This blog has officially been archived! Threads will be continued. Petyr Baelish has been moved to my multi ( @multimuse-rp ), so feel free to follow him there!
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This blog has officially been archived! Threads will be continued. Petyr Baelish has been moved to my multi ( @multimuse-rp ), so feel free to follow him there!
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This blog has officially been archived! Threads will be continued. Petyr Baelish has been moved to my multi ( @multimuse-rp ), so feel free to follow him there!
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This blog has officially been archived! Threads will be continued. Petyr Baelish has been moved to my multi ( @multimuse-rp ), so feel free to follow him there!
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This blog has officially been archived! Threads will be continued. Petyr Baelish has been moved to my multi ( @multimuse-rp ), so feel free to follow him there!
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@ladyxredxwolf liked for a starter!
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“Sansa, my darling…” Petyr knocked lightly on her door, not waiting for a response before he stepped into the room. He hoped she was enjoying her stay at the Vale. He knew he was, but not because of Lysa and her desperate antics. And certainly not because of little Robin Arryn, who was dumb enough to misuse sugar as salt. No, he was enjoying his stay because of Sansa. “I brought lemon cakes.”
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@palaceofwonders (continued from here)
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Fair enough, he supposed. It would be awfully difficult for an immature boy to accept the inbreeding in his family — especially when it was the Lannister family. Because if Joffrey wasn’t truly Robert’s son, he had no claim to the throne.
But, fine. He’d keep his mouth shut. “Understood.” Petyr nodded calmly, putting his hands up in mock surrender. “I meant not to offend you, Your Grace. My apologies.”
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Ok so I realized that the reason I’ve been neglecting Littlefinger is because I have no muse for him. But if I start new threads, maybe I’ll get it back??? So… like for a starter?
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Ok so I realized that the reason I’ve been neglecting Littlefinger is because I have no muse for him. But if I start new threads, maybe I’ll get it back??? So… like for a starter?
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@severityforgreatness asked: ❛ how     did    you     find    out?  ❜
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Was she not aware that he had spies everywhere? Of all people, Cersei should understand. She didn’t trust him — understandably, but after what he’d done to Ned Stark, he believed he deserved some more of her respect… and perhaps a night alone with her. She was beautiful, no matter how much he hated to admit it.
“You cannot keep secrets from me, Your Grace.” He smiled, a sneaky and sly smile. “Not here in King’s Landing. Even behind closed doors, I am always listening.”
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@ladyxredxwolf asked: ❛  why    not     just     tell    the    truth?  ❜
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Because you would hate me if I told you the truth. Because you’d never want to be with me. Because you would think I’m a monster… and maybe I am. Petyr didn’t dare to say any of that out loud, though. “I knew you were hurting,” he told her, sympathy lacing his calm voice. “I didn’t want you to hurt any more.”
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@xlittleprinccss asked: ❛ who    told    you    about     this?       ❜ from Skade
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“I have my sources.” Normally, Petyr was able to keep himself calm and composed, but the woman’s beauty was beyond his mind’s comprehension. She was a Dane, an enemy, and yet Petyr wasn’t truly loyal to the Saxons, anyway. So what did it matter? “I have spies everywhere, Skade… everywhere.” He took a step closer to her. “They whisper of your beauty, too. They whisper of your power of seduction.” He put a gentle hand on her shoulder. “But I do not believe them. Will you…” He smiled slyly. “Will you prove it to me?”
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“Unfortunately.” But we could make that dream a reality, Sansa, you and I. We could sit on the Iron Throne and rule over the Seven Kingdoms as we were meant to. “I loved your mother all my life.” He lowered his head slightly. “But she is gone. And you… you are just like her.” He raised his gaze once again. “You are so much more beautiful and strong than she ever was, and that is saying a lot. So, yes, I wish to rule the Seven Kingdoms with you. It is what we deserve — a happy ending after all of our suffering.”
“  i wish you to know you are my world and my every dream  ”
“But that is all it is, is a dream is it not?” She said refusing to look at him. “A very pretty dream but a dream none the less.” She replied as she finally looked over at him. “Why do you wish that I was your world Peytr? What is the reason that you wish it so?”
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confronting   sentence   prompts .     (   adjust    however    to    your   personal   liking .  )
❛       did   you    just    lie     to     her/him/them?      ❜
❛       you    lied    about    it,      didn’t    you?       ❜
❛       did     you     sleep     with     him/her/them?     ❜
❛       did    you     tell     our     enemy     about    us    working    together?      ❜
❛       why    did    you    save   me?       ❜
❛       why    did    you     really    come    back?      ❜
❛       tell    me    why     you     did    it!      ❜
❛       why     did     you     say    that     about   me?      ❜
❛       did     you    really    say    all    that    stuff    about    me?     ❜
❛       do    you    have     feelings    for   me?      ❜
❛       did    you    miss    me    at    all?       ❜
❛        why    did     you     do     that     to     us  …     to    me?     ❜
❛        why    didn’t     you     tell     me     sooner?      ❜
❛        how     long     have    you     known?       ❜
❛        did    you    do     it?       did     you    kill    him/her/them?      ❜
❛       did    you    go    behind   my    back    and    find     information    out     on    me?    ❜
❛        how     did    you     find    out?      ❜
❛        what    other     secrets    are    you    keeping    from   me?      ❜
❛        you    don’t     trust    me,      do    you?       ❜
❛        why    did    you    leave?       ❜
❛        why     can’t     i     come    with    you?      ❜
❛       did    you    love     her/him/them?      ❜
❛       who    told    you    about     this?       ❜
❛       why    would    you    let    me    find    out    from    someone   else?     ❜
❛       why     won’t     you     make    a     move?       ❜
❛       are    you     telling    people    about    us?      ❜
❛       have    you    ever    told    me    one    truth?       ❜
❛       do    you    plan    to    pretend    like    nothing    happened?      ❜
❛        what    are    we?      ❜
❛       what    are    you?       ❜
❛       who    do    you    think    you    are?      ❜
❛       why    not     just     tell    the    truth?      ❜
❛       do    you    ever    …     think    of    me?        ❜
❛       what    do    you    want    from    me?       ❜
❛       are    we    team   mates    now?      ❜
❛        how    long    do    you    think    that    will     last?      ❜
❛        did    you    do    it?      ❜
❛       did     you     think    i     wouldn’t    find   out?      ❜
❛       was    you    ever    planning    on    telling    me?      ❜
❛       is    that    how    you    really    feel?      ❜
❛       i    overheard    your     conversation   ….       ❜
❛       so,     you     aren’t     coming    back?      ❜
❛       when    did    it     happen?     how?       ❜
❛        was    it    fast?       did    they/she/he     suffer?      ❜
❛       how     come    i     didn’t    know     about    any    of      this?      ❜
❛        i    overheard    my    name    in     your    conversation  …      ❜
❛        how    long    have    you     been    playing    both    sides?      ❜
❛        how     did     this    come    to     be?      ❜
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Petyr offered her a small smile. Everything about her was perfect. When Catelyn had died, he’d been saddened, but seeing how beautiful Sansa had become, he supposed she was even better. “I swear that I will not leave your side,” he said, reaching for her hand. He hoped he wasn’t being too forward; the last thing he wanted to do was push her away. “We will be together until the very end, Sansa.”
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“Oh, Sansa…” Petyr sighed, feeling legitimate sympathy for the girl. She was so young, yet so strong. She would never be the same again, but maybe it was for the best. Maybe the new version of her was less naive. She was still as beautiful as ever. “Change is not always a bad thing. What happened to your family was awful, but there is no way to undo it. I’m here to help you cope.”
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Sansa kept her eyes on him and nodded. She did trust Petyr to an extent. He hadn’t proved himself to be someone that would ever hurt her. And a part of her had been developing a crush on him. “Well, I’m sticking by you for as long as I can.”
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Hi, welcome to my blog! It’s Allison again! This is a sideblog, so I’ll be following you back from @tyrion-lanni-star.
This is a private, mutuals only rp blog for Petyr Baelish (Littlefinger) of ASOIAF and Game of Thrones. Feel free to message me anytime — I don’t bite!
Here is my docs, and listed below are my other blogs! I know I have a lot of them lol but it’s fun for me!
@multimuse-rp ( multi )
@unobtainabledreams ( multifandom oc )
@flipthegame ( rio from good girls )
@improvedbehavior ( michael from the good place )
@plutarcheavensbee ( plutarch from the hunger games )
@andresdefonollosa ( berlin from la casa de papel / money heist )
@gcvernedbalance ( sergio from la casa de papel / money heist )
@herocomplex ( arturo from la casa de papel / money heist )
@tyrion-lanni-star ( tyrion from asoiaf / game of thrones )
@ncrthremembers ( arya from asoiaf / game of thrones )
@loyalxsquire ( podrick from asoiaf / game of thrones )
@iron-kraken ( theon from asoiaf / game of thrones )
@nostrcdamus ( nostradamus from reign )
@kennadepoitiers ( kenna from reign )
@damngrounder ( lincoln from the 100 )
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