chichiscloset · 26 days
— It’s a secret key to success. ✨
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"Your dreams will often seem crazy to others. But they aren't the ones who need to believe in them, you are. Have faith in your own madness. Dream so big it seems delusional to others. If they're not laughing at your dreams, then they're not big enough."
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Every great dream begins with a dreamer, someone ready to reach for the stars and bet on themselves. This is the essence of delusion - a beautiful defiance of what is "realistic" or "expected". Recognize the golden power within you, your unique purpose that the universe has bestowed upon you. Hold it close, and carry it with humility, yet with unshakeable confidence.
Mistakes are not detours but stepping stones. Embrace them, for they are your greatest teachers, molding you into a stronger, wiser version of yourself. Let them be the chisels that carve your path to success.
Surround yourself with go-getters, those who see the invisible and strive for the impossible. Let their energy invigorate you, their ambition inspire you. Let your inner voice be a relentless motivator, a whisper that becomes a roar, pushing you forward, always forward.
Never wait for permission to chase your dreams. You have only one life, don't give the reins to anyone else. And remember, failure is not a dead end, it's just another beginning. If it doesn't work the first time, gather your courage, dust off the disappointment and try again.
Life is not a sprint, it's a marathon. The quality of the journey matters more than the pace. Every experience, every interaction, every moment is a chance to learn and grow. Keep your mind open, your heart willing.
Be delusional. Believe in the seemingly impossible. It's crazy until it happens. And when it does, the world will stand in awe of what you've accomplished. So, dare to dream, dare to believe, dare to be delusional. Because in that delusion, lies the key to your success.
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chichiscloset · 1 month
How I Earned a 769 Credit Score at 23
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I believe that understanding the ins and outs of managing our finances is essential in our quest for leveling up in life. After all, what good is achieving our dreams if we're not equipped with the knowledge and tools to sustain and grow our success? So how did I do it?
1. Living with parents while in school
While I had the advantage of fewer bills to pay, I still encountered challenges in managing my finances effectively. In the past, I used to blow money like it was nothing, with little to no savings to show for it. However, recognizing the opportunity to change my habits, I embarked on a journey of financial education, starting with reading "Rich Dad Poor Dad" by Robert Kiyosaki. Over the course of 6-12 months, I diligently saved and invested most of my income, laying the groundwork for my financial future. This disciplined approach not only helped me build a healthy relationship with money but also demonstrated to the bank that I was responsible and capable of handling a credit card. It was only after this period of financial growth and learning that I felt confident enough to apply for my first credit card. After being rejected 3 times prior!
2. Become Delusional as F**k
The biggest change in my relationship with money came when I realized that it's not inherently bad; I have a good relationship with money, and money works for me—this is my reality i lived in even during the times I was broke. I remained delusional in my belief that financialsuccess for me was attainable, and remarkably, it worked. This perspective empowered me to view money as a tool for creating wealth rather than something to fear. I learned to use a credit card to work for me, not as a slave to debt, and discovered how to leverage debt to make more money. This shift in mindset helped me overcome financial fears and embrace opportunities for growth.
For more financial literacy context read these posts
Escape Your 9-5 Job If You Don’t Want to Work
“Make Money When your Young, Pretty & Ambitious.”
How to make a credit card work for you
Keep Low Credit Utilization:
Aim to keep your credit card balances low relative to your credit limits. This utilization ratio should ideally be below 30%, with lower percentages being even better. High credit utilization can negatively impact your credit score.
Consistently paying your credit card bills on time is crucial for maintaining a high credit score. Late payments can significantly damage your credit score and stay on your credit report for years.
Keep Old Accounts Open:
The length of your credit history is an essential factor in determining your credit score. Keeping old credit card accounts open, even if you're not actively using them, can help lengthen your credit history and improve your score.
Monitor Your Credit Report:
Reviewing your credit report allows you to identify any errors or inaccuracies that could be negatively impacting your score. You're entitled to a free credit report from each of the major credit bureaus—Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion—once every 12 months.
Avoid Closing Old Accounts
Closing old credit card accounts can shorten your credit history and reduce your overall available credit, both of which can lower your credit score. Unless the account carries high fees or you're unable to manage it responsibly, consider keeping it open.
Through disciplined financial habits and strategic planning, I achieved and maintained a high credit score. This journey is only the beginning of my commitment to financial responsibility. For more insights on financial literacy, be sure to check out my other posts. Remember, with dedication and planning, anyone can achieve their financial goals
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Until we talk again !
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chichiscloset · 1 month
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chichiscloset · 1 month
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🤍Current perfume collection 🤍
What are some of your favorite perfumes let us know in the comments!
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chichiscloset · 1 month
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When you’re in pursuit of the life of your dreams along the journey there will be many seasons. Some seasons will be triumphant and you’ll feel like anything is possible, while others will be so difficult you’ll be unsure how you’re even going to make it through this season of life.
I want you ladies to remember, and as a reminder to myself as well, that the only constant in life is change. When change comes are you able to withstand the turbulence of life while remaining faithful and focused? And when things are great can you show gratitude for all that you prayed for and received?
“To whom much is given, much will be required”
I love that quote! It’s a reminder that if you want a lot you have to go through a lot. The best things in life are found through effort and experience. I know the “soft life” has convinced us all that being a “bad bitch” is enough to achieve the life of your dreams. However, in reality, that’s not all it takes! The life of your dreams doesn’t just appear! It is a treasure, and like a treasure, a hunt is required because you only find what you seek!
God/the universe, whatever you believe in, is always guiding you to become your best self. Let life mold into what you need to become, so that you can receive the desires of your heart. There is a lesson to learn in every season, and it’s your job to have enough wisdom to let life be your teacher.
At the end of the day, as much as we all want to, there is no avoiding the process or the discomfort that different season bring. If you are not already born into money you’re going to have to figure out how to get everything you dream of. Which means, you’ll have to go through some thangs!
How to embrace each session if your life?
Pray, pray, pray.
Seriously! Without getting too religious, prayer works! Plenty of the darkest seasons of my life required a crap ton of prayer to get through the days. You have to remember nothing is happening to you, and everything is happening for you. You are where you are because that’s where you’re supposed to be. Trust that God has a plan, and it’s more beautiful than anything you could imagine.
Pray for guidance, pray for clarity, and pray for wisdom. Prayer has a way of providing calm in the midst of a storm.
Take a moment to reflect on everything that lead you to where you are today.
Realize that some days will be productive, while others will feel like you aren’t doing hardly enough. We are all human, and growth is never linear. If you’re always moving and doing it’s hard to hear your intuition. It’s ok to slow down and listen to what the universe is trying to tell you.
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As humans we’re always evolving. We change the way we dress, the activities we enjoy, who/how we like to spend our time, and everything in between.
As you enter a new season of being take the time to reflect on what’s changing about yourself. Is it a change you like? Are you regressing? Take the time to explore and get to know this new version of yourself. Be curious without being judgemental.
Practicing gratitude is the quickest way to call more good into your life. By being thankful for the good things in your life, no matter how big or small they may be it allows you to focus on the positive aspects of your life and acknowledge the good things that have come your way.
Some ways to practice gratitude include keeping a gratitude journal and expressing gratitude to others, taking time to appreciate nature, and focusing on the present moment. By practicing gratitude regularly, you can improve your overall well-being and increase your happiness, and better weather any season in your life.
Ultimately, accepting the changes and transitions that come with different stages of life, whether they be joyful or challenging. It means acknowledging that life is a journey with ups and downs, and learning to appreciate each moment for what it is. By embracing the seasons of life, we can grow, learn, and become more resilient individuals.
Until we talk again ❤️
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chichiscloset · 1 month
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She’s a lady
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chichiscloset · 4 months
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Black Women In Luxury 💎
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chichiscloset · 5 months
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Many things can hinder your level-up and femininity journey. If you are serious about levelling up, here are 6 things you need to stop doing on your journey.
Focusing So Much On Your Outward Appearance And Forgetting To Work On The Inside: Most of the time, we focus on our outward appearance without considering our internal well-being. It's fun to spend money buying new clothes, trying new hairstyles, getting our nails down and playing around with makeup, and it is important to spend time levelling up our outward appearance, but it can't be the only thing you work on if you truly want to level up. You need to spend time working on things like building your self-esteem, learning to communicate better with others, learning how to handle your emotions in healthy ways, working on your manners and building healthy relationships with friends, family and your significant other.
Needing External Validation: As you go along on your level-up journey you must let go of your need for external validation. External validation is when your feelings of self-worth are dependent on the approval of others. If you are looking for others' likes and comments on your Instagram posts to make you feel good about your outfit, hair or makeup, approval from your parents towards your life choices, or attention from men before you can feel like you are attractive and worthy of love, you need to learn how to self-validate. Get to know yourself. Learn what your values and goals are, and most importantly learn why these are your values and goals. On this level-up and femininity journey, you are going to meet a lot of people who don't understand or argue with you, so take the time to analyze why you seek validation and how you can let go of it.
Comparing Your Life And Journey To Others:  Stop comparing your life and level-up journey to others. We all move through life at different paces. It can be hard to see others accomplish the things you also want, especially when it seems like it came so easy for them when you try so hard. With social media, it's especially easy to fall into the trap of comparison. If you find yourself in this trap, take a step back from social media and focus on yourself. Spend time in gratitude and look back at what you have been able to accomplish and how far you have come.
Chasing Perfection:  Stop trying to be as perfect as possible. If you are on your level-up journey you don't have to strive to be the perfect woman. You don't have to always be perfect, have the perfect outfits, hair, makeup, and attitude. It's ok to be human and make mistakes sometimes.
Self-Doubt:  Stop doubting yourself and your abilities. If you want to level up you need to believe that you can do so. Self-doubt leads to insecurity and will keep you stuck in the same place you are trying to get out of. You need to let go of your past mistakes, your fear of failure and comparison if you want to be able to really let go of your self-doubt.
Feeling Guilty For Working On Yourself:   Stop feeling bad for working on yourself. You may need to turn people down, step back from relationships with certain friends or family members or even spend more time for yourself well on this journey. You must know that it is ok and important for you to take time for yourself and set any boundaries you need to guard your mind, heart and spirit. So don't feel guilty about that.
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chichiscloset · 11 months
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A Lady of leisure 💋
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chichiscloset · 1 year
Soft Life 101: 3 Steps to Escape Your 9-5 Job If You Don’t Want to Work
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Before we start, I want to clarify what I mean by “Not wanting to work.”
It means, that I don’t want to exhaust myself. I want to roll out of bed at 8 am then go to a workout class at 9 am. I want to spend my time as I please while keeping my workload to a minimum.
Working consistently, burns me out. I have no desire to prove my worth through productivity, nor do I have any desire to engage in hustle culture. I’m sure many of us can relate to feeling like the pressure to perform is exhausting. This is likely why, “soft life” is the latest trend on social media and has taken the girlies on Tiktok by storm.
In this new soft life era apparently, no one has a job and everyone is a "sahm" or "sahgf". While I understand the desire to escape the matrix and have a man you can fully depend on. Creating a more balanced and fulfilling life does not have to solely depend on your partner (though it helps!).
At the end of the day we still all want money! So how can we create an abundant life while still having a work-life balance?
Step 1: Be willing to make sacrifices
There is no such thing as something for nothing. Get that out of your head! I know we sometimes want to be saved, but unfortunately, life isn’t always a fairytale. Everything that we desire in life requires us to give up something else.
Do you want a better body? Give up junk food and exercise more. Do you want a better man? Give up your dust! To bring in the new we have to get rid of the old. If you want a soft life you’re going to have to strategize and be willing to give up what is no longer serving you.
Step 2: Find a passion you can monetize
*major key*
As the saying goes, “If you love what you do, you’ll never work a day in your life”. Find something you enjoy doing, then figure out how you, can earn money from it. Are you good at doing hair? Become a hairdresser. Are you the best dressed in your circle? Become a virtual stylist. I promise you, for whatever talent you have there are people willing to pay you for it!
For myself, I love teaching and writing! Blogging is a great way to share my expertise, create passive income, and create the life of my dreams that don’t necessarily depend on me going into a job. Also, you can make money blogging with a relatively small audience.
Check out my blog post "Make Money When your Young, Pretty & Ambitious." For more on this topic.
Step 3: Invest, invest, invest
*Another major key*
We all need money to survive. There’s no way around it! Ideally, we would live a life where money isn’t an issue and if that is your goal you have to start investing ASAP! By investing in assets eventually, those assets will make you money.
For example, invest in stocks like the S&P 500 (which is an index fund that is essentially many companies in one stock). Invest in stocks that will grow over time and make you more money than you bought them for. There are tons of ways to start investing: choose one!
A few types of investments
Real estate
If living a soft life is a priority to you start today with these steps that will eventually allow you to either fully retire or work minimally. If you don’t, you’ll just be stuck doing something you don’t enjoy or waiting for prince charming to come and save you.
©Chichiscloset 2023
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chichiscloset · 1 year
Beware of Femininity & Relationship Guru’s
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In 2022, we'd be inundated with podcasts and social media comments describing how women should behave and act. This is especially true when it comes to dating.Everyone has suddenly become a relationship expert, and most are unqualified.
I never claimed to be an expert when it came to femininity or dating. I’ve just been sharing what I learned over the years in hopes that it helps you ladies along your journey. When taking advice online I find it best to take everything with a grain of salt. No one person has all the answers (myself included).
Is this person in an LT committed relationship?
Is this person in an LT committed relationship?
If you’re taking dating advice then make sure that the person giving the advice is qualified. If that is not even in an LT relationship, married, or divorced (b/c they were formerly in one) then there’s a high likelihood this person has no idea what it takes to sustain a relationship
Does this person have the lifestyle I aspire to have?
Now, everything looks good via social media, but even if a person takes nice pictures in nice locations are they always alone? And is that the lifestyle you too aspire to have? If not, then consider that when listening to said person
Is this person's view realistic or idealistic?
Everyone loves to talk about limiting beliefs when it comes to manifesting your dream partner, and I will agree this is a factor when going after what you want in life. However, you need discernment because there is a difference between something realistic and within reach and something that is just a fantasy.
It is up to you to seek out the information and then filter what is useful and how to incorporate it into your life. All advice ain’t good advice. Always keep in mind: just because someone calls themselves a relationship expert doesn’t mean they are!
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chichiscloset · 1 year
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Accessories 💍
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chichiscloset · 1 year
5 level-up & hypergamy youtubers you need to watch
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Hey yall! this is part 2 of my favourite Youtuber list CLICK HERE to view it!
I thought I’d share some of my favourite feminine/level-up/pro-hypergamous YouTube channels. Some of them directly talk about femininity, etiquette, or growing towards becoming a better person.
In no particular order, here are my top 5 favourite YouTube channels about femininity, levelling up, hypergamy, and inspiration for generally becoming a better version of myself. I hope you enjoy them too.
My black SBs and spoiled girlfriends know about this babe!
Kwucoco (Kamanda) is a 27-year-old Cameroonian native. Residing in the heart of Boston, Massachusetts. She is an aspiring real estate agent. Coco is a kept woman her vlogs include herself displaying the various gifts she receives from her many "admirers", "friends" and sugar daddies. Although she mainly makes vlogs of her day-to-day life. She does drop advice on how she became the high-value woman she is today!
Woman of elegance ✨
Woman of elegance is the ultimate guide in teaching women from all corners of the globe how to be elegant, refined and polished ladies.
This online finishing school was created by Vivienne Abena who is passionate about being polished and refined. helping women across the globe with style and proper etiquette.
The hypergamy and level-up guru! if you're a black woman and you ready to learn how to put yourself in the right places to level up? She's the one to go to! 
Lisa Hart✨
Lisa is a fashion designer and blogger from France who loves old Hollywood glamour and belly dance, which she draws upon in a number of her videos.
In her videos, she discusses style, beauty, femininity, elegance, deportment, glamour, and grace.
Into a Milli✨
Into a milli (Karina) is an entrepreneur running an online business and she also makes videos discussing women, money, and power. On her channel, she talks about internal growth, elegance, beauty, wealth, business, etiquette, romantic relationships, and what she considers the ills of society.
Hope you all loved this list don't forget to check out Part 1 HERE
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chichiscloset · 1 year
The 3 Best Pilates Exercises: For a toned body
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This exercise is a Pilates classic. It takes strength, flexibility, balance, and control to perform it. And it’s not an exercise you want to miss out on if you’re in the business of performing Pilates for core strength. So, how do you do it?
Start by lying on your back.
Perform a simple ab curl. At the same time, lift your head up and off the ground.
Also, at the same time (this is where coordination and balance come into play), bring your knees slightly back, so they bend over the top of your hips. 
As your upper body rises, straighten your legs at a 45-degree angle.
Reach your arms straight up toward your feet.
It should look like a ‘V’ shape at this point.
Aim to hold this shape for about 5 breaths. 
Then, slowly roll back into the starting position.
Want to engage almost all your core muscles in one Pilates move? The criss-cross beats out all exercises! When it comes to Pilates for core strength. It’s a tough one! And if you’re new to Pilates or exercise in general, it may pay to hold off on this one – at least until you gain a bit more core strength. How do you do it?
Lie face up on a mat or a comfortable surface. 
Place both hands behind your head with your elbows wide. 
Curl your head slightly up.
Bend your right leg and bring your left elbow almost to touch your right knee.
At the same time, extend your left leg.
Then, switch sides – bringing your right elbow to your left knee while extending your right leg straight.
Continue to alternate sides for 10-20 repetitions.
There are many more exercises in Pilates for core strength.
3.Plank Leg Lift
This core exercise targets your abdominals and your glutes. It also requires the use of stabilizer muscles throughout the back and the shoulders. It’s your basic plank with a twist. Here’s how you do it:
Begin in a high plank. Your hands should be right below your shoulders and your body should form a straight line from your head to your toes. 
Make sure your hips don’t sag! Keep your abdominals engaged.
Squeeze your glutes, and lift one leg straight back.
Lower your leg and alternate sides.
Perform about 10-20 reps.
All exercises listed above, are easy to do in the comfort of your own home. You can watch this youtube video, for further guidance.
Hope you ladies loved this post!
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chichiscloset · 1 year
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chichiscloset · 1 year
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Spoiled Girl ✨
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chichiscloset · 1 year
🎥:Brentanye (Via tiktok)
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