charlietamauie · 10 months
I remember seeing this episode right before a trip overseas!
But it’s missing one of the coolest parts of the story! Due to the sudden decompression of the cabin, it’s wild that the co-pilot managed to stay cognisant. I can’t remember all the details on why this is, BUT what I do remember is that after the fact, they tried to do pilot simulations of this same situation, and not one person was able to pull it off as successfully as that co-pilot did EVEN in a simulation.
Adrenaline is a wild thing y’all, you are so much more capable and resilient than you think you are❤️
I think about British Airways Flight 5390 a lot
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charlietamauie · 1 year
The energy from Episode 5 of Ahsoka was entirely Anakin being like:
“Aw, dangit - you’re not dead yet, right Snips?”
Ahsoka: “Uh-“
Anakin: “You’re gonna choose to live” *ignites lightsaber, eyes twitching yellow* “RiGhT sNiPs????”
(Also, lol Anakin, found a way to literally fight Ahsoka’s survivor’s guilt from the dead, what a beautiful dumbass)
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charlietamauie · 1 year
This is also a thing I’ve done with teaching composition! At the end of each term, I’ll play a composition game with my piano students, and honestly, some of the stuff they came up with was whack and I’ve totally been inspired by their choices of harmony, rhythm and contour, because it helps me to keep sharp and not get too bogged down in the theory of it all. I can think “logically, this could could go to a chord IV, or maybe we could do a little substitution…” but when they go “this rhythm looks SICK, let’s do that chord thingo over here instead” and I’m like “DAMN you’re right, that’s sick af”
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charlietamauie · 4 years
Okay Easter egg time for Mando season 2 Ep 5 “The Jedi” so here we go:
1. People have seen this but yes - that bird cry is most DEFINITELY MORAI and the owl in the corner is definitely Dave’s way of saying “hey guys, we back”.
2. The little clasp on the cloak of Morgen looks almost identical to Count Dooku’ one. Plus, she held her own against a Jedi so maybe she received some kind of training for it and was gifted that chain clasp.
3. My FAVOURITE by far - Ahsoka suddenly switching to her reverse grip when she loses her other lightsaber. This is such a telling detail: this is an Ahsoka post knowing who Vader was. She’s on a mission and doesn’t want to train Grogu because of what happened to Anakin (she doesn’t want to see that repeated). BUT when she’s down on her luck in the fight, she finally switches back to her old style of fighting before she knew that Anakin was Vader. The same fighting style Anakin initially berated her about using but eventually mellowed to by giving her a second lightsaber to balance it out.
This is so telling for me because not using it before was like a denial and active rejection of what happened - like she couldn’t accept her old way of fighting because of the person who taught her. Finally switching back to it is an acceptance of who she was and of those memories. That’s why in the end, she doesn’t take Grogou. Din is the father figure he needs and she won’t take him away from those who love him like Anakin was. She knows this. It’s clear from her last words to Vader.
“I won’t leave you. Not this time”.
Din and Grogou help her to heal and to accept what happened.
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charlietamauie · 4 years
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So quarantine sucks buuuuut it meant I got to make this for my Halloween cosplay and I’m real chuffed with how it turned out💙🤍🧡
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charlietamauie · 4 years
There’s a Sith Temple on Coruscant...
There was material for an episode arc Dave Filoni described at the “Untold Stories” panel in 2016 set after Ahsoka leaves, when she’s immediately dragged back into Jedi business alongside Anakin, Obi Wan and Yoda where they discover a Sith Temple on the ground floor of Coruscant directly under the Jedi Temple. Am I the only one who still wants to see these episodes in one medium or another?
I know there’d be a couple of issues. (Spoilers ahead)
a) Emotionally, it feels as though we experience the first time that Anakin and Obi Wan see Ahsoka again since she left before the Siege of Mandalore. BUT, they’ve been out of contact for months at that point. What if it took place a week or two after she left? Anakin tries to brush it off initially, like “look, you’ve had time to process it, now you can come back” and Ahsoka has to drill it into his head that she won’t do that because she’s still hurting. I wouldn’t be surprised if Anakin tried to keep tabs on her after she left, so meeting up with her again so soon afterwards, with her telling him to give her space would mean that he’d stop. I reckon it’d add even more emotional weight to the scenes where he senses her with the Martez Sisters and lets her go or when he sees her again and immediately asks “how are you - WHERE are you?”. He’s tried to respect her space but it’s taking a lot out of him, so when SHE calls HIM, he’s obviously ecstatic as this feels like permission to slip back into old habits (but they both feel that things have changed). Also! An idea that’d be cool would be if Ahsoka chats with Padmé at the end and Padmé casually drops her some cash so she can buy a speeder (Ahsoka would protest and insist on less, thus, buys a cheaper speeder). Maybe even Padme chatting with Anakin afterwards and then he leaves in the morning for the outer rim for the next, oh idk, NINE MONTHS.
b) How come Ahsoka doesn’t know about Sidious when fighting Maul, even though in these episodes, she protects a holocron from him by sealing herself inside a Sith vault with him electrocuting her up the sabre - easy. She just doesn’t know his name and how much of the war he controlled. She and Anakin have come close to Sidious before this in the “Children of the Force” episode in season two. Makes thematic sense that another close call would happen before the end (also, it means Sidious has even more reason to give Captain Rex a specific order to kill Ahsoka Tano, despite her not being a Jedi).
c) Ahsoka doesn’t have her lightsabers until the Siege of Mandalore... I can imagine that she finds her Shoto that disappeared and after Yoda realises that she still has it, has to convince her to give it back as she is no longer a Jedi (so she has to hand it back to Anakin). Otherwise, she just doesn’t have a lightsaber and uses someone else’s, idk they can get creative (it just sounds like such a cool scene not to include!)
d)... it’d just be a whole lotta fun and would be the sweetest deep dive back into Star Wars lore, potentially drop some references to The Old Republic. Also - I just need some more screen time with these three again??? I love every second that they interact together and I just need more of it.
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charlietamauie · 4 years
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Dave, if they have to hug as forces ghosts, then SO HELP ME -
[Just a little scene I had in my head of Anakin reaching out to Ahsoka as she protects her friends for the last time to make the transition easier on her]
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charlietamauie · 4 years
CW theory before next episode...
So we know that the last time Ahsoka saw Anakin, he was “rushing off to save the Chancellor”... what if Ahsoka calls him after having captured Maul. He’s sitting in the Council room alone when he receives her message and is obviously distressed about something. Worried (and doubtful) that she’ll say too much she simply says “I know you’ll do the right thing...”
...so Anakin cuts to conversation short and says that he has to “go save the Chancellor” where he rushes off to his office and tells Mace Windu while fighting Sidious that they should take him alive. That’s what Ahsoka managed to do with Maul, so with everything going on, he tried to do the same thing but for the wrong reasons.
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charlietamauie · 4 years
If you listen closely to Maul and Ahsoka’s fight...
...there is a moment up on the beams where the first 3 notes of duel of the fates starts blaring in all its glory... but something is a little different. Kevin Kiner, the GENIUS that he is, discovered that the intervals of duel of the fates are the EXACT SAME intervals as AHSOKA’S THEME (a major second followed by a minor 3rd). I NEED MORE MUSIC NERDS TO BE FREAKING OUT ABOUT THIS, THEY ARE BOTH THE APPRENTICES WHO WERE FORGOTTEN.
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charlietamauie · 5 years
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charlietamauie · 6 years
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Modern day concentration camps
This is America
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charlietamauie · 7 years
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A Shallura fusion because then they'd be the ULTIMATE SPACE PARENT :D 
Just a little fun with design and trying out colours together. 
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charlietamauie · 7 years
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A watercoloured bride to celebrate Australia’s YES vote (gosh darn finally!)
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charlietamauie · 7 years
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Characters from a story I’m working on. On the left is Asim and the right is Chase. These two act as host's of the Yin and Yang spirits (reason for the symbol in the middle). 
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charlietamauie · 7 years
Take a chance Markimoo. 
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charlietamauie · 7 years
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if you needed a little support today.
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charlietamauie · 8 years
Vader after making that dad joke in Rogue One.
the new star wars looks so good
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