chibitakoyaki · 4 months
Hey there! I saw your follow earlier. My dipplinshipping fics and art are over on my side account tuttiwrites if you prefer to follow me there! :)
Ah! Thank you! I will follow then ^^
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chibitakoyaki · 4 months
I'm currently obssessed with Dipplinshipping (KieranxJuliana)
I want to talk with people about it but dunno where to start.
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chibitakoyaki · 3 years
Important notice
Katrin here. I’ll be leaving the TBHK fandom. I have been suffering from heavy anxiety each time a new chapter comes out, and my health should come in first place, so I decided to cut almost all ties with the fandom.
To that point, I deleted my Ao3 account too. I admit I wasn’t thinking really straight that time though, since I didn’t even orphan my fics, including the ‘Seeking a peaceful life, we meet again’ hananene fic.
Thankfully I still have the chapters saved on my google drive. I sent a request for an invite to create a new AO3 account and will probably receive it in around a week. I’ll reupload my fics them.
However, once they are up, until further notice they are on indefinite hiatus. I might or might not update them, according to my mood, or at least until I’m able to be properly part of fandoms without suffering from anxiety or depression.
I’m sorry I did this, I promise to fix it up, at least. I also won’t be on tumblr for a while, so if we’ve talked before and you want to talk more, you can always send a message asking for my discord, I’ll gladly add you.
When my new account is ready I’ll write an update here too.
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chibitakoyaki · 4 years
Hey everyone, I’m here just to update you guys on the status of my Peaceful Life fic.
I haven’t written in a while. The reason for that is that I have been busy with traveling to the big city every week for medical treatment. I have been really anxious and having depressed, and that has been hindering all my activities. Hence the medical treatment.
I’m gradually recovering, but unless I have a sudden urge to write something, I’m letting myself go to the flow to reduce the stress.
So, I haven’t abandoned the fic, I’m just still waiting to get better first.
I’m sorry for the delay, but please, wait a bit more >.<
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chibitakoyaki · 4 years
Feeling Towards Christmas
A small oneshot made on a whim. I just had this idea and decided to go with the flow. I know it's a bit late for Christmas, but I hope you guys enjoy it! Also, Merry Christmas!
Fandom: Toilet-Bound Hanako-kun
Pairing: Hanako x Nene
Summary:  One day, Nene decides to ask Hanako a question about Santa Claus. As these two, who secretly long for each other, engage in idle talk, their goals for Christmas become a bit more apparent.
Ao3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/28363623
One week before Christmas...
That day, during her sweeping duty, Nene called Hanako.
“Say, Hanako-kun.”
Hanako, who was playing cards with the Mokke, stopped to stare at his assistant.
“Does Santa Claus exist?”
At her question, he let a small chuckle.
“Do you still believe in Santa Claus, Yashiro~?”
“No! I mean, maybe? I just figured that if supernaturals exist, Santa Claus might exist as well.” She tried to explain. “I mean, during this time there are lots of stories about Santa Claus, right? Wouldn’t one pop up randomly in our school?”
Placing the cards down, Hanako finally decided to focus on Nene’s question. He floated over, ignoring the protests of the Mokke who were about to win. 
“Well, usually that’d be the case, but not with Santa Claus. He’s a high-ranked spirit, close to a god, you could say. He wouldn’t allow cheap copies to exist.”
“So he does exist!”
“Yep. Also, he’s born from rumors all around the world, not just from a specific location, so even the Kamome stories about him go to the original Santa Claus. There’s no way one would be born here, that’s how powerful he is.”
“A god…” Nene looked down, thinking about the god from her school. Could it be something similar? “Wait, if that’s the case, shouldn’t he follow the rumors? Why don’t we get actual presents from him?”
“Yashiro, no matter how powerful he is, he can’t grant everyone’s wishes. Santa Claus is fair, so instead of attending just a few in this world, he decided to leave everything up to the humans. Plus, like I said, he’s a high-ranked spirit, rumors don’t really affect his duty, just his existence.”
She thought for a bit. It made sense; some people made outrageous wishes. Even she, as a child, once asked for something rather difficult.
‘I want my own reverse harem   - Nene’
But if Santa Claus existed, did that mean he actually had seen what she wrote? 
“No waaay!”
Nene covered her face, mortified. Suddenly, her embarrassing memory of a distant past became much, much worse.
“Yashiro~ Are you alright?”
As Hanako poked her shoulder, she took a deep breath, trying to feign ignorance towards his question.
“I’m fine, what are you talking about? A-Anyways, Hanako-kun is really knowledgeable. Have you met Santa before?”
“No, I haven’t, but he’s really popular among the spirits, so you hear a lot about him.”
“I-I see.” Nene frowned. Sometimes it was really difficult for her to grasp how vast the supernatural world could be. Every time she thought she had seen or heard everything, something new would appear. 
Then again, she would never regret learning about it. After all, that was the world Hanako belonged to. And, because he was there, she was willing to be part of it as well.
Hanako, noticing Nene’s silence, floated around her, a bit concerned.
“What’s wrong?” He asked, before deciding to lighten the mood. “Ah, are you sad because you won’t get a present from Santa Claus himself? You don’t need to worry about that, Yashiro, I can be your Santa instead!”
“Ah?” Nene suddenly felt shy. Why did her heart flutter upon hearing that? 
Of course, Santa Claus was someone who granted people’s wishes and made them happy. If Hanako was saying he’d be her exclusive Santa Claus, then—
‘Don’t go there, Nene! He’s just teasing you, don’t fall into his pace!’
Nene shook her head vigorously, as Hanako held a chuckle. He probably thought her reactions were funny, didn’t he?
“Hanako-kun will never be Santa Claus. That’s because Hanako-kun’s wishes always come with a price. If you’re willing to grant a wish without a price, then we can talk about it.”
“Then what kind of wish are you thinking of asking.” Hanako raised an eyebrow, curious.
“Please, relieve me from the cleaning duty!”
“Denied!” He laughed, using his arms to create an ‘X’.
Nene sighed. It seemed that the birth of ‘Santa Hanako’ was short-lived. Once her duty was mentioned, he gave up on it in a matter of seconds.
“Hanako-kun, are you a high-ranked spirit too?” 
“Hm? I’m not exactly high-ranked. I’d say middle-ranked?”
Nene crossed her arms. “But you see, high-ranked spirits don’t have their duties affected by the rumors as much as other kinds of apparitions, right?”
“Well, that’s true, but why are you asking that?” Hanako, in confusion, asked her.
“Because you’re always slacking at work! I’ve never seen you do your job as ‘Hanako-san of the Toilet’ ever since I became your assistant!”
“I mean, business has been slow, nowadays—”
Hanako averted his eyes, as Nene narrowed hers further.
“Then at least don’t dump all your extra work on me, geez!”
He blinked at her sudden outburst and covered a tiny laugh.
“Fine, fine~ Since this is your Christmas wish, I’ll relieve you from your duty this week. Of course, this comes with a price~”
Of course, there was always a price. She should have expected that.
“What do you want?”
There was no response. Once Nene met his eyes, she noticed he was averting his look once again. This time, his cheeks were slightly pink.
“Sorry, come again?”
Why was he acting like that so suddenly? She couldn’t understand.
“A present...A Christmas one.”
Once again, a wave of silence hit them. Nene was dumbfounded by his request, while Hanako just gauged her reaction.
Then, he laughed, dismissing his previous statement.
“Just kidding, I’m a ghost, so I don’t really anythin—”
“Of course I’m giving you a present! I was going to anyway! That’s a given!”
“Did you really think I wasn’t going to give you anything?”
Nene pouted. Of course there was a present. His present was the one she put most effort into. Even more than her own parents’! For weeks, she has been trying to knit a scarf. Maybe she was even knitting it a bit longer than the normal, so they could share it together. Giving his gift was what she was looking forward to the most during Christmas.
Hanako scratched his head, with a slightly bashful look. Such a reaction made her feel embarrassed too. Seeing him having such a genuine reaction over the mere mention of a gift was rather unexpected.
Finally, she decided to open her mouth, even if just to break the ice.
“S-So look forward to it, okay?”
Once that was said, Hanako stared at her for a while, still surprised. Eventually, he let out a sigh and his expression changed into a large smile.
“Geez, I never expected my assistant to be so thoughtful!”
“What do you mean by that!”
“Then, I’ll give you something too. For free this time.”
Now it was Nene’s turn to be surprised. “R-Really? What is it?”
“It’s a secret!” Hanako approached his assistant, moving his head closer to her ear. “So look forward to Christmas, okay~?”
Considering the way the last sentence was spoken in a low tone and how he winked at her after that, she couldn’t help but let her fantasies go haywire. Her face became a tomato and she felt way too warm, considering it was winter.
Deep inside her heart, Nene vowed to double her efforts with the scarf and make it big enough to fit two people, but small enough so they would have to cuddle. She didn’t care whether what Hanako said was just him teasing her or not. She was truly looking forward to spending Christmas with him.
After all, Christmas was also a day for romance, right?
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chibitakoyaki · 4 years
Tumblr media
Hananene discord was making characters by using piccrew tools, so I also decided to join the fun! I made a Hotaru! Amane's older sister (OC) in my fanfic 'Seeking a Peaceful Life, We Meet Again'! o.o7
Hotaru Yoshino
A wise older sister who, while skilled in giving good life advices, doesn't follow 90% of them. With a sharp look and a fan of flashy hairties and miniskirts, she's often mistook for a gyaru. Although her personality is easygoing, lazy and reckless, she really cares about her family, always willing to aid her younger brother and the ones close to him.
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chibitakoyaki · 4 years
I made a 2-4 paragraph-long fic here, I shall share with you all.
One day, Nene asked a certain question to Hanako.
'Where do Tsuchigomori-sensei's spider webs come from?'
Hanako grimaced and avoided eye contact. After a few seconds of hesitance, he replied.
'Are you sure you want to know the real reason I haunt the girls' toilet instead of the men's toilet, Yashiro?'
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chibitakoyaki · 4 years
You may not believe it, but I’m alive! I have been on a big hiatus, but I’ll fix this blog eventually and organize it better. For now, I’ll leave the chapter 7 of my fic here. It’s freshly uploaded, out of the oven! Hope you all enjoy it!
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chibitakoyaki · 4 years
Please help me out!
Hello Tumblr! ‘Tis I, WingSongHalo, Unicorn Enthusiast and Fanfiction Connoisseur, with a personal plea!!
As you may or may not have gleaned from my tags and stuff the past couple months, life has not been peachy for me lately. My mother, who is one of my best friends, was diagnosed with myeloma, a blood cancer that will probably kill her within 5 years. My dog was just put to sleep on Monday. My boyfriend’s grandmother has just been put into hospice care, and doesn’t want a funeral, so we can’t go down to Florida to be with his parents during this time. I was ostracized from a community of friends I trusted a few weeks ago and have since been dealing with traumatic memories and feelings about it every time I get on discord or tumblr and every time I try to write. I have to go to the next state over every time I want to get my prescription medications because I can’t get Medicaid in my state of residence. And to top it all off, my boyfriend of 8 years and I have a collective $70-90k in debt from our student loans, which has been hanging over our heads for years. The reality that I will probably not have enough money to get married before my mother dies has hit me pretty hard the past few days.
It has been A Lot, and I definitely wouldn’t make it through without some very exceptional friends who stayed by my side, a good therapist, and the best partner I could ask for. I will be okay, because I am stronger than all of this horseshit and I will not let the people who love me down.
But I also need some help.
We don’t have much money, my boyfriend and me. I’m an autistic person with ADHD, and I have trouble finding jobs that work well for me, even online and remotely. I struggle with feelings of self-worth and confidence, and the rejection sensitive dysphoria bullshit I experience makes it downright heartbreaking and debilitating for me to keep trying and failing to get jobs. I was on the cusp of getting a job at the local library in March… and then a week later, everything shut down because of Covid. I want to contribute financially in this situation, but I feel so helpless and worthless and like there’s nothing I’m good enough at to ask for money to do.
But one thing I have always been good at is editing. I love to edit things. Academic papers, essays, poems, fanfictions, novels–I will edit it all and have a great time doing it. And I am good at it–talk to anyone whose stuff I have edited and they will tell you the same. I’m not confident about a lot in regards to myself, but editing is something I am pretty sure of my ability in. (The other thing I am sure of is that I can be kind of hilarious sometimes.)
So, if you write fanfiction for: -Ace Attorney -Avatar: the Last Airbender/Legend of Korra -most Disney films -Hunter x Hunter -Phineas and Ferb -My Hero Academia -Mob Psycho 100 -Toilet-Bound Hanako-kun/Jibaku Shounen Hanako-kun -She-Ra and the Princesses of Power -Pokemon -Fire Emblem -Harry Potter -Percy Jackson/any of the Rick Riordan series -The Dragon Prince -and many more fandoms! Just ask!
…or if you have an original story, novel, poem, or any other kind of writing that you would like edited, please contact me and I’d love to work something out with you! I reserve the right to refuse to edit based on content or pairing, but I’m pretty flexible! For payment, I’m thinking $5 per 1,000 words, but if you would like to negotiate a price, just shoot me an ask or a message! Alternatively, if you would just like to make a kind donation, you can find me on Ko-fi here and Patreon here. You can also check out my Ao3 here, to see what kinds of things I write, if you’d like!
Thanks so much for reading this long post. I really didn’t want to do this, and I know there are a lot of people who need money right now, but… if you could find it in your heart to help me out, I’d really appreciate it. If you can’t help personally, reblogging this would also be great.
Have a great day, and thanks again <333
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chibitakoyaki · 4 years
Casual reminder that I have not forgotten about the Peaceful Life fic. I’m still writing it. Slowly, really slowly, so I don’t know when the next chapter will be out.
Lots of overwhelming things happened recently, so I have been rather tired. I mean, at this moment I’m not depressed or anything, but I get exhausted quicker when I do stuff that require my brain.
For example, yesterday I managed to write for around 15 minutes and then I needed to take a rest. And what was supposed to be a simple, short break turned into ‘Become one with the bed, I am the bed’. I guess the fact that is winter here contributes a lot to that.
It’s for this same reason that my tumblr updates are almost non-existent at this point, basically (more than before, I mean). 
At the same time, I feel kinda pressured to write because in the past, I put two fics I had in an indefinite hiatus, so I don’t want to give a bad impression of my current one, either. Especially since I’m not tired of it at all and I still have a lot of things in store for it.
So, anyways, the thing is, I’m sorry. I really don’t know how much longer it will take. It’ll come out at some point, though, that I promise.
Another thing, while I’m barely active on tumblr, I’m much more active on discord. If we have talked before, feel free to send me an ask if you want it!
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chibitakoyaki · 4 years
Hi, I made a post before about some complaints I had, but since the situation was settled, I think it would just cause more troubles if I kept the post.
With that solved, I’ll be back to our normal schedule soon!
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chibitakoyaki · 4 years
I’m back!
Hello, as promised, I’m here! Today I have two updates!
1 - I’ve finally broken through my Peaceful Life writer block. The chapter is currently being written. This one will be an extra chapter from Hanako’s pov. Many things that couldn’t be shown from Nene’s point of view will be seen as well!
2- I’m currently writing a hananene crossover fic with a certain fandom as well. The thing is...while this fandom is great, it is really unknown. To the point I’ve never seen fan works from this fandom in the entire internet. Because of that, I don’t know if the author is alright with fan works being created or not. Even so, I still really wanted to put my plot idea on paper, so it’s some sort of ‘secret fic’. My idea is to create a ‘privatter’ (That twitter with whitelist) and post the fic there, once it’s ready. That way I can feel more at ease about it not being exposed to the entire internet. I still need to check how things work, but once it’s ready I’ll also make an update notice here.
Also, I should organize my tumblr blog, but I dunno when orz
Anyways, that’s it! Thanks for reading!
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chibitakoyaki · 4 years
I know I haven’t said anything in a while here, but the reason is that I’m kinda absent till next week. Once I return, I’ll try to give information about the fic updates and also reply properly to the wonderful comments I received on Ao3.
It’s just that I’ve been kinda busy, I’m sorry orz
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chibitakoyaki · 4 years
Tbh, I’m rather insecure about chapter 6. It’s probably one of my weakest chapters. I have been kinda down the dumps lately, so it was a bit difficult to write.
I hope I can redeem myself during the next arc (; ̄�� ̄)
I’m alive!! And I’ve finally finished Chapter 6. Nothing much happens in this chapter, tbh. You can even consider it a filler if you want. Basically it’s a compilation of important events that were too short for their own chapter, as well as the introduction to the beginning of the middle school arc. I hope you enjoy it! ( ̄▽ ̄*)ゞ
Also, thanks for thebonezone for helping me with the beta!
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chibitakoyaki · 4 years
I'm alive!! And I've finally finished Chapter 6. Nothing much happens in this chapter, tbh. You can even consider it a filler if you want. Basically it's a compilation of important events that were too short for their own chapter, as well as the introduction to the beginning of the middle school arc. I hope you enjoy it! ( ̄▽ ̄*)ゞ
Also, thanks for thebonezone for helping me with the beta!
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chibitakoyaki · 4 years
Chapter 6 almost done!
Just need to make sure everything is good to be posted and then I can do it!
As always, I’m sorry for taking so long, please just wait a bit longer.
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chibitakoyaki · 4 years
Since I was tagged by @donut-hair, I shall follow my call o.o7
honey and lemon or milk and sugar // musicals or plays // lemonade or iced tea // strawberries or raspberries // winter or summer //beaches or forests // diners or cafés // unicorns or dragons // gemstones or crystals // hummingbirds or owls // fireworks or sparklers // brunch or happy hour // sweet or sour // Rome or Amsterdam // classic or modern art // sushi or ramen // sun or moon // polka dots or stripes // macarons or croissants // glitter or matte // Degas or Seurat // aquariums or planetariums // road trip or camping trip // colouring books or watercolour // fairy lights or candles
Anyone who wishes to do it as well, consider yourself automatically tagged~
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