cheriewatch · 11 days
Yall get stressed playing dress to impress I get stressed playing epic minigames like a true og
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cheriewatch · 15 days
NewJeans fans comparing NewJeans so called mistreatment to the mistreatment of LOONA and FIFTY FIFTY is NOT in the same category. They do NOT sit in the same bracket. Nor is it an act of feminism on their part. Defending their groomer and abuser is NOT an act of feminism here.
LOONA and FIFTY FIFTY were mistreated extremely. They had proof. FIFTY FIFTY were literally being starved, overworked, abused...etc...with proof they still lost the lawsuit. LOONA was being overworked and not paid and still lost.
NewJeans alleged "abuse" is someone not greeting them in the elevator and another manager of another group ignoring them and telling others as well and the new CEO telling them to move on. Yes, I would tell them the same thing.
These girls have stuck by their abuser SO much, Min Hee Jin has successfully isolated these girls and made them feel completely dependent on HER only. I don't blame other staff or groups for ignoring NJs. MIn Hee Jin has shown she IS the problem and these girls have done nothing but stick by her like fools. Of course other groups don't want to jeopardize their own groups and careers by associating with that. I would do the same! Especially after MHJ was exposed for her being a defender and covering up SA/Harassment in the workforce and harassing employees. That's crazy!
Someone ignoring you is NOT the end of the world. They ignore you, you ignore them. You get over it. Not everyone has to give you the time of day and cater to your every needs. I'm sorry, NewJeans, but you are NOT the money makers of HYBE. HYBE most definitely will not hurt if you disband. As a matter of fact, they've been putting out too much money on NewJeans, it's actually more expensive to keep them at this point.
I am actually floored seeing this unfold. These girls NEED to leave the industry at this point and seek intensive therapy. The adults around them have FAILED them and they should no longer be in this industry. If they are going to cry everytime someone doesn't say hi then they aren't fit to be idols.
Min Hee Jin has done SO much damage on these girls. They will blindly follow their groomer who has done nothing but bring them down this whole time. This woman has lied, defamed, harassed, and attacked other groups. She has forced NewJeans to do the same and has shielded herself behind them claiming "NewJeans made me do it, I'm doing this for NewJeans," when she has 2 active criminal cases against her and 5 active lawsuits. These girls kept publicly thanking her in front of the people she attacked over and over again and put out articles against them to bring up NJs. That is NOT protecting your group.
The only mistreatment here is from Min Hee Jin. She has lied to these girls, she has manipulated these girls, she has abused these girls. and she has gaslit these girls. These girls can do what they want now that they're adults, but if they want to work in the industry again, they better go begging on their knees to the CEO and ask for forgiveness. They just ruined every chance of working in the industry again.
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cheriewatch · 18 days
For the people in the Overwatch fandom saying “They’re trying to make Pharmercy canon instead of Gency because they’re interacting with people who like it on Twitter”
All I’m gonna say is yall are NOT gonna survive Legaue of Legends twitter and what THEIR artists get into
(Also its not funny to laugh about/say that you’re glad that writer who happened to like Pharmercy they got fired out of their FUCKING job just because they shipped something you dont like)
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cheriewatch · 19 days
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Dash Tracer by Punkytoons (twitter/instagram)
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cheriewatch · 25 days
I think we need more content of Clove from Val and Venture being friends, I could just see an interaction between them like
Venture:What do you mean you “cheat” death? Don’t you just want to collapse onto the ground and feel the soil underneath?! Let the sweet release of death overtake you!!?
Or something like
Venture:You're immortal? How many years have you lived? How many historical figures and monuments have you seen? Did you get in trouble for it before coming back to life again? Oh please tell me you're just so cool!!
Clove: *Awkward laughter* Um..about that..
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cheriewatch · 1 month
These two characters have absolutely no reason to be together because they have no interaction together but..Juno x Lifeweaver (I'm saying this mostly because I played this combo with me as Juno and a really sweet Lifeweaver on my team and it went fucking crazy)
It doesn't even have to romantic, even platonically, they would just vibe but I have this cute scenario of Lifey showing Juno all the flowers and plants that she couldn't see or grow on Mars (Imagine if they have an in game interaction like this in the future!!)
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cheriewatch · 1 month
Third Juno post but more serious this time. As someone who struggles with anxiety (generalized anxiety disorder) I find Juno speaking to me a lot.
Her respawn voice lines where she's panicking or forgetting to breathe alluded to something like a panic attack, and now after watching her cinematic, it definietely is a panic attack. Her anxiety makes her act out of panic or impulse when she kicked the rock the first time, which then leads to her becoming even more panicked when it doesn't work, (Something I find the hardest about anxiety, although there's too much I hate about anxiety to count, lets be real.)
She keeps on overthinking and panicking about things going wrong (That respawn voice when she says she's done for, before realizing she's still here, it's one of my favorites) just like I do with my anxiety
And seeing her get through it with her mother reassuring her was just..so sweet, she doesn't love her any less because of her anxiety, even when that causes her to mess up, she never gets mad and only loves her and just wants the best for her (I wish my parents were like that, or being as half as supportive with my anxiety as she did for hers)
At the end where she makes it back to the ship and her entire family/her mother claps for her, made me so happy, it's clear that they love her no matter how scared or unfamilar she might be and I just love her for that 🥺 I really hope they aren't dead in the lore, she deserves to be happy with her parents and on Earth too
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cheriewatch · 1 month
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another casualty… what a pity
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cheriewatch · 1 month
I think Juno's another support I want to start practicing, I tried practicing her and she was super fun! I really love her right click move although I have a habit of spamming it everytime it's not on cool down, I think you need to space her moves a lot to get the most out of her (Although thats a problem I have with almost all other characters, using my abilities all at the same time usually out of panic). I always wanted to play a flying character but I just couldn't click with them, but Juno definitely does. Her ult was a bit confusing, but it's really good for pushes
Zenyatta+Juno combo is also insane, giving the Zen more speed with hyper ring and having two HUGE aoe healing ultimates is insane and I think as a Zen main I would love playing with her on my teams
Also also, her voicelines about being scared and anxious like YES, I too forget to breathe cause I get too scared of things fucking anxiety (self deprication)
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cheriewatch · 1 month
Nooo why does Juno have a dead family why couldn’t she just be happy with them on mars and she’s just exploring Earth WHYYY
(Her parents shouldn’t be dead because she doesn’t deserve it but it’s also kinda implied that they arre and she doesn’t know/or optimistic about it, her family was so sweet they didn’t deserve to die :(((
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cheriewatch · 1 month
Weird moment:I got a penalty out of compeittive for 2 minutes because I got backfilled into a game, but my computer wasn't loading the hero select screen and I was frozen on the loading screen for the map the entire time while the game thought I was throwing in the spawn room cause to them cause I wasn't (couldn't) choosing a character and getting out the spawn room under the 10 second mark
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cheriewatch · 1 month
I got a surprise Sym potg for the first time? I played like a monster in this game holy shit
I want to save the replay code for myself because I did so good in this game, but if anyone wants to watch it (And I hope you do because I'm really proud of myself) its WPJF9V (20 kills and almost no deaths holy shit)
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cheriewatch · 2 months
I have a really good Baptiste and I didn’t realize it until now. I think it took me a while to use his jump cause I kept missclicking (So many times where I used his heal burst when I wanted to crouch jump, and then vise versa) but he’s actually really fun once you get the hang of him.
Also he’s so fun, Its so fun setting down an immortality field at the perfect time and getting 3 assists/saves at once. His heal is useful because I don’t have to aim with it and I could just shoot in the direction if my teammates to heal them lol
He’s such a dork too! I love hearing his silly voice lines and interactions with the other characters, I think I’ll practice him more and maybe even buy the Tropical skin for him (its my fave especially with the coconut gun)
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cheriewatch · 2 months
Gotta love trying compeititve for the first time and getting glitched and kicked out the game but then the glitching’s still horrible even when you try and rejoin that you don’t want to stay in the game then people yell at you saying you were throwing
(​the first two games were actually really good I won them really easily and people were nice to me but holy shit I felt horrible that third game, and then quick play I lost like 7 games in a row FUCKING HELL)
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cheriewatch · 2 months
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cheriewatch · 7 months
I had this idea for such a long time now but I couldn’t say it because I forgot but if the Battle For Olympus skins to come back I want Echo to have an Iris skin. She’s been my favorite greek goddess since basically forever so I want her to have a pretty skin but. Imagining Echo with the rainbow colored wings is just so awesome and I want it in the game (Also I want a greek mythology skin for her to match with Ramattra but that’s just my shipping bias lol)
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cheriewatch · 8 months
he is approaching
(clean idle under the cut)
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look at him go
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