chloexxxbeale · 4 years
Well hello there! Here's a few more fan fiction net bechloe stories for you, all of which are actually oneshots. Have the tissues ready for these gems, cause our girls are going through some serious shit in em. Thank you to everyone who liked my previous 'fan fiction' posts ❤. I really appreciate it!
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Soo... Be prepared, cause these fics cannot be read on their own!
• Terrible Things~1lifeisbechloe
Beca and her daughter are out walking the dogs in the park. When Beca gets asked about the topic love, she is forced to tell her daughter a story that didn't have a happy ending.
Genre(s): Hurt/Comfort & Drama
Rated: K
• Rock Climbing~Tattysecondhandbook
Bechloe oneshot. Beca and Chloe go Rock Climbing for Chloe's Birthday Activity.
Genre(s): Hurt/Comfort, Humor & Romance
Rated: T
• Burn Down These Bridges (Tear Down These Walls)~NationWide33
Beca tries to cut Chloe out of her life in attempts to get over her. In which Beca is asked to stop a wedding, refuses, and ends up doing it anyway. By accident, obviously. Angst with a happy ending. TRIGGER WARNINGS: Anorexia, depression, self-harm, suicide attempts, homophobia, gay slurs
Genre(s): Hurt/Comfort & Romance
Rated: M
• All My Love, Beca Mitchell~Knope.We.Can
Chloe left Aubrey strict instructions to look after Beca. Aubrey just wished the tiny DJ would make it easier for her. Mostly one sided BeChloe one-shot with some Beca & Aubrey friendship in there. Trigger warning: suicide. Rated M for language.
Genre(s): Hurt/Comfort & Friendship
Rated: M
• Haunted Nights~Taichi Takuya
Triple Treble story! Something is bothering Beca and her two girlfriends are there to hug her all better.
Genre(s): Hurt/Comfort & Romance
Rated: K
(I haven't come across many ABC- triple treble fan fics, so I'm not sure if you guys ship the 3 of them together. Of course bechloe will forever be my number one ship, but an alternative wouldn't hurt all that much, now would it😏?)
Till next time!
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chloexxxbeale · 4 years
Wattpad AUs:
1. Injections //Anna Kendrick x You//
by RealStoryMind
Her eyes fluttered open slowly. Her vision blurry as she tried to look around. As she tried to focus someone appeared next to her. A smirk was across his face as he injected her with a needle. She felt the pinch and soon her eyelids become heavy. Then total blackness came over her. Meanwhile the man took the injection out of her arm and walked outside the room. He pushes a button to lock her in.
"Get my niece," the man said to his country worker as he grabbed a chart in front of the girl's room. He read through the chart and looked up every few minutes to look at the girl who had just went back to sleep, forcefully.
"Uncle?" The man turns around and a big smile appears on his face.
"Ah, Y/N there you are," he pauses placing the clipboard down. "I got a case for you." Y/N tenses not wanting to have another case. Her uncle walks towards her wrapping his arm around the young girl's shoulder and bringing her to the glass. "This is her. The famous Anna Kendrick."
Chapters: 32
2. 10 Years Later... A Bechloe Fanfic by AnnakBrittsnow
Chloe and Beca, both single mothers, hadn't seen each other since college. After Beca moves to Maine, Chloe's hometown, their lives start to intertwine. Soon enough, their children are friends, and they are rekindling their own friendship. Maybe even something else is sparking... Who knows?
Chapters: 30
3. The Whispers by Super-Fangirl-Corp
Attempting to live a normal life- again. Chloe and her parents move to a new city and new house, but what lies in the house is quite unwelcoming. Chloe, who wants to be a normal teenage girl, can see such horrid things. It started with quiet whispers but all whispers belong to a body.
Chapters: 18
4. distance//bechloe by lilpickledstar
'I want to see you'
'You'll be shocked when you realize who I am'
Chapters: 45
5. Doctor Strangelove by jackskellingtonrulz5
Friendship comes and goes alongside the passage of time, but sometimes the bonds between certain people are stronger than normal. Stephen Strange and Rachel Barrow grew up together, their bond wavering, but never breaking. Together they've pushed through the trials of their lives and overcame countless obstacles.
Their dreams, however, were far from similar. Rachel made a career out of her passion for acting and became one of the most well-known actresses in Broadway, while Stephen spent the majority of his thirty-three years of life learning to become a neurosurgeon, one of the best in the world. Though his success made him arrogant and haughty, the only person who he doesn't wave his success over is Rachel.
But, one fateful night, Rachel and Stephen's bond gets tested once more, pushed to its breaking point. Stephen's been in a car accident, and the nerves in his hands have been damaged to this extent where he can no longer hold a pencil without shaking, making it impossible for him to operate as a neurosurgeon anymore. Eventually, Stephen started using alcohol to cope with his denial. Yet, that wasn't enough. Perhaps the East has a cure, a so-called 'Ancient One' to mend his nerves and let him operate once again.
And so, he fled, so desperate that Rachel never even crossed his mind, not when he packed, not when he got on the plane. She didn't even know that he was leaving in the first place.
- A crossover between Pitch Perfect and Doctor Strange -
(My) Note: I've never in my life watched Doctor Strange, but I quite enjoyed the fanfic, and may actually consider watching it just for the heck of it. (Please let me know if it's worth the while)
Chapters: 30
6. Incorrect Barden Bellas by Run-Dont-Walk
(My own) Summary:
Pitch Perfect jokes and one shots/2 shots
Trigger Warnings: Do NOT snack on anything while reading this. You may even choke on your own saliva, if not careful, or die of uncontrollable laughter.
You have been warned.
Chapters: 80 (so far)
Wrapped Around My Finger by travelghost
Beca is new to the Bellas and is staying firmly by Amy's side. Chloe finds the new girl cute and decides she wants a part of it. Chloe makes Beca flustered, which she finds adorable, and soon becomes addicted to seeing that beautiful blush on Beca's cheeks. What happens when a player falls and an anxious girl lets someone in.
So these are only a few of my favorite pitch perfect fanfics. I have so many more I'd like to share with you (mostly from fanfiction net), so let me know if you want me to post more
Btw, I'm perfectly aware of the fact that I have no followers whatsoever, but I still wanted to post this, so yh xp
If anyone ever comes across this post, please let me know, so I don't feel totally hopeless lol
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chloexxxbeale · 4 years
Hey everyone! It's been quite some time since I posted anything on tumblr, so I figured I should finally do so after like, 6 months or so. Anyway, I decided to get my facts right and inform you guys of some of my favorite pitch perfect fan fictions out there. I've quite a few for you to check out on both fan fiction net and wattpad. So, here's a few:
Fanfiction.net stories:
1. Tape by storiesaddiction
Beca gets hit by a car, but a broken leg isn't the only problem she has to deal with. Even though the crash wasn't very pretty, did the accident and a certain redhead save Beca's life?
Genre(s): Romance & Drama
Rated: M
Chapters: 33
2. Bring my soldier home by FreedomSeeker91
Follow the lives of Beca & Chloe as they try to navigate life as a military family. A series of one shots set in an AU universe.
Genre(s): Hurt/Comfort & Romance
Rated: T
Chapters: 21
3. Familiar taste of poison by danisweetman22
(Watch the trailer on Danielle Sweetman's
YouTube channel)
-> https://youtu.be/3RGtYj4f_Vs
Beca Mitchell was never a normal girl. She had been through so much in her life, more than a soldier, her psychiatrists all used to say. It was only when she arrived at Barden University that things started to change, for the good, and the bad. Trigger Warning: Abuse, Rape, Self Harm, Drug Abuse and Alcoholism. BECHLOE! with a little Steca at the start!
Genre(s): Hurt/Comfort & Angst
Rated: T
Chapters: 42
4. League of Angels by danisweetman22
Beca Mitchell is the most feared assassin Azrael, the angel of death. She arrives at Barden University under her master, Michael's order. Her new target, Mr James Beale, an important figure in the Government. Beca must collect intel through his daughter, Chloe. However, something about Chloe, unlocks feelings in Beca that she locked away eleven years before. BECHLOE. STAUBERY.
Genre(s): Drama
Rated: K+
Chapters: 45
5. My Little Badass by LexysK23
"I was trying to find something to levitate to show Beca, but I may have done the wrong spell. Bree, I changed my girlfriend into a three year old." Chloe now must take care of her three year old girlfriend until she is able to change her back. How much trouble can the small girl get into? And, oh yeah, it's a three year old half-vampire. Supernatural!AU
Genre(s): Supernatural & Humor
Rated: T
Chapters: 6
Sequels to 'My Little Badass':
• My Little Christmas
• My Little Universe
• My little Valentine
• My Little Stars
• My Little Heart (prequel)
6. Living Nightmare by alexherrera5
Beca has a nightmare and Chloe is there to comfort her.
Genre(s): Humor & Romance
Rated: K+
One shot
For Bechloe family one shots you should check alexherrera5 's (https://m.fanfiction.net/u/7845843/)
× Havin' My Baby
×× Hello MTV Welcome to My Daughter's Crib
××× When Mommy's Away, Mama Panics
×××× Shop Till You Drop
You can find more Mitchell- Beale family content on:
(alexherrera5's page)
7. Shake Your Skeleton by hurriCADE
Beca, a social outcast who is constantly tormented at her high school, stumbles across a lonely red headed ghost stuck in an abandoned shed. They become very close, and both girls eventually begin to realize that they may be the key to saving the other. AU Bechloe fic
Genre(s): Romance & Supernatural
Rated: T
Chapters: 12
8. Instrumental by Redlance-ck
Beca and Chloe take their 5-year-old daughter to buy her first instrument.
Genre(s): Humor
Rated: T
One shot
9. Fairytales by U-Madder
Beca, Chloe, Jesse and Aubrey are six-year olds attending Barden Elementary. Aubrey throws a bad temper tantrum during a fight with Beca. Chloe and Jesse decide to put it right. Hints of Bechloe, Beca/Chloe and Jaubrey, Jesse/Aubrey.
Genre(s): Friendship
Rated: K+
One shot
10. Little Worrier by wtf.are.you.looking.at
Beca, Chloe and Jesse as 5 year old kids celebrating New Year. They meet a new girl, Aubrey Posen. Things conflict between Beca and Aubrey but as the clock hits twelve a.m, something happens. [Romance/Fluff]
Genre(s): Romance & Humor
Rated: K
One shot
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chloexxxbeale · 5 years
And I was wondering what's taking her so long every time she tucks our son in. Turns out they've been having 'fan fiction nights' without me...
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Cred: bechloecup (on ig)
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chloexxxbeale · 5 years
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I love this cup damnit... I love her more, though 🙃😍
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