chizfri · 4 months
Steven Universe got blatantly and unapologetically cancelled by the network because the creators pushed for a lesbian wedding, and instead of going, "oh, fuck, that's incredibly homophobic, we should give Cartoon Network hell for that for the rest of forever, holy shit," everyone collectively decided to blame the crew for "rushing the ending" as if it wasn't completely out of their hands. Fuck's sake.
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chizfri · 10 months
A poll because I can
Reblog for sample size :3
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chizfri · 10 months
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what if she had the bite force of a hyena... my little femur breaker
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chizfri · 11 months
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chizfri · 11 months
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chizfri · 11 months
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my favorite ringmaster and jester (he threw confetti now she cant be scared)
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chizfri · 1 year
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The life of a young star can be quite turbulent.
The James Webb Space Telescope is giving us a new high-resolution look at one example known as Herbig-Haro 211.
Stellar winds of gas spewing from a newborn star, hidden by dust at the center of this image, form shock waves when colliding with nearby gas and dust at high speeds.
Molecules excited by the turbulent conditions—including molecular hydrogen, carbon monoxide, and silicon monoxide—emit infrared light that maps out the structure of the outflows.
Image Credit: ESA/Webb, NASA, CSA, T. Ray (Dublin).
Alt Text: At the center is a thin horizontal, two-lobed, pinkish cloud known as Herbig-Haro 211. It is uneven with rounded ends, and tilted from bottom left to top right. It takes up about two-thirds of the length of this angle, but is thinner and longer at the upper right. At its center is a fuzzy dark spot. On either side of the dark spot there are orange-yellow wisps that extend to light blue wisps. Within the center of those clouds, a pink fluffy streak runs through each lobe. At the end of each lobe, pink becomes the dominant color. The lobe to the left is fatter. The right lobe is thinner, and ends in a smaller pink semi-circle. Just off the edge of this lobe is a slightly smaller pink semicircle, then a pink sponge-like blob. The background contains several bright stars, each with eight diffraction spikes extending out from the central bright point.
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chizfri · 1 year
finally got the desktop update that removes the names an icons of people on a post...its so awful. Not only does it make posts p much illegible if there's more than one person on it, but now idk how to tell who posted art, i have no idea how to get to their page from their posts! Im so sick of these websites changing things for the worst constantly...
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chizfri · 1 year
New coping mechanism: if something bad happens say “well whaddya gonna do” and shrug like a mafia guy
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chizfri · 1 year
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2 different flavors of the famous speed rat meme
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chizfri · 1 year
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chizfri · 1 year
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The four genderz 🙃
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chizfri · 1 year
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An altar of indulgence.
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chizfri · 1 year
How the media depicts the Apollo 11 mission:
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Actual quotes from the Apollo 11 mission:
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chizfri · 1 year
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Outside the Rave
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chizfri · 1 year
There is nothing that makes me feel like a bigger badass than casually walking through the rain. No umbrella, hood down, no worries.
Everyone else may be panicking. They may run faster than they have all year. But not me. And I am the coolest guy on earth because of it.
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chizfri · 1 year
here’s a little comparison for people who say engagement hasn’t gotten that bad and anyone who complains is ungrateful.
these are two posts from my first go round on tumblr circa 2014-2017, my most popular gifset of all time
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& a text post
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notice how the ratio is about even on likes to reblogs?
here’s from this go around, my most popular gifset
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and my most popular fic
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do you see how that’s discouraging?
i love being on this site. i love the little community i’ve found and the people who follow me and the mutuals i’ve made friendships with and the mutuals that i’m still getting to know. i love it. but at a certain point it’s hard to justify spending so much time on works that get bad engagement.
reblog, comment, send asks. without them, this site doesn’t work.
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