chigbungo · 2 years
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chigbungo · 2 years
God I miss the days when you could show up to a stranger’s farm and he’d say “What’s your name, boy?” and you’d take off your hat and hold it to your chest to better let him see your face and reply “Why I ain’t got none, sir, on account of my mammy passed on before she could give me one” and he’d tell you he’s real damn sorry to hear that and ask what he can do you for and you’d tell him that you can’t read nor even write neither but you’re mighty good with horses and can mend them fallen fence posts what you saw on your way in and won’t ask for nothing much more than a hot meal and a warm barn to sleep in and he’d keep his wife and daughters inside but send his boy who ain’t got married yet even though his mama tells him he needs a woman out with a lantern and some stew at night and the two of you’d get to talkin and he’d throw you his flask to take a swig from and watch you drinkin from it while he leant against the door frame and when he finally got called back on up to the house again he’d take a sip from it too real slow-like like it weren’t the whiskey what he were tryna savour
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chigbungo · 2 years
men just don't get into a big cloud of dust and start punching and kicking each other with only their arms and legs briefly visible like they used to
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chigbungo · 2 years
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chigbungo · 3 years
good work team lets hit the showers. lets hit the showers guys. lets get in the showers. are you guys coming in the showers with me
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chigbungo · 3 years
people on here give yoda a lot of shit and say that he was a bad mentor but i’d like to contest that Yoda is and has always been cool as hell and the real problem was that in the days of the Republic he was forced into a shitty managerial position, where he had to worry about paperwork and massive unauthorized clone orders and vetting chosen ones and shit like that when really all he wanted all along was to be a delightfully shitty impish little grandpa living in a hut giving cryptic advice to teenagers 
Like remember that episode of the Clone Wars where the jedi council finally tries to put yoda in a retirement home because he starts talking to Qui Gon’s ghost and yoda calls anakin over like “hmmm…. friends, we are, young skywalker. help me escape this silly place, you must. in it for you, a handful of Werther’s Originals is” like that’s who Yoda is, at his core, and the stifling weight of Force monk bureaucracy took that away from him
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chigbungo · 3 years
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chigbungo · 3 years
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chigbungo · 3 years
indie horror games are like you're in a house.
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chigbungo · 3 years
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CHRISTOPHER MELONI 2021 | Clifton Mooney ph. for Interview Magazine
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chigbungo · 3 years
mer are you... are you okay
im studying engineering
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chigbungo · 3 years
“sexualizing or fantasizing about real people is bad” is still my favorite tumblr opinion
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chigbungo · 3 years
DNI if you’re me from the mirror-world
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chigbungo · 3 years
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this is the only reason i get news notifications on my phone
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chigbungo · 3 years
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chigbungo · 3 years
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chigbungo · 4 years
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