get to eat?” Another one of your friends asked making you all look at the kiosk beside your car, which informed movie goers what was on the menu.
“Definitely popcorn!” You gushed. “And Soda... maybe even chocolate?” You asked looking at the girls.
“Who wants to go get the snacks?” One of the girls said, making you all groan out. It was always a ritual between the four of you that there’d be turns in who would go get the movie snacks.
Since you were the last one at the diner you sighed, getting out of the car, crossing your arms at the laughing girls. “I’ll get the snacks, but I’m not paying” you wiggled you’re eyebrows.
“Fine” one said, your friends dug into their pocket books giving you change that they had, you smiled looking down at the money knowing it would be enough.
“No Pepsi!!! Make sure it’s Coca Cola!” They all yelled as you skipped away from the car.
The line wasn’t too long, but there were more children around then you’ve seen in previous times you’ve come here. Running around causing rukess you shook your head, waiting patiently in line behind a family of four. Five minuets felt like twenty as you finally approached the window were a bored high school boy with crooked teeth winked at you, making you wince.
“How can I help you?”
“Can I have two large popcorns, four Coca Cola’s, and two boxes of Goobers, please.” You said handing the boy your cash.
“Wait at the next window, your food will be out momentarily” he sighed before calling “Next!!!!”
You quickly shuffled to the next window, the smell of popcorn making you close your eyes in satisfaction. You could eat popcorn everyday, all day if you wanted too, it was that good. The food wasn’t too long, they came in cardboard holders so you wouldn’t have to make two trips which you were greatful about, grabbing four straws before turning around you stepped backwards bumping into a kid causing you to yelp out.
“Sorry, honey!” You gushed as the group of children ran around your, kicking dirt everywhere causing you to shake your head.
Before you could even head back to the car, another kid ran right In front of you, knocking you over slightly, his shoulder ramming right into your hip as you tripped back on your own two feet, gasping loudly as you closed your eyes expecting yourself to hit the dirt filled ground. You gasped, feeling two strong arms grab you from behind, pulling you into their hard chest without you dropping any of the food or drinks. You could hear laughter coming from the group of boys around your age, cigarettes in their mouths, black leather jackets laid across their shoulders making your cheeks blush in embarrassment.
“Sorry!” You said quickly as you turned around to face the boy who caught you. He was tall and intimidating. His blue eyes squinted down at you, smoke puffing out of his lips as he took a puff of his cigarette. His ring cladded fingers dug into his jean pockets making your heart beat faster at the sight of him. His brown silky hair swooped against his forhead, very different from the greaced up hair that you noticed on his friends. “I- I didn’t mean to hit into you or anything” you said stepping back from him.
“No problem” he said taking a deep breath, he towered over you making you blush, looking down at the ground as you kicked at the dirt below your shoes. “Be careful next time” he chuckled making his friends laugh.
“Yeah” you said looking up at him, feeling even more embarrassed.
“Don’t want a pretty girl like you getting her skirt all messed up.” His eyes scanning your body making your eyes go wide.
“I’m not worried about messing up my skirt” you snapped. His words offending you in ways that made your skin crawl with the way him and his friends eyed you.
“How about I walk you to your car?” He mused making you scoff.
“I’m a big girl, I think I can handle walking” you gasp as his friends chuckled.
You’re eyebrows furrowed, turning away from the group of boys, heading back towards your friends, you were embarrassed and offended at the way those boy’s looked at you. Be careful? Who does he think he is? You tripped, things happen, you thought. You nearly screamed once you felt an arm grab your arm from behind, the boy who caught you took ahold of a box of the snacks making you sigh.
“I didn’t mean to offend you” he said making you roll your eyes.
“Don’t mention it” you scoffed, “Give me my box” you ordered.
“At least let me walk you to your car” he said.
“Fine” you obliged, holding box boxed of drinks and popcorn really was a hassle, so you couldn’t exactly trurn down someone who offered to hold one for you.
You both walked in silence, the boy sneaking a glance at you every so often causing you to smile slightly. His smile was kind and playful wich caused you to forgive him instantly as you bumped your shoulder into his, causing you both to giggle. You smiled at your friends as they all looked at you in disbelief, jaws dropped as you stood in front of the car you and the boy both handing your friends the snacks.
“I never got your name” you said turning to face him as you opened the backseat door.
“Colby” he said arching his hand out for you too shake.
“Y/n” you blushed.
“Nice meeting you, y/n” he said leaning closer into you making you laugh lightly, your friends gasping from inside the car.
“Thanks for the help, Colby. I reallly appreciate it” you bite your lip as you look into his piercing blue eyes.
“Any time” he smiled. “See you around” he smirked, letting go of your hand before walking backwards away from you.
You giggled, waving at him before he finally got far enough away from you to turn his back on you and run back over to where his friends were. You squealed as you slid into the car, the girls all giving you worried and surprised looks causing you to laugh. “What?” You asked.
“You don’t know who that is?!” One nearly scaremd.
“No? What?? What are you talking about?” you asked reaching over to the popcorn, stuffing the snack into your mouth.
“Colby’s the head of the greasers in this town! He’s bad news! How do you not know that?!”
“He doesn’t seem like bad news” you laugh.
“Y/n your dad would kill you if he ever saw you interacting with him! He’s a bad guy!” Your friend said making you shiver.
“He didn’t seem that bad though?” You said in a whimper.
“He’s the one who slashed every bus’ tires in town! He was the one that did it”
Your heart sunk, looking out the window towards his direction. Watching people distance themselves from the group of boys as they walked by the snack bar, your smile fading into a frown as you watched him stand among his friends. You bit your lip facing towards your friends as they frowned at you. “Sorry bane...but he’s no good”
“That’s okay.” You sighed. “I dodged a bullet.” You sighed looking back towards Colby, your heart beating faster and faster as he turned his head in your direction, smiling at you from where he stood- up against the wall making you swoon.
This was bad news.
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cbnr1715 · 5 years
The Preacher’s Daughter: Part 3
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Part 2
Warning #1: This is the filthiest thing I have ever written. If you do not like reading smut, DO NOT READ THIS!
Words Count: 8,700
Warnings: OKKKKKAAAAYYYY! NSFW 18+, pure filth & sin, fluff, flirting, swearing, thigh riding, dry humping, dirty talk, public sex, unprotected sex, car sex, waterfall sex, hotel sex, sex on a balcony, fingering, oral (male on female and female on male), palming, riding Peter in the front seat of his car, blow job, fucking from behind, Daddy kink, shower sex, Dom!Peter, Sub!Peter, overstimulation, semi-public sex. There are so many sex scenes if I’m being honest.
A/N: I AM FINALLY BACK AT WRITING! So, this is pure sin and I hate myself for loving every bit of writing this but here you go. Feedback is really appreciated! god bless @peachyosterfield for her dirty mind because we’ve had these ideas (and a few others 😉 ) for about 6-7 months and i am so glad she let me finish it for all of you! i could not have even began to write this if it weren’t for her so please show her some love.
Keep reading
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cbnr1715 · 5 years
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Erick is your boyfriend and these are your little moments together
here you can find au meme with zabdiel ❤
here you can find au meme with chris ❤
I hope you like it at least a little bit, I’m pretty proud of it so yeaah
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cbnr1715 · 5 years
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fuzzy-headed model
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cbnr1715 · 5 years
love me some chriserick content
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cbnr1715 · 5 years
Joel: Erick are you still a virgin?
Erick: Yes I am.
Christopher: No you’re not.
Erick: Yes I am.
Christopher: No you’re not.
Erick: Yes I am.
Christopher: Yes you are.
Erick: No I’m not.
Erick: Goddamnit….
Joel: *GASPS*
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cbnr1715 · 5 years
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why are they wearing gym clothes again? why does joel looks so lost? i have so many questions
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cbnr1715 · 5 years
uhm hiii do u have erick’s ig story where he’s with thiago and he cant understand what thiagos saying hahaha it so cutee 🥺
hiii here u go!!
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cbnr1715 · 5 years
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cbnr1715 · 5 years
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Dig in babes
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cbnr1715 · 5 years
(fire alarm goes off at 2 a.m)
(everyone rushes in half-asleep)
Richard: IS EVERYONE OK- Joel what are you doing?
Joel: *holding a lit piece of paper under the fire alarm* now that everyone's here, who ate my leftover pizza-
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cbnr1715 · 5 years
i love my buy linguini son ✊🏻😔
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