cendorindustry · 1 year
Commercial solar panels for industry in Delhi NCR
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cendorindustry · 1 year
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cendorindustry · 1 year
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cendorindustry · 1 year
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cendorindustry · 1 year
Green energy solutions company in Delhi
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cendorindustry · 1 year
Commercial solar panels for industry in delhi ncr
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cendorindustry · 1 year
Solar plant company in Delhi NCR
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cendorindustry · 2 years
Green Energy Solutions Company in Delhi -ceNdor Industry
Green Energy Solutions Company in Delhi -ceNdor Industry
We gather resources and generate energy from their production to power our lives. We are well aware of the impure energy generated from non-renewable resources. The energy which is generated from the renewable resources that are part of nature such as sunlight, water, and the wind is called green energy. Only the best Green Energy Solutions company understands how useful that energy is and can help you realize the same.
Importance of Green Energy Solution
A resource is harnessed in different ways to achieve the energy from it. When the resource does not produce any pollution to harm the environment, it is said to have generated green energy. This is why green energy is considered to be the most important energy and a green energy solutions company like CeNdor Industry believes in it.
Green energy ensures that all the negative and harmful effects of fossil fuels on the environment are replaced with pollution-free and environmentally-friendly alternatives. Green energy is quite clean in nature along with being renewable having generated from renewable resources that are replenished easily such as the Sun, the wind, and water. Green energy ensures a minimum number of emissions and can guarantee the cleanliness factor in the air for living beings to breathe in easier. 
Green energy is also not affected by wars, price hikes, crises, supply chain issues, and so on. This is because they are generated from independent resources which cannot be disrupted due to man-made issues. Therefore, green energy power solutions in India are quite economical and non-susceptible to weather and climate issues.
Green Energy Power Solutions In India
To generate green energy power, a setup is needed. That setup is one-time and requires investment. But this is a kind of investment that gives valuable returns and is worth it. The returns are not only monetary but also in terms of eco-friendly and environment-friendly. Green energy does not need any sizeable monetary investment while it is in harness mode. This is because you are not required to buy the resource to produce energy. Nature provides you with that.
Solar energy is one such green energy power solution in India that can help in establishing a sustainable future in terms of power. There is a green energy solutions company in Delhi, CeNdor Industry, always looking to make a difference in the world. With Green Energy having the power to replace fossil fuels in the future, it has opened doors for amazing energy-based opportunities for many.
With the constant rate of depletion of fossil fuels, there is a great possibility that solar power solutions will be in the lead empowering every home, office, factory, industry, and life with its cleanliness and greenery.
CeNdor Industry: A Change in The Making
Years of questions and concerns about the rapidly decreasing fossil fuels have led the team of CeNdor Industry to join hands as one and work towards finding a sustainable solution for all. Green energy power solutions in India, it has brought about a change in the economy and the environment. People losing their salaries to the increasing bills are feeling more relaxed about being able to save more for their kids. Green energy solution has made lives easier and as the most trusted green energy solutions company in Delhi, CeNdor Industry has taken the initiative to empower every single life. 
With a dedicated team of professionals and industry experts in the panel, this has become possible. Having the most intelligent and sound minds in one place has enabled better solutions for all as is evident from the customer reviews and satisfaction rate. Every individual on our team has been working steadily towards spreading the energy solution everywhere. Having state-of-the-art equipment for setup and experts for installation and maintenance has made a remarkable difference. We can see that our efforts are right on track with our vision and moving steadily toward our mission.
Get in touch with our team available 24X7 for you and find the best green energy solution to empower your arena.
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cendorindustry · 2 years
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cendorindustry · 2 years
5 Factors That Impact The Cost Of Commercial Solar Panels In India
5 Factors That Impact The Cost Of Commercial Solar Panels In India
 Ever since climate change is the talk, there is a constant endeavor to find a clean alternative energy source.
A beaming source of energy that is non-polluting and has a great future is Solar Energy. Check out 6 Benefits Of Affordable Solar Panels For Commercial Buildings in 2021. The question that bugs most businesses is the Solar Panel Price for the installation of a Commercial Solar Grid. 
 From 2015 to 2021, India alone has added 53.4 GW of renewable power generation capacity. Northern India will become the center for green energy with a potential capacity of 363 GW. Businesses today wish to move to solar panels.
So, in this blog post, we will look into the factors that impact the cost of commercial solar panels in India.
 Commercial Solar Panel
 But, before going further, let us know what commercial solar panels are?
Commercial Solar Panels are an array of silicon-based cells connected to a grid. They convert direct sunlight to electricity. 
Their load capacity and the solar cells used are high compared to a solar panel for home. Their sole purpose is to produce electricity on a large scale.
If you wish to install solar panels for hotels, resorts, schools, or any of your businesses, keep reading.
 The factors below will help you understand what comes into play while installing a commercial solar panel?
 1. Roof Type
 Solar Panel for Home
While installing solar panels, flat rooftops are the first choice. If your roof doesn’t have one, the contractor will build scaffolding to install solar panels. It leads to an increase in the cost of installation. 
Sometimes, the contractor may also use a specific material to hold the solar panels on the rooftop. It can also add up to the cost.
 2. Rooftop Issues
Sometimes during the inspection, the contractor may find issues with the rooftop. There are cases where the roof is old and cannot handle the panels. It is advisable to renovate the roof and then install solar panels. It will eliminate the double expenditure in case you plan to change your roof later.
Sometimes poor roofing may damage the solar panels in the long run.
 Solar Panels for Hotels
 3. Electricity Usage
It is one of the dominant factors while calculating the cost of installation. Depending on your business infrastructure size, the contractor determines the energy consumption. 
A school running only in the daytime will have different requirements than a resort that runs 24*7.
Your goals with the solar panel installation also come into play. If you want them to reduce the load or if you want them to generate complete electricity. That would also include the battery backup and would add up to the cost.
 4. Type of System and Installation
Not all commercial solar panels are the same. There are a variety of technologies used in them for higher efficiency.
Some of them are monocrystalline solar panels, polycrystalline silicon cells, and thin-film solar cells. 
Also, there are types of installation like roof mount, ground mount, or carport installations. Depending on what you choose, your cost for installing the panels will vary.
 Solar Panels in india
 5. Size of the System
It again depends on the size of your business and electricity requirements. But it decides on the large chunk of your installation cost. The larger the system, the more usage of panels. But that also means higher electricity production that saves you energy bills in the long run. 
Here is how you calculate the number of solar panels your business will use. 
Multiply your hourly energy needs by the peak sunlight hours in your region and divide that by the panel’s wattage. There you go!
 Looking at all the factors above, one can roughly estimate their cost of installation for commercial solar panels. 
We at ceNdor Industry bring OPEX MODEL that is a ZERO INVESTMENT MODEL for Commercial Solar Power Plants. We will be discussing it in detail in our next blog.
 Now is the right time to invest in solar panels, save a big part of your earnings on future energy bills, and go green.
Reach out to ceNdor Industry to get Solar Panels for your business infrastructure (here) and get your Free Quotes today.
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cendorindustry · 2 years
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cendorindustry · 2 years
6 Benefits of Affordable Solar Panels for Commercial Buildings in 202
6 Benefits of Affordable Solar Panels for Commercial Buildings in 2021
The transition to green energy in the power sector is on its way. With this, industries are moving towards eco-friendly solutions for their energy consumption. 
Solar Power Systems are the next best alternative to pollution-causing fuels. And the government incentive is leading to its growth at a much faster rate.
 The Ministry of New & Renewable Energy, India aims at installing 450 GW of renewable energy by 2030. Solar Energy contributes a large chunk that amounts to 280 GW. To achieve the target, India needs to install 25 GW of solar energy every year till 2030. India wants to be rich in energy efficiency in the coming years.
Commercial buildings like hotels, schools, colleges, MNCs are thus shifting towards installing solar panels to generate sufficient energy. Now is the best time when you start re-thinking about your energy costs.
 Let’s discuss some benefits of affordable Solar Panels for Commercial Buildings. 
 1.) Investment Not Expenditure
 Imagine the scenario when the sun does not shine at all? Well, do not worry. It has been shining for almost 4.6 billion years and will continue to do so for 5 billion more years. But as we know fuels like petrol, diesel will soon exhaust. India currently imports 82.8% of crude oil and 45.3% of natural gas per year. 
 So if you’re investing in Solar Panels today, reports show, they will start to pay back in 5 to 6 years. So, you have to make a one-time payment and enjoy free electricity for years to come.
 2.) Predictability Of Bills
 If you know the amount of electricity bill you will hit each month, wouldn’t it be easier to plan your monthly savings? Savings are a crucial part of our investment for the future. 
Businesses are benefitting from the solar panel installations on their commercial buildings. They know the electricity basic solar panels generate on their rooftop. And the electric power they use every month. It helps them plan their finances better.
 3.) Saves Money
Researches at LNMIIT Jaipur found that solar panels systems at the academic buildings helped them reduce electricity bills. 
Every organization wants to save future energy bills. Solar panels would lead to almost negligible electricity bills for the coming 20 to 30 years.
 You need not worry about the increasing cost of electricity now and then. What a relief!
Can you imagine the money you will save through this investment? So what are you planning to do with it instead?
 4.) Long-Lasting
 Cleaning the solar panels involves no big technical hassles. All you need is that your panels remain clean, which will help in generating more electricity. It makes them long-lasting as the wear and tear are less. 
The photovoltaic cells use to make solar panels are not susceptible to easy breaking. It removes the hassles of servicing your generators every year and changing their oil and filters.
 5.) Net Metering
 It is an arrangement where the owner of the solar panels pays only for the net units. If the units exported are more than they import from the grid, DISCOM will pay the owner at a predetermined rate. 
It is another significant benefit where you can sell the excess energy produced on your commercial building rooftop.
For more details, read the document by the ministry here.
 6.) Green Energy Brand
 If you buy a pencil and there are two brands A & B, that sell them. Brand A sells very high-quality pencils that last longer. And brand B also sells high-quality pencils. But B also plants 1000 trees for every 10,000 purchases. Which brand would you prefer?
 If you ask me—as a consumer—I will give preference to Brand B over A. Why? They are sensitive towards the environment. 
As the coming generations become woke to Climate Change, your business should take a step ahead by going green. Solar Panels can make you an ambassador of renewable energy and sustainability.
 There is no apt time than now to shift from traditional energy to sustainable energy solutions. In our next blog, we will discuss in detail the Commercial Solar Panels cost in India.
 If you have questions about solar panels working, feel free to contact us here.
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cendorindustry · 2 years
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cendorindustry · 2 years
3 Points To Keep In Mind Before Installing Solar Panels On Your Roof
3 Points To Keep In Mind Before Installing Solar Panels On Your Roof
You will learn about 7 Points to keep in mind before installing solar panels on your roof. Instead of installing your personal panels, look into shared or community solar. This approach lets a lot of different customers buy a stake in solar installation and receive credits on their electricity bills.
7 Points to keep in mind before installing solar panels
1. Do you have a roof that can carry solar panels?
This is pretty important. If your roof is sheltered in shade most of the day throughout the year, it might not have a good enough “solar window” to justify the costs of panels. That’s something you’ll like to assess before you move forward. If your roof won’t cut it, or you can’t make the call for the reason that you rent your apartment or live in a multi-unit building, you don’t have to give up on solar power altogether.
If you do have a properly sunlit rooftop to work with and make sure it’s in good shape structurally. Solar installations nowadays can come with warranties for 20 or 25 years. However, the companies do not have a first-class quality service or business hold in the country and when the time comes; you might not get the deserved support and service. Instead, go for a liable company that offers a replacement warranty for the big or small solar panels for home use.
2. To Improve Efficiency have you really done everything you are capable of?
The amount of solar energy you need to create depends on how much you use, so it makes sense to trim your usage as much as possible before paying for all those panels. Start with an energy check and look for efficiency upgrades before you draw up blueprints.
3. Which kind of Solar makes sense?
The two leading solar technologies to choose from are photovoltaic, which uses arrays of cells to turn sunlight into electricity, and thermal, which uses sunlight to heat water or air for utilize inside. If your home uses plenty of energy for heating, or you live somewhere where heating fuel is costly relative to electricity, a solar thermal investment could break even sooner.
The two leading solar technologies to choose from are photovoltaic, which uses arrays of cells to turn sunlight into electricity, and thermal, which uses sunlight to heat water or air for utilize inside. If your home uses plenty of energy for heating, or you live somewhere where heating fuel is costly relative to electricity, a solar thermal investment could break even sooner.
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cendorindustry · 2 years
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cendorindustry · 2 years
Renewable Energy Solutions for Corporates in India - ceNdor Industry
Renewable Energy Solutions for Corporates in India - ceNdor Industry
Nowadays the term renewable energy is used frequently because of the global cycle change and gradually increasing inflation. The majority of people have started opting for renewable energy to manage their monthly budget, while many are opting for the service to ensure independency.
Renewable energy is developed from renewable resources like sunlight, wind, rain and waves. However, some renewable energy is developed from unsustainable sources like plant residuals, agriculture residuals, human waste residuals or animal waste residuals and industry or farm residuals. This unsustainable source is also known as biomass.
Renewable Energy Solutions for Corporates in India
 It is well known that renewable energy is often used to generate direct electricity for the grid which is a great help to the total consumption of the energy. As per reliable sources, 38% of the total energy consumption is being provided by renewable energy solutions for corporates.
 Renewable Energy Solutions
India has achieved 3rd place across the globe in providing renewable energy. There are scores of countries that are now dependent on renewable energy solutions. This is also been assessed that globally 10 million jobs are now associated with the renewable energy section.
Since the Covid lockdown, every country is now reeling under various crises. And year 2020 was subjected to the most challenging year for India. This year India has also achieved a standard level in providing renewable energy solutions for corporates.
Commercial Or Industrial Demand
Till 2020, India reportedly had a renewable energy capacity of around 150 GW consisting of solar (around 48.55 GW), wind (nearly 40.03 GW), small hydropower (up to 4.83 GW), bio-mass (around 10.62 GW), the large hydro (nearly 46.51 GW), and the nuclear contribution was (6.78 GW). Now the country has committed to a goal of around 450 GW or higher of renewable energy capacity by the year 2030. We cendorindustry.com is now pioneering in the industry of renewable energy. We take utmost care of any individual need, commercial or industrial demand. Since the demand is increasing rapidly, we have also amplified our technical team and a team of engineers to give the best doorstep solution.
Currently, the majority of the government offices, industries and government-owned companies are installed with the solar plants. Assessing the reports issued by various state governments, there is a 30% acute decline in the traditional monthly electricity bill. This is counted as the next achievement that helped in boosting the annual budget. 
Now the states are targeting to take the provision of 50% of the total electricity consumption, this will also help in standing alone with a higher saving rate.
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cendorindustry · 2 years
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