cedarstudy · 6 years
weird study tip:
if u don’t feel motivated, pretend ur in a movie or tv show. you know the scenes where they’re on their bed with their feet tucked up and crossed at the ankle, and they’re cracking open highlighters with their teeth and poring over a textbook with smooth rock music playing? that. bonus points for a perfect messy bun and spencer hastings outfit.
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cedarstudy · 6 years
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there’s been all sorts of chaos lately, but bullet journalling has been a good outlet. spring time is the best time! april spreads here
printable to-do lists here!
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cedarstudy · 6 years
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july 15 2018 - (id: pink flowers, a fountain with pathway and flowers, a view of the sunset from a car window) aaaaaaaaaa okay okay just an update since it's been Much longer than i thought (sorry) but i'm starting to adult!! found roommates and we got approved for a house, and i'm applying for jobs tomorrow in the area, and i really hope this all goes well. i've been putting off doing a new yearly bujo spread because i can't decide on a palette ^^' but it's about time, plus it's a new chapter of my life starting, might as well make it fresh! i also need to find something to keep me more occupied; i've been writing a lot, but i want to challenge myself this next year even outside of school and try to learn some personal time management and discipline, so we'll see how that goes. hope everyone's having a good summer!!
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cedarstudy · 6 years
me: (takes a deep breath)
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cedarstudy · 6 years
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So, recently I’ve switched from using tons of different trackers and planners to using just this one page. And, damn it got sooo much easier because I no longer need to dig through 10 pages just to log my day (e.g., one for tracking habits, the other for the to-do lists, one more for the time tracking…), it’s so quicker and less tiring now. One page for the whole week, for the habit and time tracking, tasks and deadlines. All in one. It’s very flexible as well. For example, if you don’t have any tasks for the day, you can journal in the free space or write down an inspiring quote, etc. 
Free download: red version / b&w version / blue version
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cedarstudy · 6 years
the whole idea of “stay in school!!!!” is great and all but hard to hear when you’re someone who couldn’t stay in school
so here’s a post for every person who’s had to drop out of school. whether it was do to illness or money or just because you didn’t want to be there, you’re no less of a person for dropping out. you own your own life, and you’re just as important as people who were able to graduate 
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cedarstudy · 6 years
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29.05.18 — 8p.m. evening.. i procrastinated a lot today so i tried to make up for it by working hard in the evening. this is what my messy desk looks like. it’s thundering and raining outside and i love the sounds
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cedarstudy · 6 years
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1. 오다: to come 2. 마시다: to drink 3. 먹다: to eat 4. 주다: to give 5. 가다: to go 6. 듣다: to hear 7. 배우다: to learn 8. 만들다: to make 9. 앉다: to sit 10. 자다: to sleep 11. 씻다: to wash 12. 쓰다: to write 13. 울다: to cry 14. 갖다: to have 15. 웃다: to laugh 16. 보다: to see 17. 일어나다: to get up 18. 걷다: to walk 19. 춤추다: to dance 20. 만나다: to meet 21. 공부하다: to study 22. 운전하다: to drive 23. 사다: to buy 24. 읽다: to read 25. 주문하다: to order 26. 입다: to wear 27. 찍다: to take (picture) 28. 쓰다: to wear (hat, eyewear) 29. 신다: to wear (shoes, socks) 30. 빌리다: to borrow, lend 31. 전화하다: to telephone 32. 말하다: to talk, speak 33. 가르치다: to teach 34. 기다리다: to wait 35. 걸다: to call, dial 36. 청소하다: to clean 37. 타다: to ride 38. 나가다: to exit 39. 들어오다: to enter 40. 물어보다: to ask 41. 필요하다: to need 42. 도와주다: to help 43. 열다: to open 44. 닫다: to close 45. 일하다: to work 46. 쉬다: to rest 47. 운동하다: to exercise 48. 생각하다: to think 49. 알다: to know 50. 모르다: to not know 51. 요리하다: to cook 52. 끓이다: to boil 53. 썰다: to chop, slice 54. 튀기다: to deep fry 55. 재다: to measure, weigh 56. 섞다: to mix, blend 57. 굽다: to roast, grill, bake 58. 볶다: to fry 59. 급다: to grill 60. 휘젓다: to stir 61. 하다: to do 62. 있다: to have 63. 없다: to not have 64. 이야기하다: to talk, chat 65. 연습하다: to practice 66. 묻다: to ask 67. 내다: to pay 68. 살다: to live 69. 죽다: to die 70. 태어나다: to be born 71. 사랑하다: to love 72. 좋아하다: to like 73. 싫어하다: to hate, dislike 74. 결혼하다: to marry 75. 축하하다: to congratulate 76. 걱정하다: to worry 77. 약속하다: to promise 78. 거짓말하다: to lie 79. 고백하다: to confess 80. 찾다: to find, to look for 81. 준비하다; to prepare 82. 가지다: to have 83. 기억하다: to remember 84. 꿈꾸다: to dream 85. 시작하다: to start 86. 끝나다: to finish 87. 보내다: to send 88. 사용하다: to use 89. 팔다: to sell 90. 싸우다: to fight 91. 대답하다: to answer 92. 소개하다: to introduce 93. 출발하다: to depart 94. 도착하다: to arrive 95. 벗다: to undress, take off clothes 96. 이기다: to win, defeat 97. 지다: to lose, be defeated 98. 서두르다: to hurry, rush 99. 사랑에 빠지다: to fall in love 100.죄송하다: to be sorry.
(Instead of the 30 Korean verbs/adjectives I said to post, I prefer this “100 most useful korean verbs” by SydneytoSeoul)
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cedarstudy · 6 years
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may 29, 2018 - [id: a speech outline, pencil case designed to look like a fish, someone sitting outside] hi everyone!! i've fallen a bit into procrastination, but tomorrow i give my final speech for my communications class about why it's important to pay attention to the news, and i'm excited to try to make a difference! but also, i only have two weeks left here, and that alone is terrifying. on one hand i almost don't want to leave since the good moments are so nice, but i do think ultimately that i'll be happier going home and taking a break. i actually might have a place to stay if it works out! and i find comfort in recognizing that i can come back again, whenever i want to; it's not a permanent goodbye, and it never has to be. i'm going around for a while sometime this week to take pictures of everything, and that way it'll hopefully be a much easier transition. oh also!! during my time out of school i'll probably be documenting a little of what i'm doing, and maybe some tips on how to find things to do out of school, but idk really so any suggestions?
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cedarstudy · 6 years
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may 21 2018 [id: an essay, mac keyboard] aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa i definitely Didn’t forget that it’s my sibling’s birthday.. but anyway, i’m writing a personal narrative lyric essay for my english class, and honestly? i love it…. gonna miss the class when i leave :\ and on that note! i’m moving back closer to home for a gap year and the foreseeable future, because it’s the best thing for me right now and what i need 😊 hope the end of the school year is going well for everyone!! ❤️
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cedarstudy · 6 years
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cedarstudy · 6 years
Would you rather be able to fly or breathe underwater?
oh damn that’s a tough one.. flying would be cool but at the same time i’d have to watch out for insects and birds and stuff, and idk how fast i’d be going so it depends on that. breathing underwater?? i mean the ocean is Awesome but also dangerous and that depends on if how my body deals with pressure is changed too, but. i take these things way too seriously so probably flying alsjdj it’d at least probably be faster and cooler than walking
✨ send me sleepover asks ✨
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cedarstudy · 6 years
i started my math final today and i’ll be finishing it up tomorrow, but i’m super nervous because i don’t remember some of the material and really want to do well on it 😬
aaa man that's rough, but i believe in you!! i unfortunately don't have any tips besides make sure to get enough sleep, otherwise it'll be too rough while you're finishing it. you can do it!!!✨ send me sleepover asks ✨
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cedarstudy · 6 years
it’s a sleepover~
send me:
crush stories
your tumblr crushes
tell me about your pets
have you evers
would you rathers
ask my advice
tell me a story about you
a n y t h i n g (▰˘◡˘▰) 
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cedarstudy · 6 years
♡ in korean, it is important to use the correct sentence structure, or your sentences may seem really confusing :
-> in english : Subject Verb Object -> in korean : Subject Object Verb
now, let’s look at some examples!
we are gonna use this simple sentence : “i bought a book”, in korean it would be : “i a book bought”
저는 책을 샀어요 책 = book 샀어요(past tense) from the verb 사다 = to buy it’s really different, right?
⚠ the object ALWAYS comes BEFORE the verb, and the verb is ALWAYS at the END of the sentence. ⚠
♡ locations are also used BEFORE verbs :
“저는 학교에 가요” i go to school 학교 = school 에= location particle (to) 가요 (present tense) from the verb 가다 = to go
“저는 학교에서 공부해요” i study at school 학교 = school 에서 = location particle (at) 공부해요 (present tense) from the verb 공부하다 = to study
“저는 집에 잤어요” i slept at home 집 = home 에 = location particle (at) 잤어요 (past tense) from the verb 자다 = to sleep
⚠ you can put the time before or after the subject though :
both of these sentences mean “today I will eat at home” :
before -> 오늘 저는 집에서 먹을 거예요 after -> 저는 오늘 집에서 먹을 거예요 오늘 = today 집 = home 에서 = location particle (at) 먹을 거예요 (future tense) from the verb 먹다 = to verb
“tomorrow, i will study at school” before -> 내일 저는 학교에서 공부할 거예요 after -> 저는 내일 학교에서 공부할 거예요 내일 = tomorrow 학교 = school 에서 = location particle (at) 공부하다 = to study ~ㄹ 거예요 (future tense)
♡ adverbs are added before verbs : 저는 열심히 공부해요 I study hard 열심히 = hard
and finally, adjectives work the same way as they do in english! just put them before the noun they describe :
매운 라면 = spicy ramen 매운 = spicy 라면 = ramen
예쁜 여자 = beautiful woman 예쁜 = beautiful 여자 =  woman
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cedarstudy · 6 years
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a collection of things [id: flowers, stilpnomelane in quartz, library shelves, flowers] hello everyone!! tiny update, i’m in my last quarter of school before i’ll be out for at least year, and i’ve decided to go back to my hometown! since the start of this quarter i’ve been super homesick, but i’ve also explored even more new parts of school that just give me more things to think about (!! fossils!!! and rocks!!) i haven’t kept up with a bujo since winter break, but i think that’s ok! it’s okay to not do it, and it’s okay to pick it up later too. this quarter though i’m taking a speech class, and honestly?? 10/10 i’m really enjoying myself! next week i get to give a speech on de-extinction and the thylacine and i’m super excited because i love this topic to death but haven’t been able to do anything with it in a school setting. and then my final speech will be on why you should keep yourself informed, but i think i’m rambling now oh well but overall, honestly, even if i’m not doing what i planned to do a year ago, things change constantly, literally nothing is the same twice, and it’s natural for plans to change and evolve. everything is in a state of constant flux and it’s okay if you or i are too. ❤️
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cedarstudy · 6 years
studyblr following spree! reblog please
hey hey hey ! i just unfollowed a whole bunch of inactive blogs (i just got back on after 6 months lmao) and am looking to follow a bunch of new studyblrs! bonus points for people studying STEM (bio/medical esp) or LGBTQIA+ studyblr folx!
a little bit about me: i’m frances, i’m a thirdish year biology major w/ a gender studies minor, i’m nonbinary (they pronouns) and i’m turning 20 this month (may 27th)! next semester i’m going to start as the vice president of my school’s GSA and i’m taking way more classes than advisable. 
feel free to send me a message or an ask! have a great day!
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