chloejadepedrosa · 1 year
What is Environmental Awareness?
-Environmental awareness is having an understanding of the environment, the impacts of human behaviors on it, and the importance of its protection. The growth and development of awareness, understanding and consciousness toward the biophysical environment and its problems, including human interactions and effects.
Environmental Campaign:
-organizing and educating the general public about the importance of understanding our environment's vulnerability and protecting it.
Where can we apply the learnings of environmental awareness campaign?
A framework recently drawn up by the climate action think-tank, Project Drawdown, outlines the need to work holistically on all aspects of the climate equation—namely three connected areas:.
1. Reduce Sources — bring emissions to zero 2. Support Sinks — uplift nature’s carbon cycle 3. Improve Society — foster equality for all
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chloejadepedrosa · 1 year
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We’re always told that every little bit of concern about the environment makes a difference: drinking from reusable water bottles, forgoing straws, taking shorter showers. Those are helpful, for sure, but they are incremental and limited by the number of people who embrace such mindful habits.
Environmental advocacy can take many forms, with a degree in environmental studies opening doors to careers focused on conservation, alternative energy sources, policy-making, consulting and research.
Environmental advocates can be found working in academia, nonprofits, the government and the private sector. They are researchers, policymakers, field workers and communication specialists. They work at places like the Environmental Protection Agency, the National Park Service and the U.S. Geological Survey.
Some of the more popular pathways in environmental activism include:
Conservation of national resources: Restoring and cultivating forests, grasslands, wetlands and watersheds; land-use regulation, environmental reclamation and ecological restoration
Alternative energy: Studying different fuels and energy systems, such as bioenergy and sustainable engineering; examining renewable energy policies within the national discussion about climate change
Environmental engineering: Reducing the repercussions of technology and engineering on the natural and built environment and applying ethical principles to water purification, waste disposal, recycling and sustainable manufacturing
Oceanic and atmospheric sciences: Working with government agencies, consultancies and aviation companies to maintain the health of the oceans and atmosphere
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