chills-of-lace · 2 years
Geek Thinspo
⚔️ Do it to look bomb af in that cosplay
⚔️ Do it so that you can impress your internet friends
⚔️ Do it to be the “hot gamer girl”
⚔️ Do it so that other gamers will under estimate you because you’re so dainty and then you crush them in Mortal Combat
⚔️ Do it to avoid sweaty controllers from your fat fingers
⚔️ Do it to be called Wifey by all your discord buddies because you’re the cutest one there
⚔️ Do it for the stares you’ll get when you waltz into Game Stop or Gamescape and blow them away with your video game knowledge
⚔️ Do it to cosplay as those cute skinny characters or even boys, since you won’t have those pesky boobs and rolls in the way
⚔️ Do it so that you can sit between your boyfriend’s legs and play games with him without feeling like a huge wedge and in the way of the screen
⚔️ DO 👏🏻 IT 👏🏻FOR 👏🏻 THE 👏🏻 STARES👏🏻
⚔️ Do it to actually look good in cosplay, and not just have people compliment your craftsmanship
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chills-of-lace · 2 years
resist or regret. you get to choose how you look in a week. or a month. or a year.
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chills-of-lace · 2 years
Dude I'm so mad.
Fuck everyone who told me I was fat in high school.
I would kill to look like that again
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chills-of-lace · 2 years
Bruh people keep sending me pictures from when I used to be a lot smaller and it's fucking me up
I'm losing at a reasonable pace rn but this shit is getting to me and I'm starting to feel guilty every time I have a meal
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chills-of-lace · 3 years
Why am I still feeling this way
I want to apply for my dream job bc they're hiring but I'm afraid of being seen as fat and ugly at the interview
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chills-of-lace · 3 years
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I need a smol gf so we can be cute and tiny together
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chills-of-lace · 3 years
I'm drinking tea on an empty stomach and it actually feels really good 🥺👉👈
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chills-of-lace · 3 years
I need to tattoo this on my body so I don't forget
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How I feel while binging vs how I feel while restricting 
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chills-of-lace · 3 years
I took some "before" pictures today
I'm not okay lmaoooo I was not prepared for what I saw 💀💀💀
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chills-of-lace · 3 years
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I just want a body like megamind
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chills-of-lace · 3 years
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Some meme account posted this on Instagram and not one person in the comments said anything 💀💀💀
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chills-of-lace · 4 years
Just saw this girl on Instagram wearing these super baggy jeans that were size XXS I'm so upset man what the heck
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chills-of-lace · 4 years
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chills-of-lace · 4 years
self care sounds so basic but please don’t underestimate how difficult it is just to clean your teeth and wash your face when all you want to do is die
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chills-of-lace · 4 years
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How did my thighs look like this 9 months ago fuck go back
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chills-of-lace · 4 years
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From last year when I didn't fucking hate my body
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chills-of-lace · 4 years
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My hand last year when I was almost as small as i was in high school. Idk why this makes me feel some type of way but it does
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