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(Extra bits I want to add on to this:
She loves that his frame is warmer than most.
Heatwave coming home smelling like ash and smoke doesn't bother her, she actually likes it.
Despite being way smaller than Heatwave, she puts up quite a challenge when they do spar.
Good with kids, but would rather not be around them 24/7. The best way I can describe her when she's around with kids is that she's like the unofficial "chill auntie".
Raptors are her fav dinos. Totally not because of Jurassic World /hj
Not a sporty gal at all. Would rather much to watch from the sidelines than actually playing.
She's a HUGE cuddlebug. Very affectionate.)
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Okay, I hope this doesn't show up as ridiculously huge.... Have fun!!!
If you want to fill this out platonically, that's perfectly fine.
If we're not mutuals, you can still fill it out
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Reblog if your muse can crush a watermelon between their thighs
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chaoticsilverlining · 2 years
SilverFrost nodded and hugged Heatwave back.
"Alright. See ya in the morning." She replied as she gave Heatwave another hug.
"If you need anything, don't hesitate to come get me, even if I am asleep." SilverFrost said, chuckling lightly as she said the last bit of her sentence.
She hugged Heatwave one last time before leaving his habsuite.
"Rest well, Heats'." SilverFrost said before gently shutting the habsuite door.
For the nonverbal RP starters 〜⁠(⁠꒪⁠꒳⁠꒪⁠)〜
(long time no see, also happy belated new year!!!)
👁 Wake my muse up during a nightmare🐱 Hold my muse after a nightmare 🐈 Lean against my muse’s side
Heatwave abruptly jerked out of recharge with a pained yell. Venting harshly, his optics blazed as he looked around the darkened room, still convinced that something horrible was happening.
He flinched when SilverFrost knocked at his habsuite door a second time, belatedly realizing that it had been her knocking that had awakened him and not.........
The firebot suppressed a shiver and rubbed his optics.
"Come in..."
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chaoticsilverlining · 2 years
SilverFrost nodded. She had a general idea as to why Heatwave didn't want to talk about the nightmare he had.
"Alright." She replied as she gently rubbed Heatwave's arm.
SilverFrost couldn't help but to rest her head on Heatwave's helm.
"D'ya want me to stay for the rest of the night?" She asked before yawning.
For the nonverbal RP starters 〜⁠(⁠꒪⁠꒳⁠꒪⁠)〜
(long time no see, also happy belated new year!!!)
👁 Wake my muse up during a nightmare🐱 Hold my muse after a nightmare 🐈 Lean against my muse’s side
Heatwave abruptly jerked out of recharge with a pained yell. Venting harshly, his optics blazed as he looked around the darkened room, still convinced that something horrible was happening.
He flinched when SilverFrost knocked at his habsuite door a second time, belatedly realizing that it had been her knocking that had awakened him and not.........
The firebot suppressed a shiver and rubbed his optics.
"Come in..."
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chaoticsilverlining · 2 years
She gently patted Heatwave's shoulder. She affectionately nuzzled his face. SilverFrost couldn't help but worry about Heatwave.
"Do you want to talk about it?" SilverFrost asked softly.
For the nonverbal RP starters 〜⁠(⁠꒪⁠꒳⁠꒪⁠)〜
(long time no see, also happy belated new year!!!)
👁 Wake my muse up during a nightmare🐱 Hold my muse after a nightmare 🐈 Lean against my muse’s side
Heatwave abruptly jerked out of recharge with a pained yell. Venting harshly, his optics blazed as he looked around the darkened room, still convinced that something horrible was happening.
He flinched when SilverFrost knocked at his habsuite door a second time, belatedly realizing that it had been her knocking that had awakened him and not.........
The firebot suppressed a shiver and rubbed his optics.
"Come in..."
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chaoticsilverlining · 2 years
SilverFrost quietly but quickly entered Heatwave's habsuite when she heard Heatwave say she can come in. Hearing Heatwave's yelling had woken her up in a panic.
Being the worried bot she is, she promptly went to Heatwave and tightly embraced him in a hug. While hugging him, she rubbed one of his shoulders in a comforting manner.
"You okay?" She asked, her worried tone clear in her voice.
For the nonverbal RP starters 〜⁠(⁠꒪⁠꒳⁠꒪⁠)〜
(long time no see, also happy belated new year!!!)
👁 Wake my muse up during a nightmare🐱 Hold my muse after a nightmare 🐈 Lean against my muse’s side
Heatwave abruptly jerked out of recharge with a pained yell. Venting harshly, his optics blazed as he looked around the darkened room, still convinced that something horrible was happening.
He flinched when SilverFrost knocked at his habsuite door a second time, belatedly realizing that it had been her knocking that had awakened him and not.........
The firebot suppressed a shiver and rubbed his optics.
"Come in..."
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chaoticsilverlining · 2 years
"Alright. Please walk beside or behind me- actually, please walk beside me. I don't want to accidentally step on you. Cats are notorious for walking right in people's way and getting stepped on and I don't want to risk hurting you." SilverFrost said as she stood up and headed for the bunker kitchen.
It didn't take her long to walk there, she kept an eye on the bright red feline as she walked, being extra careful to not step on Heatwave.
A fluffy red cat has made himself at home wedged into the corner of the bunker’s couch.
SilverFrost was walking into the bunker living room to watch some TV when she spotted the red ball of fluff on the couch. "Now since when did we get a cat?" She muttered to herself as she made her way over to the couch. Once by the couch, she gently picked up the cat before sitting down, holding him close, as to make sure he didn't fall. "And how did you even get in here lil kitty kitty?"
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chaoticsilverlining · 2 years
Reblog this if you’re a chill roleplayer who doesn’t mind if your rp partners take multiple weeks, or even months to reply.
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chaoticsilverlining · 2 years
SilverFrost smiled and chuckled.
"Heh, yeah. Surprisingly most of the mess got on me instead getting everywhere in the kitchen. I don't mind it though because that saves me from cleaning an entire kitchen covered in rogue ingredients."
(congratulations! You've aged and survived the roaring "what the f*cks"! Wishing you the best birthday wishes!🎂🧁🎉🌟✨🎁🎈)
Loud clambering and ruckus could be heard from the bunker kitchen. Sounds like someone is busy finishing up a delicious dessert for a very special bot! SilverFrost comes out of the kitchen carrying an energon cake. She looks like she had to fight the ingredients, various powders covering her clothes and face, but she's got a big ole smile on her face.
"Happy creation day, 'Wave!" SilverFrost loudly and proudly announced as she walked over to Heatwave.
[Thank you!!!]
"... Thanks."
Heatwave chuckled and wiped a smudge of batter from SilverFrost's nose.
"Looks like there was quite a battle in there…"
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chaoticsilverlining · 2 years
"Alright. You want to walk with me or perch on my shoulders?" SilverFrost asked as she sat up and stretched her arms and neck.
A fluffy red cat has made himself at home wedged into the corner of the bunker’s couch.
SilverFrost was walking into the bunker living room to watch some TV when she spotted the red ball of fluff on the couch. "Now since when did we get a cat?" She muttered to herself as she made her way over to the couch. Once by the couch, she gently picked up the cat before sitting down, holding him close, as to make sure he didn't fall. "And how did you even get in here lil kitty kitty?"
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chaoticsilverlining · 2 years
SilverFrost got a redesign, again!
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Absolutely happy with her new design!! Her previous design wasn't vibing with me fjrheijejsjwk.
The only major-ish changes I made was that I gave her hair a completely different color from the rest of her fur and made her chonky again. SilverFrost is one of my sonas and I like my sonas to reflect me in some way, especially in physical appearance bc I myself am a chonky gal irl and having SilverFrost be not chonky just didn't sit right with me
Really happy with her new look!!!
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chaoticsilverlining · 2 years
SilverFrost gave a quick nod. She personally couldn't imagine how it would be to suddenly be in a small feline body, but understands it truly must be a weird experience. "Good to hear that there's no pain. Do you want to come with me to the kitchen to get you som'n to drink or stay here since you're tired?"
A fluffy red cat has made himself at home wedged into the corner of the bunker’s couch.
SilverFrost was walking into the bunker living room to watch some TV when she spotted the red ball of fluff on the couch. "Now since when did we get a cat?" She muttered to herself as she made her way over to the couch. Once by the couch, she gently picked up the cat before sitting down, holding him close, as to make sure he didn't fall. "And how did you even get in here lil kitty kitty?"
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chaoticsilverlining · 2 years
random headcanon q’s 
1. is your muse able to keep a secret?
2. is your muse skilled at using technology?
3. how skilled is your muse at communication? 
4. who would your muse consider their best friend?
5. are there any fears your muse still holds from childhood? 
6. what is something that ticks your muse off, no matter what?
7. what clothes does your muse feel most comfortable in? why?
8. how many fights has your muse been a part of? how did they fare?
9. does your muse have any nervous habits? (biting lip, fidgeting, etc.)
10. how often does your muse find themselves daydreaming? what about?
11. how often does your muse cry? do they cry silently, privately, or out in the open?
12. what is a lesson your muse’s parent(s)/guardian taught them that they still hold onto?
13. is your muse proficient at any musical instruments? how long did it take them to learn?
14. does your muse prefer cooler or warmer weather? how does the heat/cold affect them?
15. does your muse know how to cook? what is the most complicated dish they’re able to make?
16. is your muse argumentative? if not, what is a topic they feel strongly enough about to argue for?
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chaoticsilverlining · 2 years
"Ah. I don't blame you, the stuff smells bad, especially the fish flavors." She said as she scrunched up her face in disgust at the mere thought of fish flavored wet cat food.
SilverFrost pulled out the chair that was at Heatwave's desk and sat down.
"Are you hungry? Thirsty? Waitwaitwait, don't answer those yet. Are you in any sort of pain or discomfort?? Felines are known to hide their pain until it gets very bad, and I don't know if the sudden transformation from 'bot to cat did anything to hurt you." SilverFrost said as she leaned onto the desk, resting her arms on it. She then laid her head down on her arms and looked at Heatwave as she waited for him to type back an answer.
A fluffy red cat has made himself at home wedged into the corner of the bunker’s couch.
SilverFrost was walking into the bunker living room to watch some TV when she spotted the red ball of fluff on the couch. "Now since when did we get a cat?" She muttered to herself as she made her way over to the couch. Once by the couch, she gently picked up the cat before sitting down, holding him close, as to make sure he didn't fall. "And how did you even get in here lil kitty kitty?"
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chaoticsilverlining · 2 years
SilverFrost quickly returned with a tablet with the notepad app open and keyboard resized so Heatwave can use it with ease without having to fiddle around.
"Since you can't speak, and I can't understand cat meows for the life of me, I thought that having you type out what you want to say would make communication easier for us." She said as she set the tablet in front of the loaf'd Heatwave.
"And never in my life did I even think I'd see you loaf'd." SilverFrost giggled as she gave Heatwave another chin scritch.
A fluffy red cat has made himself at home wedged into the corner of the bunker’s couch.
SilverFrost was walking into the bunker living room to watch some TV when she spotted the red ball of fluff on the couch. "Now since when did we get a cat?" She muttered to herself as she made her way over to the couch. Once by the couch, she gently picked up the cat before sitting down, holding him close, as to make sure he didn't fall. "And how did you even get in here lil kitty kitty?"
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chaoticsilverlining · 2 years
"So this isn't a fever-dream." She said as she crouched down to Heatwave's eye level.
"I hope whatever magic nonsense that turned you into a cat doesn't last for long." SilverFrost said as she gave Heatwave a gentle headpat.
SilverFrost was thinking. There's no way in the world for her to understand Heatwave as a cat, let alone understand a normal cat. How could she find a way to have Heatwave communicate with her without her having to guess what he's trying to say or without him having to do charades. She remembered seeing several videos of people training their pets to communicate by pressing buttons that said either a word or phrase. That COULD work but it'd take a bit to gather all the things needed, and possibly by the time she's got all the buttons for so many words, Heatwave might be back to normal. Not to mention how time consuming it could be. It then clicked in her processor. A tablet with the notepad app open and the keyboard resized so each key can easily be pressed by Heatwave's paws.
"Stay right here, I'll be right back." SilverFrost said excitedly before rushing out of Heatwave's room to find a tablet
A fluffy red cat has made himself at home wedged into the corner of the bunker’s couch.
SilverFrost was walking into the bunker living room to watch some TV when she spotted the red ball of fluff on the couch. "Now since when did we get a cat?" She muttered to herself as she made her way over to the couch. Once by the couch, she gently picked up the cat before sitting down, holding him close, as to make sure he didn't fall. "And how did you even get in here lil kitty kitty?"
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chaoticsilverlining · 2 years
SilverFrost looked at the cat confused. Did she just see that happen? Are her optics fooling her, or did that actually happen.
"I- Ain't no way..." Things are finally clicking for her. Heatwave not returning well as his normal self, the cat being SO ADAMANT about going into his room, and the bright red coat of fur.
"I must be in some sort of hellish fever-dream- Heatwave???" SilverFrost said as she walked over to the desk where the cat was sitting on.
A fluffy red cat has made himself at home wedged into the corner of the bunker’s couch.
SilverFrost was walking into the bunker living room to watch some TV when she spotted the red ball of fluff on the couch. "Now since when did we get a cat?" She muttered to herself as she made her way over to the couch. Once by the couch, she gently picked up the cat before sitting down, holding him close, as to make sure he didn't fall. "And how did you even get in here lil kitty kitty?"
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